i’m caving in and making a blogroll

it’s been two years and i have been sans blogroll. it’s time to change…

if you link to me, let me know, and i’ll link you back…

also…if you don’t link to me, now is a darn good time to start.

ha ha…no really. you should start…

let me know you’re a link lover in the comments and make sure to leave your blog address so i can return the favor!


302 responses to “i’m caving in and making a blogroll”

  1. Kamsin Avatar

    Seems like I’m the first to comment! I can’t believe you’ve gone 2 years without a blogroll! I’m kind of picky about whose on mine but you’ve made it on! You don’t have to link to me if you don’t want to, btw!

  2. Sean Pritzkau Avatar

    You are linked! You’re actually number two… no ego boost though because its random =]


  3. alece Avatar

    yep! i share the link-love on my site: http://www.gritandglory.com

  4. whittakerwoman Avatar

    Link me and I’ll link you back, I’ll link you back.

    Oh wait you are linked. :) H

  5. andy Avatar

    i have never not been

  6. connor Avatar

    i link you… although i doo need to rejig my link list…

  7. Helen Avatar

    Hello fellow Dork for the Deity! You’re linked on mine…If you’d like to link mine it is:




  8. Roland Thomas Gilbert Avatar

    You were always my first link, Anne. And you inspired me to over 135 Facebook friends. How can I repay you?

  9. Amanda Avatar

    I link you, but you don’t have to link me :P

  10. Chris Rogers Avatar

    I’ve got you linked

  11. mandy Avatar

    you’re linked.


  12. cool dad Avatar

    you’re linked, Anne!

  13. carolyn Avatar

    of course you’re linked! ;-D http://foolishnotions.net

  14. Lon Avatar

    i link you… who doesn’t?


  15. Dave Anderson Avatar

    “moviepastor” link love you long time

  16. Josh Lane Avatar

    you’re linked on my blogroll fo sho (#2 to be exact)!



  17. Robin Meadows Avatar

    You’re linked!

    Feeling any better?


  18. Tim Avatar

    you’re under my “smart leaders” ;-)


  19. tony sheng Avatar

    i link to you. cool.

  20. Todd Avatar

    Woo hoo! One more authority from Technorati. Here I come top 1,000,000!


  21. Jamie Avatar

    I link to you and really enjoy reading your posts

  22. Cindy Beall Avatar

    Always a link lover to you.


  23. steven.russell Avatar

    i love to linky linky.

    have a great day!

  24. Stacey Avatar

    Links Away….
    Well Bread Smartypants (loves your thoughts)

  25. joshua Avatar


    my blog has changed address from loveisthemovement.com to loveisgreaterthan.com

  26. ryanb Avatar

    you are on my blogroll. why? because you are a rockstar. http://familybush.com

  27. jimmy paravane Avatar

    You do realize that if you blogroll everybody that links to you yer gonna have to have a separate blog called Anne Jackson’s Blogroll Blog? (grin)

  28. DetzelPretzel Avatar

    You’re already on mine Anne…I caved a few weeks back. I actually had to think about the reasoning why I didn’t have one…I started to feel selfish and strange so I made one.


  29. Amy Avatar

    I’ve linked to you!

  30. kim Avatar

    thanks in advance…


  31. jay hardwick Avatar

    i love linking to anne jackson!


  32. Kyle P. Avatar

    Houston….we have achieved linkage.

  33. Melinda Avatar

    Of course you are linked!

  34. Robin Avatar

    Hope your night with the tornadoes didn’t scare you back to Texas!!

  35. Bryce Avatar

    The Junky Car Club has given you some link love..


  36. David Fuller Avatar

    You have been linked and one of my favs for some time. Keep it up…and link me.




  37. Jim Henry Avatar

    Of course I link you…AND your soon to be best-seller!


  38. Tracy Edwards Avatar

    I have linked to you for a while now, but your list is getting long!! Feel free to link if you want!


  39. Anne Jackson Avatar

    No worries! It looks like I will be going the rotating blogroll route. I’ll be pretty darn busy tonight!! Keep em coming!

  40. Chad Wright Avatar

    Are you really going to have room for a blogroll that long?


  41. Bryan Avatar

    Of course you are linked. Who wouldn’t want to link to your site?

  42. jon Avatar

    thanks anne! i have a link for you on my blog… i was actually thinking of e-mailing you with my current prayer requests… on is for a 19 year old girl who is having major complications with her pregnancy. family members want her to abort the child, but she does not want to. she has an appointment with a specialist today to share all of her “options”. she has asked for prayer!!!


  43. Blake Wingo Avatar

    You’ve been in my blogroll 4eva. I would appreciate a link if you get a chance.

  44. Lynse Leanne Avatar

    well my friend, you are linked.

  45. Phil Thompson Avatar

    here, here, here!!!(raising my hand)

  46. Natalie Witcher Avatar

    You’re linked baby.

  47. Shannon Avatar

    Of course you are linked-from the very first day!

  48. phillip santillan Avatar

    you are linked…I think you’re the only blog on my blogroll my wife even looks at…so there is much love here!

  49. Reese Avatar

    Hey, I’ve been linking to you for a while now. http://ohbuoyancy.net

  50. Theresa Avatar

    You are mighty popular. I don’t think you will be able to fit us all in. :)

    I do look forward to reading some of the others though.


  51. Cori Avatar

    I start my morning with a caffeine boost and a visit to Flowerdust.net.


  52. Janel Avatar

    I link to you, but please don’t feel like you have to link back.

  53. Anna Avatar

    I’ve linked to you for awhile also. :-)


  54. cool dad Avatar

    Looks like you’ve got some work to do!

  55. Anna Avatar

    Love the header btw! New?

  56. Lemmings Avatar

    I hope that you have some fancy-schmancy automated link love application, because it looks like you are going to be quite busy!

    Keep spreadin’ the love!

  57. Megan Avatar

    i’ve linked you for a while now as well. love your new header!

  58. Paul Kuzma Avatar

    Just to let you know your impact is deep, and getting deeper … I have had more of my readers thank me for helping them find you through the link than any other site I’ve linked to!


  59. roger Avatar

    yes you have been linked since day 1 which was 2 weeks ago LOL

  60. Derrick Henslee Avatar

    This is going to be a long-a blog roll! You linked yo!

  61. Linda Sue Avatar

    Linda Sue here – linkedness completed – I won’t be a twittering but pleased to be a linkin’
    Glad you didn’t blow away last night –

  62. Andy Denen Avatar

    you are linked..

    we have linkage..

    your blogroll is going to be very long.


  63. JVo Avatar

    You are linked. I started reading your blog in Uganda. Please link me http://www.johnvoelzblog.blogspot.com

  64. Joe Kennedy Avatar

    I link you, but you don’t have to link me. Andy’s right- this is going to be one loooooooooong list.

  65. Anne Jackson Avatar

    I am totally doing the rotating blogroll…so it will only show like 10 at a time! you guys are amazing!!!!!

    who else?!

  66. Tyler Avatar

    linked. thanks anne


  67. Jeff M. Miller Avatar

    What blogger doesn’t want some link love? You’re on the list @ consumingworship.org

  68. AnnieLaurie Avatar

    Hey! Ive linked to you since you posted about Uganda. http://livingcanvas.wordpress.com

    Love your blog!

  69. Neener Avatar

    You’re going to have one heckuva blogroll!


    p.s. – Reading your twitter strangely starts cravings for bread and free wifi.

  70. laura Avatar

    i link to you anne. :]

    you do have quite a few links.
    thats gonna be one long blogroll.

  71. Joe Louthan Avatar

    Hmm I have linked you from day one. Holla at me!

  72. Chad Payne Avatar

    Hi, Anne! Yep, you are on my blogroll. (Of course I would put my FAVORITE blog on my list!!) :-)

    My blog is called “Musings of the ScifiPastor,” and I would be honored for you to link to me at http://www.chadpayne.net.

    Thanks! And hey, I’m praying for you about your book!

  73. joe wiggleston Avatar

    Haha, I am comment #91 on this post. I feel like somebody just threw a bag of money over a huge crowd and I’m one of the many stampeding through for some bills. But alas.


  74. Monica Avatar

    i’d love to swap links.

  75. Dave Davis Avatar

    I love reading your stuff and I have linked you up on my site.

  76. Anne Jackson Avatar

    Thanks everyone…let’s bump it over 100!

  77. Mary DeMuth Avatar

    You are SO linked!



  78. Eric Doucet Avatar

    Your on mine already!! great blog you have! thanks

  79. Zack Avatar

    Hey Anne!

    I’ve been sending you link love for a while now. And we’re praying about the book!


  80. Anne Jackson Avatar

    Thank you all for your prayers about the book, too…had a great day of writing yesterday!

  81. bobby Avatar

    I gotcha.


    Good luck…looks like you got your work cut out for ya!

  82. Jason Curlee Avatar

    WoW…seems everyone wants the link love….and of course I’ve had the flowerdust link love going for sometime now….

    Making Difference Makers – http://jaycurlee.blogspot.com

  83. Joylene Avatar

    I’ve been linking you and would love a link. :)


    looks like I just bumped it to 100. nice.

  84. Jodi Avatar

    http://www.jodi-validation.blogspot.com Here’s my blog address. I have a “Mad Church Disease” graphic on my sidebar. I can’t wait for your book!


  85. Scott Williams Avatar

    Over 100 comments! Of course you are linked and my blog is: http://bigisthenewsmall.com

  86. Adam Root Avatar

    I would love to be apart of this opportunity

  87. Jenni Clayville Avatar

    You’re linked FO SHO… so hook a sistah up!


  88. Dave Avatar

    Continue on, young lady! You bless us!


  89. alyssa Avatar

    You are the reason I started blogging in the first place, so you’ve always been linked! :)

  90. Los Avatar

    top5 baby

  91. Nina Avatar

    you’re linked!

  92. seven Avatar

    Awesome… I’d love to be added to your blogroll. You’ve been on mine for awhile… I love your blog. :)

  93. seven Avatar

    Oh, was I supposed to put my web address in the comment? http://ohmyseven.com

  94. Rocks In My Dryer Avatar

    113 comments? That’s going to be one HECK of a blogroll.

  95. Shawn Avatar

    Me linky to you’s.

  96. Laura Avatar

    I link you and would love some link love! :)

  97. Esther Avatar

    how on earth are you going to keep up!?!??!

  98. Michael Avatar

    I am linked! ‘Bout time you caved. :)



  99. Amy Paul Avatar

    I’m kind of new to the blogging world, but you were one of the first people I added to my blogroll! Your blog is great! So much I can relate to about life in ministry.

  100. Hilary Avatar


    man its a good thing you’re rotating, your list is going to be a million miles long!

  101. Paul J. Avatar

    I’ve had you linked for awhile. Please include me!

  102. inWorship Avatar

    Cool…Gotcha linked

  103. spence Avatar

    Oh…i most certainly link to you!


  104. Amy Avatar

    Looks like you’re going to have on huge blogroll. I’m linked to you.


  105. John Ventry Avatar

    Linked. johnventry.blogspot.com

  106. Emily Avatar

    Can I be like you when I grow up? You’ve got some serious link love! emilywithaheart.com

  107. Joshua Longbrake Avatar

    I remember a conversation we had about links. You didn’t have them. I did. Now I don’t, but you’re going to. Awesome.

  108. Hemant Avatar

    Of course I would love to be added :)


  109. victor estrada Avatar

    I’ll take some of that action anne:


  110. Randy Avatar

    I have you on my blogroll :)


  111. kontra(labamba) Avatar

    good thinking! ;)

  112. clay noe Avatar


    too bad nobody else links you.

  113. Tahni Avatar

    Hey Anne, I’m JVo’s wife and friends w/most of the other Ugandaliers. You are linked! Link me back girlfriend. http://www.tahnivoelz.blogspot.com

  114. Anne Jackson Avatar

    OK! I have entered everyone to this point. I am working on the code now for rotating them!!!

  115. Erika Avatar

    I link you but don’t link me b/c I think most of your readers would find me oh so boring:) But I love your stuff and your latest adventure has sent us into the world of Compassion. And I love that the stay-at-home moms that read my blog would probably never find you and they need to be challenged by all that you bring girl! So check me out a time or two but skip the linkage:)

  116. Rindy Walton Avatar

    You’ve been linked for a while! love your blog!


  117. neil Avatar

    I’m linking to you on a daily basis.

    Most likely sending .5 people per day to your site. If they have kids who accidentally click your link…that bumps it up to about .7

  118. David Russell Avatar

    Good grief! All the comments. :)

  119. natalie Avatar

    so, i guess it’s time to de-lurkify myself, huh? okay, here i am… :-)


  120. dan perkins Avatar

    Anne, you’re already on my blogroll and my google reader… i love your posts. Moi… danperkins.blogs.com

    BTW… how’s the gym? ;-)

  121. Anne Jackson Avatar

    Got you all! Except you, Blake. I kid! :)

  122. WorshipCity Avatar

    I’ve been following you via Twitter as long as I’ve been Twittering so it should only be right that I add you on my blogroll.

  123. John Avatar

    Wow Anne, I’m #149!

    I have links to both Flowerdust and Mad Church on my blog. I have been reading FD for quite a while. I would occasionally send an appropriate post to my wife, now she reads regularly and sends me appropriate posts. You’ve got a regular fan club out in Oregon.

  124. HollyJo Avatar

    i will delurk myself. ive linked you. found you from los and heather. i sponsored a compassion kid too thanks to you: http://wonderingwoman.typepad.com/weblog/2008/02/meet-rosette.html

    i really appreciate your style of writing. or maybe its just that you can write. some of these people kill me. thanks for your honesty.

  125. massivetruth Avatar

    Link lover and political sidekick:


  126. Gena Larson Avatar

    You’ve been on my blog roll since I began one, but don’t link to me. I don’t post enough to be linked, but I love checking in with you. Blessings!

  127. To Think Is To Create Avatar

    You’re in my reader, but I’m not sure if you’re on my link page because I’m a newbie around your blog. I’m movin on ovah to wordpress and updating everything, so you’ll get in there. Add me if you like!



  128. To Think Is To Create Avatar

    P.S. Love your new header!

  129. Alan Riley Avatar

    You’re linked on my blog, and I would honored to join the throng of linkees on your rotating blogroll o’ love…

  130. alex mclean Avatar

    158 comments?! WOW! And you’ve been linked on me blog since the beginning.

  131. tunz Avatar


    Giving and receiving some link love…


  132. Brody Harper Avatar

    Am I on there?

  133. Kim Avatar

    Ok, I added you!

  134. pete Avatar

    linky me! linky me! ;-)

  135. Christina Avatar

    You’ve been on my blog roll since before all the cool kids were doing it. ;-)

    Miss you, friend.

  136. Janet Fraser Avatar

    found you via Matt Singley

  137. Isaac Downing Avatar

    I know this doesn’t count toward the 10,000 goal since I just commented on the other post, but…

    I have a bright & shiny link to this page on my blog: http://isaacdowning.com

  138. Kyle Stickens Avatar

    I linke to Flowerdust.net on my blog. Retread.

  139. Dana Avatar

    You’re on our blogroll. If this were the 10,000th comment, you and your hubby should come to merry ol’ England to visit us!!

  140. erin Avatar

    you are linked. you have always been in my reader now you are on my blog :)

  141. kari slusser Avatar

    Hi Anne. I love your blog. I linked you a while back.

  142. Vince Avatar

    I would give my chonies to be on the flowerdust blogroll.

  143. Natalie Witcher Avatar

    ok, I’ll comment over here about the 10,000 comment :) I was GOING to say, if I win we can just meet at the Starbucks on 15th and Bryant! :) Makes it easy…I hope you get to go somewhere really fun to meet a great person!!

  144. Carol Avatar

    Ok. I truly love your blog! Always motivating!

  145. Ruthie Avatar

    I just started reading your blog. Literally just. And I love it. I’ve linked you. My blogs are andallotherthings.wordpress.com and http://www.olileanyam.blogspot.com.

    Blessings to you!

  146. ashley Avatar

    Loving reading your site…your linked on mine!

  147. David Ballard Avatar

    I thought you were on my blogroll, but NOW you are!

  148. Sunny Avatar

    Hey Anne, you’ve always been linked at http://www.sunnythomas.net. you’ll have to tell us if your blogroll is longer that swerve’s…=)

  149. Darren Chapman Avatar

    Hi Anne, just another random guy who reads your blog but I link to you :)

    I’m at http://www.dchapman.wordpress.com if you wanna link back! No pressure though :)

  150. Dean Libby Avatar

    I have had you linked since I first found your blog late last year! I’m at revdeanl.blogspot.com


  151. Mark Jaffrey Avatar

    Hi Anne,

    You up for some Egyptian linkage? You’ve been on my blogroll since the beginning!


  152. Rich Kirkpatrick Avatar

    Of course I link you as a definite FAVE blog and would love to be on your rotation blogroll… did you copy me copying Matt Singley on this?;-)


  153. Neener Avatar

    Anne, would it be too much trouble to change my link’s name from “The Ignition” to “Nina Chantanapumma?”(Hopefully the long name doesn’t break the container!)

  154. DJ Avatar

    You are linked…and a lot of fun. I just found your blog via Los.

    Good stuff.

  155. nicky Avatar

    How do you feel about a fashion/beauty blog linking to you? Heehee!

  156. Abe Smith Avatar

    I link you, follow you on twitter, and I’m a friend on facebook…bu yah!!!

  157. Tim Irwin Avatar

    Anne, I linked to your blog quite a while back — not because I wanted you to link to mine, but because you have a great blog that I wanted to tell my friends/readers about.

  158. Pete Wilson Avatar

    I’m a little slow but I’m in. Thanks so much!


  159. Brad Singleton Avatar

    i just finished my own blogroll (quite a feat for the boy with no code skills), and of course, you’re linked!


  160. Joni Avatar

    link me baby!

  161. Milan Ford Avatar

    Just finished adding you. Go Anne Go!

  162. Sarah Markley Avatar

    I’ve had you on my roll for so long. I always read you for encouragement, sometimes a laugh, always for something to think about. Thank you for being faithful to the blogworld. =)


  163. Shanda Avatar

    I have you linked also…and I follow you on Twitter. I loved your Sex Rules post and the subsequent flood of comments.


  164. C.C. Avatar

    I’d love to be on your blogroll and you’re linked on mine already :-)

  165. Faith Avatar

    i link ya…and i like ya.

  166. chad Avatar

    You were the first on my blog roll! I love the ministry you do here and hearing your thoughts, thank you!


  167. jill Avatar

    You are already on my blogroll… but that is because your level of coolness is superior to mine so I do not expect reciprocation… I’m just another mom with a blog so I don’t lose my sanity :)

  168. Phil Thompson Avatar

    Anne, i know you’ve listed my blog but my blog address has now changed to PhilThompsonLive.com

  169. Doug C Avatar

    Hi Anne,

    I added you to my blog just this week. I’d be honored if you’d do the same for me. I really love your blog btw.



  170. Shaun King Avatar

    Hey Anne! Gotchu on my blogroll! Praying for you and the LifeChurch team.

  171. Anne Jackson Avatar

    Phew! Got you all linked (and changed if you requested). :) Thanks!!

  172. Beth Hoover Avatar

    I love-love-love your site. I am a brand new bloggin’ baby and SO want to be you when I grow up! I am linking to you from the from the great state of Texas.


  173. Beth Hoover Avatar

    oooops…here’s my correct address :)


  174. TD Avatar

    you’ll forever be in my blogroll :-)

    you could sneak mine in to yours if you want: http://boynamedtracy.com/blog/


  175. Jan Owen Avatar

    I linked to you long ago. I’d love to be included.

  176. Marla Saunders Avatar

    Thanks for the offer, Anne! You’ve been linked on both my blogs since before they were blogs. Thanks for keeping e company so many late nights. Good luck managing all these link requests…at least wading through them will give me some new friends and more fun things to think about! Great idea.

  177. Mud Puppy Avatar

    Love the blog, and honored to have you on my roll.


  178. Amy Halleran (TN) Avatar

    Anne, I’ve had some traffic coming from your site I thought, but I’m not sure. Still trying to figure this techy stuff out. So, if you dont mind to roll me, I’d appreaciate it. http://www.beyondJEMS.wordpress.com You were one of the first on mine, I love everything about the site & your writing especially your relevant topics!

    PS It would be great to meet up when youre in Nashville if you have the time. Breakfast, Lunch, Brunch, Coffee, Dinner, Tapas…. You seem to be a girl after my own heart!

  179. Amy Halleran (TN) Avatar

    I find more & more that I dont feel the need to use apostrophes in contractions. Huh.

  180. We are THAT family Avatar

    I like you. But considering I’m comment number 2,039, I don’t think you’ll have the room to add me to your blogroll. And that’s okay, really. I just thought you’d like to know that ONE more person out there finds you divine and needs a boost on their blog, so they are asking to be added. We are a pathetic group, aren’t we?

  181. Jenni Catron Avatar

    Wow Anne, you have your work cut out for you. You are on my women in leadership blogroll. I’m anxious to check out some of the other bloggers you’ll be featuring.


  182. Susan Avatar

    You have already been on my blogroll for some time now. Your blog is fantabulous!! If you have room . . . I would love it if you would add me. Thanks!

  183. Susan Avatar

    Me again. Okay, just in case you can’t just click on my name and go to my site (because I tried and it didn’t), here is my blog address:


  184. Kyle Reese Avatar

    I would love and be honored to be in your blogroll.

  185. Angela Hart Avatar

    I’m friends with Spence and Randy in Nashville. Started reading your blog via their pages and really enjoy it! Would love to share a link with you!

  186. Ellen Stevens Avatar

    Loving your site. Thanks for opening the door to a whole new list of blog friends.

    Congrats on the book – looking forward to reading it.

  187. Katy Avatar

    Your linked! :)


  188. Joe Case Avatar

    I would honored to be on your rotating blogroll!! Link me up!!
    J. Case

  189. Krissy Avatar

    Heya…I’ve got a picture for you today. ;)
    Please link to me.

  190. Anne Jackson Avatar

    Ok, all of you have been added to this point!

  191. Dusty Avatar

    Bless your heart. You’ve had quite the response on this one! http://www.dustytakle.com Thanks :-)

  192. Janice Avatar


  193. Chad Reelfs Avatar

    I don’t have a blog, but Chris and Anne Jackson our really cool and I miss my friends.

  194. Blake Avatar

    Done? As in no more to be added? Not even me? Please?


  195. Dave Avatar

    Please – so sorry I’m late — please

  196. Anne Jackson Avatar

    No no, not done yet! Just done adding the ones to that point. :)

  197. Kaye Avatar

    You are already on my site under the link “Blogs I Read”, but I’d love the link back! Loving this site since I found you last week!

  198. Kaye Avatar

    You are already on my site under the link “Blogs I Read”, but I’d love the link back! Loving this site since I found you last week! By the way…sorry I posted twice, but the address for my site in the last one was wrong!

  199. toni Avatar

    your posts are on the money. can’t wait to read mad church disease! go ahead and link me and i’ll link you back:) i’ve already linked your mad church disease.


  200. libby Avatar

    a woman… who’s open and honest… and a pastor… who blogs? yeah, I’m officially ‘lovin’ it” (hmm, I shouldn’t write after staying awake through the night, huh?) seriously, love what you’re up to…

  201. Mark Thomas Avatar

    I am linking you! Loving and being inspired by your blog daily. Thank you if you choose to link back to me!

  202. Christi Avatar

    Love you fresh insight!!!Thanks so much

  203. Adam Avatar

    Love the link. The blog is my wife’s adventures of being a Navy spouse and a mom of twins. A real double scoop of craziness.

  204. Sean B. Avatar

    I actually just linked you yesterday, so I’m glad I saw this!

  205. kara shriver Avatar

    I love your blog, please sign me up!

    In Christ,
    Decatur, Texas

  206. Alastair Vance Avatar

    I’m a bit late getting on the band-wagon, but you’re now linked.


  207. James McLean Avatar

    I have you linked up over at the Resistance!



    Lynchburg, VA

  208. Rhett Smith Avatar

    I’m a link lover…if you aren’t on mine..and you should be…about to go add you.


  209. JudiFree Avatar

    Can I please be added!?!? I love your blog and your thoughtd -you’ve been on my blogroll for a while.


  210. nicolelynne Avatar

    friend of lynseleanne….
    lovin your thoughts and twits!

  211. kate.d Avatar

    Hey Anne.

    I’m new to blogging, but I’m loving flowerdust.net!



  212. Matt Knisely Avatar

    anne, you my new found friend. i got you linked on my site. i love your heart.


  213. Rachel Avatar

    Hi there! Love your blog! Gonna add your link on my page!

  214. Joel Avatar

    I linked to you because you and your blog are uber-cool.


  215. Adam Young Avatar

    Of course I link to you. I think you were one of the first members of my blogroll ever! Thanks for all you do. T bad I left LifeChurch.tv at almost the exact time you started. We never got to meet!


  216. Joe Tolley Avatar

    Just started a blog and I can’t think of a better place to link to.

  217. Bill (cycleguy) Avatar

    Most definitely. No pressure but yours is #1 in my list. :)

  218. Andy Depuy Avatar

    I been tring to add you to my blogroll but not able to nt sure why, but please add me to yours

  219. Steve Dunham Avatar

    Thanks for the link love Anne. You are now officially listed on my blog!

  220. Carrie Runnals Avatar

    Oops, got a tad trigger-happy.
    I just wanted to tell you I found you on Twitter and enjoy following you. I just got back from Liberia where my church sponsors a children’s village (kiddos orphaned by war). I encourage you to check out my author interview website, Words To Mouth, and link to it if you’re interested. Girl! You sure got a lot of responses to your request, so I won’t feel bad if I don’t make the Roll!
    Take good care,

  221. Lori Eilers Avatar

    Hi Anne,
    Recently found your blog and enjoy it!! Mine is a combination of children’s ministry and leadership thoughts and family doings. I’m a children’s pastor in Iowa. Thanks!

  222. Audra Krell Avatar

    Anne, Thanks for the link love! I’ve added you. Please add http://www.Audrakrell.com.

  223. Stephanie Avatar

    I read your blog daily and link to your page!


  224. Timothy West Avatar

    It would be lovely if you could add me to your blog roll. What eactely are they as such other than a category or link…. I do read your blogs as much as i can and i am pretty sure you are on my blog…


  225. Anne Jackson Avatar

    Ok, everyone has been added up to this point now. Thank you…keep em coming!

  226. Sophia Dare Avatar

    Love your site!!! I am linking YOU!

  227. stephen lechner Avatar

    i have linked you. and i’m a picky linker. :)

  228. Jessica Turner Avatar

    Just linked you! I have been following you for a while through Brandi Wilson’s blog. Can’t wait to meet when you get to Nashville. My husband is Matthew Paul Turner, who I know you have connected with in the past. Looking forward to getting to know you. Coffee is a must when you get to town!

  229. Lea Sims Avatar

    Love your blog and have you on my own blogroll…


  230. Joel Smith Avatar

    I’m rollin’ the FlowerDust on my blog now, right under Matt Mungle. :-)

  231. D PLUM Avatar

    hey, i linked u about a week ago… here’s mine: http://www.DPLUM.org

    Darren Plummer
    Mosaic DC, Lead Pastor

  232. Debbie Avatar

    I’m definately adding you to my links. I have a daily life devotional. Not nearly as provocative as yours…

  233. upsidedown Avatar

    I’ve been reading your stuff for a while, thanks for your candor. My wife has been after me for a LONG time to start my own blog so here it goes.


  234. Kristy Avatar

    I’ve been reading for a while and just started blogging a few months ago. I have you on my blogroll and I also follow you on twitter.
    My blog is http://kristyblack.wordpress.com
    My twitter is ricracmom

  235. Cameron Smith Avatar

    Love your candid and honest approach to blogging – I’ve got you linked — here’s mine.


    Excited to read the new book!

  236. Sherri Jachelski (for Planter Wives) Avatar

    I have a blog for church planter wives. I’ve put a link to your blog on my blogroll and would love to be added to yours!

  237. Kaye Avatar

    Love your site. I have three blogs, but this is the one where I link to you:


  238. Cal Lord Avatar

    I loved the “who is watching you/” blog post and enjoyed the others. Check out my “Dancing with God blog”. I’d be honored to be on your blog roll. I am adding you to mine.


  239. Shane Vander Hart Avatar


    I’ve got you on my blogroll page, but that is powered by Blogrolls and is Java script so you won’t get technorati authority from it. I do, however, put people who link to me on the front page that do. So since you are doing link exchange, I’ll go ahead and do that.


  240. Jonathan Ellis Avatar


    Link me up, I would be honored. Welcome to Nashville!


  241. Steve Bradley Avatar

    Love your blog, and your heart to help Christians get off the ministry treadmill.

    Have you linked on my own blog now.



  242. Glenn Kelley Avatar

    I gotta say – your blog makes me laugh quite a bit.
    It is nice to find a woman who stands up – says things like they are…

    I love the fact that you simply serve freely where your gifted – and let someone else pick up where your not…

    Or at least that is what it sounds like.

    As a church planter who is leaving a Mainline Denomination due to burnout… and starting the UnboxedChurch ( http://www.UnboxedChurch.com ) I can only imagine what Mad Church Disease is about…

    Thank you for being an inspiration …

  243. Glenn Kelley Avatar

    ps http://www.ChurchMedic.com is my blog – would love a link back :-)

  244. Michael Warden Avatar

    You’re linked, Anne. I’d love a link back.

    Also, just for kicks, here’s my new novel site. You like Xtian fantasy novels, right?:


  245. Kevin Davis Avatar

    Being the 290th person on the list seems like I’ll be missed – but I want in.


  246. Anne Jackson Avatar

    Ok…got you all added! Next?

  247. Spiky Sandy Avatar

    I’ve linked you at http://spikysandy.blogspot.com
    Musings of a Captivating Spiky-Haired Woman

    You are too cool, Anne! Thanks!!
    Sandy in Pinellas Park, FL USA

  248. Jon Morris Avatar

    you are added. heard you were speaking @ catalyst? what on?

  249. Tom Soto Avatar


    Really like your honesty on the challenges you face. Thanks.


  250. Carol ~ I Throw Like A Girl Avatar

    Am I too late to the party? You’re on my blogroll!


  251. Terry Foester Avatar

    You’ve been linked back to greylias.com for awhile now.


  252. Rachel Rowell Avatar

    Sharin’ in the link love!

  253. Kenyon Avatar


    I always think of lincoln logs when I here link love…I guess that this is a great ANALOGY of building materials…

  254. Kenyon Avatar

    dang in less than 30 minutes you have almost 300 responses…holy dang…

  255. erin Avatar

    ive linked you for a while :) thanks for the invite! i think maybe 1 other person reads my blog.


  256. Deana O'Hara Avatar


    I actually have a link for you on mine. I like your voice. You are welcome to link back if you want,but you don’t have to. I’m at http://www.deanaohara.com — I recently transferred it from blogger – and am working up a new face for it, but the domain stays the same.

    Blessings, Deana
    .-= Deana O’Hara?s last blog ..The Liturgical Year: Joan Chittister =-.

  257. John Avatar

    I link to your site, and try to check in when I can to see what you’re writing. I think you have a powerful ministry, and look forward to more in 2010. Feel free to link back to me if you like – my blogroll is NOWHERE near as long as you’rs is going to be! …but I’m happy to have you on it.


    God bless!