these people were searching for something…and somehow ended up here. thank you awstats for providing me with search keywords. i just can’t believe the stuff people want to look up:
do not disturb on forehead drawing
pictures of evil leprechauns
dallas diabetic cat sitters
david crowder does drugs
how much poop in my intestine
nose snot porn
why do i still have fat in my middle
shaving armpits
ball passing hidden gorilla
does a body smell after an autopsy
redneck cold cures
infrequent booty calls
wow, if you have a way of doing this for your blog – i suggest you take a look.
26 responses to “searching for something?”
Oh my! Thank you for the laugh this morning!.
evil leprechauns rock!
Talk about gross (or did that word go out in the nineties?) Thanks for keeping us up on the latest. You are definitely the best!
I love these things. They blow my mind on two levels: 1) someone actually sat down at a computer and searched for these things, and 2) somehow they ended up at my blog. Crazy. Here’s what I’ve got recently:
-christians lifting hands in praise weird
-“hillsong united” sucks
-bidwells tavern two piece nasty
-david crowder sucks
-david crowder+squirrels
-evil worshiper
-h20 riddle
-hillsong sucks
-is david crowder married
-marriage of marty sampson
-marty sampson wife
-tim hughes heresy
-what to do when the worship leader sucks
-crazy things pastors say
-ee-hee with the whole band
-scientific journal/why do your eyes water with onions
*First of all, why do so many people search for “‘x worship leader’ sucks” (including accusing Tim Hughes of heresy)? My personal fav has to be “what to do when the worship leader sucks.” That’s priceless.
Oh, mine are too easy, and boring, as there are several porn stars with the name Brandi.
once again mine are depressing and mostly about my former pastor and people searching for porn. boo.
Anne, you would be amazed at what will come up with in a search. I have had some very interesting ones to say the least. Here are some entertaining ones:
*alcohol and nudity
*christians make me sick
*black people
*big women new small man
*big starbucks small church
*10 way not to drink
*Marriage stinks go to church
*child-leash harness
*Scott Williams is gay
*Big Dallas small ann jackson
my favorite on my blog is “wet stained panties”
My favorite one that I’ve seen on my blog is:
Bill Hybles IRS tax return
Just for the record I don’t have that. ;-)
top three at the wampus:
Chicken Parmesean (or easy chicken parmesean)
Godzilla volcano cakes
boysenberry cobbler…..
…how boring….
okay… i must confess. you might make me want to look… then, again… your list is funny enough..
thanks for being a great provider Anne.
ToddBlog funny results:
“euro spanish lottery board”
cookie sexist
voice of krysta rinke (seriously)
The Golden Girls and several references to feet….
The last one is my favorite…
do you ever go back and google it yourself to see what it pulled up? I do that all the time….the most interesting one was
“church of the highlands sucks”
interesting because there is no where that i have used that phrase….because it is not true…..
Well, those are all so interetsing. I don’t have any wierd and crazy searches yet (being a infant blogger) but I do have high hopes and expectations for the outlandish to occur!
I’ll keep you posted.
Oops. Sorry about that Scott.
I’ve gotten some crazy ones, but I don’t have any way of saving them for more than a couple of days. I should look into that. Yesterday someone got to my site by searching for “progressively louder atomic alarm clock.” haha.
let’s see…some of my favorites are… nfl crochet patterns, beauty crazy groaning (what is that??), stirrup pants (YUCK), facial cleanser for 7 year olds, fossil pulls my arm hair, how long it takes to create one pair of sneakers, i wish i could eat a cheeseburger, what to eat when we r pregnant to make babies fair complexion (WHAT?!), and my number one fave is “bad nicky.” :)
nicky – “fossil pulls my arm hair” – hmm…I’ve been looking for a good name for my blog. Can I use that? (grin)
1. i’m shocked
2. don’t know how to do what you suggested….do you have to have a tracker?
I have something that lets me see this, but usually it makes sense how someone would find my blog using those terms.
I also go and google them sometimes to check how far up the list my blog is on the search engine.
Anne, how do you propose these terms led to your site?
My favorite on mine was ‘take your penguin to work day’….huh??? not only a weird search—but that it found my blog!!
I would love to know how you find out what searches find a blog.
And, if I ever need a diabetic cat sitter or proof that David Crowder is a cokehead, I’m totally calling you.
I don’t know about google’s Blogger, or what you do if you use the actual WordPress software. But if you login to your blog at and click on My Dashboard, then go to Blog Stats, you’ll see Search Engine Terms about halfway down the page. Click on that and you’ll see a lot of the search terms people use to find your blog. So the path would be Blog Login->My Dashboard->Blog Stats->Search Engine Terms.
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