let the healing begin

if you’ve been around a while, forgive my redundancy. i’ve been on a sleep/anxiety combo medicine since january and a “stress” medicine (did you know they made those?) as well. you can read about some my attempts at medication through some stressful transitions here.

a lot of people – christians in particular – have questions on whether or not medication for depression and/or anxiety is biblical. shouldn’t you just snap out of it? my personal experience with taking my doctor’s advice, and working with a therapist led me to decide that going on medication temporarily as i worked hard core through some issues in counseling would probably be best. and i think it was. if i felt healthy enough, i would be off the medication in a year.

so because of the kind of medicine i am on, i have to gradually wean off. over the next eight weeks (beginning last night) i will be cutting back by eighths on one medicine, and thirds on the other.

how do i feel about it? i am so looking forward to what’s on the other side. my emotions have never felt more stable, my sleep is back to normal, and i’m not stressing out a ton. it may not seem like the best month to start this withdrawal, with all of the stress of current events, but i really think i am in a good place. with the support of my friends, family, therapist, YOU GUYS and undoubtedly resting – really resting – in God’s promises of truth, justice, confession, and provision; i am not too worried about it.

my final week of medication is november 26. i’ll occasionally post updates of how i’m doing if i think about it, but i am really looking forward to taking this next step!

on a side note, this weekend in alabama went great. it was all a little bit of a blur to me but after speaking with several people after the message or getting emails from them over the last few days, i know God did a great work through everyone – the volunteers, the band, the teams that set up, dave, and even myself. i love seeing god move!

that’s about all from flowerdust land. i hope you all are having a great week!


12 responses to “let the healing begin”

  1. Paul Avatar

    All the best Anne, will be praying for you. Personally i’m a firm believer in the holy trinity of prayer, drugs and counselling – they certainly have helped a lot of people that i know.

  2. Christa Avatar

    Dear Anne,
    Thank you so much for being so transparent here on your blog. The song “Stained Glass Masquerade” by Casting Crowns comes to mind. We need to share the reality of our lives with each other. Thanks for doing that.

    I have struggled a bit with anxiety, depression, and sleep problems. I am not against medication by any means. I have not had to go there, yet. I do take some supplements that have helped, along with time in the Word, walking, etc.

    I will be praying for you!

    In Him,

  3. dave anderson (moviepastor) Avatar

    I got an email from someone who is throwing away their computer. How about that for an impact?

    I know you will have a smooth stable transition off the meds – praying for you.


  4. lynse leanne Avatar


    That is so awesome! so proud. I am so thankful for your transparency….if you hadnt been i would still be in darkness.

    I am praying for you as you get off the meds that it would be smooth and god would give you peace as you need it.


  5. Jeff M. Miller Avatar

    I’m right there with you Anne. I think I’ve mentioned before that I myself was on depression meds for some months, and for a while I felt guilty. I often wondered why leaning on Jesus wasn’t enough to pull me through. After talking with my pastor and my counselor and others, I came to believe that part of what we go through is really a physical manifestation (chemical or otherwise), and sometimes the fog caused by our crippled, imperfect flesh keeps us from hearing the Spirit as clearly as we should. Providentially, God in His grace and mercy has directed chemist and doctors in the creation of medicines to help temporarily remedy that fleshly shortcoming.

    Long story short, I made it through, and I praying that you do as well. Keep us posted. Nov. 26 is my birthday, and I’d love to have the gift of hearing you are doing wonderfully well.

  6. John Ventry Avatar

    I have been on anti-depressants for almost 8 months (truly Lexapro can be a good thing). To think that working in ministry is what led to this. I am starting to work on getting off of the meds. I need to get some more counseling as I go through this process, but I just know that it is time. The goal was for me to be on them for 1 year at the most so that I could work through the issues that I am experiencing. I am making a great deal of progress and I think things will only get better.

    I am now working on restoring my relationship with God.

    Thanks for your honesty Anne.

  7. Joe Louthan Avatar

    Without question, I pray for you.

  8. Jason Avatar

    I was on a couple of different anti-depression meds, and they helped, they helped me focus on getting out of and working through situations, they also helped me to focus on God and depend on him more, I took them to feel better, and I felt better, but it was liberating to know that I don’t have to take them anymore and I feel better than EVER. If God be for us who can be against us. My family is praying for you and Chris.

  9. Melinda Groth Avatar

    Been through that weaning period with someone I love. Challenging, and liberating. Sometimes a body just needs to stay on a portion of a med or two though. That is not a weakness. To me, it is no different than needing to take meds to balance any other ailment that a body is not working properly (hormones/thyroid, insulin level, antihistamines, etc.). I will be praying for you as you seek to find your healthy balance.

  10. Greg Johnson Avatar


    Thanks again for being authentic and transparent. God uses medication, therapy, doctors, etc… to bring healing. If it were not for God giving man the ability by His grace and mercy, medicine and medical science could never be as advanced as it is today.

    It’s so good to hear that you have done so well. God has brought His healing to you. He will help you through this next phase just as He has brought you to this point.

    I have prayed for you today.

    Know that you are loved,

  11. Ben Avatar

    Cheering you on from Oklahoma City.
    A handful of my friends are in the midst of this process.
    They are full of hope!

  12. reba Avatar

    I was on anti-depressants along with a few other things when I had to deal with some stuff.

    It was not hard to get off the meds, it is harder on the hard days when I know I want/need/should be back on them. There are times when I know life would be easier and not so overwhelming if I was still on them. BUT on the other hand…I can feel things again and cry when I need too (could never do that on the meds).

    It is all a hard battle.