boys vs. girls

please humor me a moment and vote. are you a boy? are you a girl? i’m writing a series for next week, and want to know my readers a little better. i know 1300 of you visit this site a day…so if you’re a lurker, please do me a favor and vote!

if you are a rss reader, just click the link and the poll will show up. and if you want to go the extra mile, answer me this – what sex do you think dominates readership?


38 responses to “boys vs. girls”

  1. Angie Avatar

    I’m going to take a wild guess and say that girls will dominate this poll. :)

  2. Rich Kirkpatrick Avatar

    hmm… I gotta represent the boys, I guess

  3. Gena Avatar

    Well, since I’m a girl, I’ll say “girls.” Sorry for not commenting sooner, but I enjoy your honesty and insights.

  4. Anna Avatar

    I think girls too!

  5. Greg Johnson Avatar

    I’m going with boys Anne.


  6. Heidi Avatar

    I think the girls will rule Anne!!!

  7. John T. Avatar

    I think its the name of your blog… if it were called, “Sawdust”


  8. Jason Curlee Avatar

    Going with the GUYS….

  9. andy Avatar

    i can be boyish

  10. tunz Avatar

    this woman reader believes there might be more men readers.

  11. Carol Avatar

    Definitely guy and I love their comments.

  12. Joshua Avatar

    I’m upset that there isn’t an option for asexual nano-robot… because naturally that would be my choice.

  13. Rindy Avatar

    I honestly think it’s pretty split which is one thing that makes your site unique!! I love it!!

  14. Jimmy Paravane Avatar
    Jimmy Paravane

    heh heh, she said dominate. Sorry, but with mah mad skillz I ownz you all! I just want to know how many hits yer blog gets because you have the words “Women & Porn Addiction” and “Dirty Girls” on it… OK say it. I’m a bad bad man… (grin)

  15. Ben Avatar

    I’d say men…

  16. John Ventry Avatar

    I think that the Secret motto could apply to this site: “Strong enough for a man, but made for a woman”

    Probably women, but by a slim margin.

  17. bryonm Avatar

    Since white conservative males dominate the blogosphere, I’m guessing your readers are mostly male…

  18. Chad Markley Avatar

    I am going to say girls. BTW, I love the site!

  19. Joni Avatar

    boys — however I think more girls respond

  20. Jeff Avatar

    about 60-70 % girls… sadly.

  21. Anne Jackson Avatar

    boys are getting whoooooped

  22. Jon Avatar

    Definitely women. Don’t know what that says about me….

  23. Gina Avatar

    gotta’ go with the chicks

  24. Jake Miller Avatar

    i gotta say the ladies are going to win this one…

  25. Scott Williams Avatar

    I would think more women. I tend to recommend your blog to more females than males; however you are in my favorite 10.

    I think your blog definitely has bi-sexual appeal! lol

  26. Anne Jackson Avatar

    I have never had someone call my blog bisexual. Now that is freaking hilarious!!!! Thanks for the late night laugh.

  27. Crystal Renaud Avatar

    girls rule and boys drool.

  28. mike foster Avatar

    ladies win…but guys can still hang out right?

  29. alex mclean Avatar

    come on boyz in da hood!

  30. Anne Jackson Avatar

    The boys are starting to close the gap………..hmmmm. and yes, Boys are welcome! :)

  31. laura Avatar

    i must say… i believe its the gals. but from what i’m learning in math…”the wider the ‘sample’ the more even the distribution is.” so i’m gonna say it’ll be fairly even for statistics sake! :)

  32. West Avatar

    it’s not too far off.

    I’m a guy

  33. Gwen Avatar

    Half and half.

  34. Shannon Avatar

    Girls rule!

  35. Paul Avatar

    Clearly your blog is metrosexual ;)

  36. Dave Avatar

    I think it will be about 55% girls.

  37. andy Avatar
