here we are.
evidently the issue of my choice to start capitalizing correctly was brought to the forefront.
and with this post, i will allow you to cast a vote…
whatever’s winning when i post next, will be the way i continue…
the future of this blog is in your hands…
(i’m not sure if the poll will show up in RSS feeds, so click here to cast your vote)
33 responses to “post 500”
i am partial to the e.e. cummings style, and am overjoyed you referred to it as that. i did a report on him in 7th grade and fell in love with his wording and the tone he put out.
i’m such a dork…
I am partial to capitalization. :)
your blog. Your choice.
It seems like you don’t want to make the switch. :) If there was a choice that said “which ever one you like best,” I would have chosen that, but since there wasn’t, I went with my theory and chose lowercase. Plus it’s a unique style.
I voted but I could go either way.
In my blogs, I have to do everything proper because I am not the best writer in the world.
As much as I think e.e cummings (what little I know) is a bit of a literary… erm, genius.
I’m running with capitalisation. Simply because I find it easier to read and can’t comprehend how you can’t not. I’ve tried it before and I struggle. It looks a little more professional – but that might not be what you want to convey on your personal blog.
It’s your final call Anne (then again it always was!).
as you, i write all in lower case. it comes from conversing with teens on line. it’s just faster. i’m just so used to it, i don’t think about it. but i often think that i should start using the caps for my blog. i’ll be waiting to see what you do – lol. btw, i voted to keep the ee cummings look.
save your pinky fingers – less use of the shift key!!!
writer or not, you are still a creative type and need to show it by not conforming to the man. be proud… keep it lowercase.
yes, keep let your pinky finger rest. lower caps looks cooler in my opinion anyway.. more thoughtful and its just anne. simple as that. :)
Congratulations on 500. You beat me by 7 posts (didn’t know it was a race did you?).
And also, they put the shift key on the keyboard for a reason.
However, as much as I like capitalization, the lowercase seems to fit your style better.
i’m sort of liking the no caps style i think it fits you
ok it definitely doesn’t fit me it’s driving me nuts not to capitalize
yup–fits your style
i’ve never capitalized…….and i love my dots too……………who says you can’t write a book in this style?
e.e.cummings was a genious. Why can’t you be. !!!
keep your signature lowercase
I noticed from “mapping” the results of your poll that most of the folks who want you to Cap are on the East Coast, while the midwesterners are content to hold steady with the lower case.
Who knew?
And west coasters too! You are who you are. It’s your trademark really. It’s you!
lower case all the way…
Proper grammar is losing! To what is our world coming?
i am liking the way this is going!
Cummings was cute…
I love art and I love thought…together they are a fine thing.
You lower case is YOU……..keep it please.
dont change who you are.
represent for the people who dont like to capatalize….
Allow yourself some flexibility, you might be in a capitalization mode one day! I am okay w/ either, cummings actually did some unconventional ALL CAPS work at the age of six. A letter to his father:
Sometimes Wikipedia makes me feel smart. :-)
Well, I prefer proper capitalization. When I read something with no caps it just seems amateur, even though the content is not. It’s definitely a pet-peeve of mine. I will say though, that it is less painful than reading something that is all caps.
anne, you rock those no-caps all you want.
Just remember, we’re under grace. ;)
The English teacher in me will never fully be able to enjoy your posts while I fuss and fret over your lack of capitalization….not, go for it……lower case rules!!!!!!!!
You say “po-tay-to,” I say “po-tah-to.” Some presidential candidates spell it with an “e.” Let’s call the whole thing off.
I tHiNk U sHoUlD tYpE lIkE tHiS fRoM nOw On.
Oh my!
I AM SO LOST HERE! What are you talking about?
I agree with Grammar Nazi. I just read today’s post and it’s really not bad… until you get into a paragraph with more than one sentence, at which point everything looks all mashed together.
I also agree with Todd. What is this world coming to?
Poor grammar (come on, that’s really what we’re talking about here) is best left to the little kiddies on their chat lines and Facebook.
But that’s just my $.02 worth. What do I know? I’m just an old guy trying to make his way in a grammatically incorrect cyber-world.
majority rules :) and i speak lowercase in real life anyway.