explore your feminine side

(disclaimer: i realize i don’t have a blogroll. reasons for this being one… i am too chicken to deal with the drama and gnashing of teeth that sometimes results from having said blogroll, and two…ok, there’s really just one reason. now that i have labeled myself a hypocrite, let’s continue, shall we?)

i am subscribed to 80ish blogs, but peruse so many more when time allows. i do love the blogroll feature and would not have found many of your blogs otherwise. it also allows me to see what kind of stuff you like to read and in turn inspires me on what to write.

mandatory introductory paragraph aside, there is a SERIOUS lack of estrogen on ministry blogrolls. i know there are a ton of great women out there who blog about ministry, but why the heck aren’t they showing up on anyone’s link love?

most pastorish types have links to the other pastorish types from those churches that make it on the lists of which (in good humor and love) i like to poke fun (please also note: the church i am employed at was on two of those lists, therefore allowing me such a right). occasionally i’ll see a few ladies sprinkled in, but seriously – where is the love?

who are some female bloggers you like reading? DON’T KEEP THEM TO YOURSELF! show them a little link love. i am having a hard time finding their blogs, so my challenge to you is this…add some estrogen to your blogroll!

bring on the girl power… what girls are you linking up? and no, that is not a euphemism, dirty.


49 responses to “explore your feminine side”

  1. Casey Ross Avatar

    Please don’t let my gender neutral name confuse you. I am a guy. I do read Shaula Overholt’s blog at http://shaula.typepad.com/coloring/ regularly. She and her husband are doing some cool things in VA.

  2. Chad Wright Avatar

    Blogroll? Blogroll? Oh yeah, that thing at the side I set up and haven’t touched since. I need to work on that.

  3. Crystal Renaud Avatar

    is it shamless and whatever to say my own? i am woman in ministry who writes about women in ministry, ministry in general and oh you know…. a few other random things.

    BUT i also read these wonderful women:


    you too.

  4. mandy Avatar

    amen sister…

    i’ve managed to break into the worship leader’s blogrolling club, but i knew i had to offer a “generic” unisex type blog or they might not give my thoughts as much heed…. luckily, i’m in cahoots with a few strategic members of the WL blog scene, so they welcomed me with open arms!

    but the worship leader blog scene is absolutely FLOODED with male leaders. (probably bc there are more of them than females)….

    so i wanna hear from some of my worship-leading sisters out there!

  5. DN Avatar

    I only read 2 blogs regularly and both are chics. I hope that is not weird now that I think about it.

  6. chris g Avatar

    there are several wonderful women bloggers in my bloglines (including yourself), some of note…………

    penny g (mi esposa, the hottest chica on planet earth!) http://goeppneradoption.blogspot.com/

    april brunjes (crazy friend) http://aprilbrunjes.wordpress.com/

    beth kush (sister) http://bethkush.blogspot.com/

    debbie brown (friend, adoption guru) http://russianbrown.blogspot.com/

    lyndsey cornell (friend) http://lyndseycornell.wordpress.com/

  7. krysta Avatar

    anne – kim is great! (she’s on my blogroll) i heart her more than anything and she’s an incredibly strong leader in her church and the “worship” arena.

    mandy – i’d love to exchange thoughts regarding worship-leading. my blog isn’t geared towards that ministry (mainly because i have too much to say) but i’d still like to chat! candi pearson has some really great thoughts on worship if you haven’t already familiarized yourself with her :)

  8. Rick Avatar

    Someone linked to Emergent Women, http://emergingwomen.blogspot.com/, and a plethora of feminine fell into my google reader’s lap.

  9. Todd Avatar

    1/5 of my blogroll is occupied by women. However, almost half of my blog reader is filled with women bloggers. What does that say about me?

  10. Tammy Avatar

    Darla’s blog is the most girly one I visit. It’s very pink! She is a beautiful lady who is very passionate about the Lord! You want girly depth – check her out! http://darla-overcomer.blogspot.com/

    Then we have Mandy of course! You rock girl! She gave me an award..I love her! http://mandythompson.wordpress.com/

    Gretchin…funny! Great sense of humor and outlook on life!

    Just to name a few…

  11. Jenni Avatar

    I have a whole bunch of women linked to my site.


  12. Jenni Avatar

    oops… i missed a dot in there.


  13. Dustin Avatar

    all I know is I am glad you brought this question up … i just added about 5 new blogs to my google reader!

    Thumbs up Fdust!

  14. Geoff Avatar

    I must admit: both of the female bloggers I’m linking to are people I know:

    My Fiance – http://allsaidanddone.com
    My friend Christina – http://soulsojourn.wordpress.com

  15. Your Worst Nightmare Avatar

    am i feminine enough?

    p.s. hi photoshop profile picture

    [delete this comment]

    [i know you won’t]

  16. dave anderson (moviepastor) Avatar

    You’ve been on my blogroll for a couple weeks now – And you have top billing! :-)

  17. Rindy Avatar

    I have really noticed this, especially as I am getting more into ministry and looking to see what others are doing. A few female bloggers I read regularly who are helping where I’m at with ministry are (besides this site of course):

    Kem Meyer http://kemmeyer.typepad.com/less_clutter_noise/

    Lori Boucher http://confessionsofapastorswife.typepad.com/confessions_of_a_pastors_/

    And wow!!! Did I really get mentioned above???!!! Sweet!!!

  18. Rindy Avatar

    THANKS for doing this–am finding some great sites that are linked above–adding them to my bloglines as we speak!! Keep ’em coming…

  19. Derrick Henslee Avatar

    Fine…I’ll add you to my blogroll. He he he! You’ve got really great insights into ministry…might as well!

  20. Tim Avatar

    My two daughters – both in ministry – usually teach me something …

    Jenny Jack (on Mission in Scotland)

    Kristin Jack

    They learned most from their mom

  21. Joe Louthan Avatar

    Nothing that hasn’t been listed here.

    Things I want to credit for:

    1. I subscribe to more blogs written by women in ministry than men in ministry.
    2. It was women (Hope and Lori) that got me restarted in blogging in the first place.

    I am definitely going to subscribe to this comments threads to pick up on new blogs.

  22. Jim Avatar

    My wife’s. She is the most caring female (sweetheart) and lives ups to every single word she writes! PW for 35 years (Wife 40)
    http://www.carolscaringthoughts.blogspot.com (I hope this is shown.)

  23. Jason Avatar

    Lori (my wife’s) is fantastic. Don’t take my word for it, check it out yourself. As a husband and wife, it is fun to do “series” on our blogs from time to time. Once we did a whole week on sex from our perspectives – fun :-)


  24. Amber Cox Avatar

    I totally agree with what you’re sayin’!

    I read Kem Meyer http://www.kemmeyer.typepad.com

    Jenn Collins http://jenncollins.wordpress.com/

    that’s all I’ve got! Ahhhh!

  25. Faith Avatar

    Wow, what a response! I love women in ministry :o)

  26. Texas Ron Linebarger Avatar

    I just started getting into blogification…errrr blogging and only you, one male and my wife are responding.

    Male or female?

    I don’t think it makes any difference. It is a matter of motivation on any gender–the creator, the author, reader, responder, etc.

    My blog is kindlytalk.com and the titles/categories are: I Saw Him killing a Man, Spiders Drive Me Crazy, The Great, Grapevine, etc.

    My blog is kindlytalk.com

    My blog is kindlytalk.com

    My blog is kindlytalk.com

  27. tracie Avatar

    She is one of my favorites. I wouldn’t say its ministry persay, wait, yes it is, its about her life as a mom and wife. Yep, definitely ministry.

  28. Hope Avatar

    More than 50% of the blogs I visit are female. Many answering their callings in most creative ways. They’ve all been mentioned here except Heidi at: http://allm92.wordpress.com/

  29. D Rho Avatar

    Thanks for some great blogs everyone!

  30. Ryan Avatar

    Some of the female writers I really enjoy are:

    Elle Effect – http://laurenstonestreet.com/

    Lorraine Sommerfield (she’s a local journalist and is not a Christian so can be crass at times) – http://www.lorraineonline.ca/blog/

  31. Cynthia Avatar

    Female blogging pastors are in short supply at my site and I am one – thanks!
    The Digital Sanctuary – http://thedigitalsanctuary.textdriven.com/

  32. Kevin Avatar

    My Wife – Adventures in Crunchy Conservative Parenting
    First, she’s definitely a girl. Although not ministry oriented, it tends to be a funny, thought provoking read. I love her!

    Neva – Dancing in the Light

    Kristi – Kristiapplesauce

    Maggie – Magnanimous

    And I rarely read these two, but they are worth mentioning: AJ and CR. *grin*

  33. Robert Pooley Avatar

    my wife’s site is on mine… and will probably add yours soon…

  34. carole Avatar

    That will preach sister!!

    I find that most blog men don’t want to give props to the chicks.

    I try to put as many links to blogging gals as I find interesting. I just don’t want to put every girl blog on there and honestly, alot of chick blogs are boring.

  35. julieH Avatar

    Super cool, thanks! I added a bunch to my google reader, and once I spend some time reading them, will definitely add some to my blog!!! :-)

  36. Deneen Avatar


    I am happy to have found another female blogger…there are way too few of us out there.

    Looking forward to hearing what you have to say!

  37. Matt Singley Avatar

    The chicas that I follow:

    My wife…http://jennisingley.blogspot.com

    My Mexico missions partner, Jenni Clayville…http://www.jenniclayville.com

    My former Management Team coworker, Barbara Feil…http://barbarafeil.typepad.com

    The snarkiest writer that I know personally, Karen Sjoblom…http://searosecreative.blogspot.com/

    The best church producer ever, Janet Fraser…http://janetfra.livejournal.com/

    My office prank partner, Jos Miller…http://jocelynmiller.typepad.com/my_weblog/

    The best career advisor for 20 somethings, Penelope Trunk…http://blog.penelopetrunk.com/

    A great voice for Gen Y, Tiffany Monhollan…http://littleredsuit.com/

  38. Melissa Avatar

    WOW…that is so awesome!!! I can’t wait to start following some of these cool chicks on my Blog. I love watching how God uses this…


  39. Tiffany Avatar

    Hi, Anne!

    I stumbled on your site, since someone linked mine from this comment stream, so I thought I’d say hi while I’m here. I’m glad I found it – and I’m looking forward to visiting back often. I work in communications and am active in my church, and my boyfriend is on staff in a creative position at our church, so we’ve been looking for great resources for people with those same interests. I checked out some of your writing at Relevant, and it’s very powerful.

    Oh, and to add to the discusson on this post, I’ve been participating in the W List and you can check out my post “The W List Goes Viral – Help Promote Women Who Blog” at my site (or Google the term for the most updated version) for a long list of choices to peruse for great writing from women.

  40. Erin Avatar

    I found you because my friend Paul was kind enough to link to me here (Decompressing Faith). I’m very glad to meet you. It is had to find women bloggers of faith and I appreciate the list …I am certain I will meet some new people in these links. Thanks.

  41. Sheila Avatar

    I starting blogging recently, mainly as an outlet for my new adventure’s in minsitry. I’m still finding my voice there, so it’s been mainly personal to date.

    I enjoy Gwen Jackson:

    These blogs are of fun, interesting, and creative women.