“I could never do what you’re doing!” I told a guy named Cody at a church in Dallas. I was speaking there and he had just cycled in with the Ride:Well team, a group of fifteen or so people who were biking across the country.
Rattling off a list of reasons (including a very legit heart issue) he told me to one, get my heart fixed…and two, do the ride.
So last summer I made the vow. If I could get my heart fixed, I’d do it.
And my heart got fixed.
And I signed up for the ride.
We begin the ride across the country for Blood:Water Mission on June 6, but as part of my training, Thursday I, along with two other cyclists will be riding 100 miles (also known as a century ride).
They’ve done it before. In fact, one of them just rode 165 miles a few weekends ago.
I’ve only gone 50 miles. Once.
Most of my rides are 15-25 miles long. I think I had a 36 miler in there too.
But 100?
I twittered about it Wednesday and had so many people say, “I could NEVER do that!”
Yeah – me too! I’m still thinking this is a crazy idea!
But here’s the deal.
If me, a non-athletic, pasty white, nerd-author girl can ride a bike 100 miles, so can you.
Or maybe it’s not cycling, but there’s something you’ve been putting off.
But you need to do it.
You have a choice – say YES to the unknown, the scary, the uncomfortable, the exhilarating, the embarrassing, and you will be saying YES to an adventure you could never in a million years dream up.
So, you may not be riding 100 miles today (in 90* weather, with 60% humidity — not that I’m paying attention to my Weather App…) but in solidarity, would you do SOMETHING a little out of the norm today?
If you’d like to see where we’re riding, you can click here.
If you want to donate to our ride (the money doesn’t go TO us, it goes to support Blood:Water mission) you can click here.
And for the love, tell us what’s one crazy thing you want to do, or one crazy thing you’re going to do today!
I’ll be back as quickly as possible to continue the series on slowness and let you know how the ride went! You can follow my Twitter here to know the latest!
20 responses to “I Could NEVER do That!”
Crazy thing – running a marathon! Yep, crazy. Talk about non-athletic – I’m right there with ya. Running with a team (H2O Runners) to support Blood:Water Mission. The marathon is in November. Some how I’ve got to get from running about 3 miles to running 26.2 miles in less than 6 months. YIKES!
I’ll be thinking about you tomorrow. I’m sure you’ll do great!! Difficult things are always easier (or at least more fun) with friends – you won’t be alone.
You are an inspiration! Thank you for sharing your passions with us.
.-= Chrystal´s last blog ..Back At It…Finally! =-.
Looking forward to hearing about your journey! You go girl!!! Maybe I will look at that next. Right now my CRAZY thing is training for the Susan G. Komen 3-Day walk in November. 60 miles in 3 days. This seems wimpy as I think of you doing 100 miles on your bike in one day…but I guess you do move a little faster :-)
Also, I got my book on Monday and am enjoying reading along with “In Praise of Slowness’.
There used to be a time in my life when I would utter the words “I could never do that” but have learned over the years there are plenty of things I most certainly CAN do if I care enough to make the adjustments and put in the work. Glad you were able to “get your heart fixed” so you could be physically able to do the ride. Awesome :D
.-= Kristine McGuire´s last blog ..Old Scars Still Twinge Every Now And Again =-.
I am so glad that you are doing this…this cross country ride will be so amazing…especially when you are scared out of your comfort zone. When you are totally out of control, God can demonstrate His perfect control and plan for your ride. You never know…you may be that “cody” to someone this summer and because of your faith and courage they may do something previously thought impossible…let’s hope so
.-= ironmike´s last blog .. =-.
Nothing athletic – Start my MA for a Counseling degree.
.-= Rocco´s last blog ..The Prodigal… =-.
I think the craziest thing I could do today is let go of my personal, self-serving dreams and figure out how to make others’ dreams a reality.
.-= @chriswhill´s last blog ..My wife is talented… =-.
Chris, thanks for the reminder.
Best of luck to you today on your century! Can’t wait to follow you and the group on Ride Well. It’s my goal to do it next year!
I’m also a member of the “Non-Athletic, Pasty-White Club” AND a member of the “I’ve Put On 30+ Pounds In The 10 Years Since I’ve Been Married Club”. I’m really feeling God calling me to join up with the Compassion Bloggers and do something a little unique with it (have already touched base with Shaun on that part), but I feel before He will open that opportunity to me, I have to start getting myself back in shape and beef up the traffic to my blogs and increase my twitter followers.
Starting cycling again next week since I have to pick up my kidlet hauler so my 4 year old can join me. I will be working on increasing followers at lunch today!
Be Blessed!
Anybody wanna help me out with my goal? Please subscribe and follow!
Twitter: @jennihypes
.-= Jenni Hypes´s last blog ..Of weddings and vacations! =-.
One crazy thing that I want to do one day is write a book! :)
.-= Kevin M.´s last blog ..7 questions to ask before hitting "Publish" =-.
I’m not going to let my insecurity/fear get in the way of the path that God has very clearly laid before me over the last 4 days. I just clicked “send” on an email to a professional photographer asking how to move forward in becoming an assistant even though part of me begged to put it off just one more day (and one more, and one more, etc.) because I’m scared of rejection.
One crazy thing I want to do is record some of my music. I’ve been given the opportunity to do so in Nashville this summer and, in spite of my self-doubt, I’m going to do it….a 5 song ep! Pretty pumped, and pretty scared…
.-= Josh´s last blog ..On My Worst Day… =-.
Over the last few months it has been fun to see your transformation in the gym and your excitement about exercise and staying healthy. I really believe you have started on a lifetime journey that will continue for the rest of your life.
I am looking forward to keeping up with the progress of your ride.
.-= Michael H Smith´s last blog ..How Much Can You Really Share on a Blog? =-.
good for you for doing this. I am not sure what I am ready to do yet – more vocal, spontaneous sharing of my faith (rather than waiting for that question) has been on my heart.
was it just me or did anyone else get a small laugh out of the second to last sentence? ;-)
I heard that a lot when I traveled and did missions for a year after college. While I think some have nice intentions when they say those things, when I dig deeper, some seem to be saying: “I could never WANT to do that.” Of course, they don’t always say the “want to”, but it seems to be implicit in many people’s words. Not all, of course, as some may not be physically able or just aren’t called, but I can’t help but think that some just seem to be willing. Just my observations, though. I could be wrong.
Right now I’m taking a break from college since it was crazy stressful and I still wasn’t sure about my major, despite switching 3 times!!
One thing I have dreamed of for a long time now is to travel and try different jobs that interest me. Obviously, this requires time, money, and open doors.
Fortunately, the opportunity came up for me to apply for a program that would allow me to try 8 different jobs (that I help set up) in 8 weeks.
If chosen, I will receive $3000 for travel, accommodations, and misc. for the 8 weeks.
Right now, the public can vote here until May 31st:
I am behind, but so hope I get more votes to make this thing happen. I don’t want to look back in 10 years and think, “Gosh, I played it safe, lived life with too much money in savings, and continued working in a job that didn’t make me come alive.”
If you have time friends, please vote for Kieley!
or tweet this:
Please RT! This gutsy girl needs our help! Vote 4 my friend Kieley from TN! http://www.oneweekjob.com/finalists
This is hysterical. I’ve been reading your tweets (not knowing the back story) going “dang I am just SO NOT the athletic girl!”
ok, so my crazy thing might seem normal to others.. but..
i will sew myself a skirt and wear it. for me that’s a big deal.
.-= cate of german jungle´s last blog ..street work seminar =-.
I asked a friend out!! And he said, yes!! Never done that before, but I like him so much and it’s an opportunity for a second chance for me and my children. :-)
Running. Any amount of running. A couple weeks ago I started training for a 5K.
Might not sound like much, but for me…the 8 minutes straight I ran the Saturday was a milestone.
My goal is 30 minutes running nonstop.