Quick Survey: FOOD

If there is one thing you could change about your relationship with food, what would it be?

Would it be what you ate?

What you didn’t eat?

How much or how little you eat?

Where you eat?

How fast you eat?

Where the stuff you eat comes from?

Who you eat it with?

Or…..(you fill in the blank)…

For me, I wish I would eat more regularly instead of at random times. I also wish I could say no to chocolate at times. Or pasta. And I’m trying to eat more locally and once we get back from our trip, plant some herbs. (Until then, we steal from our neighbors – they know.) Fast food really isn’t a big problem for me because I’ve watched enough documentaries on it that it just grosses me out. But sometimes in airports, it’s the only thing around.

So…go. What would you change?