
the other day someone asked me, “how come so many people comment on your blog?” then, someone else mentioned it to me again today.

i really can’t answer that because you guys are the ones commenting…

so, what about this little blog here inspires you to react, to comment?

i think i’d kind of like to know too! :)


33 responses to “commentomundo”

  1. Jason Curlee Avatar

    For me…because it’s what a community does!!!

  2. Matt Singley Avatar

    It seems ironic that there aren’t very many comments on this particular post yet. Heheh…

  3. Lynse leanne Avatar

    I think it goes back to the fact that if i comment on something you follow through. ex. respond with email or comment back. And your content is thought provoking and just makes me want to post. cant explain it, i am tying a comment before i even realize it….kind of like this.

  4. John Blanchard Avatar

    Content. Good content. Posts that make me want to comment. That does it.

  5. chris g Avatar

    come on now, your the flowerduster!

  6. Anna Avatar

    Interesting content. A good balance of objective and subjective writing… and by that I mean, posts about yourself personally and posts about what you think of other ideas and things. The sense of community that comes with having so many other people comment. The fact that you ask questions! :)

  7. Terry Storch Avatar

    I think Chris said it best….come on, your the flowerduster!

    Really…great content, great presentation, great involvement…creates a great community.

    Or, you guys have a lot of groupies….

  8. Gretch-A-Sketch Avatar

    I am going to have to take…. “What is community?” for $200 Alex

    I think it is all about relating with people. People read blogs and they want to feel that they share different thoughts or feelings with other people. We want to be able to read and say “Yeah, I know exactly how you feel!” and then there are those “other” people who can’t wait to tell you how their opinion is completely different than yours. (lol)

    So I believe its community and the chance to relate to others that we are seeking.

  9. Steven Avatar

    I agree with those that said community.

    That and the fact I like that you comment back.

  10. Todd Avatar

    If I say something clever or hilarious (per usual) I usually get one or two referral links.

    Oh…and I like what you write too.

    Seriously, it’s because I like what you write. No, I mean it.

    And I like your categories.

  11. Crystal Renaud Avatar

    i didn’t know you had an ipod. haha.

    and no seriously, i comment when you ask intriguing questions or post about life stuff that i may not have already known about. my commenting isn’t merely based on content though. i just love you.

  12. Andrew Shepherd Avatar

    because you would harm me if i didn’t

  13. Mattchews Avatar

    I like to comment because it makes me feel cool. :)

    Okay, but seriously I like your mix of topics and the mix of commenters. No where else have I find quite such a unique place.

    Of course I followed you here from Xanga, even went so far as to use the same hosting provider as you based soley on your opinion. So, I am something of an Anne Jackson groupie. This may discredit my input.

    And I did not get to see synchronized fireflies but I DID get to play Hillbilly Golf! Fun all the same.

    ~ Mattchews

  14. saralee Avatar

    Probably because you invite comments. You leave room for a comment as if you value your reader’s opinion as much as your own. There. That’s my comment.

  15. Anne Jackson Avatar

    Wow, thanks guys.

    This blog isn’t about me so much as it’s just about getting to know YOU. that sounds totally corny but I mean it :)

    Some people get pumped when they have 2000 subscribers yet only 5 people comment….I’d rather have 20 subscribers and 20 commenters because I really want those people who do come to feel like this is a place they can talk & discuss stuff & just hang out!

  16. Hale-Yeah! Avatar

    that’s how relationships work. you talk to each other! plus, you say a lot of what I think others are thinking.

  17. Melinda Groth Avatar

    You write in a friend-to-friend conversational style. Conversation and friendships are two sided. Thus, you get responses.

  18. Joni Avatar

    Yeah, what everybody else said–me too. Community, variety, authenticity, personal response, fun commenters, quality.

  19. Anne Jackson Avatar

    You guys are making me blush.

  20. West Avatar

    sometimes what the other people have to say spur my comments…sometimes, I think I’m being funny….but most of the time it’s because I can either empathize with your post or you have touched a nerve in some way. (usually not in a bad way)

  21. Alyssa Avatar

    I feel like you are talking to me, and commenting is my way of showing you that I’m actively listening. You have great things to say, so who wouldn’t want to respond! Plus, you commented on one of my very first postings, and it was such an encouragement to me.

  22. Bill Cecchini Avatar

    Some people just have “it.” From the first time I read your writings, I knew you were one of those people. I’ll also jump on the “community” train. You rock, Anne.

    remember my disclaimer :-)

  23. WES Avatar

    Ummm….she doesn’t pay you guys $2/comment? Dang! Sorry Anne…I guess I shouldn’t have said anything. Sorry… (do I still get my $2 cause this is a comment?)

  24. Billy Chia Avatar

    Everyone else was doing it and I didn’t want to feel left out.

  25. Kean Avatar

    Simple… its personal! Your writing isn’t just text its conversational, we can’t stop ourselves from talking back.

  26. andrewshepherd Avatar

    i am also loving the rain.

  27. michael Avatar

    becuase I want people to read our blog…duh.

    And if I said I followed you from another blog that would just be too weird…

  28. michael Avatar

    glad I misspelled “because”…

  29. Rindy Avatar

    You have good engaging stuff to read, take the time to respond and this site is just…community

    $2? you’re only getting $2? oh, guess I should keep my mouth closed ;)

  30. Sharing Burdens-Rindy Avatar

    although this time it’s so people click onto this new blog and join in!!!! ;) shameless…yes….but it’s for everyone!!!

  31. carole Avatar

    For me it is maintaining a blog relationship. There are blogs that I visit that I really feel like I am getting to know the person, you are one of them so I comment as part of getting to know you and helping you know me.

    No-I’m not a stalker.

  32. krysta Avatar

    It’s actually a conversation. Your invitation for others to communicate with you is appealing and your responses to what we’ve said builds a sense of community that can be translated, physically, wherever we live.