EDIT: Thank you! It appears that all three children have been sponsored. You can still sponsor children in Uganda by clicking here!
There are three children in Uganda who have been waiting over six months for sponsors.
last time when i posted two children who had been waiting over six months to be sponsored, you guys stepped up and both of them had sponsors within an hour! that is incredible.
i looked around on compassion’s site a few minutes ago, and found teddy. she lives in uganda. and she’s orphaned. with her two siblings, she lives with her uncle, who is occasionally employed as a farmer.

teddy is ten years old, and has been waiting for a sponsor for over six months. she is approaching a very significant time in her life as she hits adolescence. for her to know you are praying for her will change her world.
CLICK HERE TO BE TAKEN DIRECTLY TO TEDDY’S SPONSORSHIP PAGE. please don’t let her wait any longer.

Francis is nine and has four siblings. He has been waiting over six months for a sponsor. CLICK HERE TO GO TO FRANCIS’ PAGE AND SPONSOR HIM IMMEDIATELY!

Hakiza is twelve and also has four siblings. CLICK HERE TO GO TO HAKIZA’S PAGE AND SPONSOR HIM IMMEDIATELY!