i like michael moore (part 1)

before the political comments start, let me go ahead and thwart them by saying i don’t necessarily agree with mikey’s views on a lot of things. i did see sicko, i did enjoy it, and actually do agree with most of which he conveys in that documentary.

anyway, i am not here to argue healthcare. i am here to restate my title: i like michael moore.

why do i like him?

because he is passionate. he is persistent. and he is intolerant. he stands up for what he believes in and doesn’t let people with other opinions stop him from pursuing change. yes, he lacks tact and grace, but we all have our flaws.

i think the church could learn from michael moore. too often, we sit back. we are passive. we give up. we tolerantly accept culture and in extreme cases, bow to it. we talk about the things we believe in, but we don’t act on it enough. oh, and often, we lack tact and grace. (i know i do).

people with unwavering passion challenge my contentedness. they move me to action. they stir my spirit. people like michael moore make me realize that i have been inactive for far too long.


23 responses to “i like michael moore (part 1)”

  1. Hale-Yeah! Avatar

    he is unwavering…I guess there is something good about him.

  2. nancy Avatar

    hope you don’t mind, but i want to steal some of this for my SS lesson.

  3. Anne Jackson Avatar

    nancy, please feel free. would love to hear how it goes!

  4. krysta Avatar

    i actually agree.

  5. Heidi Avatar

    Yes… His political views are tough.. But his PASSION is amazing. A few Michael’s in church would change the FACE of church, huh?

  6. Bobby Avatar

    I like Colin Farrell.

    Because he has a cool accent, he’s a good actor, and was good in the movie Old School. Oh, wait. That’s Will Ferrell.

    I like Will Ferrell.

  7. kimberly Avatar

    Bowling for Columbine was a FANTASTIC film, and I almost didn’t see it because politics make me ill, but my thinking was totally challenged. (Fahrenheit 911 was a big pile of crap, though)

  8. Bobby Avatar

    I think the question for Michael Moore is the real, underlying motivation for his passion. What change is he trying to initiate? What is he trying to accomplish?

    Because I’m the kind of person who makes a lot of irrational decisions based on emotion, I have to make sure that the people I allow to motivate me, have honorable motives themselves.

    Not so sure about Michael Moore.

  9. West Avatar

    I would like to point out that there are some “Michaels Moore’s” out there. Craig Gross and J.R. Mahon from XXX Church. A little hard to take sometimes, but they’re on a mission to rid Christians (or anyone for that matter) of their porn addictions.

    Thanks, Anne for making me look at Mr. Moore with Christian eyes…..dang you.

  10. Nathan Avatar

    I actually like his books better…they are good reads, but need to be taken with a grain of salt.

  11. bill cecchini Avatar

    Passion, persistence, firmness – great. Honorable characteristics. Perhaps even qualities that could learn from studying Michael Moore.

    True – there can be good in just about everything.

    Call me crazy, but I still have a hard time saying “I like Michael Moore.”


  12. michael Avatar

    1 timothy 6:6…but godliness with contentment is great gain.

    now being fat, happy and indifferent are something else…well, that actually might be michael moore…jk.

    like many pharisees or unbelievers, he brings an element of truth to what he says but you have to get through the propaganda to hear it. we just need to be wise in what we let in and wise in not disregarding what we don’t like.

    good subject even though he distorts the truth for his causes.

    …one insurance executive logging out…

  13. D Rho Avatar

    Anne – Great Post! Controversial.

    It’s funny how people look at ideals versus character… I like Moore, too – because he’s a critic of the powers that be who do “wrong” according to his set of ideals. The church could learn a lot from Michael Moore’s prophetic mission. And he’s crafty and driven to get his message out. I actually like Mike Gravel (who’s running for president in 08 – youtube him.

  14. tony Avatar


    I can say I admire his passion. And his persistence.

    I do have a tough time w/ the spin he puts on things. But, it’s politics, everyone spins – there’s no “truth”.

  15. R. Dean Avatar
    R. Dean

    It’s the United States of America. You and Mikey have the right to be wrong. Once, like Michael Moore I was a broken piece of humanity, as was Adolf Hitler. Hitler was also passionate. persistent, intolerant and stood for what he believed or desired. I love Michael Moore because he is a broken piece of humanity and needs the same Jesus I needed. I don’t know his motives. Perhaps, Michael does what he does for fame, money, power, or …. Any of us can stand up for what we believe and can be wrong, but truth is still truth. I don’t know Moore, but I do know the fruits of the Spirit. I wonder how many of those characteristics we can admire in him? Pray that he will come to know the Jesus of Calvary.

  16. chris g Avatar

    i think hes an a-hole.
    thats just my humble opinion.

  17. Zach Avatar

    I agree with you Anne.

    And for R. Dean… The same descriptive words could be said of John the Baptist. So my reason for agreeing with Anne remains the same, because he does carry traits indicative of someone who sees beyond the microbial level. I would even go so far to say that you do too based on your comment. So find the common good first before you start dishing out the pain bro.


  18. Dave Avatar

    Anne – interesting perspective – I think the church has become complacent in certain things and sometimes we have to get in your face while still maintaining grace in our approach.

  19. Leslie Brooke Avatar

    I’m in agreement with you. Sure there’s a lot of propaganda, and the real truth of the situations he presents probably fall somewhere in the middle of “left” and “right”, but dare I say that the American church has it’s own bit of propaganda and agenda in the public arena, too. But don’t take my word for it…I’m just a little jaded.

  20. R. Dean Avatar
    R. Dean

    Ah, Zach–glad you replied. Been waiting on someone to respond in like manner. You said exactly what I meant. Whether John the Baptist or Adolf Hitler almost anyone can make a stand about something.

    It is the motive(s) of what drives them that make(s) the difference. One can be driven by the indwelling Holy Spirit while another can be driven by the natural/carnal man or worse.

    But this, I hope that someday, Michael Moore can say as the Apostle Paul once said, “For me to live is Christ…”

    It is good to be passionate, persistent and “tolerant”. It is good to speak the truth. But not with principles of the world that pass away, rather with principles of Jesus the Christ that will never pass away.

    Super Subject Anne

  21. Tom Avatar

    I like Michael Moore, too. I like the creativity with which he promotes his arguments.

    What I don’t like is that he and others call the films he makes “documentaries.” I don’t mean to get all Merriam-Websters on you but here is the definition of documentary:

    2 : of, relating to, or employing documentation in literature or art; broadly : FACTUAL, OBJECTIVE *a documentary film of the war*

    Michael Moore has never been objective. I always thought a documentary posed a question and then investigated the answer. Michael Moore has always answered the question upfront and makes a film to present his answer. That makes it propoganda. Entertaining and thought provoking – but still, propaganda.

    The scary part is that film is a powerful medium. The Nazis and Soviets used it to sway public opinion, build intolerance, and exterminate a lot of people. Maybe that isn’t as possible with a free press, but it still makes what Michael Moore does (whether you agree with him or not) dangerous.

    Sorry for the long comment.

  22. bryonm Avatar

    Mike needs to join the Fat Ragamuffins…

  23. Vince Avatar

    Michael Moore has a better handle on the truths that Jesus was trying to show us than most Christians. Especially Justice and caring for the poor. He does however offend Christians who think we own the thrown of this country.

    Good share