It’s been a crazy week: Lingering flu symptoms, a sick puppy, and a book launch as well as a big editing project due, and finishing up the manuscript for the expanded edition of Mad Church Disease. Not to mention the 50-something emails I need to reply to since I got sick at the beginning of the year. (Sorry if that’s you. I’m working on it!)

When crazy weeks happen, it’s difficult for me to follow my own advice and rest. We’ve recently implemented a no-phone-but-for-texting-or-calls rule after 5 pm in our house, but I still pop on my computer and, being the analytical person I am, research my stats, my numbers, (which Beating Burnout did hit #1 on Amazon in the devotional category! Thank you!) and honestly, I can get wrapped up into it like a game.
The numbers go up, I’m happy. Down, I’m discouraged.
And that’s not cool.
So, I hereby make the proclamation that I will not look at numbers this weekend (baby steps!).
When I’m too turned in, I need to turn out and refocus. Gain perspective. Connect with God and others.
Occasionally on Fridays, I’ll do “Friday Prayer.”
So please, take this opportunity to leave anything on your heart we can pray for in the comments below. And I promise to go through them this weekend and pray for them, each and every one.
I’m grateful for you.
I know blogging and social media is weird and it’s noisy and even I confess I get caught up in the excitement of things and numbers that, in the long run, don’t really matter. For that, I apologize.
But I can say with all the integrity of my heart that your words and your prayers are so special to me. I can only hope to be a blessing to you like you are to me.
And I’d love to pray and celebrate with you this weekend.
Much love,
33 responses to “Have a Prayer Request? Let Us Pray for You This Weekend”
Pray that I will find my rest and PEACE in Him.
Love you!
You and me both lil sis.
Contentment and peace. There’s been a lot of turmoil in my house between me and my husband.
Thank you! I hope you have a blessed weekend.
Kirsten, I’m asking God to bring peace to your home, unity between you and your husband, and that He would renew your love and commitment to each other.
Thank you!
I need a job, and until that happens, I need God to continue to provide for my needs. Also, please pray for wisdom for the senior pastors at my church as they make some decisions in the next few weeks. These two things are very, very related.
I’m praying for you as well, and asking God to strengthen you physically a little more each day, to honor your commitment to pray for His people, and that He would give you clarity of thought and extra concentration as you finish up the projects in front of you (including all those emails). Keep going! You’re almost there!
Thank you Aymie! I am tackling the email mountain tomorrow.
And I’m very much praying for you
Yay for putting away the analytics for a weekend! ;) I think I will do the same.
Important doctor’s visit on Monday. Pray I can express what’s going on, wisdom for the doctor that he would ask the right questions and patience for both of us as we try to figure this out.
Praying for you! Healing, patience, love.
Please pray for my 18 year old daughter. She was in an unhealthy relationship which she broke off but unfortunately they are still maintaining a lot of contact. It is a concern for me because he is very manipulative. Her goal was to focus on her relationship with God, but her holding on to this relationship is a distraction.
Tough stuff. Praying.
Would you pray for deliverance, peace and for a house to sell? I’ll be praying for you to have a restful weekend where you can connect with God and the people around you in a deep, restorative way.
Thank you Emme. I need those prayers. Praying for you.
My prayer request is for spiritual growth, good health, finances.
Please pray for my brother and sister-in-law as they have a important fertility treatment tomorrow morning. They’ve along for a baby for the last 2+ years ever since painful miscarriage. Please pray for my other sister-in-law who is seven weeks pregnant and struggling with getting her anxiety meds regulated. Her husband just deployed to Afghanistan. Thank you!
Praying much. Wow. That anxiety thing makes me anxious.
Praying for my Uncle Joe. He has prostate cancer and is going to have surgery on Feb. 11. Asking for healing and that everything goes well. Also for my Aunt Gemma and the family. Thanks so much. Hope you are feeling better
I am going through my own focused challenges. Pastoring a church plant that is needing to grow and just opened up a Elder Care Home with my family. Losing money and stress of working with family.
Marriage struggles and adjustments. Thanks for praying.
Ann thanks for your vulnerability, I have followed your journy for 3 years. You have helped me a great deal. If you are ever in Northern Cal would like to have you speak at our church.
Thanks, Bob. I hope to be back there – was near Mt. Hermon a few weeks ago. Beautiful.
When you made this kind of offer a few months ago, we sent you two prayer requests, both deliberately rather vague. I’ve shared some of the wonderful results with you, but would like to do it briefly here. One request was for a lady who grew up in a Satanic/witchcraft home and was given a “spirit guide” that gave her audible voices in her head. She wanted to be free. Now she is, and is a joyful Christian, though still with just a few forward steps to go. God speaks to her, daily, in amazing ways – ways I’ve never seen him do for anyone else, including us. She has to fight both her family and her husband’s to progress, but she has done it. She still needs prayer for strength and growth.
Request # 2 was a project that will probably take 5 to 10 years to fulfill, but our prayer request had more to do with getting in a position to really start. In our situation, that will definitely take God’s help. And that’s been happening – one step after another. Which thrills us. Right now our immediate prayer is to finish helping the lady in the first request, and for God to move us to the place he wants for us to begin developing the second project in earnest. We’re very glad to have you praying for us, and we’ll keep doing for you, as we have.
Thanks for the update Pete. I am grateful for your prayers.
i need all the prayers i can get. i feel like I’m on the edge of just giving up. i can’t figure out whats going on with me and why i have been acting the way i have. just super frustrated right now that nothing seems to be going right in any area. maybe because i haven’t given myself anytime to open the Word. just feel like my life is just meant to be mundane or ordinary.
Praying, Matthew.
I’ve been going through a very difficult season in my life for the past several months. I’m seeking healing and God’s will and am feeling like neither is coming. Grace, peace, wisdom. That’s my request.
Praying, Marc.
Your story of redemption has been incredibly healing for me as I have walked through an abusive marriage this past year and entered a deep depression after we separated 5 months ago. It’s now time to file paperwork and I would love prayer for God’s deep peace and healing within my soul and spirit, as well as kindness, gentleness and unity between my husband and I in acknowledging that God’s shalom is for us to part ways in peace and blessing. Thank you for your incredible honestly in sharing the darker parts of your journey; it’s an incredible blessing to know I’m not alone and even ‘normal’ in my suffering. Bless you!
Thank you, Ally, I’m so sorry for your situation and can relate on many pieces. Praying for you.
Praying for should be contented and rise in his name..please pray for me l need an ever lasting relationship..just as we have with god..!!tc!!
Please pray for me to find peace in my heart and iv been in an unhappy relationship let god help me with that and I need a job to provide for myself amen