my book deadline is february 28 march 14.
i sent this letter to my agent a few moments ago.
Oh, my dear Beth.
I’m sure you have a calendar for each of us. And on that calendar, with all of your experience, you probably have certain days circled in red. These days would represent days like today when I email you and say I am having looking-my-deadline-in-the-eye-induced-panic-attacks.
Breathe in, breathe out.
My brain has locked up. My fingers have locked up. And (breathe) I (breathe) have (breathe) two (breathe) weeks?
I don’t know what agents do on these days. But you do.
Please send xanax, stat.
Sincerely yours,
your role in this, bloggyfriends? pray…hard…for me! being sick/asleep twenty-one hours a day lately isn’t really helping my schedule.
15 responses to “a letter to my agent”
Oh, I hope you feel better soon. And get lots of rest even with a deadline. Otherwise you might meet a dead-line. Not literally, mind you. That would be sad :(
I can send you some xanax, (not that i ever take that stuff of course, that wouldn’t be spiritual)!
get well soon, we appreciate you!
Seems like February is a month of delays….My furniture got delayed for three weeks (Wickes going on Chapt 11)…stuff at work got major delays…plus other personal stuff.
This is a funky month for me too!
Okay. Will be on my knees for inspiration for you.
I’ll def. say a prayer for you. Godspeed.
You’re a champ for even attempting to say witty things while your head is full of medicine! But, rest assured, all this is in His timing…(don’t you hate it when people say things like that?)
Oh and I agree with Natalie, lots of rest!
You. Can. Do. IT.
Oh, my friend–besides praying, what can I do to help?
yeah, I sent a note like that to my agent too…oh…wait..I don’t have an agent. :(
It’s all good flowerchild – just breathe….
Later –
Knowing Beth, she must’ve gotten a kick out of your email, and has grace aplenty for you. Hang in there, Anne. Jesus will bring you through.
oh wow… well I hope you get better! And that everything works out with the deadline.
I’ve been sick the last week. You don’t think I got you sick by commenting you do I?
;[ I feel awful!
you got it, my friend! the prayer, not the xanax…:)
For those of you who are curious, the agent’s advice in these cases: Go let yourself be sick. Sleep 21 hours a day for the next few days without guilt or worry – the most productive thing you can do for your book right now if to HEAL. Then, later this weekend or next week when you are coherent and not in a lot of pain, you can sit down and start writing with a fresh mind, and it will be okay. (The agent would appreciate everyone else giving her a similar message – stop worrying about the book and go to bed!)
Christina and I are praying for calm and clarity.
I started reading some of the blogs you had written about being on wellbutrin. My sister has been on it for the past six months and over the weekend she went missing and was found by the cops running through the streets completley naked. I am so lost and confused i am trying to find if there are other people out there that have gone through being “crazy” on this drug? i also know that her husband had seen a lot of changed in her and took the medicine away from her and flushed it down the toilet, from what i have read on this drug you need to be weened off of it…. But there is so much more to it… can someone help?