It would make sense
that upon my awakening
as the birds begin their morning song
the sound of rain would accompany them
Tears are falling
down heaven’s grey cheek
and landing in the lap
of the soil of the earth
(Anne Jackson – March 2010)
(In honor and memory of my Uncle Jesse Janek, who passed away from cancer on March 24, 2010)
13 responses to “Poetry: Down Heaven’s Grey Cheek”
I look forward to reading more of your poetry.
If you’re willing to share, who are some of your favorite contemporary poets? I love just about everything Gary Snyder, David Bottoms, David Kirby and Billy Collins publish.
Billy Collins is amazing. I am pretty dang stuck on Mary Oliver. And there is this Russian poet (a woman) who I just discovered and am getting to know… I can’t find her book at the moment, but what I have, I love…I’m still a huge sucker for the classics though: cummings, Longfellow, Robert Browning, Elizabeth Barrent Browning, Keats, oh…I could go on for hours. :)
Totally magnificent! Thank you Anne.
I love that you are writing poetry every Thursday! I will always look forward to Thursday.
love it. goose bumps.
I love this. Beautiful, simple, and it deeply resonates with me and creates such a vivid picture.
It would make sense….
Very simple and nice…your uncle would be proud!!
Interestingly enough, I posted this the day after his birthday and I didn’t know until this weekend.
Poetry! I’m loving it. Thank you for sharing…
beautiful words
thanks for following me over :)
One big note to say thank you to everyone who is enjoying the poetry side of this. It’s going to be a challenge to write something publishable every week next year, but it’s my goal…