I would ask something about why church seems so hard. I think I know much of the answer but then I wonder why God has no plan B, just the church?
.-= Jan Owen´s last blog ..How Can I Pray? =-.
why disease, cancer, parts of the body that break down eventually or have chronic known issues common to all people . . . we could have been designed to live out our programmed lifetime and still face death without these being parts of it all and the suffering involved. I know how our “suffering” before God brings about perseverance, but as a father, I don’t long to see my children (or anyone) suffer if they don’t have to. Why for God?
If you had to fire one guy, would it be Rob Bell or Mark Driscoll?
Or… how much do you control, and how much control do you give us? Am I an actor living out a script that’s already been written? A puppet?
.-= ryan guard´s last blog ..The Whole Gospel =-.
Why all of the suffering? Why are girls sold at a sex cafe? Why do his created humans abuse the youngest and most innocent of his created humans. Basically, for a response to Job’s accusation of cosmic mismanagment in Job 24. At least a hint that there may be a time for understanding. To know that we won’t always be limited to that “Who do you think you are?” type response of Job 38+.
Or as Guff explained in The Dancing Prophet, “How can a blade of grass compare to a virgin forest? How can a drop of dew compare to the North Sea? What do the twenty, sixty, or hundred years of a person’s life mean when compared to the universe ’s billions of years? What kind of discussion does a man have with Creator about a suffering? With that kind of limitation?”
I want to be able to remove all of the splinters that Betts describes in “All that Glister’s Isn’t Gold”:
“Each of his words was like a splinter and each slid invisibly inside me. There was a sore spot where one penetrated; soon there were bruises all over my religion it was not safe to touch.
I preferred the soreness of those splinters to the painful operation of having them removed.”
I want the answers that would give me the faith to remove all of the splinters.
I want to feel and not just know that the wood of the cross and the suffering that he suffered was the definitive answer.
I know that he suffers with and for us, but why does the refining have to come from suffering?
Injustice… I can’t stand the injustices in the world. I’m trying to do my part but I wonder sometimes why there are so many hungry, sick, abused, sold, abandoned…
Great to hear from you! It’s as if we are asking God a question about grayscale, when God sees every hue. Why not pose a question that allows us to glimpse color? That said, I thank God we’re NOT limited to one question.
.-= Keith Jennings´s last blog ..How to be a better communicator in one word =-.
There could be hope in that answer…or heartache.
What if it’s a “no” response…will it be too hard to hear? Would I want to know that answer for the rest of my life?
.-= Jenny´s last blog ..Freebie Pinky Inky =-.
Living here in Houston, where the mosquitoes will carry your children away and turn them into human raisins if left unattended that, yes, they ARE a result of the fall. So is Houston.
.-= Chris´s last blog ..Week 4: Seeing With New Eyes =-.
Chris that made me laugh out loud and I needed a good laugh tonight so thank you for that. I didn’t realize Houston was so bad
Stumbled upon this and thought I’d share an encouraging word with you(:
About 5 years back I struggled with a sin that I felt I was too weak to overcome. I struggled with impure thoughts and I felt like nothing I did could make it go away. The more I tried to tell myself not to think of it, the more it would come back. It wasn’t like anything else I’d encountered before. If I had problems obeying my parents I could perhaps try to control my anger or something. But this I felt like I couldn’t do anything about. If right now I told you to shut your eyes and think of anything…absolutely anything… but a green elephant with black stripes. What would come to mind??? (: haha. Thing is, the more you tell yourself not to think of something, the more the thought will come back to you!
The constant struggle with this sin, coupled with childhood issues of always wanting to be that perfect Christian, made me feel dirty. And what I felt in my spirit, translated itself into a physical problem. I became obsessed with hygiene and constantly washed my hands and felt dirty, both spiritually and physically. The whole thing led into a downward spiral and I would stay in my room for hours just begging God for forgiveness. (The details are just in the hope that you can better understand my situation)
Eventually I thought I was going mad and just decided to put an end to it by ignoring the thoughts and sin altogether. I didn’t indulge in it, but I tried to put it off. Yet inside I still felt dirty, and my obsession with hygiene was still there, it wasn’t as bad, but it was still there. Till one day someone shared a song with me and the words of the song broke all bondages holding me down. I felt God say to me – “To sing over you is my delight” and “I see no stain on you my child”. (see lyrics –>http://www.metrolyrics.com/my-beloved-lyrics-kari-jobe.html)
I’m not here to say “oh wow once I had a sin I thought I could never overcome and now it’s gone! yahoo!”. Cos I still struggle with this sin. The bondages are broken and I no longer feel that my self worth is tied to my own deeds but I still struggle with the thoughts. Many a times I feel that it’s the one thing that reminds me that I need God cos I’m a sinner, and it’s this that constantly calls me back to Him when I get distracted with other things in life. I’m not saying that we should indulge in sin and use this as an excuse. Rather we should work towards overcoming that sin with Christ and at the same time also realise that it’s like the thorn in our flesh that Paul talks about in 2 Corinthians 12:7 (http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2%20Corinthians+12&version=NIV).
He never gives us more than we can bear (though it might quite feel like that right now). I hope this story encourages you and I pray that soon you’ll come to realise His purpose for all this in your life. I know it sounds like you’ve heard it all before, but I sincerely hope you do! Hang in there! It was only 3 years later that someone shared that song with me. Take heart! okay I”ll end here! haha and right after my last sentence I’ll bow my head and say a prayer for you brother! (:
Why don’t you just finish it all already?? Send Jesus back and let this messed up world be done with? Enough suffering….
.-= Gemma´s last blog ..A virtual choir….shweeet… =-.
Wow..we are allowed only one question? I have so many…but here is one that I really would love to know: Why did my wife and I never have children? We are both sad about this fact (which He knows), and we have tried (which He knows). So, why were we chose to not have children?
.-= Shawn´s last blog ..Anne Jackson is a Compassionate Woman! =-.
Now that I’ve learned more about who You made me to be, what’s next – how do YOU want me to use talent, resources, abilities – and how do I stop missing YOUR answers for those next steps?
.-= Faye´s last blog ..Springtime! =-.
Given everything that I’ve done to cause hurt and pain and suffering, given everything that’s been sinful and destroyed because of me, why did you have that gun misfire back in 1987?
.-= Jason´s last blog ..It pays to increase your word power =-.
why are some (me included) so blessed materially, yet others are dying for lack of the basic essentials such as food, water, security, and health needs? It seems so unfair. But I also think God would answer my question with a question… “It is true what you say, Danielle, it doesn’t seem fair. Yet, what are you doing to help the least of these?” God is so good. We are His body. We are His hands & feet called to bring hope to the hopeless & justice to those who suffer. LOVE this post, Anne! Thank you for causing us to THINK!!!!
.-= Danielle´s last blog ..Bloggish? Huh? =-.
An honest question… “why?”… He already knows my heart. He already knows my pain and struggles. I would then let the conversation go from there.
.-= Michael´s last blog ..Easter follow up thought… =-.
Lord, I believe we are stumbling, hurting, and unfaithful because we don’t understand who you are and who we are because of you.
How can I grasp that so it transforms my life and so I give all I have to live in such a way to share that truth with others so that living with you and being obedient to your ways become the status quo?
.-= Sherie´s last blog ..It’s time to live our beliefs…. =-.
What is our purpose?
.-= kamrie´s last blog ..Desire =-.
one two fold question I would ask is: do you really care about me? & if you do whats my purpose on this planit? it a question I have haske pretty much all my life & it’s never been ansered as far as I can tell.
What was the point in my missing out on my first semester of college last fall for six brain surgeries and staph pneumonia?
When are you going to redeem the pain I still hold from my father dying when I was seven? Why did it have to be ME (and my sisters) who lost out on an earthly father’s love?
.-= Mallory´s last blog ..I sure hope… =-.
Why are you so inconsistent? How come so prayers get answered while other don’t?
Why are You so often so hard to see and hear in undeniable and obvious ways? Why don’t you speak more clearly and loudly when we ask You for guidance, as it seemed You did for the prophets and apostles?
.-= Chris´s last blog ..Week 4: Seeing With New Eyes =-.
Can I get you something to drink?
Dang, I think I wasted my one question.
“Would you like to come over for dinner, just to sit and talk awhile? It would be an honor to serve You. Dinner, that is. I mean, it already IS an honor to serve You – in life and all. Oh well, You know what I mean (blushes).”
.-= Ronne´s last blog ..A few words about Easter. =-.
Where are you leading me God? I trust you but I feel so in the dark… teach me how to trust you more!
.-= Andrew Edwards´s last blog ..Building Young Leaders…part 2 =-.
Hi Anne-
How you feeling? Hope it’s getting better. Are you gonna make it out to Catalyst West still or stay back. Just curious. Cuz I was gonna look about for you there just to introduce myself and thank you for your heart/work. Well if I don’t see you…THANKS! Discovered your stuff this New Year and have been blessed by your heart that asks such important questions and doesn’t shy away from them. Rest up, Susie
Each of our family has been asking God the same question: like several of you, it’s “When?” (With us, that relates to ministry.) And I believe some of you know exactly what He’s been answering: “It’s not important for you to know that. It’s important that you trust me, and praise me, because I do.”
We’re trying to learn that. But we’ll admit it’s hard.
Am I beautiful in your eyes?
Wanna go for a walk?
You did. Care to share more? I need some hope these days.
.-= Jennifer´s last blog .. =-.
I was wrestling with how could I have so wrong when I was so confident that I had heard God correctly. I was questioning my ability to hear God’s voice. I shared with a friend and this was her response:
“…Sometimes, I think we have heard correctly, but He is leading us down a path that brings frustration/confusion/hurt so He can make us aware of deeper issues”
When I read that I knew that was true for me. I spent the evening journaling trying to get to the root of what was really going on; the deeper issue that He was asking me to deal with. It was very enlightening to see what He showed me and as He showed it to me I started to have the courage to pray that He help me to stop looking at the closed door. He is graciously responding to that prayer and I’m trying to address the deeper heart issues this “no” brought to the surface.
why did you give us [humans] so much control over life?
.-= anand murthy´s last blog ..Vacation with dogs 282 =-.
Cynthia Burleson
How do people find their purpose?
I’d ask
“God, can we have coffee? I’ve got a lot of questions.”
One being “Is my brother going to come back to you?”
“Do you make people gay? Or is it nurture? And if you’re in control, God, then really aren’t you responsible for both nature and nurture?”
And I’d also ask why He made emotions and hormones so crazy.
I think there must be hundreds of questions hiding beneath the surface of my heart–however, part of me just wants to put my hand over my mouth. Most of my questions have no real answer, I think. Not even from God. Perhaps I know his answer already: “Trust me. You’ll see.” Perhaps not. Half the time I only expect to hear a soft chuckle above me when I do have a question. That’s not a frustration with me, either. It just seems the younger I was I had tons of questions. And while the answers never really were spelled out, I find I have fewer questions and (I hope) a little more trust.
99 responses to “If You Could Ask God One Question…”
Whats Next?
.-= Kyle Reed´s last blog ..Question(s) for You =-.
I would ask something about why church seems so hard. I think I know much of the answer but then I wonder why God has no plan B, just the church?
.-= Jan Owen´s last blog ..How Can I Pray? =-.
why disease, cancer, parts of the body that break down eventually or have chronic known issues common to all people . . . we could have been designed to live out our programmed lifetime and still face death without these being parts of it all and the suffering involved. I know how our “suffering” before God brings about perseverance, but as a father, I don’t long to see my children (or anyone) suffer if they don’t have to. Why for God?
Did Adam have a belly button? :)
If you had to fire one guy, would it be Rob Bell or Mark Driscoll?
Or… how much do you control, and how much control do you give us? Am I an actor living out a script that’s already been written? A puppet?
.-= ryan guard´s last blog ..The Whole Gospel =-.
So, uh . . . what’s it all about then, eh?
.-= Travis Mamone´s last blog ..The Future Of The Emerging Church =-.
Why all of the suffering? Why are girls sold at a sex cafe? Why do his created humans abuse the youngest and most innocent of his created humans. Basically, for a response to Job’s accusation of cosmic mismanagment in Job 24. At least a hint that there may be a time for understanding. To know that we won’t always be limited to that “Who do you think you are?” type response of Job 38+.
Or as Guff explained in The Dancing Prophet, “How can a blade of grass compare to a virgin forest? How can a drop of dew compare to the North Sea? What do the twenty, sixty, or hundred years of a person’s life mean when compared to the universe ’s billions of years? What kind of discussion does a man have with Creator about a suffering? With that kind of limitation?”
I want to be able to remove all of the splinters that Betts describes in “All that Glister’s Isn’t Gold”:
“Each of his words was like a splinter and each slid invisibly inside me. There was a sore spot where one penetrated; soon there were bruises all over my religion it was not safe to touch.
I preferred the soreness of those splinters to the painful operation of having them removed.”
I want the answers that would give me the faith to remove all of the splinters.
I want to feel and not just know that the wood of the cross and the suffering that he suffered was the definitive answer.
I know that he suffers with and for us, but why does the refining have to come from suffering?
Wow, was that more than one? Oops.
Wow Mary. That was so cool.
Considering how important and symbolic that names are to Him: What should we name the next Cool Baby?
.-= cool dad / eric´s last blog ..What do you want your kid to be when he/she grows up? (I want Cool Baby to be a knight, sort of) =-.
Where do you want to use me for your Kingdom?
.-= Katie´s last blog ..You know you were born in ________ if… =-.
Injustice… I can’t stand the injustices in the world. I’m trying to do my part but I wonder sometimes why there are so many hungry, sick, abused, sold, abandoned…
Why is the church dying in the western world?
.-= Mike McArthur´s last blog ..Real faith, terrifyingly fragile =-.
“What’s Your response to the question I should ask You, Lord?”
.-= Keith Jennings´s last blog ..How to be a better communicator in one word =-.
Love that one, Keith. It’s similar to what I was going to say:
“What’s one question you wished everyone asked you, and how would you answer it?”
^^That’s one of my all-time favorite questions for anyone.
-Marshall Jones Jr.
.-= bondChristian´s last blog ..Forget the youth – Here’s the real gap in church ministry =-.
Great to hear from you! It’s as if we are asking God a question about grayscale, when God sees every hue. Why not pose a question that allows us to glimpse color? That said, I thank God we’re NOT limited to one question.
.-= Keith Jennings´s last blog ..How to be a better communicator in one word =-.
What do You want me to know?
“Will my family know you?”
There could be hope in that answer…or heartache.
What if it’s a “no” response…will it be too hard to hear? Would I want to know that answer for the rest of my life?
.-= Jenny´s last blog ..Freebie Pinky Inky =-.
Are mosquitoes the result of the Fall?
.-= Kevin M.´s last blog ..I’m giving away a copy of Stuff Christians Like =-.
..and roaches, too?
.-= Faye´s last blog ..Springtime! =-.
And wasps for that matter.
Living here in Houston, where the mosquitoes will carry your children away and turn them into human raisins if left unattended that, yes, they ARE a result of the fall. So is Houston.
.-= Chris´s last blog ..Week 4: Seeing With New Eyes =-.
Chris that made me laugh out loud and I needed a good laugh tonight so thank you for that. I didn’t realize Houston was so bad
Ha! Glad I could cheer you up and that you could tell what I meant in spite of my typo.
.-= Chris´s last blog ..Week 4: Seeing With New Eyes =-.
I beg to differ. Houston suburbia is great. Lived there a dozen years, miss it like crazy and can’t wait to get back.
If I say I am too weak to overcome a sin in my life, why won’t You just take it away?
Romans 7:14-25
2 Corinthians 12:7
.-= Matt´s last blog ..Help HopeChest in Moldova =-.
Hey Matt (:
Stumbled upon this and thought I’d share an encouraging word with you(:
About 5 years back I struggled with a sin that I felt I was too weak to overcome. I struggled with impure thoughts and I felt like nothing I did could make it go away. The more I tried to tell myself not to think of it, the more it would come back. It wasn’t like anything else I’d encountered before. If I had problems obeying my parents I could perhaps try to control my anger or something. But this I felt like I couldn’t do anything about. If right now I told you to shut your eyes and think of anything…absolutely anything… but a green elephant with black stripes. What would come to mind??? (: haha. Thing is, the more you tell yourself not to think of something, the more the thought will come back to you!
The constant struggle with this sin, coupled with childhood issues of always wanting to be that perfect Christian, made me feel dirty. And what I felt in my spirit, translated itself into a physical problem. I became obsessed with hygiene and constantly washed my hands and felt dirty, both spiritually and physically. The whole thing led into a downward spiral and I would stay in my room for hours just begging God for forgiveness. (The details are just in the hope that you can better understand my situation)
Eventually I thought I was going mad and just decided to put an end to it by ignoring the thoughts and sin altogether. I didn’t indulge in it, but I tried to put it off. Yet inside I still felt dirty, and my obsession with hygiene was still there, it wasn’t as bad, but it was still there. Till one day someone shared a song with me and the words of the song broke all bondages holding me down. I felt God say to me – “To sing over you is my delight” and “I see no stain on you my child”. (see lyrics –>http://www.metrolyrics.com/my-beloved-lyrics-kari-jobe.html)
I’m not here to say “oh wow once I had a sin I thought I could never overcome and now it’s gone! yahoo!”. Cos I still struggle with this sin. The bondages are broken and I no longer feel that my self worth is tied to my own deeds but I still struggle with the thoughts. Many a times I feel that it’s the one thing that reminds me that I need God cos I’m a sinner, and it’s this that constantly calls me back to Him when I get distracted with other things in life. I’m not saying that we should indulge in sin and use this as an excuse. Rather we should work towards overcoming that sin with Christ and at the same time also realise that it’s like the thorn in our flesh that Paul talks about in 2 Corinthians 12:7 (http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2%20Corinthians+12&version=NIV).
He never gives us more than we can bear (though it might quite feel like that right now). I hope this story encourages you and I pray that soon you’ll come to realise His purpose for all this in your life. I know it sounds like you’ve heard it all before, but I sincerely hope you do! Hang in there! It was only 3 years later that someone shared that song with me. Take heart! okay I”ll end here! haha and right after my last sentence I’ll bow my head and say a prayer for you brother! (:
Who would win in a fight between a grilled cheese sandwich and a taco?
.-= Tyler Smith´s last blog ..Keep Paper Airplane Noses Unfolded! =-.
Grilled cheese. He already told me this.
Funny you should ask – we held a big survey in London last Jan & Feb asking precisely this one question – and these were the top 3 answers we got
.-= Mark Meynell´s last blog ..The 1st Leaders’ Debate in seconds =-.
Why don’t you just finish it all already?? Send Jesus back and let this messed up world be done with? Enough suffering….
.-= Gemma´s last blog ..A virtual choir….shweeet… =-.
Wow..we are allowed only one question? I have so many…but here is one that I really would love to know: Why did my wife and I never have children? We are both sad about this fact (which He knows), and we have tried (which He knows). So, why were we chose to not have children?
.-= Shawn´s last blog ..Anne Jackson is a Compassionate Woman! =-.
Why me?
Now that I’ve learned more about who You made me to be, what’s next – how do YOU want me to use talent, resources, abilities – and how do I stop missing YOUR answers for those next steps?
.-= Faye´s last blog ..Springtime! =-.
why did u create the tick and what possible good are they to anyone?!?!?!?!?!
.-= lisa´s last blog ..The eyes have it…and Tim Conway, the dentist!! =-.
Why do you allow your followers to misrepresent you?
.-= Kristin Russell´s last blog ..desert part II via Emily Huff =-.
Given everything that I’ve done to cause hurt and pain and suffering, given everything that’s been sinful and destroyed because of me, why did you have that gun misfire back in 1987?
.-= Jason´s last blog ..It pays to increase your word power =-.
Jason, Wow! That’s all…just Wow!
what will it take for the world to know your love and mercy in this day and age?
How did that whole “Jesus prayed” thing work?
How do you want to use me for your glory?
.-= Jenn´s last blog ..Olympic Trip =-.
why are some (me included) so blessed materially, yet others are dying for lack of the basic essentials such as food, water, security, and health needs? It seems so unfair. But I also think God would answer my question with a question… “It is true what you say, Danielle, it doesn’t seem fair. Yet, what are you doing to help the least of these?” God is so good. We are His body. We are His hands & feet called to bring hope to the hopeless & justice to those who suffer. LOVE this post, Anne! Thank you for causing us to THINK!!!!
.-= Danielle´s last blog ..Bloggish? Huh? =-.
Why are you so slow in answering my prayers?
.-= Carrie´s last blog ..Looks Don’t Matter or Do They? =-.
Couldn’t there have been another way to save us without having Your Son be tortured to death?
.-= Linda Stoll´s last blog .." … the hardest moment of my entire life was …" =-.
Not “Why is this happening to me?” But “What are you teaching me?”
how come You didn’t stay around longer?
can you come hang out with us again soon please? we miss You
.-= Jenny´s last blog ..Ode to Sticky Notes =-.
.-= V. Higgins´s last blog ..Can’t leave this alone =-.
What goes through your mind when you see people not saying grace before their meal?
.-= Carol´s last blog ..Decisions That Are Given To A Wife =-.
“Lord, may I ask you every question I have for all eternity?”
Why do you love me so much that you would allow your Son to die a cruel death on a cross, only to see me reject you time and time again?
My question is not “why do people go to hell?”, but “why is anyone allowed to enter heaven?”
Why did you wait so long to break my mind and heart away from traditional, non-mission living church?
.-= Prudence´s last blog ..I Can’t Forgive =-.
yeah, i want to know this too…
.-= Jenny´s last blog ..Ode to Sticky Notes =-.
I would ask “When?”
.-= Kristine McGuire´s last blog ..Like A Merchant In Search of Fine Pearls =-.
where are You exactly, God, when i need You?
how do You look at me when i pray?
An honest question… “why?”… He already knows my heart. He already knows my pain and struggles. I would then let the conversation go from there.
.-= Michael´s last blog ..Easter follow up thought… =-.
Why did You choose to go through all that for us? Why are we worth that much to You?
.-= synchopat´s last blog .."Hindsight is always 20/20, but faith doesn’t need perfect vision to move forward." – Pat =-.
Did you really call me to be a pastor? Because right now, I’m just not sure.
How much longer do I have?
.-= Tyler´s last blog ..More Than Meets the Eye =-.
Lord, I believe we are stumbling, hurting, and unfaithful because we don’t understand who you are and who we are because of you.
How can I grasp that so it transforms my life and so I give all I have to live in such a way to share that truth with others so that living with you and being obedient to your ways become the status quo?
.-= Sherie´s last blog ..It’s time to live our beliefs…. =-.
God.. why do you love us so much?
.-= patricia´s last blog ..4.16.10 porch. =-.
My question would definitely be, “When?”
.-= Josh´s last blog ..Friday’s Quote of Note =-.
What is our purpose?
.-= kamrie´s last blog ..Desire =-.
one two fold question I would ask is: do you really care about me? & if you do whats my purpose on this planit? it a question I have haske pretty much all my life & it’s never been ansered as far as I can tell.
Is moral government theology accurate?
Am I doing what you want me to do?
What was the point in my missing out on my first semester of college last fall for six brain surgeries and staph pneumonia?
When are you going to redeem the pain I still hold from my father dying when I was seven? Why did it have to be ME (and my sisters) who lost out on an earthly father’s love?
.-= Mallory´s last blog ..I sure hope… =-.
Why are you so inconsistent? How come so prayers get answered while other don’t?
Why isn’t bacon good for me?
Why are You so often so hard to see and hear in undeniable and obvious ways? Why don’t you speak more clearly and loudly when we ask You for guidance, as it seemed You did for the prophets and apostles?
.-= Chris´s last blog ..Week 4: Seeing With New Eyes =-.
Can I get you something to drink?
Dang, I think I wasted my one question.
Why do You allow some church leaders to put themselves up on pedestals and still act as if the curtain to the “Holy of Holies” still exists?
“Would you like to come over for dinner, just to sit and talk awhile? It would be an honor to serve You. Dinner, that is. I mean, it already IS an honor to serve You – in life and all. Oh well, You know what I mean (blushes).”
.-= Ronne´s last blog ..A few words about Easter. =-.
Where are you leading me God? I trust you but I feel so in the dark… teach me how to trust you more!
.-= Andrew Edwards´s last blog ..Building Young Leaders…part 2 =-.
What breaks your heart most?
.-= Crystal Renaud´s last blog ..Accountability is like a Good Seatbelt =-.
How should I live so I maximize your glory and my joy?
.-= Chris Tomlinson´s last blog ..What Advice Would You Give To New Parents? =-.
was that really you when i thought i heard you?
hmmm, i think all i do and say day to day comes from this question: what does it mean You love me without conditions?
Hi Anne-
How you feeling? Hope it’s getting better. Are you gonna make it out to Catalyst West still or stay back. Just curious. Cuz I was gonna look about for you there just to introduce myself and thank you for your heart/work. Well if I don’t see you…THANKS! Discovered your stuff this New Year and have been blessed by your heart that asks such important questions and doesn’t shy away from them. Rest up, Susie
I’ll be there! My post tomorrow will have more details. Yay. Looking forward to meeting you!
Could You write a commentary on Paul’s letter to the Romans, please?!?
That would be awesome! Let’s add Revelations too.
.-= Chris´s last blog ..Week 4: Seeing With New Eyes =-.
I mean Revelation. Singular. Sheesh.
.-= Chris´s last blog ..Week 4: Seeing With New Eyes =-.
Did Adam & Even have belly buttons? ;)
I already ask God questions–all the time!
.-= patriciazell´s last blog ..#39 THE DOING OF LOVING: FREEDOM =-.
is it possible for me to truly see things through your eyes?
.-= darla´s last blog ..addiction-an uphill battle… =-.
Each of our family has been asking God the same question: like several of you, it’s “When?” (With us, that relates to ministry.) And I believe some of you know exactly what He’s been answering: “It’s not important for you to know that. It’s important that you trust me, and praise me, because I do.”
We’re trying to learn that. But we’ll admit it’s hard.
Am I beautiful in your eyes?
Wanna go for a walk?
When can we get out of here and ALL come home?
.-= CindyK´s last blog ..Dogs Are Smarter Than Cats =-.
Why would he tell me about something huge and wonderful to then seemingly pull it away from me?
.-= Jennifer´s last blog .. =-.
I have been asking that very question for the last couple of weeks now. Thinking I may have finally gotten an answer though
You did. Care to share more? I need some hope these days.
.-= Jennifer´s last blog .. =-.
I was wrestling with how could I have so wrong when I was so confident that I had heard God correctly. I was questioning my ability to hear God’s voice. I shared with a friend and this was her response:
“…Sometimes, I think we have heard correctly, but He is leading us down a path that brings frustration/confusion/hurt so He can make us aware of deeper issues”
When I read that I knew that was true for me. I spent the evening journaling trying to get to the root of what was really going on; the deeper issue that He was asking me to deal with. It was very enlightening to see what He showed me and as He showed it to me I started to have the courage to pray that He help me to stop looking at the closed door. He is graciously responding to that prayer and I’m trying to address the deeper heart issues this “no” brought to the surface.
I hope that helps.
A beautiful reply. Thank you.
wow…i really needed this today…
.-= darla?s last blog ..Good-bye Religion =-.
why did you give us [humans] so much control over life?
.-= anand murthy´s last blog ..Vacation with dogs 282 =-.
How do people find their purpose?
I’d ask
“God, can we have coffee? I’ve got a lot of questions.”
One being “Is my brother going to come back to you?”
“Do you make people gay? Or is it nurture? And if you’re in control, God, then really aren’t you responsible for both nature and nurture?”
And I’d also ask why He made emotions and hormones so crazy.
I think there must be hundreds of questions hiding beneath the surface of my heart–however, part of me just wants to put my hand over my mouth. Most of my questions have no real answer, I think. Not even from God. Perhaps I know his answer already: “Trust me. You’ll see.” Perhaps not. Half the time I only expect to hear a soft chuckle above me when I do have a question. That’s not a frustration with me, either. It just seems the younger I was I had tons of questions. And while the answers never really were spelled out, I find I have fewer questions and (I hope) a little more trust.
Are You real?