The organization that I came with to Moldova & Russia is called Children’s Hope Chest (CHC). After seeing all what we saw, Tom, the president, knew for certain that immediate action is required. So, after exploring and meeting with several NGOs, CHC has decided on helping fund two partners we found that are doing faith-based, holistic, sustainable, and aggressive work directly helping victims who have been rescued out of sex trafficking.
You can email Tom by clicking here.
HopeChest is launching ministry in Moldova with a $25,000 Stop the Secret fund to support two “safe homes” for survivors of sex trafficking. These homes are not clinics.
Like HopeChest’s ministry in Russia and Africa, these partnering organizations provide for the holistic and long-term needs of girls terrorized by systematic sexual abuse and slavery.
The two organizations, Home of Hope and Beginning of Life are in it for the long haul and we are standing behind them to support them. Please click the links and learn about these organizations.
HopeChest is raising funds to support two “safe homes” and provide the critical aftercare (physical & mental health) services needed to support these courageous young women.
Your gift will provide four young women with a safe place to live and round-the-clock care in their homes.
Click here to get a full picture of Stop the Secret. Or just click here to donate to the Stop the Secret launch fund, and support ministry in Moldova that brings restoration and healing to young woman who have survived the terrors of sex trafficking.
14 responses to “What You Can Do to Fight Sex Trafficking – Part 2 – ACT NOW”
I’m glad to see organizations are there to help these girls escape and leave that lifestyle, but what I want to know is are there any organizations out there to help prevent them from ever reaching the sex cafe?
Are there people who are willing to take these kids in after they are forced out of the orphanage, to help them find a real job and a real place to stay so that they don’t follow these ads to cafes like the one you visited and disappear?
.-= Megs?s last blog ..Follow Anne’s Blog. =-.
That is a great question!
Beginning of Life has an excellent prevention program, they reach thousands of highschool students to educate them about the threats of human trafficking.
There are a couple transitional living homes in Moldova for girls and boys who graduated from the orphanages. I actually lived at the girls home, Grace House last summer.
Here are some links with the info on how to get involved in the prevention side of things.
hi, anne!
do you have the e-mail address that is referred to in the video, for folks interested in partnering? :)
This is so great to read! Thanks for all this info, Anne. We’re definitely with you and these organizations!
.-= Lex?s last blog ..How to not get offended at church =-.
Megs – that’s the next part of the trip, Prevention. That’s exactly what we’ve done in Russia since 1997. We’ll be blogging about it. John, my email is
.-= Tom Davis?s last blog ..How You Can Stop Sex-Trafficking =-.
thanks, Tom!
I am SO glad that these projects are going to get additional support!
We need to minister to the men who are wanting to take these girls…. there needs to be a ministry to help stop the addiction of sex…. If there wasn’t a demand then this whole monster of the sex trade would stop…. We need to reach the men that are hooked on pornography… there needs to be a ministry to hold these men accountable…. Sex has become an addiction and that is never what God intended it to be… satan has again turned something that God had intended to be pure and holy between a husband and wife and turned it into a horrible crime against these innocent children…. God help us all for allowing this to happen all over the world!!! Every Christian should want to become involved when are we going to stop being hearers of the Word but become Doers…..
Good call Debbie.
I just heard this quote from Desmond Tutu, “True revolution is when the oppressed are set free from being oppressed, and the oppressors are freed from being oppressors.”
Home of Hope! That’s one of the groups our church helps support! : )
.-= Felicity?s last blog ..Intentional =-.
I live in Ukraine and work with an organization that partners closely with Beginning of Life, and I can confirm that they are an excellent organization and worthy of support! I’ve visited their office and met Vladimir and Yulia Ubeivolc on several occasions. They also do a lot of work with HIV/AIDS, drug addiction, and alcoholism prevention.
There’s some kind of block on my computer for me to get your subscription so will you please put my email on your list?
I’m an intercessor so I will pray for God to command his angels to do battle in the spirit realm against the powers of darkness over this place.
God Bless your calling in this area…
Hi, I’d like to know how to reach this guy in the video.
Anyone knows who he is and how to contact him?