Thanks for the link – I actually found that “test” from a post Dan Kimball’s site that rates your blog. Mine was only rated G however so I was bummed about that.
How ironic that our server that host the blog is down, and has been all afternoon, and can’t get on to post. I am actually going through some withdrawals here. I must get on soon! If not I’m not sure what I will do.
82%. Is this implying that I spend 82% of my time blogging? Because there’s no WAY that’s true. I’m not that addicted. It really hasn’t affected my day-to-day functioning at all.
75% = a little low. I think it’s because i don’t have my own domain. I’m sure that scores lots of extra points =)
i swear i think, “I need to blog” waaaay tooo often.
i have a little question. i see this all the time, and i recognize what it means, but does it stand for something? [ht:]
hyperlink thanks? hijacked too? hit that? how to? jk. but seriously i would like to know…
34 responses to “addiction”
Thanks for the link – I actually found that “test” from a post Dan Kimball’s site that rates your blog. Mine was only rated G however so I was bummed about that.
I have to go do something completely random now so that I can come up with a great blog idea….
62%, and now I am taking other quizzes from that site. Thanks. :)
Not as bad as I thought … 40%. That’s pretty balanced for me.
72%… but I’d be worse if I had the time.
You guys are blogging pansies. WEAK! :) jk
I got 90% too – honestly, I don’t think it’s possible to get 100%…
Admitting you have a problem is the first step…
Problem? What problem?!
How ironic that our server that host the blog is down, and has been all afternoon, and can’t get on to post. I am actually going through some withdrawals here. I must get on soon! If not I’m not sure what I will do.
My name is Rusty, and I am an addict…..
mine was 60%, that MUST be wrong. i think i’ll retake it.
do I get bonus points if I blog from my iPhone?
Btw this is sent from my iPhone…
82%. Is this implying that I spend 82% of my time blogging? Because there’s no WAY that’s true. I’m not that addicted. It really hasn’t affected my day-to-day functioning at all.
Hang on. I have to go find my kids….
67% on the blogging
90% on the coffee quiz!!!
I’m so unbalanced.
70%… not bad!
blogging? blogging? what’s that?;) Now I’ve just had my first cup of real coffee in 9 days. And people said I was addicted to that… pfffff
70%, I’m so ashamed. I’m going to make a real attempt at making it 85%.
78% Not as bas as I thought. I could quit anytime if I wanted to. I just don’t want to.
although my typing skills are a bit off
sweet…61%…any other 61%’ers want to hang out and blog?
You got me beat by 1 measly percent!
I am only 68% which suprises me.
82%. yikes.
80% addicted – I am the Coke Zero of blogging addiction – Almost as good as the real addicts (90% and better) but just not quite the same. :)
I don’t know why that strikes me as so funny …
75% = a little low. I think it’s because i don’t have my own domain. I’m sure that scores lots of extra points =)
i swear i think, “I need to blog” waaaay tooo often.
i have a little question. i see this all the time, and i recognize what it means, but does it stand for something? [ht:]
hyperlink thanks? hijacked too? hit that? how to? jk. but seriously i would like to know…
I think it should mean hit that. But now that wouldn’t be appropriate. Although I do like that option best.
It means “Hat Tip…”
At least that’s what I hear.
All in favor of changing it to “Hit that” say AYE!
thanks anne. that was good for a giggle =) and interesting. hat tip…hmm..yeah, i’m starting to like ‘hit that’….it’s like, ‘hit that link foo’ ‘
ps i’m a dork.
78%….but maybe I am living in denial a bit?
88% … i think that is about right! :)
82%–and have been going through withdrawal symptoms being out of range in the mountains of West Virginia!! AHHHH…getting my fix now :)