Pleasure to Meet You!

A few times a month, I get the opportunity to go somewhere and share something I’m learning. Here are a few places I’ll be, and if you’re around any of them, I hope we can have the pleasure of meeting.

March 20-21, 2010
St. Mark’s Church

Burlington, NC & Mebane, NC
Saturday & Sunday Services
Saturday 6pm
Sunday 9am & 11 am
(*Mebane Campus via Satellite – Sunday 10:30am – I will only be at the campus digitally!)

March 22, 2010 – WORLD WATER DAY!
Blood:Water Mission Water Walk with Jars of Clay
6 pm – 7 pm
Symphony Center Plaza/4th Ave
(*Not a speaking engagement, but I’ll be here! Come on out!)
Don’t live in Nashville? Have your own Water Walk!

April 21-23, 2010
Catalyst West Coast
Mariners Church
Irvine, CA
Lab on 4/21
Hosting Catalyst Backstage (Online!) 4/22 & 4/23

So…what say you? Will we meet?


25 responses to “Pleasure to Meet You!”

  1. Shawn Avatar

    Of course I will be at my home church tomorrow night to say Hi to you and hopefully get you to sign my copy of MCD! Looking forward to you being here in Burlington NC! Thanks for coming to talk to us all, Anne!
    .-= Shawn´s last blog ..Excitment is abundant! =-.

    1. Anne Jackson Avatar

      Can’t wait to see you again, Shawn.

  2. Sue Avatar


    Hope your trips are great!

    1. Anne Jackson Avatar

      Maybe in the fall!

  3. Jamie, the Very Worst Missionary Avatar

    Aw. :(

    I’ll miss you in CA by a week. i was hoping to go to Catalyst, but we’re hosting a short-term team that week. I’m not flying in til the 30th.
    .-= Jamie, the Very Worst Missionary´s last blog ..Sorry, you missed it. =-.

    1. Anne Jackson Avatar

      And I’ll be there til the 28th. SO CLOSE!

  4. Linda Stoll Avatar

    Dear Anne and others I’ve met on your blog ~

    I wish we could meet today. I would ask you to pray for my 6 1/2 year old granddaughter who was just diagnosed with a brain tumor.

    There’s more about Lydia on my blog …

    On My Knees ~

    1. Anne Jackson Avatar

      I am so sorry. I am praying.

  5. Sarah Avatar

    I hope to be at the Nashville Water Walk. I am looking forward to it. Perhaps I will see you there!


    1. Anne Jackson Avatar

      I hope so! Please try and find me! I look just like everyone else.

  6. Rebecc Avatar

    What is the catalyst thing? I live by irvine and have never heard of it.

    1. Anne Jackson Avatar

      Check out the link! It will have all the information you need.

  7. patriciazell Avatar


    Have a wonderful and productive time this weekend!
    .-= patriciazell´s last blog ..#34 THE DOING OF BELIEVING: FAITH (2) =-.

    1. Anne Jackson Avatar

      Maybe this fall…….

  8. Lauren Avatar

    Man, I’m in NC! You should come to Asheville sometime, Montreat too (I go to school there). It’s a neat place!
    .-= Lauren´s last blog .. =-.

    1. Anne Jackson Avatar

      Asheville is fun…what is that place..Chocolate Fetish? Yep. I frequented there many times when we visited! :)

  9. Christy Polek Avatar

    I am working at Catalyst all week so I’m sure we’ll get to meet at some point. In fact, I’ll make sure of it ;) looking forward to it!

  10. Kyle Reed Avatar

    Nope, probably because everything in STL is lame and their is no love for some flowerdust.

    Maybe one day we will meet again…in heaven

    1. Anne Jackson Avatar

      dear heavens that sounds so depressing!

      1. Kyle Reed Avatar

        Ya I know. Joking really.
        But I did start it with just maybe one day we will meet again, then I was reminded of an old hymn and so I decided to put that in there for you.

        We will meet again way before heaven, well I think.

  11. Lindsey Nobles Avatar

    I just decided to go to Catalyst West Coast. We have to hang out!
    .-= Lindsey Nobles´s last blog ..Under Construction =-.

  12. Tyler Avatar

    If you come to Oregon…we shall meet.
    .-= Tyler´s last blog ..Fortuitous Bouncing =-.

  13. Christopher Hopper Avatar

    Not this round. Hoping one of my tours crosses one of your tours someday. ch:
    .-= Christopher Hopper´s last blog ..Healthcare, the Church, and the Kingdom =-.

  14. Bianca Juarez Avatar

    I’ll be at Catalyst West and looking forward to seeing you hosting backstage :)
    .-= Bianca Juarez´s last blog ..asking for wudder ice… =-.