
every once in a while, i check my stats to see what people are searching for and how they end up on  i sorted through all the recent key phrases, we decided these were my ten favorite searches.

-levitation pills
-disposing of cremated remains
-taboo story about a hesitant aunt
-i got rid of my bleeding ulcer myself
-anne jackson cakes
-porn cake toppers
-athletic butt
-how to take all the crap out of heroin
-flickr women hairy armpits
-anne jackson dead or alive

WOW. that is some interesting searching. and just in case you’re wondering…i’m alive. thanks for checking.


14 responses to “searching…”

  1. Anna Avatar

    Are you SERIOUS?

    My question is, how on earth did they get here from doing those searches?


  2. Jeff Reed Avatar

    can you post some pictures of those porn cake toppers. That’d be great. I was just looking for some the other day.

    jk. jreed

  3. Deana Avatar

    Oh wow…cut those out and put them in a scrap book…they are some doozies!

  4. chris g Avatar

    im speechless.

  5. michael Avatar

    that’s funny…we’ve got to do that.

  6. Rindy Avatar

    Hmmmm….don’t think I’ll ask why those searches ended up on your site…especially after seeing “disposing of cremated remains”…done that lately? ;)

    my favorite so far on my site is “take your penguin to work day”…what?! makes ya wonder…

  7. Crystal Renaud Avatar

    how DOES one get rid of a bleeding ulcer?

  8. Todd Avatar

    -levitation pills

    Guilty as charged.

  9. carole Avatar

    Fungas balls,


    Blake Lewis,

    are just a few of the searches that bring people to

    blog on!

  10. Gretch-A-Sketch Avatar

    Levitation pills! That how I found you. Still havent found the pills but your blog was a great find in the midst! lol

    Seriously…I’M kidding! haha

  11. michael Avatar

    i would try althetic butt, however my accountability partner gets a report from xxxchurch and will be asking me about that…

  12. Paul Avatar

    but i like crack in my heroine ;)

  13. Joni Avatar

    I want to see the hairy armpit women pix. Now there’s a fetish.

  14. Paul Avatar

    and just WHAT is right above flowerdust when you google ‘Athletic butt’….Gay Christian online. oy