**(Also, as of 2:40 pm CST, all 75 books have been given away to the donors who donated $50+…thank you so much!)
Update: 7:50 am CST
$1780 donated is providing 1780 Africans with clean water for a year!
Only 25 books remain!
$3220 left to reach our goal!
Update: 9:15 am CST
$2550 donated is providing 2550 Africans with clean water for a year!
I just added 25 more books, so there are now 37 books left if you donate $50 or more.
$2450 left to reach our goal!
Update: 10:30 am CST
$3260 donated is providing 3260 Africans with clean water for a year!
Only 30 books remain (for a donation of $50 or more).
$1740 left to reach our goal!
Update: 12 pm CST
$3900 donated is providing 3900 Africans with clean water for a year!
Only 21 books remain (for a donation of $50 or more).
$1100 left to reach our goal!
Update: 1:30 pm CST
$4550 donated is providing 4550 Africans with clean water for a year!
Only 11 books remain (for a donation of $50 or more).
$450 left to reach our goal!
Update: 2:30 pm CST
$5245 donated is providing 5245 Africans with clean water for a year!
Only 4 books remain (for a donation of $50 or more).
$0 left to reach our goal–but let’s keep this going!
Friday, February 19, 2010, I turn THIRTY stinking years old.
I’m pretty excited about it…I think.
To celebrate, I would LOVE to raise $5000 for Blood:Water Mission through my Ride:Well Tour (the 3100 mile cycling tour I’m doing in June and July) fundraising.
Two nifty things:
The first nifty thing is this:
Since a few generous friends have already donated to my bike ride and I’ve met that goal – 100% of the donations will go toward the check we write to Blood:Water at the end of the trip. So, whatever you donate today is going straight to Blood:Water Mission!
Can you donate $30 for my 30th birthday? If we can find 167 people to donate just $30 each, we’ll hit the goal. (I’d personally like to blow the pants off it.)
The second nifty thing is this:
The first fifty 75 people who donate $50 or more will receive a free copy of my new book Permission to Speak Freely before anyone else does. The book will be autographed (I can find someone actually famous to sign it if you’d like).
This little challenge is for TODAY only – February 19th – so please tell your friends and drop $30 before midnight on February 20, 2010! 100% of your donation is tax deductible.
Your $30 buys 30 Africans clean water for a year.
That means if we reach the goal of $5000, we are providing FIVE THOUSAND AFRICANS with clean water for a year!!!!!
And that is the best 30th birthday gift I could ever ask for!
I’ll update Twitter through the day with the totals, and post the final total back on the blog on Saturday.
29 responses to “My 30th Birthday Challenge – How You Can Get a Free Copy of My New Book!”
I LOVE that book cover!
Happy birthday Anne! I am praying that God uses you in a big way during this tour and reveals so much of Himself to you! I hope you have a great 30th year!
I’ve been looking for a reason to donate. Thanks for being the thing that pushed me over the edge.
.-= Ben of BenandJacq´s last blog ..Jacob the Pervert is Changed By God’s Grace. =-.
Happy Birthday Anne – hope your day is a good one.
.-= Janet Oberholtzer´s last blog ..Winning Wednesday – Linchpin II =-.
Happy Birthday from someone who turned stinking 30 last Friday! That cover looks perfect! I hope I’m one of the first 50 because this is one book that I can’t wait to read.
Happy Birthday! I am happy to help the cause.
.-= Kristine McGuire´s last blog ..I Love You This Much =-.
Happy birthday Anne! I can’t wait to read the book!
Happy 30th Anne! You’re such an inspiration.
Happy birthday Anne, thanks for sharing your life and challenging the church!
30 is the new 20. Enjoy it.
.-= Gary Durbin´s last blog ..The Winner is… =-.
HAPPY 30th!!!!
Happy birthday, Annegirl! :)
Happy Birthday! Love how you have celebrated your life and are giving life to others! I am excited to be a part of what the Lord is doing. I hope you are able to transition and process Haiti well.
.-= Christie´s last blog ..It’s Snowing =-.
Love the paradigm shift of raising money…from institutional to personal. Thanks for stepping in/up…
.-= eddie broussard´s last blog ..vintage…Rich Mullins =-.
Happy Birthday, Anne! May it be blessed… and 30’s not that bad, so I hear…
.-= Matt Snyder´s last blog ..A Missionary’s Life: Clean Water = One Happy Birthday =-.
Happy Birthday Anne! What an awesome way to celebrate and get everyone involved!
Bless you for being a great example to others – giving instead of getting on your birthday – glad to help.
.-= Mela Kamin´s last blog ..Slamming Doors =-.
Happy birthday!
.-= Travis Mamone´s last blog ..Brian McLaren and the Biblical Narrative =-.
Happy Birthday! Can’t wait to read your book and glad to help!
.-= Amy´s last blog ..Apologies, iPhone =-.
Happy birthday! This is the best kind of birthday present. Reminds me of a couple I know…as their Valentine’s Day gift to each other, they organized an “I Heart Haiti” dance and raised over $4,000 for an orphanage in Haiti. Amazing.
You are old…happy birthday.
The book title looks great.
Happy Birthday, Anne. Let me know how 30 feels. I turn 30 in October, and I’m a little nervous.
More than happy to help…
.-= Josh´s last blog ..Friday’s Quote of Note =-.
Anne! We have the same birthday – except that I was born 22 years before you! Anyway, 30 was a breeze, 40 was cake-walk and 50 was cool (1/2 a century!).
I’m sending $ in accordance with your 30th b-day for your Africa needs, but $50 is out of my reach (for now). BTW, my wife is really enjoying Mad Church Disease. I loved it.
Happy Birthday!!
Last update before I gave my $50 said “11 books left”.
Hope I get a book!
If not, still happy to help!
Peace & Blessings on your birthday!
Wow! AMAZING updates!! Happy 30th Birthday, indeed!!! :)
.-= Jamie, the Very Worst Missionary´s last blog ..I meet with Poverty on Tuesdays. =-.
Happy Birthday Anne!
What a great way to celebrate.
What a great birthday gift to give! Happy birthday Anne. Thanks for being a great model of selfless giving. You truly are changing the world.
.-= Kyle Chowning´s last blog ..Why are nursery rhymes so violent? =-.
Is this really the design of your new book? What happened to those sweet graphics you had on your blog earlier this year (and last)? I liked that direction better. Was less gender-specific.
.-= Jeff Goins´s last blog ..The Importance of Prayer in Decision-Making =-.
yep! it is AMAZING. you can’t see the detail here but trust me. it’s really out of this world. i’m assuming you mean what is up on the PTSF still. that was just temporary. this one is killah.