there are a couple “categories” i haven’t addressed here in a while, and some of you have emailed or myspace-messaged me asking questions, so i thought i’d put it out for all to see….
1) fat ragamuffin. my goal weight was between 140-145 (i’m 5’6″…almost) and i have stayed in that range for the last two months. i’ve been putting on some size 8’s again, which i haven’t done in four years. it feels good. i just need to tone up, and stay away from my mom’s brownies tomorrow.
2) depression. last i wrote, i dropped the wellbutrin which turned me into crazy lady, and was on paxil one single day until i quit. i’m not on any anti-depressants, but i still have some bouts with anxiety which are usually helped by upping my sleeping medicine (it’s really an anti-seizure medicine (20mg), but used in really low doses for insomnia (1mg) and anxiety (4mg)). when i get a little edgier, i just take 1.5mg and it seems to help balance me out. i’ve been feeling pretty good lately.
i don’t plan on being on medicine forever, but until i can heal from some things in my past (which i see a therapist for), it is aiding me in becoming a little more centered. i’ve had a few breakthroughs in some areas and that has been INCREDIBLE. exercise (although i haven’t officially worked out in three weeks) has been another big help in this area, i’m sure of it.
so there are some updates on the not so pretty things. it’s easy to write about the good things or the questions, but hey, we’ve all got our warts.
7 responses to “a few updates”
Sometimes “ya just gotta be real”…thanks for being real! I can relate to those ‘categories’…never alone and always moving forward…
Exercise definitely helps the mood, and the toning/weight. Healing takes time but when you look back from where you came and progress that’s made it’s awesome. The “warts” are what make you unique…and uniquely able to relate to others.
Also just read your writing about forgiveness and loved it. I just finished a series on my blog this weekend and great to see similar thoughts!!
Keep pressing forward!!!
Anne, keep pressing forward. I still pray over your prayer request emails, and I’m honored to receive them. You are brave for blogging about the things you are struggling with. I like to do so also, it feels better to get the junk out in the open, but people often wonder why I do so publically. You do the same thing…way to go. I would agree that excercise is so good for the mind and body, so don’t let that slip away.
Amen Matt. To follow suite here, keep pressing forward Anne…you are inspiring many as you share your “journey”.
Thank you for being willing to share these things. I’m finally getting my medicine in line for my depression and my goal is to eventually have things handled “naturally”. I will say that due to an awesome therapist who diagnosed the depression and a good MD, my children were spared quite a bit of their own therapy down the road.
Crazy Mommy doesn’t live here anymore(but does visit infrequently). I’m able to get my butt out of the house to the health club which my kids love–they have their own programs there. I’m getting to know people outside of my house–which is a big challenge for a stay at home mom of toddlers. I’m getting in touch with the reality of life beyond the church walls.
Why am I prattling on? When I first explored blogworld, I read one of your posts about depression and was totally encouraged. So thanks again. You rock girlie.
I’ve been walking by my daughter’s side, as she comes to terms with Post Traumatic Stress issues. Flashbacks and triggers are not always predictable. The right choices of and balance of meds is not easy, either. We savored, together, your link to your original article on forgiveness. Thanks for sharing your journey. It is a familiar path.
Anne – the more I read your blog, the more I am amazed at similar our similar journey.
I’ve been in ministry for 8 years and about two years ago I hit an all-time low. I was burnt-out and suffering major anxiety and depression. I ended up on meds and seeing a counselor. Now, two years later and emotionally healthier, I’m weaning off my Effexor. It is slow going but I need to do it. Unfortunately, I also gained 60 lbs over the last two years and it is such a challenge to get it off.
Thank you for sharing all that you have. It is a tremendous encouragement and I count it a blessing that I “stumbled” across your blog this evening. Blessings to you on your continued journey.
Yay for you for being real about this. After being slammed with a whole lot of craziness last summer, I found myself in my beloved Dr’s office asking him, “What can I do? I can’t even get out of bed in the morning.” He is a Godly man – and I trust him with my life – and he said, “Well we’re going to put you on A, B and C for sleeping…”
It’s been about 6 months now and I can’t imagine going without the medications yet, but he and the therapist are talking about – in 6 more months – I should be able to start weaning….
I think I need to read your post on forgiveness because that has become a real area I’m struggling with . How? How do I get past this wall that I know is my inability to forgive someone? Someone I know I am going to HAVE to forgive???
Therapy is on Monday. Thank GOD.