I’m Your Biggest Fan (Another 25 Book Giveaway!)

Ok, so the notion of Facebook’s “Fan Page” is kind of pretentious when it comes to a little blogger-author girl who may or may not have stayed in her pajamas all day yesterday and watched reruns of The Office.

Not that that’s me…but I’m just sayin’…(ahem).

Anyway, since?I don’t have a personal Facebook page, my dear friend?Crystal created a Fan Page for me on Facebook so I can post events and other updates and I would love for you to join it. I will be interacting in the comments section on the wall and posting pictures and videos, so it would be great to see you there.

You can join my page on Facebook by clicking here!

Thanks for reading, sharing your thoughts and lives, and for being a part of this conversation over the last four years…Here’s to a great 2010!

PS – If you join my page on Facebook, leave a comment on THIS post and you’ll be entered to win another 25 books.?Yep, I’ll be giving away an ADDITIONAL 25 books to people who have joined the fan page! Join by 12/30 to enter and the winner will be randomly drawn!


240 responses to “I’m Your Biggest Fan (Another 25 Book Giveaway!)”

  1. laprez Avatar

    I would like to win :)

    1. Mark Jackson Avatar

      The book giveaways are cool – I’m just glad they remind me to say nice things about your honesty & authenticity.

    2. Tamara McCarthy Avatar
      Tamara McCarthy

      Love your stuff girlfriend! Looking forward to the newest reads. :)

  2. Rodney Olsen Avatar

    I’m in.
    .-= Rodney Olsen?s last blog ..Happy Christmas 2009 =-.

  3. Craig T. Owens Avatar

    I’m a fan!
    .-= Craig T. Owens?s last blog ..No More Fear =-.

  4. jami Avatar

    I’m a fan!

    1. Bonnie Irving Avatar
      Bonnie Irving

      I’m definatly a fan:) this is great!

  5. Mark Jaffrey Avatar

    I’ve always been a fan and I like books. And you won’t have to mail them to Egypt cause I’ll be coming to Franklin in Feb :-)

  6. Whit Avatar

    I’m your fan…
    .-= Whit?s last blog ..Chocolate + Coffee = LOVE =-.

  7. Christy Crosby Avatar
    Christy Crosby

    Became a fan on facebook

  8. Andy Darnell Avatar

    I’m a fan, and need some more books to read!
    .-= Andy Darnell?s last blog ..Being Repulsed by ?The Prayer Cross? =-.

  9. Wally Avatar

    Joined yesterday! What’s it like to have fans?
    .-= Wally?s last blog ..Obligation, Application, and Fascination =-.

  10. Songrtr Avatar

    Love the fan page and would love the books soo I am a fan.

  11. JoEllen Avatar

    I’m a fan who likes to read!!!

  12. Chrris Mathews Avatar
    Chrris Mathews

    I love your write about writing style. What you write about is both courageous and inspiring. As the husband of a woman who has depression, it’s a great insight into her head which allows me to start conversations when she withdraws.

  13. Candy Avatar

    I’m a big fan!
    .-= Candy?s last blog ..Grace in Muddy Slush =-.

  14. Amy N. Avatar

    I joined the fan page!
    .-= Amy N.?s last blog ..Latest Paintings =-.

  15. Jessi Avatar

    I’m a fan! Awesome giveaway!!

  16. Vicki Flores Avatar

    Love reading your tweets and glad to see that you now have a Facebook Fan Page!! I’d also love to win those 25 books you are giving away!!

  17. Robbie Avatar

    I joined your Facebook page!
    .-= Robbie?s last blog ..robbiewendt: Merry Christmas! =-.

  18. Matt @ The Church of No People Avatar

    Anne, I always liked your anti-Facebook voice. Now I feel like a sell out! Agh! ;)

  19. Deborah Avatar

    I have signed up to be your BIGGEST FAN!!!! Oh please pick me for the books.

  20. Amber Avatar

    Winning a book would be nice, and facebook fan I have become.

  21. Janet Oberholtzer Avatar

    I’m a fan on yours … in real life and on Facebook.

  22. Mark Avatar

    Yep, I joined.

  23. Jeremy Walter Avatar

    Just became a fan of yours on Facebook.

    No reason to stop celebrating the Reason for the Season … Merry Christmas!

  24. Jonny McCormick Avatar

    I am a fan! Book me…..please….

  25. Juliec Avatar

    Joined your facebook page…Book em!
    .-= Juliec?s last blog ..Pebblestone Creek Love Like Jesus! =-.

  26. Pat Saltzgaber Avatar
    Pat Saltzgaber

    enjoy following you on twitter…now facebook also. appreciate your sincerity and honesty.

  27. Wayne Cordova Avatar

    Come on, who’s a bigger Anne Jackson fan than me? I’ve got photographic proof!
    .-= Wayne Cordova?s last blog ..Hello world! =-.

    1. Anne Jackson Avatar

      You know on the “fan” page you can post that photo!! If you dare!

  28. Darrell Jordan Avatar

    Just joined. :)
    .-= Darrell Jordan?s last blog ..Tomorrow is never promised. =-.

  29. Bernard Shuford Avatar

    Yep. I fanned you.

    That sounds just wrong.

    I wanna book!!!!!

    Any book.
    .-= Bernard Shuford?s last blog .. =-.

  30. Lindsey @ A New Life Avatar

    Not pretentious at all :-) And I’ve stayed in my jammies for 4 days now! Just became a “fan” on facebook!

    Have a beautiful and blessed day!

  31. Tim Avatar

    I’m in @ Facebook!

  32. Murray and Deboran de Boer Avatar

    We became your fan! Your Mad Church Disease book is on my reading list.

  33. Michael Levitt Avatar

    I became a fan of your Facebook page this morning.

    Blessings to you, and to all a happy new year!

  34. Sandy Avatar

    I would not have missed joining the Flower Dust Facebook Fan Page. Thanks Crystal for making it!!!
    .-= Sandy?s last blog ..The Manhattan Declaration =-.

  35. Sean Avatar

    All signed up! And not very pretentious when that is the only title that Facebook gives is a ‘Fan Page’!
    .-= Sean?s last blog ..My apologies? =-.

  36. Lee Buford Avatar

    Big fan! Love the new FB page.

  37. Manfred Avatar

    I enjoy your Tweets and wish you well preparing for next year’s Ride:Well Tour!

  38. Susie Daggett Avatar
    Susie Daggett

    I became a fan on facebook, please enter me in the contest to win books!

  39. Cindy Avatar

    I am so excited…..it’s a big day to sign on and be on your fan page!!

  40. JD Avatar

    Winning is always fun, especially when books are invovled.

  41. BobcatBill Avatar

    AJ – load up the the fans!

  42. cate mcmillan Avatar

    i am your fan on facebook.. love reading your posts, so i know i would love to read your discarded books.
    .-= cate mcmillan?s last blog ..christmas on the streets =-.

  43. Becky Avatar

    I’m a fan, too! :)
    .-= Becky?s last blog ..Blessed are you =-.

  44. Travis Mamone Avatar

    Just became a fan. I might need a bigger book shelf!
    .-= Travis Mamone?s last blog ..Why I Hate The So-Called "Culture War" =-.

  45. Mike Raburn Avatar

    I am now your FB fan. I was already your real life fan. I would be interested in seeing a list of the 50 titles you are purging.
    .-= Mike Raburn?s last blog ..Pray like you?re turning on the TV =-.

  46. Jesse Avatar

    I am now a FB fan. Would love to add an unreadable number of books to my yet to be read pile (currently sitting at 37).

  47. Kim Avatar

    For a lot of personal reasons, my husband and I don’t facebook – which I am sure you can fully understand. So, if I did, I would become a fan, but I don’t, so I will just have to be a fan from afar. Any chance that still qualifies to be put in the drawing? I am a HUGE fan of books!

    1. Anne Jackson Avatar

      Totally understand. Have you commented on the post below this one? I’m giving away 25 books there too.
      .-= Anne Jackson?s last blog ..I?m Your Biggest Fan (Another 25 Book Giveaway!) =-.

  48. kristiapplesauce Avatar

    I heart books. When we are back in Feb. I know that most of our luggage will be books to come back here. So load me up!!
    .-= kristiapplesauce?s last blog ..Wednesday Prayer =-.

  49. David Hoskins Avatar
    David Hoskins

    I’m in. I just signed up on your “friends” list.

  50. Kelsi Avatar

    I love following you on twitter and reading your blog! Reading is one of my favorite things to do and right now I have a dream to open a private library of my own. I want to have free tutoring for kids who can’t afford it and a place for them to enjoy free books. 25 books would never go to waste in my house! :) Thanks for what you do!

  51. Luann Avatar

    I am now your Facebook fan. My husband and I both love to read!

  52. Eric Nygren Avatar

    Just joined your Facebook ‘fan’ page. Thanks!
    .-= Eric Nygren?s last blog ..Book Review: Primal by Mark Batterson =-.

  53. Anne Jackson Avatar

    You guys have really made me feel good about the decision to do this…at first it felt really, really awkward to have a “fan” page…but I did want a place to communicate events and updates with people because I believe so STRONGLY in the things God has put on my heart. So thank you for being gracious.
    .-= Anne Jackson?s last blog ..I?m Your Biggest Fan (Another 25 Book Giveaway!) =-.

    1. bondChristian Avatar

      Yes, it feels a little awkward at first. Once you get over the “fan” label, it’s not bad. Actually reminds me of when everyone felt awkward about having “followers” on twitter (stalker-ish maybe?). :>)

      -Marshall Jones Jr.
      .-= bondChristian?s last blog ..Start serving your specialty recipe (PLUS a quick idea to begin) =-.

    2. Phil Makower Avatar

      Hey Anne, I have to admit it felt a bit odd to become your ‘fan’, perhaps ‘supporter’ would be better?, but actually since a ‘fan’ someone with ‘overwhelming enthusiasm for a given subject’ it makes a lot of sense!

  54. Jenn Ruggles Avatar
    Jenn Ruggles

    I became a fan!

  55. Lindsey Sinclair Avatar
    Lindsey Sinclair

    Hi Anne, just became a “fan”. Recently found your blog and love it!

  56. Heidi Avatar

    I’m your biggest facebook fan! :)
    .-= Heidi?s last blog ..More Christmas Greetings! =-.

  57. C.C. Almon Avatar

    I joined! :-)
    .-= C.C. Almon?s last blog ..Twitter Updates for 2009-12-28 =-.

  58. Rick Apperson Avatar

    I became a fan on Facebook!
    .-= Rick Apperson?s last blog ..My Resolution =-.

  59. Vanessa Craig Avatar

    I’m A FAN!! =)

  60. ryan guard Avatar

    You’ve got a fan in me.

    How many times do you have to speak internationally to be an “international speaker”? Because I’ve got a couple under my belt, and I’d love to add that tagline too.

    Ryan Guard: International Youth Pastor
    .-= ryan guard?s last blog ..Digging deep? into my thigh. =-.

    1. Anne Jackson Avatar

      rock it. :) i’ve done it once or twice.

  61. Rachel Avatar

    I’m definitely a fan! :)

  62. Jennifer Avatar

    I’m your fan on facebook – and I love books :)

  63. Jordan Like the River Avatar

    Pick me, I want to win!
    By the way… So sad we didn’t get to see each other when you and Chris were in Rockwall this weekend. Being sick for a week is so lame!!

  64. Lory Hunt Avatar

    I joined! I look forward to updates on the fan page….
    .-= Lory Hunt?s last blog ..As the New Year approaches… =-.

  65. Tabitha Avatar


  66. Lisa Avatar

    I’m a fan :)
    .-= Lisa?s last blog ..Daily 5 – Day 137 =-.

  67. Jodi W Avatar
    Jodi W

    Who wouldn’t want to win 25 books? Oh, and the FB site looks great!

  68. Aubri Avatar

    i became a fan! also i just got a new bookshelf so i probably need some more books to go on it… :)

  69. Whitney Avatar

    I’m a fan.

    Of you.

    And of books.


  70. Erin Avatar

    I’m a fan!

  71. John Forbis Avatar

    I’m now a fan of yours on facebook, how about sending some books my way???

  72. bondChristian Avatar

    I’m a fan… and now show it on facebook too. It won’t be long before we convince you to get a personal facebook account… hahaha :>)

    -Marshall Jones Jr.
    .-= bondChristian?s last blog ..Start serving your specialty recipe (PLUS a quick idea to begin) =-.

  73. Crystal Avatar

    Yay for being a facebook fan!

  74. Sarah Stout Avatar
    Sarah Stout

    joined your fan page. thanks!

  75. Will Avatar

    Became a fan today (on Facebook, have been a fan of blog and twitter for a while). Keep it up Anne!

  76. Jonathan Avatar

    Fan on twitter and blog, now on FB! Thanks!
    .-= Jonathan?s last blog ..The ABCs of Branding =-.

  77. John Waldo Avatar
    John Waldo

    Thanks to Crystal for the FB fan page. Let me win! :)

  78. Lori Biddle Avatar

    Hi Anne –

    I really hope you had an amazing Christmas!

    Some day – if God allows, I’d like to have coffee with you…or whatever it is that you like to drink!

    God Bless!
    .-= Lori Biddle?s last blog ..weekend report =-.

  79. David Avatar


    (I’m a fan)

  80. Diana Avatar

    I’m a fan and I LOVE books!!

  81. Ruby Avatar

    I am a fan, well oficially now.

  82. Osann Heisner Avatar
    Osann Heisner

    ooooooh pick me pick me…I’m a fan!!!

    …and if you don’t pick me, I’ll still be a fan! :)

  83. Paula L Avatar

    I became a FB fan today! AND I posted on Twitter and FB about your fantabulous bookgiveaway!

  84. Phil Makower Avatar
    Phil Makower

    Already following on Twitter, now also FB fan! Here’s to a great 2010!

  85. Deana O'Hara Avatar

    Welcome to facebook chica — having a fan page is a great idea… so yes, I signed up as a fan. I love reading your blog. Have a wonderful New Year!

  86. Jason Garris Avatar
    Jason Garris

    I enjoy your writing! And am a fan on facebook :-)

  87. melinda Avatar

    i’m a fan!
    and yesterday i pretty much hung around the house all day with friends and didn’t leave the house til 400 pm.
    so… The Office is completely acceptable.

  88. hope hammond Avatar
    hope hammond

    i’m a fan who REALLY loves to read! hate to beg, but i’ll do it if need be! PLEASE, oh please, pick me! =)

  89. pam Avatar

    I’m now a facebook fan!

  90. Jennifer Avatar

    became a FB fan yesterday, but I’ve been a blog/twitter/book fan for many months now.

    Thanks for the giveaway!
    .-= Jennifer?s last blog ..Sunday Setlist – last one of 2009! =-.

  91. Amanda Avatar

    i am soooo a fan. even if i don’t win books i’m a fan. but it’d be pretty sweet to win a book. :)

  92. Dagny Avatar

    Love your stuff! Am now a FB fan :)

  93. deemus Avatar

    I am now a fan on FB. Its my outlet and I spend alot of time on there so it will be nice to get your stuff their too. Happy New Year!!

  94. Thomas Pollard Avatar
    Thomas Pollard

    Joined the Anne Jackson fan club too….

  95. Matthew Ryan Wood Avatar

    hey anne i joined your fanpage on facebook.
    .-= Matthew Ryan Wood?s last blog ..Nots from Maximum leadership conference from may this last year =-.

  96. Christie Avatar

    Joined…I’m a big fan!

  97. Alyson Ferren Avatar
    Alyson Ferren

    Woohoo!!! I love books!!!! And I joined the facebook fan page, cause I love facebook too!!!

  98. Christene Avatar

    I recently discovered your work (and became a fan on FB) so far I’m finding it interesting.


  99. Kendra Sterner Avatar
    Kendra Sterner

    This would be neat to win! I joined your FB page.

  100. Susan M. Ford Avatar
    Susan M. Ford

    I have LOVED reading your work! I believe my students would really love reading your book! Keep speaking truth!

    Susan M. Ford

  101. Anne Jackson Avatar

    You guys continue to rock :) Thanks again for all the encouragement.

  102. Kendra Avatar

    Just joined the FB page. Love your writing!

  103. Ali Cox Avatar

    Love your book/blog.

    Happy holidays :)
    .-= Ali Cox?s last blog ..A Lost Generation?Not if We Do Something About It =-.

  104. Holly Myers Avatar

    You truly inspire so many people! I think one of the greatest qualities a person can have is transparency and realness YOU HAVE BOTH! Showing your scars and allowing God to use them as beauty marks is what I long for! Your amazing and I love your blogs!! Can’t wait to meet you! Ephesians 3:20 Dreaming Big=)

  105. Deborah Barnett Avatar

    I’m new to your work (as in, I’ve not read anything yet) but have tons of friends telling me how great your writing is! Can’t wait to get my hands on something to read!
    .-= Deborah Barnett?s last blog ..Red Potato Leek Soup =-.

  106. Carole Hicks Avatar


    Did you know my middle name is “Anne” including the “e”, just like you. Also my first name has an “e” at the end. All the cool kids have an “e” at the end. But seriously, I’ve been your fan forever…me love you long time! A free book would be swell. But having coffee with you one day IRL would be even better.

    .-= Carole Hicks?s last blog ..Pimping 5 Dollar Dinners Cookbook =-.

  107. jackeychapman Avatar

    love the new fan page on facebook..enter me into the contest…please…

  108. Susan Zartman Avatar
    Susan Zartman

    Welcome back to FB — I’m a fan!

  109. Kathi Waddle Avatar

    I joined the fan group on Facebook even though I have not read any of your stuff yet (but I will – I love to read). Any pf the books you giveaway going to be yours? And I wrote a children’s story that I hope to someday get published (or self-publish it myself when I find an illustrator)

  110. Terri Avatar


    I have been following you since you went to India. I am praying for you as you train for the Ride: Well tour, and I am looking forward to your book in August. 2010 is looking like a monumental year for you!

    I became a fan as soon as I read your tweet!

  111. Amy Avatar

    Im a fan!

  112. TiaraMom Avatar

    I cannot wait to read Permission…more than once my big mouth has gotten me into trouble :-)

    Keep up the good work Anne!


  113. Phil Thompson Avatar

    yeah it’s true, i’m your biggest fan and now it’s official

  114. Steve Avatar

    Hi Anne! I’m picky about what I read but have been wanting to read MCD for a while.

  115. Cindy Burkhart Avatar

    Hey Anne,
    Welcome to FB! I enjoy your blog….your honesty and your humor as well as your passion for kids! Happy New Year!
    Cindy B

  116. Kyle Avatar

    Good stuff, I appreciate your work.

  117. Brian Alexander Avatar

    People grab some avatars. (http://en.gravatar.com) Kinda sad looking at all those blue ones.

    I joined and here is proof: http://drp.ly/7Budw
    .-= Brian Alexander?s last blog ..Merry Christmas =-.

  118. Kevin Avatar

    Any way to expand your online presense is good exposure for your writing. Good job on allowing the FB page.

  119. Charity Landis Avatar

    Just became a fan. Welcome to facebook!
    .-= Charity Landis?s last blog ..Book giveaway! =-.

  120. Jeff Avatar

    Oooh I like books!

    And for the record, I joined your fan page before I noticed this post. That doesn’t *completely* absolve me of opportunism, but it should give me a bonus point, at least.
    .-= Jeff?s last blog ..Love =-.

  121. Becky Avatar

    I joined your fan page…and would love to have your book!

  122. Ron L Avatar

    I joined your fan page on facebook. Will be waiting to hear from you.

  123. Emily Avatar

    Happily became a fan on Facebook!

  124. mike Avatar

    I joined the Facebook crew.
    .-= mike?s last blog ..Merry Christmas… =-.

  125. Ioana Avatar

    i want a book too. i know, i sounded desperate. oh well.

  126. Carol Avatar

    I’m a humongous fan of Anne Jackson! I can hardly wait to read your blog, Anne, and your second book. Mad Church Disease made a fabulous hit with my hubby and I! You can do no wrong in my books!!!!!! May you be blessed in 2010!!!!!! Most definitely!
    .-= Carol?s last blog ..FABULOUS!!! =-.

  127. Niki Avatar

    I’m a FB fan of yours now, too! Looking forward to hearing from you there!
    .-= Niki?s last blog ..Dreams, or Do’s and Don’ts? =-.

  128. Mel Avatar

    Fan here… Following is saved for Him… :)

  129. Susie A. Avatar

    I became a fan on Facebook!!!

    Be Blessed

  130. meghan matt Avatar

    i joined your facebook fan page and i want a free book! woohoo!
    .-= meghan matt?s last blog ..Merry Christmas, my sweet Moses! =-.

  131. David Avatar

    Consider me a fan
    .-= David?s last blog ..Best Gift (Big Wheel Provisions) =-.

  132. blueviolet Avatar

    I’m a facebook fan: http://www.facebook.com/doot65

  133. karen swank Avatar
    karen swank

    Became a fan today on Facebook…been a fan for a long time before that!

  134. Kevin Avatar

    I will keep trying till I get one of those books!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  135. Michael Fay Avatar
    Michael Fay

    Good Luck for the 2010 Year. Would love to pick your brain for info sometime. There should be a Franklin Writers group.

  136. Dara N Avatar
    Dara N

    I’m a fan!

  137. Amy Kenney Avatar

    I’ve always been a fan…now I guess it’s official!
    .-= Amy Kenney?s last blog ..About Me…(with a side of pop culture) =-.

  138. Marie Haggarty Avatar
    Marie Haggarty

    I’m a fan!

  139. Geoff Matheson Avatar

    I’m a fan too!
    .-= Geoff Matheson?s last blog ..Geoff?s Gl?hwein =-.

  140. Steph Avatar

    I’m a fan!!! Yeah!!
    .-= Steph?s last blog ..Happy 60th Birthday Dad!! =-.

  141. dubdynomite Avatar

    I am a fan, officially even…..
    .-= dubdynomite?s last blog ..Blogging Break ? Merry Christmas =-.

  142. Kelly Avatar

    I’m a real fan now:)

  143. jon Avatar

    im always a fan but this is official now haha.

  144. Suzanne Avatar

    You give such hope. Stumbled upon your website and can’t navigate away. Thank you for all you do. <3
    .-= Suzanne ?s last blog ..Post #36 =-.

  145. Julie Avatar

    You rock Anne! Keep writing :-)

  146. Mel Avatar

    Anne, love reading..now I’m your fan on facebook!!!!

  147. Jeni Ward Avatar

    a comment
    Merry Christmas! Happy New Year
    I hope I win a book. If so,
    you’ll hear a big cheer!

  148. Christina Faith Avatar

    I am a fan! Christina Faith

  149. Lanelle Avatar

    Thanks Anne, (and winning a book would be oh so cool!)
    .-= Lanelle?s last blog ..Happy Birthday! =-.

  150. Kimberly Avatar

    Joining your page now.
    .-= Kimberly?s last blog ..Christmas Cheer =-.

  151. Karla Meachem Avatar

    Count me in! :)
    .-= Karla Meachem?s last blog ..Down Pour Of The Streams Of His Mercy =-.

  152. Katie Avatar

    i’m a new fan!

  153. Krista Avatar


    A friend of mine recently read your book, so I decided to read it, too. I loved it! I have been enjoying your blogs, too. So much good information. Thank you! And I just joined your fan page!

  154. Denise Avatar

    Anne, love your blog where ever we are! We’re in the US visiting family & friends right now & head back to Kenya Feb. Please enter us in your book giveaway….it would be great to have your books in the new library we’ve started for the kids in Kenya. Thanks!

  155. Janice Garrison Avatar

    I’m an Ann Jackson fan and I love to read, so I’m signing up for a chance to win the super massive book give-away!
    .-= Janice Garrison?s last blog ..I?m Going to Spread Some Cheer =-.

  156. Amy Avatar

    Love your blog, love to read and grow in Christ!! Thanks for living a life for Christ and inspiring me!

    1. Amy Avatar

      oops forgot to mention, I’m a facebook fan! :-)

  157. Gary Durbin Avatar

    I am now a fan. I love to read.
    .-= Gary Durbin?s last blog ..Book Review – Mad Church Disease =-.

  158. Kenyon Avatar

    Hey Anne. I joined your facebook fan page per your request. I haven’t commented here for a while and noticed you were dangling free books so here my comment:


    Hope you and Chris are doing well and that 2010 is just like the movie…epic!
    .-= Kenyon?s last blog ..RIGHT NOW =-.

  159. Robert Williams Avatar
    Robert Williams

    I’m happy to become a fan!

  160. Kyle Reed Avatar

    Sign me up, again

  161. Christy Reed Avatar
    Christy Reed

    You KNOW I am a fan!! Love ya!

  162. Kim Hodges Avatar
    Kim Hodges

    New Anne Jackson fan! So glad that I found you!

  163. David Avatar

    I joined your fan page on Facebook, and would love to win a book.

  164. Rich Emery Avatar

    I am the Newest Anne Jackson Fan! WOOT!

  165. Nicole Avatar

    Glad to connect with you on Facebook too. Glad to show I’m a fan in another forum.

  166. karen Avatar

    I’m a fan!
    .-= karen?s last blog ..It Just Doesn’t Feel Like Christmas =-.

  167. Faith Avatar

    I’m a Fan! I hope you had a wonderful CHRISTmas

  168. Micah Hasty Avatar

    I so want to win this!

  169. Erika Avatar

    I would love to have 25 news books to devour in 2010. My boyfriend (who didn’t start reading on a regular basis until 2008) keeps teasing me that he’s read more than I have this year!
    .-= Erika?s last blog ..Take back the years. =-.

  170. Lis Avatar

    Not pretentious at all had you done it! You’re amazing!

    Became a fan–woot!

  171. Melinda Lancaster Avatar

    Joined your newly created fan page. I look forward to the interaction there.

  172. Rachel Cooksey Avatar

    Definitely a fan of yours, on FB or otherwise :)
    .-= Rachel Cooksey?s last blog ..Season Finale =-.

  173. phil owen Avatar

    Hey Anne,

    I can be bought! I’m in!

    .-= phil owen?s last blog ..Jimmy Fallon & Muppets =-.

  174. Country Cuban Avatar

    I’m a fan of you and a fan of reading. Better combo out there? I don’t believe so.

  175. Hal Thomas Avatar
    Hal Thomas

    I’m always up for free books!

  176. Art Avatar


  177. Jojo Agot Avatar

    I think I’m gonna win a book today, lol
    .-= Jojo Agot?s last blog ..What is Jesus? Love Tank? =-.

  178. Amanda Mae Avatar
    Amanda Mae

    I became a fan! Yay!
    And, yay, books!!

  179. Mike Avatar

    I became a fan. Also a fan of free books!! :)

  180. Ted Avatar


    Found your site from a Michael Hyatt post, and joined your Facebook Fan Page.

    Look forward to reading more of your items.

    Twitter: @tedkinzer

  181. Charlotte Avatar

    New fan of the blog here! I stumbled across you while reading Jesus Needs New PR. Love the blog, and I joined the fan page on Facebook as well as following on Twitter. :)
    .-= Charlotte?s last blog ..new year?s declarations. =-.

  182. Charlotte Avatar

    Oh, my Twitter name is @howbeautiful
    .-= Charlotte?s last blog ..new year?s declarations. =-.

  183. Joe Avatar

    Count me in!

  184. Kris Avatar

    yay for facebook. joined your page! :)

  185. Dana Byers Avatar

    Thanks for the opportunity Anne!

  186. Alissa Avatar

    Hi Anne, I’ve been a fan for a bit now so why not make it official ;o) thx for all you share and give (pajamas or no pjs). Oh and uh – pick me! Pick me!!

  187. Stephanie Avatar

    I’m a fan! Yahoo for a chance at a book! :)

  188. Emily Avatar

    Brilliant stuff – follow you on twitter, really inspirational!

  189. Tad Savoy Avatar

    Looking forward to reading your book!

  190. Emily Avatar

    Hurray! I’m in.

  191. Jessica McHugh Avatar

    Hey, I’m a new fan! Although I rarely win anything…I thought I’d give it a chance ;)
    Count me in.
    ~ Jess

  192. Pat Saltzgaber Avatar
    Pat Saltzgaber

    love your honesty and generosity

  193. Laura Day Avatar

    Hi, just joined your facebook page, fan page, fan group, whichever it is. I’ve only been on facebook for about 3 weeks now, so I’m still getting familiar with it.
    .-= Laura Day?s last blog ..MEETING CASTING CROWNS =-.

  194. Amy P. Avatar
    Amy P.

    Hi Anne! Really enjoyed seeing you at Catalyst Labs this year. “Mad Church Disease” was an eye-opener for me. Thanks for sharing your experience. I’ve been following your blog since and I’m now glad to be your fan on Facebook. Blessings!

    (p.s. I left this comment on the Facebook post, d’oh! Now that I’ve reread the instructions, I know WHERE to post it.)

  195. Cherice Avatar

    Just had to become a fan of one of my new favorite authors & bloggers. Keep it up Girl!

  196. Bethany Avatar

    I’m a fan.

  197. jana Avatar

    I joined the fan page :) And I’m a big fan!
    .-= jana?s last blog ..Please Celebrate with Us =-.

  198. Nickie Avatar

    I’m a fan! Follow you on Twitter and now Facebook. God bless you!

  199. Vikki Avatar

    I never win anything but I am a fan of Anne!

  200. Darien Gabriel Avatar

    Hey Anne, I liked your post on introverts/extroverts so I’ll comment on that as I let you know I like free books too! I’m refueled by spending time alone. But I like having people around too and sometimes even enjoy being the center of attention. It’s weird (yes I am) so I’m not sure what I am. But I’m okay with being me no matter how you file it. Thanks for giving away books to poor book lovers like me!

  201. Adam M Avatar
    Adam M

    I can haz free book? I iz a fan.

  202. Jessica Avatar

    I’m your fan Anne!

  203. Michael Avatar

    done! Pick me!
    .-= Michael?s last blog ..4 day weekend =-.

  204. beccab Avatar

    Been a fan of your blog for a while, but I’m now an Official Facebook Fan!

  205. Karin Avatar

    I signed up! Love the page. Your friend did a great job with it.

  206. Diana Avatar

    Hi I think I need this. Many points to ponder. Thank you

  207. Jackie Blue Avatar
    Jackie Blue

    I am a fan

  208. Gina Avatar

    love you, Anne!!

  209. Tera Shelton Avatar

    Just found you through Wrecked online mag, joined your facebook page and am already super excited about reading your blogs and book when it comes out! I’m spreadin the word!

  210. Doug Hart Avatar

    Love your honesty – it’s so refreshing! Have a Happy New Year!

  211. Elaine Avatar

    I am officially a fan!
    .-= Elaine?s last blog ..The Year Of Self Discipline =-.

  212. Rick Phillips Avatar

    Hi Anne, I’m a huge fan!! Not so much that I would want to make a suit from your skin or anything weird like that. I really found Mad Church Disease helpful in many ways but it especially enabled me to be aware of some of the pitfalls I was headed for. I am looking forward to your new book but for now I would settle for 25 of the books from your personal collection. (Not in a strange, stalker sort of way)

  213. patriciazell Avatar

    I joined just to be a fan–and I am, you know!
    .-= patriciazell?s last blog ..#23 UNDERSTANDING CHRIST: HIS WALK ON EARTH =-.

  214. veronica Avatar

    just tweeted your contest link @venusveronica

  215. Nick Avatar

    I became your facebook fan yesterday before I knew of this contest, but now I am excited I could win books because of it :)
    .-= Nick?s last blog ..2009: What A Year! =-.

  216. Louie Avatar

    I’ve been a fan for a while, but now it’s official.

  217. Jeff Goins Avatar

    Just joined. Does this constitute your being back on facebook now?
    .-= Jeff Goins?s last blog ..Year-End Charitable Giving Opportunity =-.

  218. kelli Avatar

    You know I’m a fan!!
    .-= kelli?s last blog ..Transplant Update and a Re-Post =-.

  219. connie Avatar

    happy new year :)

  220. Tammy Aragaki Avatar
    Tammy Aragaki

    Happy New Year!

  221. Terrace Crawford Avatar

    I am a fan. Now everybody knows! =)
    You can become a fan of me too…

    –Terrace Crawford
    .-= Terrace Crawford?s last blog ..Manic Monday Minute =-.

  222. Rebecca Avatar

    I’m now an official Anne Jackson fan on facebook! :)

  223. Wendy Avatar

    Count me in! I’m a fan now too! :)

  224. Ronnie Burgess Avatar

    I’m a fan!
    .-= Ronnie Burgess?s last blog ..The End of Free TV? =-.

  225. SHawna Wilkinson Avatar
    SHawna Wilkinson

    I’m a fan…..I hope i win. :0)

  226. Anne Jackson Avatar

    Comments are closed!
    Random # generated by random.org points to Amy N!
    I’ll email you!