I’m about six months out from embarking on a 3100 mile cycling trip across the southern USA, so I figure it would probably be a good idea to actually begin working out, getting in shape, and say, maybe buy a bike.
In August, I had my heart condition corrected that was keeping me from exercising, and made a feeble attempt to begin training myself. That lasted about three weeks. A couple weeks ago, while watching The Biggest Loser, I decided I needed to bite the bullet and get a trainer. I met with Brandon Holt at Chadwicks Fitness.
I shared with him the past, and most importantly, what the future holds. I told him I needed him to beat me into the ground and make me cry. Brandon has worked with people at Blood:Water before, so he totally has a heart for the mission. And he totally has a heart for beating people into (healthy and fit) bloody pulps.
It was a perfect match.
So, I’ve decided to take share this journey with you. It’s going to be six months long, and Brandon and I meet twice a week for an hour of one-on-one training. Outside of that, I’ll have “homework” on my off days and as soon as I get my bike, will start training specifically with it (Thanks, Spence.)
I was so inspired by how much effort The Biggest Loser contestants were putting into being healthy, I thought maybe this journey will inspire someone else. Every few weeks I’ll be posting an update video, as well as my actual fitness assessment. It includes every single fact about my weight, my measurements, my body composition, and level of fitness, like the fact I’m not overweight, but I have three too many pounds of extra fat to be considered “fit.” And that I can only do 13 push-ups.
You can download it here. And laugh at my weak, bony arms.
Without further adieu, here’s the first video of me reflecting (pre-flecting?) on what my first day in the gym will be like, you’ll meet Brandon, find out if I beg for mercy like he tells me I will, and then some final thoughts on the day. Will I throw up? Maybe…
I’m getting my bike this weekend, so I’m sure either a video of me rocking it or a video of me in the hospital with a broken leg will follow next.
Here’s to Riding Well…
30 responses to “I’m a Fat Skinny Person Who Can’t Do Push Ups”
Brave Girl!! Thanks for sharing your thoughts and I can’t wait to follow you on this journey of yours. :) I’ll think of you when I’m on my bike. :)
.-= Michelle Sidles?s last blog ..Happy Birthday! =-.
I really did not want to run today, but after reading this post I am off to run my five miles for the day.
.-= Kyle Reed?s last blog ..Feeling Fertile =-.
I’m a fat skinny person, too. Proud of you and rooting for you!
.-= Jennifer Taylor?s last blog ..call waiting =-.
That is awesome. I started working with a trainer about a month ago to try and get down to a healthier weight, as well as just get healthy in general, and I know exactly how you feel. It does hurt, and I’ve had days where it hurt to walk when we finished, and days where I wanted to throw up.
The good news is, it does get easier. I jogged a mile yesterday without stopping for the first time in my life, and while I did have a pretty bad cramp after we finished, I still made it! Just keep working at it, and definitely do your “homework.” My trainer always tells me that what we do when we’re together is only one third of what it takes, so keep going strong even when he’s not there.
Good luck with it all!
.-= Phillip Coxwell?s last blog ..Jack of all trades, Master of none =-.
Your title is way off. I was expecting to find a post about me… a fat skinny person that cant do push ups.
But 13?!?! Dang girl, that is impressive! I wish I could do just one! (I’m married to a PE teacher/health guru that cant even teach me to do a push up!)
.-= Heidi?s last blog ..I am great (no really, I am) =-.
PS- Good luck with your journey!! Maybe you’ll inspire me to get off the couch (or at least put the chocolate away while watching Biggest Loser).
.-= Heidi?s last blog ..I am great (no really, I am) =-.
When you are weak, He is strong.
Congrats on the start to your journey!
.-= Chris Tomlinson?s last blog ..My Dog Has a Cone: Thoughts on Suffering =-.
I continue to be on a viscious cycle of being motivated and then no motivation. I am overweight and I fight it daily. I have been on a roller coaster of diets for the past several months/years. I usually give up and I allow negative thoughts to plague my mind at times! I have committed to a new me and I am very xcited to watch your progress! Maybe I can share my journey as well! Thanks for your passion!! Ephesians 2:10
excellent! and inspiring.
brent just joined a gym. i get to join next month. i HAVE to get healthy. ive put it off for too long. so thanks for this kick in the butt.
and, im proud of you and glad youre heart is doing so great!
.-= tam?s last blog ..Q & A ? with a twist =-.
i had just been piddling around with fitness since my unsuccessful effort to complete a half marathon… here you go being all real and transparent. guess i will have to step up to the plate… uhh gym….
thanks anne
Nice! You are in great shape to begin training – and I’m sure 6 months with Brandon will have in great shape to ride well.
Now, I need to get off my butt and go for a bike ride today!
.-= Janet?s last blog ..Winning Wednesday =-.
“fat skinny person”–this is so me! I’ve never been able to describe it better. Yes, I’m skinny-ish, but I’m not healthy. Here’s to getting into shape.
p.s. You inspired me to get up and “move” during this entire video. Seven minutes and two seconds more exercise than I probably would have gotten otherwise. So thanks!
.-= Megan?s last blog ..Memory card Monday–Art gallery edition =-.
already inspired, Anne! thanks for taking us on the journey with you!
Go girl! It is so gonna’ be worth it! I’ll be praying for you.
I started on a similar journey at the beginning of October. There was a slight stop when I had a liver biopsy & then nasty flu but I’m back on to going from ‘fat to fit’ so I can run my first 10k race next September.
Keep going! :0)
.-= Ruthie?s last blog ..2lbs =-.
I heard a quote once that describes me perfectly right now….
“I’m in no shape to work out.” :)
I’ve always had to work hard just to maintain weight and not lose too much as a guy, so my weight gain in the last year or so has been kinda cool. Not doing anything active lately, however, is not kinda cool.
Props to you, Anne.
.-= Josh?s last blog ..God is huge =-.
That is awesome! I’m so proud of you and know you can do this!!! :)
.-= Lauren Kelly?s last blog ..Sexiest Man of the Year??? =-.
Great start Anne. I look forward to your future posts and the progress you are going to make. You are working with an awesome trainer.
Very cool, but i was hoping to see you vomit.
.-= Phil Thompson?s last blog ..Dealing with the Walking Wounded =-.
I am currently praying about applying for that tour! I am two weeks away from graduating college and my plan is if I do not find a (full time) job by February (when the application is due) then I will apply. Ideally, I would find a full time job that would allow me to take this time off. I think it is great you are doing that and hope your readers are moved by your commitment to raise money for Blood:water! Good luck!
I feel your pain. Getting ready to go to my weekly work out class that kicks my butt. It’s a lot like what they do on the biggest loser. I’ve excepted that fact that I will always hurt the day after this class :)
Hello. I found your blog through in-courage and have been reading for a few days. I just love it!
Best of luck in your exercise program! I think that it is really awesome that you are willing to share the journey (and numbers!) with everyone!
Proud of you, Anne!! We are pulling for you!! Yeah! I even got goosebumps at the end of the video w/ the music and when it displayed “RideWell.” -Awesomeness.
.-= Reese?s last blog ..Prayer Request =-.
Anne: What a challenge! You can do it! We will be praying you reach your goal! Thanks for speaking from your heart!
.-= Carol?s last blog ..Anniversary Encouragements =-.
Congrats on getting a bike! I’m a geek about bicycles, so I’m very excited for you … for Ride:Well and all that too, but mostly about the bicycle. ;)
Make sure you give it a name and don’t leave it outside. Bikes don’t like rain.
.-= Lex?s last blog ..We?re too smart for love =-.
I am anxious to see what kind of bike you purchase. I am so jealous…I. really wish I had the time to do a cross country ride. You will love cycling.
You are such a rockstar! I’m secretly really jealous that you get to bike across the country next summer! You’re raising money right? I’m thinking of doing my own fundraiser for your Blood Water trip next summer! More on that later…
As I’m sure you’re aware… Thanksgiving is next weekend. Which means there is a 5K run in my city called the ‘Turkey Trot’. I’ve run it the last 2 years and had a blasty… but I did not run at all this summer. I’ve been thinking about not running the ‘Turkey Trot’ next week. But I’m gonna go for it. I need to do this. Thanks! You’re an inspiration!
.-= Graham?s last blog ..Sent From The Future =-.
You’re also incredibly brave for publicizing it. Bold.
.-= Andy?s last blog ..The Disease of Criticism in (and of) the Church =-.
I think it’s great that you are really getting into being more fit and healthy, and I think that doing the Ride:Well Tour will truly be amazing, for so many reasons. About two months ago I returned from being overseas for seven months, and in my time home, I have gained all the weight I lost while away. It was so nice to be somewhere where staying active was just part of your day. It was good for me, and I’m really missing that. However, after having those experiences overseas, though they were very challenging sometimes, I am now more motivated to put more effort into living healthy. Anyway, look forward to seeing how things go for you in your getting ready for the tour!
if there is going to be a club of fat skinny people, please count me in. and thanks for the reminder that I have GOT to get my fat skinny butt back out there. it’s time to pound some pavement (and also time to stop pounding cupcakes)! Happy training!!
.-= Jamie the Very Worst Missionary?s last blog ..Ask Jamie How Missionaries Do It: Defining the BEST missionary =-.
Anne! Anne! Anne!
I am so excited for you!!! My name is Erin and I was on the 2008 Ride:well Bike tour! I didn’t train at all because I was scared, so you are already one step ahead of me!! You will do awesome!! I wanted to tell you that I live in Nashville, but only until Dec. 13. So, I was wondering if we could meet up. I would love to talk ride:well with you, and encourage you!!! I am actually going to be co-leading Ride:well pacific this summer, so we will be riding at the same time for the same cause! It is the most amazing thing ever. My email is easymac08@gmail.com, and i hope you read this and get ahold of me. It would be awesome if we could meet up. So, let me know!! and keep on ridin:well. You’re doing great already!