Some Conferences You Should Know About

The parallel for Back to School for church leaders is Back to Conference.

There are several conferences coming up this Fall that I thought I’d let you know about. I’ll be at all but one of them, sometimes speaking.

Christian Web Conference(Biola U, La Mirada, CA) September 11 & 12 (*Speaking)

Innovate 09(Granger, IN) September 24 & 25 (*I’ll be in NYC on vacation…but you should go!)
A conference best experienced in team, Innovate delivers hard-earned, practical next steps no matter where you?re located, whether you?re a paid staff or unpaid volunteer, part of a church of 50 or 8,000 ? it?s unique. **I have THREE free passes to giveaway! To enter, just tell me in the comments that you’d like to win and I’ll choose three random winners!

Catalyst(Atlanta, GA) October 7-9 (*Speaking!)
I’ll be speaking in one of the Catalyst Labs on October 7 and hosting Catalyst Backstage on the 8 & 9. TODAY (8/27) is the last day to get the early bird discount! Hurry!

Story Chicago (Aurora, IL) – October 28 & 29 (*Not speaking, but I’ll be around!)
Some of my favorite communicators will be speaking and one of my favorite people in the world is the genius behind this event.

National Outreach Convention (San Diego, CA) – November 4-6 (*I’m the only girl speaking…please bring chocolate).

Lead Now/Fusion (Dallas, TX & Satellite Broadcast everywhere!) – November 5-7 (*Speaking. Three times I think.)
We live in a world where followers of Christ appear to be frozen in their faith, unable to take the necessary steps required to initiate true life transformation. We believe the problem is big, but the solution is even bigger.

DIRT (Little Rock, AR) – November 10 & 11 (*Speaking. Three times I think.)
Dirt is for the video and graphics guys (and girls), worship teams, creative staff, pastors (because you know all this is your fault anyway), sound and lighting crews, actors, weekend series developers, web and copy writers, and multi-site churches.

(And then I am going to take a really, really long nap…)

Will I see you around?


21 responses to “Some Conferences You Should Know About”

  1. Dawn Nicole Baldwin Avatar

    Wow! Great picks, Anne :) One more to add to your list is Cultivate [] It’s in Chicago the day before STORY and the two events really go hand in hand.

    Would absolutely love for you to join us if you’re able. [Heck, with @prodigaljohn & @loswhit coming, I feel like we’re missing the third musketeer… :)]

  2. Dave Anthold Avatar

    Wow – I would love to go to Innovate 09 & take a few friends with me. Wish there were time for everything.

  3. Rindy Walton Avatar

    I would love, love, love to go to Innovate!!! I’m helping to lead a team at a new church plant that is pumped & ready to try some new things to take ministry to another level!! Winning the tickets would be perfect!!!

  4. Shanti Avatar

    Ah, fall conference season looks amazing, but I will be working conferences we’re hosting during the majority of those dates. Pray that I get the 11th off of work and I will see you at CWC! I’ll even bring ya cookies or something. :)

  5. AGascho Avatar

    My hubby and I would REALLY love to attend!

  6. Matt Nash Avatar

    Anne. I will be praying for you as you make the conference circuit. I would really love to go to INNOVATE 09 in Granger so I will be super stoked if I win.

    I will see you at Catalyst and would love to have coffee with you if possible to talk ministry and publishing. Can you email me directly or send me a DM on Twitter @matthewnash.

    Thanks! Hang in there!


  7. Jim Avatar

    staying close to home the rest of the year…i’ll be working on Idea Camp Portland,OR #ICPNW for November

  8. Grady Bauer Avatar

    Won’t be back in the US until the Spring….anything going on then?

  9. Heidi Avatar

    I would love to go to INNOVATE 09! It would be a totally new experience for me. :)

  10. Nate Avatar

    Ohhh. . . I’d love to go to Innovate. . . Liquid’s Creative Team is going, but since I’m in Student Ministries, I miss the boat. Ah well.

  11. Katie Avatar

    Great list Anne. I’ll be at Story and Dirt. I would love to go to Innovate as well. But, choices to be made. Winning the passes would solve that problem though.

  12. cool dad Avatar

    I can’t remember the last time I attended a Christian conference just as an attendee. It sounds fun, but the three that I’m drawn to, I can’t attend.

    Christian Web Conference – too far
    Catalyst – in FL that weekend (seeing U2!)
    Story – in FL again

  13. Charles Avatar

    Great! Can’t wait to see you in Little Rock!

  14. Blane Young Avatar

    Innovate looks incredible and I have only seen the promo video and their promotional pamphlet (it is not really a pamphlet, but what else could I call it? And I should never use that word because it makes what I am trying to describe sound lame).

    Dirt sounds super awesome, I love everything that ARC is doing.
    Not sure if I will be making it, though.

  15. Carole Turner Avatar

    I so want to go to Story! Right now, it’s just not financially possible…but I’m still working on it.

    Can’t wait for your visit here, looking forward to hanging out with you again during Midnight Outreach.

  16. Michaela Avatar

    Sign me up for those Innovate tickets! Yesssssss.

  17. Faye Avatar

    I loved Innovate ’08! It was the time & place God really honed my purpose in my mind & heart. I would love to go again, mainly, I’d love to win a ticket for my pastor.

    Hopefully I’ll see you at Catalyst and Dirt! Can’t wait!

  18. Jason Petermann Avatar

    Looking forward to meeting you at Catalyst Anne! Would LOVE to go to Innovate as well! A free pass would get me there! I have parents/grandparents to stay with who live there, plus, I could see my friend Jeff Bell! That would be a treat!

  19. Tina Avatar

    please, please pick me for the Innovate tickets! it would be fantastic to go!!!

  20. Guy Walker Avatar

    I will be at DIRT!

  21. Jeff Avatar

    I’d love to attend the Innovate09 conf.