QUICK READER POLL – Help Shape This Blog!


During this blogging down time, I will probably sporadically update but it won’t be consistent. Brad is in the process of redesigning the look and functionality, and in order to make this the best experience for you, I would LOVE for you to take a quick Reader Survey.

I shamelessly stole this idea (and most of the questions) from my friend Mike Hyatt. It’s around 20 questions and most are multiple choice. It should take you just a minute to complete and will provide me with valuable information to make FlowerDust.net even more applicable and encouraging to you.

If you take the survey, leave a comment and be entered in a contest to win an autographed copy of Mad Church Disease (which, by the way, if you have ordered or won any in the last two weeks, I am doing my best to find them. They are still packed from our move and as soon as I unpack them, will ship them out to you!)




62 responses to “QUICK READER POLL – Help Shape This Blog!”

  1. moviepastor Avatar

    I love freestuff #squarespace #moonfruit #madchurch – yum!

  2. Shelly Avatar

    I took the flowerdust reader poll.


  3. patricia Avatar

    there you go. hope it helps. =) ok. since im the first do i get to win a book? LOL happy 4th and happy sabbath on facebook/blog

    patricia?s last blog post..resolved.

  4. patricia Avatar

    oh crap i wasn’t first. oh well =/ haha

    patricia?s last blog post..resolved.

  5. Kirsten Avatar

    Took the survey! :)

  6. Cassie Avatar

    Just finished the survey:)

    Cassie?s last blog post..Lessons Learned From a Can of Spam

  7. Julie Avatar

    I took your poll.

    Julie?s last blog post..Daily Quiet Time

  8. Cynthia Hendrix (@CynHendrix) Avatar

    Hooray for surveys! Got 2 more chapters to go in MCD!

    Cynthia Hendrix (@CynHendrix)?s last blog post..Word of the Day: pariphrasis

  9. Cindy Avatar

    Took the survey (via iPhone)… Hope my answers are accurate!

  10. Mike Avatar

    survey taken…

    Mike?s last blog post..My Current iPhone Apps

  11. Suraj Reddy Avatar


    Would be neat if we could see a summary of some of the data ;p

    Suraj Reddy?s last blog post..Summer: Why LooP? (Part 2/2)

  12. John Ireland Avatar
    John Ireland

    vurrry interesting, my TN friend. :) curious to see the changes…

  13. Amy Avatar

    It’s your blog– I say do whatever you want with it!

  14. Anne Jackson Avatar

    You guys are great. Loving the responses so far.

  15. Katie Avatar

    i agree it’s your blog, make it your own. but always good to get audience input as well. i’ve done my part, hope it helps. i’m sure you are, but remember to pray about it too – it’s His opinion that matters the most in the end after all is said and done anyway, right?

  16. kam Avatar

    took that survey!! ;)

    kam?s last blog post..knowing you. knowing me.

  17. JD Avatar

    Did the survey :o)

  18. Amy Fry Avatar

    I took the Flowerdust reader poll too! I LOVE the name of this blog, by the way.

    Amy Fry?s last blog post..Keepers of the Aquarium? (i did NOT write this)

  19. Sister Violet Avatar
    Sister Violet

    Anne…you have a great blog that reaches so many and it is evident that you are being used by God! While input and advice can be a good thing (most of the time), be sure to keep it in line with your heart and where God is leading you through this journey. =)

  20. Stina Avatar

    I took the survey. Just so you know, the question about what state you live in requires an answer, even if you don’t enter the U.S. as your country. Since I happen to be an American living abroad, I just put in the state I’m from, but foreign readers could have a problem… unless I just missed something.

  21. Karin Avatar

    Just finished taking the survey

    Karin?s last blog post..Some thoughts on a rainy Saturday

  22. TeriRN Avatar

    Just took your survey. It’s great to see how God is using you in others lives. Continue to follow His will. Even if I don’t win a copy, I am looking forward to getting a copy of Mad Church Disease.

    TeriRN?s last blog post..How do I Pray for Healing?

  23. Rick Apperson Avatar


    Great idea and will be praying for you during this break.

    Rick Apperson?s last blog post..5 Questions with Kary Oberbrunner

  24. Rick Apperson Avatar

    Took the survey. Good stuff!

    Rick Apperson?s last blog post..5 Questions with Kary Oberbrunner

  25. Amy N Avatar

    just took the survey. hope you have a good break and are able to renew in whatever ways you need to.

    Amy N?s last blog post..Baby’s 1st Year Photography Plan – Special Offer

  26. patriciazell Avatar

    I took your survey–just remember this is your blog and it should reflect who you are!

  27. David Avatar

    There are so many people down here who’d love an autographed copy of MCD…and that way I won’t have to worry about the one we already have going walkabout!

    David?s last blog post..Randomness

  28. Charity Avatar

    I am absolutely determined to win one of these someday…

    Charity?s last blog post..Mhmmm

  29. bill_todd Avatar

    survey completed

    bill_todd?s last blog post..A response to today?s headlines.

  30. Kristi Avatar

    I always love me a good survey!

  31. Courtney Avatar

    Love your blog- always an interesting and fun read– i just took the survey!

  32. RM Avatar

    i took it. hope it’s helpful!

  33. Leighton Avatar

    Thanks for giving me the chance to put in my two cents. Keep up this great work!

  34. Rodney Olsen Avatar


    Rodney Olsen?s last blog post..Faith and Education

  35. Shawn Avatar

    Took the survey, and love the site…anything added would be awesome, but the site is awesome just as it is too! Keep up the great work Anne. Can’t wait to see you again @ Catalyst 2009!

    Shawn?s last blog post..R.I.P. Michael!

  36. Heidi Reed Avatar

    done :)

    Heidi Reed?s last blog post..Happy 4th of July

  37. Ian Eastman Avatar

    Took the survey. Honestly, I like the site as it is!

    Ian Eastman?s last blog post..Healthy Advice: Unsolicited Advice About Marriage

  38. Michael Raburn Avatar

    Took the survey. Hope I get an ‘A’ (or at least a ‘B’). Love your blog now. Thanks for being sensitive to your audience; just don’t be too sensitive. Jeremiah got a lot of criticism from the people living in Jerusalem. Turned out he was only telling them what the Father had given him to say. Keep doing the same. Learning of our MCD condition is painful, but we need to hear it. Thank you for your courage and obedience.

    Michael Raburn?s last blog post..Prayer: For Ordering A Life Wisely

  39. Kyle Reed Avatar

    I have completed the survey

    Kyle Reed?s last blog post..Inside the Patriots Mind

  40. Josh Avatar

    I have taken the survey as well.

  41. Pete/Sparkle of Nature Avatar

    Good quiz, well designed, easy to take. I agree with your friends above who encourage you to say what YOU feel moved to say; what God lays on YOUR heart to say. Some of us will be touched in a special way when you do. (That’s already happened more than once in my own family.) So keep listening, keep sensing, keep experiencing, keep speaking. Bless you. (PS – looked up SVT the other day; was both informed and encouraged for you. Will keep praying.)

  42. daveallen Avatar

    I took the survey. Ditto, it is your site so do what you want. We’ll come if it touches us and move on if it doesn’t. that’s why it’s YOUR site. But do seriously consider my comments about adding live monkeys to the mix or at least some photos with monkeys doing funny things. I think it would help with all the stress we’re feeling.

  43. Lisa Avatar

    Just took the survey!

    Lisa?s last blog post..Chillaxin/?Got Milk??/Winnie the Pooh

  44. Trisha Avatar

    took the survey–thanks~

    Trisha?s last blog post..

  45. Terri Avatar

    I just finished the survey. Your blog is always an interesting read simply because your heart is apparent in your writing.

  46. Brenda Avatar

    Took the survey. Looking forward to the new look and whatever Brad is designing. :)

    Brenda?s last blog post..Time for Fireworks!

  47. John Alexander Avatar

    Looking forward to the new book!

    John Alexander?s last blog post..Church in Mission (Thursday) ? Day 9

  48. Lacey Avatar

    Took the survey! :)

  49. Alison Avatar

    I took the reader poll

    Alison?s last blog post..Past couple of weeks in pictures

  50. Bethany Avatar

    done and done! looking forward to seeing Brad’s redesign!

    Bethany?s last blog post..What am I missing?

  51. Sara Ross Avatar

    @ Suraj Reddy
    I agree, it would be interesting to see some of your results. I am curious about how people find your blog.

    Sara Ross?s last blog post..my body

  52. Texas in Africa Avatar

    Tried, but there’s no option to not share your income level, and we have a longstanding family policy against doing so. Sorry!

    Texas in Africa?s last blog post..the liberia question

  53. jami Avatar

    i took the survey!

  54. Ileana Avatar

    In the words of Jesus… it is done. ;)

    Ileana?s last blog post..Heart of Worship

  55. the marry blogger Avatar

    Thanks Anne! I took the survey like the hundreds of others above!!! ;)

    the marry blogger?s last blog post..Your Marriage: Is it Electric? (Boogie Woogie Woogie)

  56. evan blackerby Avatar

    Word up.

    evan blackerby?s last blog post..If you were the sole survivor?

  57. Jaclyn Standridge Avatar
    Jaclyn Standridge

    Thanks Anne for the survey! Love love love your blog! Keep up the awesome work! Blessings!