BOOK GIVEAWAY: From Eternity to Here

Every once in a while, you’ll stumble on an author who makes you say, “That’s exactly what I’ve been feeling!” Someone, somewhere found the ability and artistry to take an emotion and name it. But not only do they label it, they expound on it. Where did this emotion come from? What does it mean? Where is it taking me? What should I do with it?

But perhaps more profound is the experience of community. You realize you’re not alone in feeling or thinking a particular way.

You’re not going crazy.

And if you are, at least someone’s going there with you.

Such is the case with my friend Frank Viola. Eons ago (in social media world, that translates into about six months), Frank sent me a message on Facebook, humbly introducing himself. As if I didn’t already know who he was and didn’t already devour every word he and George Barna wrote in the book Pagan Christianity. Still, I tried to play it cool.

eternity_9kb1He had a new book releasing called From Eternity to Here and wanted to know if I’d take a look. I told him I needed to think about it. I was scared. Pagan Christianity messed me up enough and because I was in a busy season of life, I couldn’t afford to lose my sanity. He sent it anyway, and I waited until just recently to read it.

Frank writes with a style you almost wouldn’t expect. Very very smart people with lots of letters after their name review and discuss his work and use lots of Greek words I kind of remember from the one Bible class I took ten years ago. I was intimated. I didn’t need to be.

Poetically, thought-provokingly, and, as the academics would say, very very smartly Frank unfolds the story of God’s heartbeat. His mission. His love.

One of my favorite takeaways from From Eternity to Here says this about Mary of Magdala.

“Indeed, Mary of Magdala is a study in undying love. I ask you: What provoked such unending devotion? It was simply this: Mary believed the Lord’s opinion of her. She took His opinion of herself rather than her own. In doing so, love was awakened within her own heart for Christ…

Therefore, the next time you feel condemnation over your past, please remember this one thing: The first person to lay eyes upon the resurrected Lord was a former prostitute.

God chose Mary Magdalene from the foundation of the world, knowing the kind of life she would live. And He chose you and me from the foundation of the world, knowing full well all the mistakes we would make this side of the veil.

You have a Lord who wishes to cherish you. Neither your fallen nature nor your sins are an obstacle for Him. He has dealt with them thoroughly, completely, and willingly by His death and resurrection.

Never forget: This God of yours allowed a prostitute to love Him extravagantly in the house of a Pharisee. Such is the wonder of the sacred romance into which every believer has been swept up. So go in peace, and love your Lord like Mary did.”

Dang, y’all.

I asked Frank if I could give ten copies of From Eternity to Here away for our Thursday book giveaway, to which he kindly complied. Assuming you didn’t already click on the link and buy it yourself, here’s how you can win.

To be entered, leave a comment with something you’ve always wondered (For example, mine would be “Am I the only one who wonders why blog posts on missions or social justice don’t get half the traffic of a book giveaway post?”) – and be entered. I?ll pick winners next Thursday and they shall be notified via electronic post. (That?s email). Use the TWEET THIS button below to earn double credit.

So…what do you wonder?



119 responses to “BOOK GIVEAWAY: From Eternity to Here”

  1. Marysol Avatar

    Can I possibly be the first to comment? COOL! Maybe its because I read these things in the middle of my day when everyone else is still sleeping 7 time zones back!

    Anne, I too wonder about why social justice/missions doesn’t get the same type of traffic or response.


  2. Terry Webste Avatar
    Terry Webste

    I always wonder why we as Christ followers have so much trouble trusting grace. Like the example from the book, why do we have so much trouble believing that we are loved by God.

  3. EROPPER Avatar

    I am actually quite shocked that you would endorse one of Frank Viola’s books……Although, I personally identify with his teachings, It seems that most of what he says would conflict with the corporate/institutional church Paradigm that most professional religionators, like you, Anne, seem to propogate…… :) No offense…. :)

  4. Tim Avatar

    I always wonder if Adam and Eve had bellybuttons. My personal hunch is no. Also, I wonder what the balance should be between being generous and giving everything away compared with having some things and enjoying them as gifts from God.

    Tim?s last blog post..The Rise of Mega-Church Efforts in International Development

  5. John Alexander Avatar

    I wonder why people…ehh Christians…spend so much time worrying about, critiquing, or involving themselves with “MEANINGLESS” things (organ v. band, dark lighting v. lights on, pinochle clubs v. mission teams)?

    Second wonder: I wonder if God is constantly laughing at (in a good way) our theological conversations as if we could ever truly figure Him out?

    John Alexander?s last blog post..Integrity

  6. Felicity Avatar

    I wonder why Christians can’t see more in common and learn to live together more peacefully? It seems so contradictory to bite at one another and yet I see and hear it so often. Disheartening, really. And why do people from other streams of thought think it strange that we could glean truth from one another. Just bugs me.

    Felicity?s last blog post..Birthdays, Puppies, and Unplugging

  7. Beth Taylor Avatar

    I always wonder why the same humans who have accepted His extravagant, forgiving Grace cannot seem to extend this Grace to others. It is a great mystery to me.

    Beth Taylor?s last blog post..Two Things a Leader MUST Have

  8. Matthew Snyder Avatar

    I wonder why the bulk of the budget at most churches doesn’t go to missions. Why not? Don’t we want to reach the world? Maybe I’m biased because I’m a missionary…

  9. Christie Nelson Avatar
    Christie Nelson

    I often wonder why we (especially women) find it so hard to show the same grace to ourselves as we show to others and why we often lose sight of how the Father graciously looks at us and loves us so fully (even now).

  10. Jesse Avatar

    I wonder why it’s so easy to care about a facebook profile and what people I was never friends with in the first place think about me through it and at the same time is hard to care about the poor and downtrodden, the fatherless and the widow. Especially because I would like it to be the opposite…

  11. Ian Eastman Avatar

    I wonder why people keep doing the same things that make them miserable over and over… How it rarely occurs to people that they can make different choices in hopes of getting a different result.

    Ian Eastman?s last blog post..Love One Another

  12. Nate Avatar

    I wonder why leadership is often such a lonely place to be.

    Nate?s last blog post..Communications and children?s ministries. . .

  13. Josh Brickey Avatar

    I wonder why Wal-Mart Supercenters have about 40 registers and only 4 or 5 that are open.

    Josh Brickey?s last blog post..A lesson on love

  14. Eddie Taylor Avatar

    I wonder why I want another book to read when I have shelves of unread books?

    Eddie Taylor?s last blog post..First Law of Spiritual Progress

  15. Lex Avatar

    I wonder why on earth God continues to use me, and trust me with leading His children.

    Lex?s last blog post..Law? What law?

  16. Michael Raburn Avatar

    I wonder why obeying Jesus is so hard sometimes. I also wonder why more ‘Christians’ don’t even try. Maybe because it’s so hard. Or maybe because obedience is not high enough on our teaching priority.

    Michael Raburn?s last blog post..What third graders have to do with prison planning

  17. Lucille Avatar

    I wonder how many people who say they’ll pray, do?

    Lucille?s last blog post..The Empty Chair by Brennan Manning

  18. Rachel Avatar

    I wonder why my mind always goes blank when people ask me questions like this. Seriously.

    Anne, I just started reading your blog while you were in India and really enjoy it … I thought today was as good a day as any to let you know!

    Rachel?s last blog post..The wrong song

  19. Elaine Avatar

    I wonder what God was doing before He created our universe.

    Elaine?s last blog post..When the Science Hits the Fan – The Dark Side

  20. Kimberley Avatar

    I wonder what makes the church… the church… and what Jesus would really consider is a church….

  21. Mike Avatar

    Sounds like a great book – I loved Pagan Christianity as well.

    I wonder why . . . we still feel like we’re crazy (at times) when there are so many like-minded (or, crazy) folks out here who feel the same way. Maybe it’s because we are hesitant to say what we really feel/think/believe?

  22. Ally Avatar

    I wonder where in the bible it says Mary Magdalene was a prostitute?

  23. Sarah Avatar

    I’ve been wondering how to effectively potty train. *sigh*

    Sarah?s last blog post..In which my life just got exponentially busier

  24. Andy Avatar

    I wonder why God keeps calling me to fast from food on alternating days this week.

    Andy?s last blog post..More Servolution

  25. Eva Joy Avatar

    I wonder how to best disern between God’s voice and my own thoughts which try to convince me that God is telling me to do whatever I most want to do (how convenient, right?).

    Eva Joy?s last blog post..From An Interview With Randy Alcorn

  26. Kevin M. Avatar

    I wonder why the church is so quick to shoot it’s wounded (especially when it’s the pastor) …. :(

    Kevin M.?s last blog post..Mad Church Disease Group Blogging Project Day 4

  27. John Stickley Avatar

    I used to wonder why there were no blue M&Ms… then they started making them. Apparently others wondered that too.

    On a serious note, I wonder what kind of world my kids are going to grow up to live in. And I wonder if they’ll grow to know and love Christ with all of their hearts in spite of my faults and failings as a parent.

  28. Sarah B Avatar

    I have recently been wondering why I get so motivated when I read these great books but can never follow through. I say I trust God and know that he will do great things but than I slack….and I could say the same thing of the Church. We preach these wonderful things but are we doing what God wants us to do…are we really being the Church. It should be an easy equation…but it isn’t.

    Sarah B?s last blog post..Last Month in Review

  29. Monica Avatar

    I wonder if I will win this book? (ha! couldn’t resist)


    I wonder if it will ever stop raining

    Monica?s last blog post..Yet more thoughts on contentment

  30. Sarah McGalliard Avatar

    I have always (Well, kind of) wondered why Ben & Jerry’s decided to throw coconut flakes into their mint chocolate chip ice cream. disgrace. does this count? or does it have to be some deep, meaningful pondering thought?

  31. Bob Hostetler Avatar

    I’ve always wondered if I’m good enough. If I’m lovable. If people like me. And that’s just the beginning!

    Bob Hostetler?s last blog post..Prayer from a New iPhone App

  32. Chris Avatar

    I wonder why some people get chance after chance after chance, and why some people get one shot and that’s it? Why does it seem that God gives some people multiple opportunities to right themselves with His grace and others seem to receive few chances?

  33. Geoff Avatar

    I wonder why, when we are asking God to do something about all of the pain and injustice in our broken world, that we stop there and often times miss His invitation and the possibility that He’s asking us the same thing…

  34. scottee Avatar

    I wonder if the way the Church currently looks in America is the way Jesus meant for it to turn out.

  35. Marilyn Avatar

    I wonder if we will really care about all those “When I see Jesus, I’ll ask Him about…” questions when we actually see Him face to face.

  36. Texas in Africa Avatar

    I wonder why we convince ourselves that making the very poor slightly less poor through charitable giving is in any way meeting our obligations to uphold the Biblical vision of justice.

    Texas in Africa?s last blog post..guest post: the problem with visibility

  37. kristiapplesauce Avatar

    I wonder if my husband will ever cut his hair again – because right now he has a mullet.

    kristiapplesauce?s last blog post..The next day

  38. Mario Hood Avatar

    I wonder why all the same people get invited to speak at every Church Conference event?

  39. tobit Avatar

    I wonder if I can handle all God has lined up for me…

    tobit?s last blog post..When God Shows up

  40. A Jones Avatar

    Why do we as Christians focus so much on the minor details instead of focusing on the big picture of loving God and living for Him?

  41. JD Avatar

    I wonder if my husband will ever have a heart for Christ, what more I can do to be the wife God needs me to be to make that happen… and how this is affecting the kids. Am I doing enough to raise them to follow Christ? Will they follow their father’s teachings, or mine? Will it take a catastrophe to make him understand how important God is in our lives, or will it be too late by then, would a catastrophe make him run further away from God?

    I wonder what it would feel like to find a church that I feel at home in. One that doesn’t make me feel lonely without my husband there, one that doesn’t choke me with the perfume and cologne people wear, and one that I could grow spiritually.

    I wonder if I will survive a 3000 mile roundtrip “road trip” this summer with three children, and if I can afford the fuel it will cost, ha ha ha!!!!

    I wonder if I could just keep on wondering all day long at this rate :o)

  42. Rachel @ Surviving The Stores Avatar

    I would love to win this book! We have Pagan Christianity and Reimagining Church already.

    Here’s my question…. How can I be an idealist, and yet live in reality?

    Rachel @ Surviving The Stores?s last blog post..High Dollar Kashi Coupons + More!!

  43. a medrano Avatar
    a medrano

    I wonder what my face will look like if (when :))I win this book!!!

  44. Mark Avatar

    I wonder why everyone is getting on the “free book giveaway” bandwagon. Have blogs fallen upon hard times too?

    Mark?s last blog post..Guilt-ridden faith

  45. Rachel @ Surviving The Stores Avatar

    I tweeted this as well… do I need to leave a separate comment?

    Rachel @ Surviving The Stores?s last blog post..High Dollar Kashi Coupons + More!!

  46. Vito Avatar

    I wonder when church growth and effectiveness crossed the line to become such a strategic psychology.

    Vito?s last blog post..Francis Chan Intro at Exponential 09

  47. Paul Steinbrueck Avatar

    I wonder why Jesus told the disciples to preach “The kingdom of heaven is near?” What does that REALLY mean?

    I’ve spent my entire life as a Christ follower primarily focused on personal salvation and am just starting to get the sense that I’ve been missing the bigger picture, this whole concept of the kingdom of heaven being at hand.

    Paul Steinbrueck?s last blog post..In Case of Emergency

  48. Sara Ross Avatar

    I wonder how many Vacation Bible Schools I can send my 3 kids to this summer? :)

    Sara Ross?s last blog post..What pleases the Lord?

  49. Candace Ryder Avatar

    I wonder why there are those who think it is OK to berate someone publically in a blog comment when we are told to use our words to build people up???

    RT @pwilsonI just got slammed on my blog for playing cards while “our very lives are in peril”. That’s a first.

  50. Rachel O. Avatar

    I wonder why there is a lack of personal accountability in our society? Even in the church it seems like everyone believes that some one else should take care of their problems. It seems like our society depends on the government, school, and even churches for everything related to their wellbeing. Why is that?

  51. Larry Baxter Avatar

    I wonder if when I finish Reggie McNeal’s book “Missional Renaissance” I will be applauding or crying?! Challenging stuff!

    Larry Baxter?s last blog post..Compassion

  52. Marty Avatar

    I wonder how many Christians we will loose in the coming economic storm that has not really hit yet. Government will not save us…. I’m just saying…..

  53. Nic Avatar

    I would love to read this book. I wonder about what’s next. And also, what the heck am I supposed to do with my life? You know, the little stuff.

    Nic?s last blog post..Faith

  54. wayne mclaughlin Avatar

    I wonder if war, as a method of settling differences, will ever be outlawed or given up by nations.

    wayne mclaughlin?s last blog post..old bible

  55. Pete/Sparkle of Nature Avatar

    No mystery about your own question, Anne. Unfortunately, by nature most of us are takers, not givers. And that relates nicely to my own question – I wonder how to take an important subject that one of our Presidents said puts everyone to sleep in church – loving our neighbors, which includes poverty and justice – and make it interesting enough to really communicate. Either through a book or in person.

    So far, I try by mixing Scripture with plenty of personal stories and quotes. But it’s always a challenge, even though Jesus said it’s “Like unto” as important as loving God.

    I hope we’ll all finally learn to make it as interesting as the mythical best-seller on levitation – the one where one reviewer said “I couldn’t put it down” and another said “It kept me up all night!”

    Right now, Dino Rizzo had come as close as anyone. Hats off to him! I LOVED “Servolution!”

  56. Wally Harrison Avatar

    I wonder if the family structure would grow more in health, if those fighting the government so incessantly about family values would focus all that fire and passion on being with their families.

    Wally Harrison?s last blog post..The importance of Living

  57. AGascho Avatar

    I always wonder if I’ll ever see myself in the mirror with my eyes closed… ;)

    AGascho?s last blog post..PRAXIS…

  58. Charity Landis Avatar

    First, a thought in regards to your question: I think more deeply about blogs on missions or social justice, and I don’t usually feel like I have anything significant to say in a comment. I use Google Reader, and it doesn’t count as a hit to your site unless I come here to comment.

    And now mine:
    I often wonder what life looks like from different people’s perspectives. I grew up in church and had a rather sheltered childhood. I tend to find it difficult to see life through the eyes of someone with more “experience”, if you will.

    Charity Landis?s last blog post..Life is crazy!

  59. Jonathan Blundell Avatar

    I wonder why there are so many people reading so many books on how to be a better Christian – yet so few people seem to be really living it out.

    Jonathan Blundell?s last blog post..Purchase calling cards for victims of slavery

  60. Theresa Seeber Avatar

    I wonder why so many people have become convinced they have Jesus all figured out, so much so that they cannot allow their minds to open to the possibility they have misunderstood something.

    Theresa Seeber?s last blog post..Response to Nick Fiedler?s Great Disappointment

  61. Anne Jackson Avatar

    Just wanted to pop in and respond to some of these:

    @eropper – i am actually fairly fine-line walking when it comes to institutional church. always felt a tension. but think it (the tension) leads me to seek the spirit more passionately and listen and attempt to obey. some of my greatest friends are in some of the most structured organizations. some aren’t.

    @mark – not sure. i just decided to do it because i like to give things away. i only do it with books i read and people i’ve gotten a chance to know. :)

  62. Frank Barnes Avatar

    I wonder when will the weather in chicago will get HOt???? I wonder why isn’t it already Feelin like Summer, being it’s around da corner!!!

  63. Chris Downs Avatar

    I wonder why so many people put working for God higher than God.


    Chris Downs?s last blog post..Mad Church Disease – Blogging Through

  64. Tanya Avatar

    I wonder the same thing as you. I rarely receive a single comment on my spiritual posts, but people LOVE the “nothing” posts. Like today. I’ve had 99 hits on a random post about my kids interrupting me. I don’t get it. I’d rather talk to people about God! Oh well. I can keep talking and maybe, eventually, someone will talk back about the important stuff.

    Tanya?s last blog post..An attempted Scripture reading

  65. mandiesegura Avatar

    I wonder why it is SO freaking easy to put on weight when you’re not trying to, and when you actually want to lose it, it is the hardest thing in the world?

  66. Albert Avatar

    I wonder why some strong Christian women look down on Christian men. It pains me that their pride goes before men’s need to be affirmed and encouraged as brothers in need of Christ’s love.

    Albert?s last blog post..How old were you when Toy Story came out? How old will you be…?

  67. Blane Young Avatar

    I always wonder, why we cling on to the term “born-again” yet we don’t cling on to ‘sell all your possessions and give to the poor’.

  68. Jonathan Avatar

    I wonder if, like Mary, I will believe the Lord’s opinion of me this weekend. Hope so.

  69. Sam Mahlstadt Avatar

    I just had my blog’s most read day when I did a book tour for Geoff Surratt. I am glad people got to see what he had to say (because the man’s got some insights!), but the readership was less than half that when I blogged about Prop 8 and how I feel Christians should guard their heart and show Christ’s love in a changing society. I wonder why people brush by THE issues that we are facing? That question is why I write my blog…keep doin’ what you’re doin’ Anne, you inspire us.

    Sam Mahlstadt?s last blog post..Geoff Surratt on Being Less Stupider

  70. Janet Avatar

    I wonder why so many ‘blame’ God for evil when God is good.

    Janet?s last blog post..Happiness

  71. Cynthia Hendrix (@CynHendrix) Avatar

    Recently, I’ve been wondering “why is it that so many people teeter so close to the line of sin and think they’re safe, instead of walking in the security of ‘submitting themselves to God’ so the devil will flee from them.”

  72. Jay Avatar

    I wonder why its easier to be better friends with non-christians than with my christian friends!

  73. Andy Darnell Avatar

    I wonder when “churches” will quit arguing with each other and get on the same side, especially when we’ve got the same God, same Savior, and same community that He has called us to minister to.

    Andy Darnell?s last blog post..Who Approved the Vatican?s Website Design?

  74. melissa in colorado Avatar

    I wonder if I will be forgiven for the idolatry that I commited and have that same love for God and myself that He has for me.

  75. jene Avatar

    I must confess to sometimes doubting my ability to be the disciple Christ has called me to be. Yet I know, the Rabbi only chooses those in whom He has full confidence to carry on His work!

    jene?s last blog post..What do I see when I look in the mirror?

  76. LA Avatar

    I want to know why I can’t shift my view of God. I keep Him locked in this box of always being disappointed in me. I want to see Him as a father that laughs and loves and encourages. How can I feel a gigantic God hug?

  77. Rodney Olsen Avatar

    I wonder why so many people spend more time blogging about effective ways to reach people for Christ than actually getting on with the job of doing it.

    Rodney Olsen?s last blog post..Awesome

  78. aaron Avatar

    I wonder how many licks it really does take to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop.

  79. Heather S Avatar

    I wonder why we created such a chaotic world then try to invent more stuff to make it less chaotic instead of making things more simple….

  80. Alissa Graham Avatar

    I always wonder why I am so surprised when someone who isnt a Christian does something nice for me.

    Alissa Graham?s last blog post..Life Revelation.

  81. Michelle Avatar

    I wonder how to be real in a God-honoring way in a world where many (esp. other Christians) expect you to be perfect…how to be “true-faced” while surrounded by many living in a room of ‘good intentions”. I’m so thankful that God is not this way and that His strength is perfect in weakness and that He delights to work through our weaknesses and bring beauty out of ashes!

    Michelle?s last blog post..Sidewalk Gardening

  82. Josh Lee Avatar

    I wonder if “certainty” or being “certain” is something we should be searching for?

    Josh Lee?s last blog post..Gifts are like Light

  83. Christy Avatar

    I wonder why people are so afraid of the truth.

  84. tymm Avatar

    I have always wondered why Christians are so quick to shell out cash for books, resources or coffee and yet so slow to give money to feed a starving, dying child.

    tymm?s last blog post..Walking High and Mighty Like She’s #1…

  85. Vikki Avatar

    I wonder why Christians are “Christians” on Sunday but something completely different the rest of the week. Myself included.

    I wonder why we don’t live what we believe.

    Vikki?s last blog post..Leaning In

  86. Matthew Wood Avatar

    I have always wondered what it would look like to live “eternity” while we are still here on earth? Would it just be that hearing a bird, or feeling the wind would make us thankful to God?

  87. Michael Benidt Avatar

    I have always wondered why there aren?t more blogs that are as inventive, honest, plucky delightful and just plain nuts as this one. Found you by accident maybe three or four weeks ago and I thank my lucky stars.

    Michael Benidt?s last blog post..The Spirit of Entrepreneurial Giving

  88. Dwight Avatar

    I wonder what my precious daughters, Jenny & Joni, are doing in Heaven today….

  89. Wayne Cordova Avatar

    I’ve always wondered how many of the ministers I follow on twitter have any time to do actual ministry when it seems all they do is blog, tweet, comment, post video, and go to every conference out there.

    Wayne Cordova?s last blog post..I?ve got to get rid of a bunch of board games if I…

  90. John Alexander Avatar

    Another wonder and I hope someone answers:

    I wonder how you combine letting the Spirit lead with striving for excellence via full preparation?

    John Alexander?s last blog post..The Mix

  91. Sisterlisa Avatar

    I tweeted it and I’ll Facebook it too. I would really enjoy this book. A friend of mine is reading it right now. I borrowed ‘Reimagining the Church’ from another friend and I would like to read this one next. We recently came out of organized religion and are thankful to have found an organic group of believers in our town.

    I posted about this giveaway on my blog too.

    Sisterlisa?s last blog post..New Testament Giving Part 3

  92. Jonnelle Avatar

    I wonder why caffeine never works as fast as I need it to… ;)

    More seriously, I’ve been wondering of late where was Adam? Not to be accusatory but what was up there in the garden.

    And I wonder what Prachi, my Compassion girl, is doing today.

    Jonnelle?s last blog post..?You can?t save them all??

  93. Kyle Gilbert Avatar

    I wonder if Mary and Joseph were “shacking up.”
    Not saying they were sleeping together, but why was she at the census with him and not her family if they were only engaged at the time?
    Maybe I’m just not knowledgeable enough of 1st century Jewish culture to know any better…or maybe she was disowned by her family for being pregnant out of wedlock?

    No one has ever addressed this in any church I’ve ever been to.
    Its always been that they were engaged and going to the town of his ancestry, but no explanation why she wasn’t still with her own family…


  94. lisa Avatar

    I wonder why little children sometimes die before their lives really even begin, and have no real chance at life, while our prisons are over filled with people, many of whom are repeat offenders, at our expense, and are sometimes the cause of people losing their lives?

    lisa?s last blog post.."God Created…"/2-day respite

  95. NancysLostandFound Avatar

    I wonder where people get the idea that they themselves get to decide what God’s will is, especially when it comes to deciding who is worthy of help.

    NancysLostandFound?s last blog post..Oh, my ottoman

  96. Teresa Avatar

    After having worked in the private sector for many years, and now in the church for over 5 years, I wonder WHY the people in the church are some of the meanest and nastiest people I have ever encountered in a work environment. I wonder if they think that because of grace they don’t have to work at being kind, while people in the “real world” who perhaps aren’t as sure about grace, work very hard in the workplace to be kind and compassionate to their coworkers. It is disheartening, and a struggle for me every day to reconcile this in my mind.

  97. Rhonda Avatar

    I wonder why our churches – with 100s of Christians – have such a hard time impacting even their own communities. When 2000 years ago 12 men went out and changed the world.

    And I have often wondered why the comments are scarce to none on posts talking about spiritual things – the ones I HOPE will get some conversation going. But the readers have plenty to say when I post a cute picture of my kids or talk about our trip to the zoo or post a recipe – the ones that sometimes don’t warrant ANY kind of conversation.

    Rhonda?s last blog post..Look who’s 2…

  98. Heather Avatar

    I’ve always wondered why there are braille dots on the keypads of our DRIVE up atm machine…

    Heather?s last blog post..

  99. Warren Aldrich Avatar

    I wonder why churches are so often committed to INauthenticity? In my experience they tend to be social clubs but not nice ones.

    Warren Aldrich?s last blog post..Emerging Church conference quotes

  100. JJ Avatar

    WOW. I wonder many things! Recently I’ve been wondering what American Christians think about a statistic I once read that said: If every american Christian tithed properly, their would be enough free Christian dollars to provide the poor of the world with health care and food…

  101. Christina Avatar

    I wonder if my sponsored kids are loved well by their families and the Compassion staff at their projects. I’d just like to know that there’s always someone there to hug on them and tell them how special and loved they are by God…to do in person what I can only write in a letter.

    …I also wonder why there is never enough cookie dough in cookie dough ice cream…

  102. greenhills12345 Avatar

    I wonder why people are not always honest with others. I wonder if I am strong enough in my faith as I could/should be.

  103. Pete/Sparkle of Nature Avatar

    Hi JJ-

    Good comments. Yours and several others made me wonder more too. And I wondered – (1) after a friend dragged me to church by the scruff of my neck, and I saw enough “real” there to quit being an atheist, and did start tithing, why didn’t I EVER hear any minister teach Deuteronomy 14:23, “the purpose of tithing is to teach you always to put God first in your lives.” (Living Bible)?

    And (2) WHY did one minister to whom I quoted that verse say “If you teach people that, they won’t give?”

    And, (3), even in “complete” sermons on tithing, why did NO ONE ever teach Deuteronomy 14: 28-29 and 26: 12-19, both of which say a third of the tithe is supposed to help the poor? (Back then, they gave all the tithes to the poor every third year. Today, in our age of monthly payments for everyone, I suspect the only practical way is to set aside a third of every tithe check, and to also help with “extra” needs when we can, often just neighbor-to-neighbor.

    Finally, (4), Why did my family and I have to find all those verses in our home Bible readings, not in church?

    JJ, I don’t know, whether we Christians could help all the world’s poor if we faithfully did that. It’s a huge job. But I’m sure that (a) we could help a great many more “neighbors” than we do now, and (b) we could set a great example that others could follow.

    Bless you and those thoughts.

  104. Scott Avatar

    I wonder why it’s so easy to hear God today?

  105. Sallye Avatar


    Was in Lubbock today. Picked up Mad Church Disease at Lifeway and was bragging on you, telling everyone that you would be in Lubbock on the 5th of July. Directed and left your website for the when and where. So if your ears were burning today, blame it on me.

    I am finishing up a Beth Moore and you are next on the list for morning devo. I can not wait to dig into this book.

  106. Maureen Avatar

    I wonder why people can afford to buy $5 coffees everyday at Starbucks, but then say they can’t afford monthly support for missions/missionaries. Hmmmmm.

  107. Lanelle Avatar

    I’ve always wondered at how we got to having a church bubble culture…

    Lanelle?s last blog post..Ecclesiastes

  108. Cassandra Avatar

    lately I have been wondering how we can suddenly see things that have been right in front of our eyes for so many years

    Cassandra?s last blog post..

  109. Bex Avatar

    I sometimes wonder why we have so much time to read Christian books but no time to read the Bible.

  110. Cindy Avatar

    I wonder why marriage is so hard.

  111. Sarah Avatar

    I wonder three things.

    What is enough? This ranges from love to material goods to accomplishments.

    Is a constant search for new experiences a solely selfish pursuit?

    Why do I have such a disconnect between my actions and my heart that knows that I must serve the “least of these”?

  112. Karen Avatar

    I wonder if their will be some kind of equivalent to smoothies in Heaven. It would be a nice bonus.

    Karen?s last blog post..Mr. Nobody

  113. Ray Sullivan Avatar

    I wonder why when I’m dealing with hypocrisy and rejection, I become more intropective about my own faith. I’ve been like this for a year.

    Ray Sullivan?s last blog post..Are You Really Free…

  114. Ariel Avatar

    …I wonder why I’m stuck in my depression. I wonder why I am feeling so many different emotions that I don’t know what to do with. I wonder where God is right now? I wonder what He thinks about me right now? I wonder why I am suppressing my emotions because that’s just making things worse? I wonder why we have emotions if we shouldn’t go by what we feel. This list continues…It would take me hours to list my questions…


    Ariel?s last blog post..An Image of Innocence

  115. Kyle Gilbert Avatar

    I wonder why churches talk so much about the importance of the youth, about how they are the future of the church…but then the way they budget time and resources seems to signify otherwise.

  116. james Avatar

    I wonder why so many people have their own blogs. My grandmother has one and I don’t think a single person has ever read it other than herself.

  117. Lawrence Avatar

    I wonder why more people don’t act in church as if their God loves them like he says he does . . . cuz if they did, there’d be an outpouring of God’s love that would revolutionize the church, imho.

    Lawrence?s last blog post..Shut Up!

  118. Ryan Avatar

    Did Jesus have to read the Scriptures in order to know them, or did he know them due to his divinity and pre-existence?

  119. Jon Avatar

    I often wonder why we have such a hard time viewing everyone around us on the same level, like Jesus would. We place too much emphasis (conciously or unconciously) on class, race, sex, status, leadership role, etc etc.

    Jon?s last blog post..follow through