BOOK GIVEAWAY – Less Clutter, Less Noise

Fact: Kem Meyer has the coolest chick hair I’ve seen.

Fact: She’s also given one of the niftiest presentations I’ve seen.

Fact: She has a book that you need to read.

Fact: Especially if you have no background in communication and you work in a church.

Fact: Or even if you do.

Fact: I have 10 to give away.

Leave me a comment with either your biggest communications FAIL or your biggest communications WIN and you’ll be entered into the contest…next Thursday I’ll pick ten random people and you’ll get a copy of the book! Tweet this post below and you are entered twice!


77 responses to “BOOK GIVEAWAY – Less Clutter, Less Noise”

  1. Lory Hunt Avatar

    I asked my pastor (where I worked on staff) an innocent question about his involvement in a ministry activity I was planning. He took the question as my announcement that I was not interested in doing the event. That and some other communication issues led to my being asked to leave the church!?

  2. Herns Eugene Avatar

    One of our biggest communications win, happened last year. We were hosting a huge event at our church and wanted to get the word out in the community, so I borrowed this idea from AL Force at Calvary Ormand Beach of doing a MALL FREEZE.

    We ordered some bright yellow t-shirts with all our church info in BIG BLACK LETTERS. We motivated the church as a whole to come do the event. And off we went to 2 of the biggest malls in our area!! The following Sunday we heard a lot of people visited the church because of the mall freeze! So I believe that was a win!

    Great contest!

    Herns Eugene?s last blog post..Baby Harmeni Video

  3. Linnae Hoppe Avatar

    I FAIL a lot because I don’t always communicate how I FEEL. One of the big obstacles I am having to overcome working in ministry! Help me Lord!

    Linnae Hoppe?s last blog post..4 Years Wait!

  4. knotter Avatar

    i once announced during a service that someone had died during the weekend. turned out that they weren’t dead. they weren’t even sick.

  5. Jonathan Haskell Avatar

    Hey Anne! You know I’m up for free books! I’ll share one of my most meaningful communications wins…though I can not take credit for it. It was definitely God moving in the hearts of His people.

    We were missionaries in Hungary and had just returned there from a brief visit in the US. Within a couple of days of our arrival, our pediatrician called from the US with some alarming news. Some test results had arrived indicating our daughter would need a monthly hormone injection to remedy a problem she was having. A monthly shot would be required that would cost nearly $1000 a shot (no pun intended). Our immediate thought was that there was no way we’d be able to raise that kind of money and we immediately wondered if our ministry in Hungary was over.

    This was back in the days before facebook, blogs and twitter, but we sent out an urgent plea by e-mail to our network of supporters. Within about 1 week’s time, over $36,000 came in to help cover the expense. (And you know how slowly most churches make financial decisions!) We definitely took this as a sign from God that our time in Hungary had not yet come to an end.

    Jonathan Haskell?s last blog post..What if?

  6. Jody Earley Avatar

    Communicated an event for Jr. Highers entitled SNR (Santa’s Not Real) in the church bulletin for parents and small children to see. FAIL.

  7. Evan Avatar

    My biggest FAIL would be to have more clutter and more noise. Still working on giving up the addiction to mass communication.

    One of the biggest wins in the past month was to unfollow over 1000 people on twitter with the hopes of creating more meaningful relationships. Sounds nerdy. Just saying.

  8. Micah Hasty Avatar

    My biggest communications FAIL was when I sent home a calendar to the parents of our students with the price of our Girls Retreat being $1 and the retreat was actually $10 dollars. While no one missed the memo that it was actually $10 it could have been a really big mistake.

    Micah Hasty?s last blog post..I’ve Been Thinking A Lot Lately About…

  9. Nic Burleson Avatar

    My biggest communication “win” came when I was interviewing at a church I used to work for. They had a person on the committee a name similar to mine (Nic & Nicole) and somehow the chairman of the committee added my email into the group email list instead of hers. So when the committee would email each other questions and concerns and feedback I would get the emails too! It’s easy to have a knockout interview when you’ve already had time to think about the questions they are expecting to answer and to come up with an answer to any concerns they have! Maybe it was their biggest communication fail!

    P.S. I also tweeted this!

    Nic Burleson?s last blog post..The Weekend Update…

  10. Daniel Avatar

    My biggest communication win was when I learned that similar to “love languages”, everyone has a communication language. When you learn your peers “language”, it is easier to help them understand you and less frustrating for both of you. It allows you to communicate purely without them having to try to determine exactly what you are tryign to communicate.

  11. Albert Avatar

    One of my biggest FAILs was when my friend’s brother was giving a speech for his graduation dinner. Apparently, I was in one of his jokes, and when he delivered it, I rejected it, not knowing I was supposed to tag along. Oops. Enter embarrassing looks from everyone. FAIL.

  12. Elaine Avatar

    Biggest communication fail = anytime I try to talk to my husband about something that I deem important before he has had his morning coffee.

    Elaine?s last blog post..Road Trip

  13. Chris Reeder Avatar

    Biggest communications FAIL… hum… There are quite a few… Let’s go with:

    Posting something (can’t say) on twitter (for the world to see) and meant to send a direct message (private)… :-(

    Chris Reeder?s last blog post..All Access 2009 Speaking Loud! Again!

  14. Santos Avatar

    My biggest communication(hope to be win) is currently right now, as my church has placed me as the project manager over our back2school backpack drive! I’m excited but having to be strectched. right now am communicating with my four of my main leaders. We have a lot of ground to cover and are currently comminucating with the school and organizations that will be willing to donate finances for our backpack drive. you can never start to early for our campaign.

    Santos?s last blog post..Crazy Love

  15. Klampert Avatar

    My biggest communication win was actually God’s biggest.

    I ws in the Ukraine on missionary work with YWAM in 1995 and I was helping a worship team there.

    One day our translator could not be there and I had to work with a girl on the music for the church.

    That day I spoke to her in English as normal and God made it so she could understand me without the translator.

    Even cooler was when She spoke to me in Ukrainian I understood her as well.

    This kept for the entire trip when the two of us were together and nobody else was there. When others where there we literally could not understand eachother at all.

    YAY GOD!

    twittering now

    Klampert?s last blog post..Announcement – God is doin? a new thing

  16. @philsantillan Avatar

    One of my biggest FAILs in communication that I was a part of was a change from a one service format to a two service format at a church I formerly served at. Because I was part of the executive team that spearheaded this change, I take some responsibility for not having the wherewithal to realize all that was required to make this transition a very smooth one.

    Needless to say, the communication of this change wasn’t done right and resulted in a church member meeting where people were yelling at each other and people were crying and eventually some people left. In hindsight, they didn’t leave because we wanted to go to 2 services. They left because they felt their voice didn’t matter.


    @philsantillan?s last blog post..Book Review: Revolutionary Parenting

  17. zak white Avatar


    my biggest communications failure. lookout. its kinda dirty:

    we had a lady starting a new women’s ministry. on the flyer she was handing out it listed different activities that they ladies might be doing.

    one was Bowling. Only, she had spelled it wrong…


    I learned to ALWAYS check and double check stuff. Wow. So, if you know anyone wanting to get in to our women’s ministry…

    That ought to be an automatic winner right there. :)

  18. Rick Avatar

    A communication win from the 11th grade. Lost in a town in the south of France. Being able to speak enough French to get directions back to the canal boat. Amazing thing was that I was failing French at the time!!!

    Rick?s last blog post..All About The Team

  19. Whit Avatar

    Can’t think of a church related situation that was a fail or win, but a big communication fail happened just last week when a friend was added to the invite email list for her surprise party… oops!

    Whit?s last blog post..Boy Love?

  20. Kevin Avatar

    My greatest win came when I came to the revelation that God doesn’t just love me, but that He loves those around me! He has put me in their lives to demonstrate God’s love.

    As far as one of my fails which turned into a win, I would have to say that it happened when I was giving a short talk before the church was to take communion. I could not find the scripture I was looking for and I just drew a blank. I dropped my bible and I just started to share from my heart. It touched everyone in a better way than what I was going to talk about could have. Communication doesn’t always have to polished, just from the heart.

    Kevin?s last blog post..I Officially Have A Teenager!

  21. Jeff Avatar

    I told my wife that I’d be done working “in a minute.” Big FAIL.

  22. dave alan Avatar

    was it my fail or theirs? Thought I put down in plain English what was expected of the student minister candidate. Somehow, one set of parents got it completely oppositely (?) wrong. I said, “he’ll be helping to lead,”; they understood, “he’ll be completely in charge”. Since he didn’t meet their expectations, they made it loud and clear this was not the candidate for us. Accused me of lying to them.

  23. Amanda Avatar

    Communication WIN:
    I work at a drive-through Starbucks. Glamorous, I know. We have a lot of funny characters drive in to see us, and its so hilarious (and difficult!) to communicate properly via speaker ONLY. One day a man drove in and had about a million questions for me, which I politely and patiently answered. He finally settled on a drink order: Grande Americano. Simple! As he drove around the window to pay, he looked at me and said, “That was the BEST customer service I’ve ever received. I’m the manager of a hotel down the street.” He gave me his business card and said, “Please call me if you need ANYthing. Really, anything.”
    Major WIN!

    Amanda?s last blog post..Refresh

  24. randy Avatar

    i can’t communicate at all so its all failure..i need this book

  25. Nate Avatar

    Six years ago when I was just starting out at my first full-time church job, I was given the opportunity to give the morning announcements. But, as was the trend, you can’t just simply give announcements, you have to brush it with a mini-devotion as well. Because I was in a Derek Webb stage, I latched on to Webb’s song “T-Shirts” that talks about the world knowing us by the t-shirts that we wear instead of the love that we show. A noble message indeed. One that needed to be shared, I thought. But, man, was it an awkward walk back to the end of the sanctuary with Christian t-shirt wearing (and well-meaning might I add) people looking at my puzzled. I’ve never seen so many American-eagle-holding-a-Bible-T-shirts in my life. Needless to say, I treaded lightly after service.

  26. Mark Jackson Avatar

    I was leading a VBS training event for our church & said that “following recreation is when you’ll take the kids for snacks.”

    Only a number of my leaders swear to this day that I said “take the kids for sex.”

    Which I didn’t.

    I think.

    Mark Jackson?s last blog post..Yosemite Bound

  27. Elizabeth Sprague Avatar

    My communication issue is that I have so much I want to share because I’m so passionate about what I do that I tend to overwhelm people instead of making it short, sweet and to the point.

    Elizabeth Sprague?s last blog post..Start Now For Successful Potty Training Later

  28. pambhm Avatar

    My biggest communication FAIL is not ever “publishing” what I write!

  29. Marcus Hackler Avatar

    Biggest communication fail for me was reprimanding an employee via email. I’d like to say that I didn’t know better, but I did and it caused the conflict and issues I had with that person to escalate.

    The biggest communication win is giving volunteers ownership over their areas of ministry. For years I’ve attempted to find a way to increase community in our volunteers and by pouring into the leaders who pour into their teams, we are achieving that very thing :)

    Marcus Hackler?s last blog post..Lost ?The Incident? // Discussion

  30. Mike Andrews Avatar

    Biggest Win: “I do” almost 15 years ago.

    Mike Andrews?s last blog post..Glory from Rubble

  31. Shawn Avatar

    My Biggest Win was when we decided to move to NC. It was a scary move, but the communication of why we were doing it paid out in the end.

    Shawn?s last blog post..Blessed?

  32. Sarah Avatar

    We once announced that we were going to do a Parenting Teens University. Except we forgot to note the fact that no one actually TEACHING IT had ever, you know, PARENTED a teen. LOL It was all youth leaders that may have had small kids but no actual in the trenches parents or parents who had done it properly. No one came and we couldn’t figure out why. Duh!

    Sarah?s last blog post..In which this is a great way to spend a rainy day

  33. jestes Avatar

    Biggest Fail: Realizing that communicating through mass comm (e-mail, twitter, facebook, blog, etc.) is taking the place of real life human to human interaction!

  34. Alice Wassam Avatar

    I worked for the singles ministry of a LARGE church in Central Florida. Sometime during my tenure there Rich Mullins died. During that time a guy named Rich also led our worship and was well loved by many MANY people. The night that Rich Mullins died my director and I were lamenting the loss and someone came in and asked up what was up. I HAPPENED to be reading our timeline for that evening and ACCIDENTALLY said that Rich (not Mullins) died. That person left and went over and announced to practically the ENTIRE ministry that our beloved Rich had died.

    Needless to say when the 3 of us walked in later (our Rich had now shown up) we had a room full of CONFUSED people!!

    Alice Wassam?s last blog post..It’s Thursday

  35. Heather S Avatar

    I ruined one of my closest friendships when I was younger by a lack of communication. It’s was so disheartening + distressing you better believe I learned my lesson…

  36. Auran Avatar

    Allowing design by committee to define my work – a more common definition would be “photoshop monkey” and allowing it to continue for far too long.

    Communications WIN = the day I left and discovered what God actually wanted for me.

  37. Kris Sorensen Avatar

    At a Bible study I had forgotten that a gentleman’s wife had past away months before and ended up praying that she would start to “feel better soon” oops, FAIL… fortunately he had terrible hearing and I’m not sure that he heard my prayer (at least that’s what I tell myself)

    Kris Sorensen?s last blog post..Death By Love

  38. suzi Avatar

    sadly, my biggest communications fail happened with a rather important {but last minute} brochure that was distributed on an Easter sunday morning.

    the inside panel had the heading ‘questions & answers’, but the way it was folded, when you opened the brochure, all could see where the ‘que’ from ‘questions’ and ‘ers’ from ‘answers’ promiently displayed together in the top center.

    it happened a few years ago, but it gets brought up with our staff pretty regularly.


    suzi?s last blog post..memory

  39. Ko Avatar

    Last week we were going to have live testimonies. I encouraged the pastor who was working with all the people to please have them write out their tesimony, then email it to him, then get together with them to have them rehearse on Saturday. We have seen numerous times in which people get up there, try to wing it, and either fumble their way through or ramble on and on. I told this pastor FOUR times in our meeting to make sure to do this to ensure a power packed testimony time and not a rambling, bumbling time. He didn’t do it. Two of the five actually did write down their testimony, and their’s was powerful and right to the point. One ended up Ok, but could’ve used some help to steer it more towards what the pastor’s point was. The other two, who were supposed to take 2 min. each, easily took 20 min. With rambling and rambling and tangents. One person even revealed something personal about another couple in our church! So, sadly this was a “fail”.

  40. Tamy S Avatar

    I am a newbie to church communication and have had more failed attempts than wins but I’m learning as I go. Too often when I first started, I’d forget to remove my pastors email from the reply to in mass emails… I thought I’d learned my lesson but then this morning sent out an email making the same mistake… bad idea when dealing w/ a congregation of 4,500. Thank the Lord for a loving and grace-filled pastor!

  41. pamela Avatar

    i like to pick a song for the day and use it on to communicate our live and interactive services on sunday mornings:). its interfaced with twitter and facebook(not exactly sure how i did it, but it works, so its all good) blessings~ p

    pamela?s last blog post..Banana Splits, Bible Studies and Life Changes

  42. Mario Hood Avatar

    fail= wanting to surprise my wife that I was coming home early, only to scare her to death and ended up with a black eye!

  43. John Alexander Avatar

    My biggest communication FAIL was when I led my very first vision-casting meeting as the new Youth Director. I’d taken 90 days to gather information, listen to people, and hear what they had in mind. When I called the meeting with all the Youth volunteers, the few minor changes (namely calling people back to ReJesus the Youth Ministry and take away a few unnecessary events/camps) I tried to communicated ended up in a near-bloodbath. It ended with several volunteers yelling at me and one “leader” yelling “THIS IS BULLS**T!” Haha. This was definitely a communication FAIL!

    John Alexander?s last blog post..Upcoming

  44. Chad Payne Avatar

    One of my biggest FAILS was a few years ago when I was preaching on listening to God’s Spirit, and was using a radio as an illustration that we must be in tune with him to hear Him correctly.

    So, I’m working through the radio dial ON STAGE with the radio near my mic. I make passing jokes about the stations we come across, and then…..

    I landed on a station right in the middle of a commercial. With the speaker of the radio near my mic, a sweet young lady loudly and clearly proclaimed…

    “It’s very important to me. I have genital herpes.”

    Well, amid the laughter and “holy rolling” that ensued, there just wasn’t much left to preach after that.

  45. Tyler Avatar

    Biggest communication win. We have a motto of “we choose to be real” for our worship teams. About a month ago we focused on confession and had the congregation submit their personal confessions anonymously. Then we read some of them outloud to the whole congregation. It was a whole new level of authenticity and being real.

    Tyler?s last blog post..Worship as a Lifestyle .2

  46. Jay Avatar

    my biggest communication fail happens everyday when i keep talking to God and dont spend enough time listening for Him.

  47. Joanna Avatar

    The presentation on the politics of language in Singapore i had to give today from notes i hadn’t managed to finish writing and after only 5 hours sleep.

    Joanna?s last blog post..Book review: Erwin Raphael McManus- Soul Cravings

  48. kristiapplesauce Avatar

    My biggest FAIL is how I consistently take those who proclaim Christ for granted and hold them to a higher standard, rather then just loving them with Grace.

    kristiapplesauce?s last blog post..The journey shared

  49. Mitch Avatar

    Biggest communication fail early on…Not Listening.

    Mitch?s last blog post..a little help to handle ?stress?

  50. Heidi Avatar

    It’s not mine, but a communication fail – when my dad while preaching a sermon mispronounced “babysit” with an extra “h” thrown in.

  51. Cassie Avatar

    I work at my church, and I’d have to say the biggest communication FAIL we ever had was almost two years ago. I walked into the office a week and a half before Christmas, walked into our workroom, and discovered a letter addressed to our entire congregation addressing the fact that three of our church staff (two of whom were on the Pastoral Staff at the time) were moving on (one couple to start a new church, the other to retire). To be working next to these people and find out in this way instead of being told was a hard pill to swallow, and not just for me – all of us admins found out this way. Thankfully, just about each individual on the pastoral staff apologized to each of us individually. The promise of better communication was promised and is being worked on. Soon thereafter, though, we’ve been going through a building project, so communication is still being worked on. Some days, we don’t know what we’ll be walking into when we come into the church office (such as no air, no water, holes where they shouldn’t be, etc.), but we are all working on it, and making the best of it!

  52. Matt Nash Avatar
    Matt Nash

    My biggest communication failure was when I took 25 kids and leaders to DCLA and had parents drop us off in Anaheim but the conference was in LA and we has to call all the parents to come take us to LA and so many people were mad about it

  53. James Eaton Avatar

    Communication FAIL
    I was on Mission Tour a few years ago at an inner-city community center. I taught the bible story all week.

    On the last day, I was talking about heaven with the kids. I told them that because I had a relationship with Jesus, I would go to heaven when I died. As soon as I had said that, a little boy (who had been crazy all week) stopped me mid sentence and asked me if I want to die…like that day (his brother was in a gang). I said, “well, not today, because I still want to tell more kids just like you about Jesus and his love.”

    Not the direction I anticipated going…

    James Eaton?s last blog post..The Chopping Block

  54. Doug Avatar

    This is trite, but uncomfortably true. Our website offers very little updated and usable information on a regular basis–but plenty of bloat. We should know better. Maybe having Kem’s book lying around will be the impetus needed to get smart. Or maybe not. Worth a chance?

  55. Kyle Reed Avatar

    Not my biggest communication fail, but last night I was suppose to go with a friend to the St. Louis Cardinals game. We decided (at least I thought) that he was going to come to my house and then we would go from there. Well, he never showed up and called me in the 3rd inning asking where I was and that he had been sitting there waiting for me. Needless to say I missed most of the game and time to hang with my friend.
    I need this book to help me organize and declutterize my life.

    Kyle Reed?s last blog post..Unheard or Discovered Blog

  56. Jen Avatar

    Working for a church communications team brings lots of team wins and loses, but my most memorial personal one involves my husband the engineer. We were on our third date about this time last year when he made a joke about a beetle’s terminal velocity and then cringed thinking he?d bored me. I grabbed his arm and said,? that?s so cute.” He got the message that I was into him and we got married six weeks ago.

  57. Kenyon Avatar

    Recently I’ve felt that my biggest communication failures have come between me and my 9 year old daughter. I am trying so hard out of love to correct her and train her, but it always seems to come across as me calling her a bad person. But even in those times we have had some communication successes and they usually involve us praying together about the situation…go figure!

    Kenyon?s last blog post..The Trouble With Sin

  58. EJ Avatar

    Biggest fail is probably e-mailing people that work right next to me stuff that I want to avoid talking to them about in person.

  59. Judy in Indiana Avatar

    I am just one big communications failure. I need help publicizing events and getting people excited about them, and knowing how to communicate the message effectively.

    I worry about the first poster, though…asked to leave the church? That is harsh! You have to think Christ is not happy with his followers sometimes. I hope she/he found a better place to be.

    Judy in Indiana?s last blog post..Repitition

  60. Charity Avatar

    I’d really love to have that book! I think even if I don’t win it, I’ll get it.

    My biggest communication fail, I think, was pretty recent. I’m a very young leader at my church. Our worship pastor is planting a church next year. I’ve been serving and working under him for about two years. At this point, the plan is that when he leaves, I’ll be taking over.

    We started transitioning things, moving different people onto worship teams, and changing things around. We told the “regular” worship team that things were changing, but failed to keep them updated with the reasons and thoughts behind the things that were happening. Some of them ended up confused and hurt. We finally got a chance to all sit down together and talk about it, and most of the feelings are worked out….I believe.

    The up side: I learned first hand just how important clarity is during a season of change.

    Charity?s last blog post..Life is sometimes overwhelming.

  61. Gwen Avatar

    Biggest communication win: getting leaders to understand that a personal invitation to participate far outweighs any bulletin or newsletter entry asking for volunteers. People have a personal connection and it brings them into the community, rather than waiting for them to take the step alone.

  62. Lee Avatar

    One of my big communication fails was when I forgot that a church member was having a medical test that she asked me specifically to pray about, and I just talked to her about everyday things and didn’t even follow up asking her how it went…sigh. And I’m the pastor’s wife.

  63. Billy Ritchie Avatar

    2 Communication fails. Both e-mail disasters.

    I advertised that we had a well known UK comedian visiting our church via e mail. His name Bobby Ball. I invited people to come and hear “Booby” Ball.

    I then sent out an email to 7000 UK Youth Leaders about an event. In the first line i used the word “Things” however I actually wrote “THONGS”

    I am no longer writing e mails!

    Billy Ritchie?s last blog post..Simple Church

  64. Carlene Avatar

    Mine is a communication fail. It was due to the fact that my daughter was acting ugly, and I was rushing. I forgot that it was my turn to teach sunday school for 3-5 year olds. Luckily I had some stuff in the car and was able to pull it together in a matter of minutes. Please include me in your giveaway.


  65. Dave Anthold Avatar

    Biggest communication win was just this past April when the youth choir ( I work with went out on the road for our weekend trip & we had more people follow us via Twitter & Blog then in all the years previous. God is really doing something special in this group & I can’t wait for our main tour as we are trying to extend our reach even further.

    Dave Anthold?s last blog post..Off Grid. . .

  66. Benji Avatar

    Fail: over communicating personal information to people that really do not need to know.

    Benji?s last blog post..Hotel for Dogs

  67. Allen Coker Avatar

    I was to be out of town for a recent baptism and I was covering all the bases before I left. The candidate was a young girl whose father had left her mom, her sister, and her several years ago for a younger woman. The mom told me that her (the mom’s) dad was planning to be present and do the baptism. When I told the elder I was leaving in charge, he said, “Really?” I said, “Yeah.” The whole time, the elder was thinking that I was talking about the father who had left his family. He later called the mom, and they laughed and laughed about it. She was such a good sport. She said that it would be one of the funny stories that surrounded such an awesome event!

    Allen Coker?s last blog post..Wrapped up in the ?fine print?

  68. Tom Avatar

    My biggest fail would be that I wear my emotions on my shoulders so it can be real hard for me to hide how I am feeling sometimes. That can create an awkward situation for those around me. Something I have been praying about and trying to get more consistent at changing.

  69. Mandy Avatar

    I was hired as part-time kid’s director at church to start in the fall. In mean time current director left, I was pulled into service 6 months early with no job description, not enough training. Was learn a learn by fire experience, and now 2 years later seems everyone around me is experiencing burnout, including myself.

  70. lisa Avatar

    Biggest communication fail: After a Christmas open house at my parents house, I prepared a plate of goodies to take the next day to my chiropractors office for them to enjoy. Put foil on the top of the plate, and left it on the counter. Next morning, as I prepared to leave for the appointment, I asked where the plate was, and my Mom said on the kitchen counter. So I grabbed it, slapped a bow on top, and presented the office with the plate of goodies. However, the chiropractor (who was also a friend) never acknowledged it while I was there. When I returned home, my Mom informed me I forgot to take the plate of goodies. I argued with her that I DID take the plate of goodies. Back and forth the argument went, until I checked the plate on the counter, and lo and behold! There was my plate of goodies. For a long while she and I tried to figure out what I had ACTUALLY taken to the office. After several hours, I heard her laughing so hard in the other room. She discovered I had taken the plate of ham fat scraps that my father had put on a plate and covered in foil to give to our dogs the next day! Talking about miscommunication, not to mention total embarrassment! Needless to say, I never went back to my friend, the chiropractor!

    lisa?s last blog post..Most Priceless Treasure!

  71. Mike Cunsolo Avatar

    My biggest fail I think was letting someone in the church pay for and design our website. I had to cancel putting it out there because it was not good. The guy spent a TON of money on it and it looked like it was created in FrontPage with a template. He ended up leaving the Church and asking for his money back. Still wishing he’d come back….

  72. Katey Erickson Avatar

    Communication WIN: I am still in touch with my two best friends even though we almost never see each other but we text and email and talk all the time.

  73. gaby Avatar

    biggest communication fail: Relaying boundaries to a senior associate in the law firm. Unable to express my discomfort at her constant dropping by and calling – when I had asked for a deadline and was on track! Turned quite ugly – am glad to not be working with her anymore.

    gaby?s last blog post..Book Review: A Dog About Town by J.F. Englert

  74. Adam Avatar

    Biggest Fail: Asking students to fill out info cards with their cell numbers so that I could give them text updates. Many of the youth gave me fake numbers, so their friends were getting my texts and getting mad at me.

    Adam?s last blog post..I?m the luckiest guy alive!!!

  75. Terry Foester Avatar

    Biggest win: My Herman’s Bridge experiment, I got lots of people from around the country to give my homeless friend Herman a dollar. A bunch of smalls equaled one big in Herman’s life.

    Biggest loss: My Herman’s Bridge experiment, I got lots of people to give Herman money, but it’s hard to spend money on a homeless man because it doesn’t change his life. Money doesn’t have that kind of power…

  76. Lisa Avatar

    Quite inclined to name a LOSS, but I won’t.

    Biggest WIN: In the summer of 2006, while preparing to be a volunteer missionary in communications (Europe), I had to raise money somehow. And quick!! I scheduled and spoke at 7-8 churches that summer, raising almost $10,000. Let me tell you though: I hate being in front of people. I married a preacher so HE could do the speaking. Ha, but I believe God spoke through me and with me and for me that summer. And while my anxiety was boosted 10-fold, so was my faith and confidence in Christ.

  77. Niki Turner Avatar

    Biggest fail: We needed a Spanish version of a tract for a church park outreach to reach out to the many Hispanic members of our community. Having no Spanish background (I took French in high school… we have so many French immigrants around these days.) I was thrilled to discover an online translator called BabelFish. When we passed out the tracts, a group of young Latinos began reading. Instead of falling to their knees and asking “what must we do to be saved?” they laughed. Hysterically. None of it was right. Lesson learned: don’t try to do things in another language without the help of a native speaker!

    Niki Turner?s last blog post..Mistakes I DIDN’T Make With My Daughter