
I am usually a big opponent of tagging people. However, when someone as cool as Mark Waltz tags you, you can’t help but to oblige.

First, let’s answer one question. Why is Mark Waltz cool? Mark is a pastor at Granger Community Church, and he and I have occasionally kept in touch over the last year and a half or so, after I attended one of their workshops last May. Although I’ve never met the guy face to face, one can tell he’s an authentic guy. He says people matter – and he means it. I love hearing about how his family’s doing…and those are the people who matter most.

On to the questions…

* One book that changed your life: The Barbarian Way – Erwin McManus. I realized I am, in fact, crazy. But that it’s okay. In fact, if you’re not…something might be wrong.

* One book that you’ve read more than once:
In Cold Blood – Truman Capote. My senior-year English teacher Mr. Bennett had a theory that Truman Capote wrote To Kill a Mockingbird instead of Harper Lee. Next time you see the movie Capote, keep this theory in mind as you watch Truman & Harper interact. The people who put this movie together definitely think Capote wrote TKAM too.

* One book that you’d want on a desert island: Survive on a Desert Island – Claire Llewellyn.

* One book that made you laugh: Are You there God? It’s Me, Margaret – Judy Blume. Yes, it was a long time ago. Maybe I need to read more funny books.

* One book that made you cry:
Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl. I still have my copy I bought 16 years ago (and it looks like the one I linked).

* One book that you wish had been written: How to be a Preacher’s Kid and NOT develop a complex about the Church

* One book you wish had never been written:
The Harry Potter books…I say this not because I think they’re full of witchcraft & evil, but because my friend has bought them, and they cost so dang much. When we’re in Scotland, we’re actually going to visit the West Highland Line, which is the train station they used in the movies.

* One book you are currently reading: Cost of Discipleship – Deitrich Bonhoeffer. I’ve been reading this since 1999. It’s so intense it has seriously taken me that long.

* One book you’ve been meaning to read: Revolution – George Barna. I’ve had about 20 people say I need to read it…but I have a rule about reading books…if it’s a trendy book, I’ll wait until it’s untrendy to read it.

Now, in keeping with the rules of tagging, I am now supposed to tag people. But you all know me. I hate rules. So, instead of tagging five people – I tag YOU. Here’s the tradeoff – you don’t have to post it on your blog, but instead, I’d love to see your book list in my comments. That way, a little bit of cyberspace is saved and respected! I know I’m not as cool as Mark, so I don’t think I could legitimately tag anyone.

Happy Tuesday.


16 responses to “Tagged”

  1. James Petticrew Avatar
    James Petticrew

    We may meet JK Rowling wandering down Princes street and if we do I am going to tell her what you said about her books?

  2. Rich Kirkpatrick Avatar


    I think I have reached to height of coolness to have been on Mark Waltz’s tag list with Flowerdust!

  3. Greg Avatar

    I don’t have time right now to post my favorites books, but I did purchase Cost of Discipleship, by Deitrich Bonhoeffer, after reading this post. One of my friends mentions his name a lot and after seeing that you have been reading the book for so many years, I decided to give it a look-see.
    Since purchasing the book, and not even reading a work of it yet, save for the back, I have been told that it is second only to the New Testament. Now, thats saying something.
    Happy Reading and enjoy your trip.