Do You MySpace?

Sunday, I was asked to be a part of a blogging focus group. One of their topics was MySpace – if we used it, how, etc. I do have a MySpace but there is nothing on it except friends and some photos.

The only reason I MySpace is obscure bands and old friends. Saturday night I was really wired and started looking up people from my past. I hope they don’t mind me linking to their sites (and if you do, please let me know and I’ll unlink…) but I found:

My brother’s first grade crush.

My first boyfriend (I was in third grade, he was in fourth).

My babysitter in the first grade.

A really nice guy I dated when I was 20.

Another really nice guy I dated in high school.

A girl I used to play with in 2nd grade.

One of my best friends growing up.

Some very different people from very different stages of my life. It’s been fun catching up – most of the old boyfriends are married and have kids. Weird! Some of these people look the same, and some of them look a little different!

I’ve really loved reconnecting with all of them and I hope to find more friends I’ve lost touch with over the last twenty years.

Do you have a MySpace?


25 responses to “Do You MySpace?”

  1. Crystal Renaud Avatar

    i have a myspace and have found that a lot of people i went to high school with who are now between 19 and 21 have kids now… weird.

  2. Jade =) Avatar

    Yeah, I’ve found a ton of old school mates and it’s amazing to find out what they’ve become. It’s kind of funny that nearly ALL of them have a ton of kids, as they started RIGHT out of high school. Good grief. But, yeah, I really enjoy that about MySpace, getting to catch up with old friends without having to wait for your 10 year reunion to come around. Heh.

  3. Jeff M. Miller Avatar

    I have a myspace. I’ve taught at two separate private Christian schools, so I’ve been able to reconnect with some students. It has been both encouraging and heartbreaking to see some of the choices they have made as they have become adults.

    I’ve also reconnected to old school mates from high school and college. It is especially refreshing to see the ones who are in ministry and how they are availing themselves of technology.

  4. Luka Avatar

    I have a myspace but like you said its just to browse with. And why did you delet me ridicioulselyyyyyy Longgggggg message?

  5. Deana Avatar

    I have one and recently found my best friend from high-school. She moved away for college and at some point we lost touch..amazing to me to be able to reconnect and pick up 10 years later like it was yesterday!

  6. Lori Avatar

    I love myspace. I keep up with my students. Unfortunately, I end up learning stuff about them I’d rather not know, but God sometimes blesses that, and I can talk with them about it. I haven’t found many past schoolmates yet. I should go hunting today…

  7. Kat Jacobs Avatar

    I’m pretty new to myspace. In fact, I just recently booted Tom from my top 8. Not many of my 30 year old stay-at-home mom friends even know what myspace is. Most of my myspace friends are people I’ve met through the blogosphere.

    Frankly, even though I’m more of a web developer than a web designer, I find that I’m something of a design snob. Myspace generally gives me the shakes after 20 minutes or so. It’s just so dang ugly and anti-everything I spend most of my time learning.

    It goes to show, though, that a site doesn’t have to be pretty or even easy to use to be wildly successful.

  8. Allie Avatar

    I have 2 myspace sites…1 for my music, 1 personal one like you to follow bands and reconnect with friends. I’ve found it easier to keep in touch with several friends who are in college or really busy because they won’t email me back quickly but they blog or will comment back to me on MySpace.

    MySpace has facilitated my music. I’ve met several people online whom I’ve recorded with, etc. It’s also how I got started playing in NYC. It’s been a wonderful tool.

  9. Allie Avatar

    PS: My mom even has a MySpace.

  10. kris Avatar

    I have a myspace and you are my friend…I got one because my two teenage girls have one and I wanted to monitor the situation.
    I’ve also reconnected with some people from my past…ex-boyfriends, childhood friends, classmates.
    My husband has two myspace accounts for his music and it seems to be a fabulous networking tool for musicans.

  11. Jennifer Avatar

    I have a myspace. It’s how I keep up with my younger brother in San Antonio. I also have found a bunch of high school people and some friends from college…

  12. Kate Avatar

    I have one, cause it’s the only way I ever talk to my brother.

  13. candyce Avatar

    i have a myspace. i don’t use it for much other than another way to communicate with friends (some current, some old friends from college, student ministries kids, etc.) and do a little music networking (i posted a classified ad there once or twice looking for potential new worship team members, with limited success). i don’t really add ‘friends’ unless it’s someone i know. myspace is ok as long as you’re savvy about it, but it’s not necessarily my favorite place to spend time online.

  14. brad Avatar

    Of course. I thought having one was prerequisite for being cool. I keep it for the same reasons really…old friends and finding new music, but mostly because real friendship is overrated. Digital friendship is the real thing.

  15. Los Avatar
    Mi vida loca

  16. Hale-Yeah! Avatar

    i don’t have one. poor me.

  17. Kevin Avatar

    I do. It’s under massivetruth. But I hardly check it. I am a blogger and MySpace isn’t really geared towards just blogging.

  18. MeWhoElse? Avatar

    It reminds me of blogger…a lot of weird stuff out there if you don’t limit your exposure I’ve heard.

    Am I the only person in the world who does not take any joy in reconnecting with old boyfriends? Icck! I don’t even WANT to know! :-)

  19. Los Avatar

    I can’t believe it.

  20. Anne Jackson Avatar

    Los – I can’t believe you found my 6 years older than me twin!!!

  21. Mr. Wade Avatar

    …oh yeah, starbucks widget – it’ll be great!

  22. Beth Avatar


    That Uni is hilarious.

    I don’t MySpace b/c I’m OLD, but both my daughters do. One more than the other. Our pc is in the family room, so I’m constantly looking over their shoulder to see who they’re im’ing, etc. I’m a little obnoxious like that.

  23. Hale-Yeah! Avatar

    Just wanted to let you know my blog has moved to