I did this a few months ago, but since there are some new people, I thought I’d do it again…I’d love for even those who have been reading for a while to post, just so we can get to know everyone. You never know when you might find someone who shares a common interest!
-Who are you?
-How old are you? (you can give a range…)
-How’d you get here?
-If you have a blog, a link…
-What is the best advice you’ve ever received?
35 responses to “Lame Party Game”
I’m Anne Jackson.
I’m 26
I started a Xanga to keep up with some of the high schoolers I worked with (most of them graduated this weekend!) and found that it was an incredible way to get to know and pray for others.
My blog is flowerdust.net (duh)
Best advice: “Don’t let your passion become annoying” – Rob Bell said this to me after a small worship arts workshop about a year ago. He was saying how often times, we try and drag people into our passions with disregard to their own…bulldozing right over them. This helps me keep me balanced – and also supporting other people’s passions too!
Hi I am Shari Brown
I am 44 but very immature..(humor?)
I think I got here from los or Me, Who Else, both blog/worship mentors.
I am a worshipper, wife, mother, work for a local newspaper in Manhattan Kansas.
My blog is http://www.xanga.com/tunz4jesus
Best advice is the current sermon series from my pastor regarding balance. Yesterday he said that the enemy would like us to be so busy working for God that we do not have the time to listen to Him.
Hey…I am Kristiapplesauce
Still in her twenties…
I found my way into blogland after some coaching from the fabulous Miss. Crystal Renaud….Is that french?
Best advice is that “It is easier to change directions once you are already in motion, if you are at a stand still it is almost impossible to move.” That, from the amazing Tim and Lisa Smith.
Hey… Guillermo here.
26 at the time of this writing.
Came here from Church Marketing Sucks.
guillermo, out of repose (in it’s early stages)
Not really sure about this one, but here’s something I heard recently that’s pretty good: “Don’t think less of yourself; think of yourself less.”
Hey Anne,
I am Debbie Arnn
I am 34.
I think my husband made me start blogging…and I found yours from him.
The best advice is either…
“It’s not how bad you mess up, it’s how well you recover.” (This advice came from my friend Thad, in high school.)
The idea that Christians are not and should not be immune to tragedy. (This advice came from my friend Kris K…who you met for coffee last week, I think???)
I am Crystal Renaud
I am the ripe old age of 21.
I discovered blogging through an online friend who directed me to xanga a little over 2 years ago. I’ve been addicted ever since.
My blog: http://pinkhairedgirl.typepad.com
The best advice I have ever received is: “Don’t let work control your life”, but Anne Jackson and Kristi Fair have also filled me with excellent life-application type advice over the last couple years.
ah… the lame party game…
My name is Pete and I am 34 living in northern Virginia, just outside of Washington D.C.
I’m a husband and dad, a worshipper, a worship leader, and I make attempts at being intelligent, creative, funny and engaging.
I think I got to Anne’s via Carlos Whittaker’s… which I got to from Matt Morgan’s, which I got from Ben Arment’s.
I suppose you can check me out at transitionpete.org.
The best advice I’ve ever received? EXCEL STILL MORE.
A buddy of mine, whom I respect greatly, said that one day, either in a talk or in passing (and I’m not sure if he got if from somewhere else). Anyway, in three words, it encapsulates what we all ought to be about — excelling all the more for the sake of Christ… kinda like “just do it.”
I am Tim Yeager
I am 26
I think I found flowerdust after Anne made a comment on my blog
My Blog : Pellucidly
When you are able to gather together with a group of believers, do so while keeping the cross at the center. When the cross is in the center of community all pretense fades away.
I’m not a regular reader/poster here, but I’ll play. :)
I’m Katie Rose , still in my 20’s, living in MI.
I got here through StaciJoy’s site, which I came to through Sally’s.
My links are : http://www.xanga.com/rosekat
I also have a vox and a myspace but haven’t figured them out very well yet.
Some of the best advice I’ve ever gotten:
The dream that scares you the most is probably the one you were made for.
i’m candyce.
i’m 26.
i started a blog on xanga after a few friends i served with in a student ministry group suggested that i do so. (ironically, few of the xangas i read regularly when i first started still update regularly… oh well…) i found this blog after this anne jackson chick started showing up around the blogs of a couple of my friends. :)
my blog’s at xanga.com/sheplaysamartin.
advice… hmm… i’ve received a lot of good advice over the years. i’m blessed to have been influenced by some great people, probably more by actions than by specific words… i don’t know that this is the best ever but one word i remember is from a worship leader who mentored me. he gave me some feedback once that i was less like myself (he described this as ‘less glowy’) sometimes while leading, in contrast to the way i was interacting with friends or students. it was a great reminder to bring all of me to the table in all areas of life… something i’m still working on but hopefully growing in.
-Who are you? Dr. Lori/ stinkowoman/ President of the Kristiapplesauce Fan Club
-How old are you? (you can give a range…) 31
-How’d you get here? Anne posted on Alex Mc Manus and Octavio’s blogs.
-If you have a blog, a link… http://www.xanga.com/stinkowoman or http://drlori.voxtropolis.com
-What is the best advice you’ve ever received? “Go until you get a no.” -Erwin McManus
I am Janine Tessarzik.
I am four and twenty.
I got into blogging after my friend thereeser started up a blogger site, and made the switch to Xanga thanks to the prompting of a friend. I found Anne from comments she made on other people’s blogs. I don’t even remember any more whose.
My blog – faithful quest
Good advice – Look before you leak – always check first that the seat is down and there’s paper on the roll.
-Who are you? Deana
-How old are you? (you can give a range…) 27
-How’d you get here? Anne left a comment on my site about mom jeans..cracked me up and I came over to say hi.
-If you have a blog, a link…www.xanga.com/obahsomah
-What is the best advice you’ve ever received? “if you don’t have anything nice to say keep your loud mouth shut…” my grandmama
I am Kris Sexton
I am 38
I think I first saw Ms. Flowerdust on revswifes blog ..
Question everything
I’m Jules
I am 2 years from 40 (you have to guess which side)
I found you through Los
I have a blog called Family Jules
Another mom once told me that kids are learning even if you are not trying to teach them. So live a good example.
“mewhoelse”: A wife and Mom of three, keyboards. I email some I trust with my real name…mostly just “me” to blogdom.
I’m early 30xs.
I found you through Los.
My Blog: 5purposedriven.blogspot.com
Good advice…lately a conglomeration of these:
“Keep walking.”
“To honor family above all else is to honor God above all else.”
“Life is worship”.
“A healthy life is a balanced life. Even passions from God need to be in balance or you’ll burn out young.”
“Caution is valuable. Fear is paralyzing. Choose caution.”
I’m Ariel, 29, secretary for my church.
Got here from the link on Blogging Church.
Best advice, I think, is don’t take yourself too seriously.
who-awarriorprincess Gwen
age-I am 47 and proud of every year of it!
how-I have no idea how I found you. I surf…alot.
Best advice-Let your life speak.
Oh I will totally play as I love to read your blog–
1. I am Janie
2. I am a very young at heart 31.
3. I got here thru the man, the legend Ragamuffin Soul (whom I have the pleasure of working with!!).
4. my blog–http://mrswey.blogspot.com
5. in marriage– pray more talk less.
Christina (a.k.a. Stina, Stiens)
Early 20’s
I interviewed this really crazy gal from KC, and was pointed to her blog at the end of the response email. (I’m so glad she moved to TX, even if it was to work with another department) ;)
Two candidates for best advice:
“Keep short accounts” & “Love believes the best”
excuse me Lori… you are most definitely NOT kristiapplesauce’s fan club president. I AM.
you can be my vice president though…
Mi nombre es Carlos Enrique Whittaker Guzman Archibold Cabbio
I am as old as the nuber of characters in my full name minus 11. (Don’t act like you won’t count)
I got here by the wonderful moment my parents had some 30 odd years ago in Pico Rivera East Los Angeles. Viva La Raza.
“The secret to a good sermon is having a good beginning and a good ending, then having the two as close together as possible”
Mi nombre es Carlos Enrique Whittaker Guzman Archibold Cabbio
I am as old as the nuber of characters in my full name minus 11. (Don’t act like you won’t count)
I got here by the wonderful moment my parents had some 30 odd years ago in Pico Rivera East Los Angeles. Viva La Raza.
Carlos Enrique Whittaker Guzman Archibold Cabbio’s Blog
“The secret to a good sermon is having a good beginning and a good ending, then having the two as close together as possible”
2 things I hate.
1. Spelling “number” – nuber
2. Posting duplicate comments and Mrs. Flowerduster not giving me a way to delete one of those bad boys.
amen, carlos
The other day, when we had the in-laws over for dinner, I served some applesauce…is that sacrilegious? Yup, only applesauce…
and I was naked.
25 years old
I can’t quite remember how I got here.
The best advice I ever got was keep pushing through, and if your fingers poke through the toilet paper remember to wash them.
Russell Gillchrest
Let’s see, your mom, told my dad/your uncle, who told me, “See how smart your cousin is? Go read her blog.”.
No blog for me. Reading yours is good enough.
Take personal responsibility for everything you do and say. Be accountable for every action you take, and everything you say, good or bad, and the results/consequences of them.
Crystal- don’t make me fight you. It might involve throwing virtual applesauce. While Kristi is still naked. And her parents are there. And I am creeped out. Then again, we could declare a thumb war…
i win…. i always do, Lori…
why is kristi naked?
Maybe it is considered cannibalism…?
i hold reign over the title of youngest person on this site, but i am an adult. have been for a week and a half!
My name is Tracy
I am 18 years old
I got here because i’ve known anne for about 5 years and now that we no longer live in the same state, i like to keep tabs on her
I don’t use my blog all that often, and i’m more of a read between the lines kind of gal, but if your curious, it’s http://www.xanga.com/beautiful_uncertainty
best advice. well, currently it is simplify. i was sitting in our youth service on sunday, and my youth pastor, Scott, said there are really only two priorities. they are big and broad, but there are two.
2.Taking care of self
i have realized this whole time that i’ve had it backwards. i always talk about how interrupted relationships, bad habits or unhealthy issues can interfere and tear apart your relationship with God, but it’s the otherway around. The satus of my relationship with God and ability or inability to rest is Christis being reflected in the stagnation or healing of these other areas that pertain to priority #2. because priority #1 comes first.
okay. i’ve said too much already
Hi my name is Kim Reid
I am 26
I work as a Graphics Production Associate at Lake Pointe Church with Anne!!
I found her blog after we received a copy of her resume.
Best advice:
Learn how to take care of yourself and be on your own. Once you mastered that then you can think about getting married. (Mom)
Hi, my name is Rebecca Wright
I’m 21 and live in edinburgh, heard a romour about a certain church plant coming up this summer and googled it and here I am!
Best advice em dunno not feeling too inspired tonight so best advice i’ve had today was switch off the light when you leave the room (the bbc are doing a climate awareness week!)
i’m kris
i’m 49 – yikes! (actually, like Gwen, i wear my age w/ pride)
i got here thru’ the usual rabbit trail of other people’s blogs, comments etc….
best advice? do justice, love mercy, walk humbly w/ your God