Jesus’ Hidden Years…And Yours

Anonymous Alicia Britt Chole

I just finished a book called anonymous, which talks about Jesus’ “hidden” years — the first 30 years of his life where we really don’t know much of what happened. The author, Alicia Britt Chole, makes a great point that reminds me that God is always working, building, planning, designing, going before us for good.

Often times as mere humans we get frustrated in the waiting times, in the quiet seasons…where we are filled with so much passion and we know our calling and our skills and our gifts but for some reason, it doesn’t seem as if we can release those things even though God’s given them to us. It feels like we might BURST at the seams if we don’t get to do those things He has placed in us.

Now, imagine being the Son of God, knowing from the very beginning of your life you have the power to heal the sick, the blind, the lame, to perform miracles, to show people the love of God and hope and every day you wake up and ask the Father, “Is today the day?” and He says back, “No, not today.” What trust, patience, and wisdom Jesus has to spend 90% of his life in those “hidden” years, not bursting at the seams, not wanting to get ahead of His Father’s schedule (yet, as the Bible says, being tempted to, but not sinning).

For 30 years He lived in these “hidden” years, mostly anonymous, preparing for three years of public ministry. And that is exactly what God planned.

I have been so challenged by this thought, that Jesus went to the lonely places to be with God, to take comfort, to receive guidance, and to ultimately obey and bring Him glory.


(Here is a link to the book in case you’d like to read it. It’s lovely and Biblical and so thought provoking.)


12 responses to “Jesus’ Hidden Years…And Yours”

  1. Doug Armey Avatar

    Wow, what a timely post and reminder. I have been in one of those hidden seasons with my writing and blog. I feel called to write it and I feel my writing is maturing. Yet the blog is growing frustratingly slowly. What a great reminder that sometimes, in God’s own wisdom and timing, we simply remain in a hidden time.
    Thanks for the encouragement.

    1. Laura Naiser Avatar

      Hi Doug,
      I’m in one of those same seasons. Hang in there! When I’ve poured hours (or sometimes days) into creating content for my blog only to see meager numbers of people read it, I get really discouraged, too. Yet, it seems like at least one person will mention to me how much it helped and then I remember why I’m doing this.
      Thanks for your comment; helps to know I’m not the only one feeling that way!
      P.S. I checked out your blog and it looks fantastic; you just picked up a new subscriber ;)

      1. Doug Armey Avatar


        I appreciate your encouragement. And that’s for compliment on my blog. Also for subscribing.

  2. Laura Naiser Avatar

    You’ve just given me a perspective change along the lines of what Andy Andrews usually provokes. Thanks for this beautiful post and the book recommendation.

  3. Pete A Avatar
    Pete A

    Oh, how that resonates with us! We’ve had some very dramatic examples of it, and especially in the last year. Time after time it seemed Satan was closing door after door to stop us doing things we believed God wanted us to do. But then, when only to learn one door was left open, we discovered in no uncertain terms (and I mean dramatically) that GOD was the one who’d closed those doors, so that ONLY one left turned out to be the one he was directing us to the whole time!

    Anne, before I close can I ask how you and Tim and your church have made out in all the storms and bad weather back there? Even here, in part of the desert way NW of you that’s enclosed by three high mountain ranges which usually shelter us from storms, it rained enough to flood many downtown streets and basements and get the downtown’s picture on CBS. (Our home is 200 feet higher; we were fine; wind would be our problem). Thankfully, the creeks only flooded a little. (Figure this; the town is in Sweetwater County but on Bitter Creek.)
    Hello to Tim, who I don’t think knows us yet. And, Doug and Laura, I’m going to look at your blogs. Patience and persistence!
    We pray for both you and Tim daily, as a family.

  4. Pete A Avatar
    Pete A

    PS Laura and Doug: what are your blogs’ names?

    1. Doug Armey Avatar

      Hi Pete. It’s called “Spirit Hacker.” If you click on my name it will take you to it. Blessings.

      1. Pete Ahlstrom Avatar
        Pete Ahlstrom

        Hi Doug – I did visit your site (I admit, quickly) and was especially taken with “What is the Secret Formula for Seeing the Miracles of God?” I have to run today but do want to tell you a few of my wife’s experiences. Will they answer the question? Probably not fully. But I hope you’ll enjoy them.

        1. Doug Armey Avatar

          Hi Pete,
          I would love to hear them.

  5. Laura Naiser Avatar

    Thanks Pete! I’d love to have you visit me over at Making It Real Ministries. Easier to type in but I think if you just click on my name for this comment it will open the site. Hope your weather has improved! Glad your home was safe.

    1. Pete Ahlstrom Avatar
      Pete Ahlstrom

      Hi Laura,
      I did visit your site and was amazed at how well organized you seem to be and how many things you are doing. I will have to come back (not much time today) and have a better look at all your activities. I will do that as soon as I can. In the meantime, God bless you..

      1. Laura Naiser Avatar

        Thanks for visiting Pete! And for your encouragement. I look forward to having you visit again.