An historical decision was made through our Supreme Court in the USA yesterday. Gay marriage in America is officially recognized as receiving the same legal and civil rights as heterosexual marriage.
This is an important day in history. I do not want to diminish it.
I came across this tweet from a man who I do not know named John McGowan. He said,
“Don’t write off America or put your hope in her. Anchor your life in the eternal Word and Kingdom of Christ.”
And I could not agree more.
Regardless of your views on this decision, Mr. McGowan cuts straight to the core of what is ultimately important: It is not what some perceive as the decay of society nor is it what some perceive as the progress of society.
Our lives are to be anchored in Christ.
When this happens, when we are firmly rooted in His grace, the same grace that covers us, that gives us each next breath, that releases us from this world and into the next, we are transported to a million-foot view instead of a myopic view of one (yes, very monumental) decision.
- If this decision upsets you, mourn. But do not only mourn for a change in constitutional rights: Mourn because the enemy wants us to focus on topics that divide the Church and our unity and the way a world should perceive hope. (John 13:35).
- If this decision causes you to celebrate, celebrate. But do not only celebrate because some people can now wed. Celebrate that the son of God in flesh perished for us so that we can have eternal life and hope (John 3:16).
- If this decision makes you angry, be angry. But do not only be angry at the polarizing messages you see on social media or on the news. Be angry at the hate that is thrown at everyone, no matter what their beliefs are. (Hebrews 12:14)
- If this decision makes you want to fight, fight. But do not fight for what you believe is right in your heart. Fight to demolish the hateful and hurtful words on either side of this issue. Fight for compassion. Be loud with your love. (Romans 12:18)
- If this decision makes you hate sin, hate sin. But do not focus intently on the actions or words of others that do not glorify God. Look at the words Jesus writes in the sand before the woman is stoned. See your own sin. Repent. Walk away. Sin no more. (John 8:11)
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, the sinner,
Anne Marie MIller
21 responses to “Why the Supreme Court’s Decision to Legalize Gay Marriage is Not the Issue”
Yes! Well said! So many Christians are taking such a decisive stance. We are called to love the sinner. God is the judge. We ought not be.
This. Couldn’t agree more.
Best thing I’ve read on this that reflects my views. I am going to share this. Thank you, Anne!
Thank you friend!
I know you and I love you. Perhaps I am so overjoyed by this landmark decision, but what are your personal thoughts on the SCOTUS decision?
And I love you my friend.
Thanks for sharing the Tweet by John McGowan and your thoughts on this topic. May we represent Christ well in ALL we do and say.
I said almost the exact same thing to my grieving and angry sister last night. Thanks for an important post.
I feel like all we really need to do is be compassionate and love others without condition as Jesus taught. He came to bring life and peace to this world, whoever will receive that.
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