Breaking Up with Nashville?

It’s kinda crazy. After a year in Nashville, we weren’t sure if it was the place for us to start a family and raise kids…so we began exploring a few ideas.

One of these ideas was a casting call for young couples who were thinking of “breaking up” with their city. We applied as a joke, not realizing it was a real reality show on FYI, a station under A&E. After a ton of Skype calls, cameras showed up to our house in Nashville and we began the process of finding our next home.

The Millers on My City's Not that Into Me on FYI Nashville Season 1 Episode 1

We filmed for a few weeks, really…long…days. How they managed to make this into a 21.5 minute show is beyond me. I’ll be just as surprised as you to what made the cut!

Reality shows have a bad rap for being over produced and fake. Not once in this process did we feel we weren’t being us. We had to reshoot some things from different angles, but all-in-all, it’s a REAL reality show that shares our journey in breaking up with Nashville.

It airs on March 4 at 9pm CST on FYI, which I think is on most cable stations. Since it’s a Wednesday night, we have youth group, and we don’t have cable. We’ll actually be watching it the next day, so don’t tell us any spoilers!

You can see the preview for our episode here! (It may take a few seconds for the video to show up!)


3 responses to “Breaking Up with Nashville?”

  1. Pamela Hunter Avatar
    Pamela Hunter

    Yay! I have set the dvr and we are so excited to watch our favorite sister’s story. Love you guys <3

  2. […] . It’s kinda crazy. After a year in Nashville, we weren’t sure if it was the place for us to …read more       […]

  3. Tim Gillette Avatar

    My wife and I loved watching your story on FYI. We having a similar story meeting on eharmony. I was trying to prove it didn’t work, she was just looking as her friend gave her membership as a gift.
    We live in Texas as well. I am a speaker and coach. Could not help but notice Michael in your episode.
    Anyway welcome to Texas, I hope to meet both of you some day.