Pixels Distract. Praise Focuses.


I’ve been caught up in my mind more than paper lately, an avalanche of thoughts I suppose…Relating in a real, tangible realm and relating in a social media world.

I adore the people who have morphed from screen name monikers to friends. I cherish those who I always and only knew as flesh and blood, a pixel-less soul.

And I wonder why it is we are so drawn in to the complexities of online connection. Indeed, we connect, but what we see and how we feel because of minuscule lights and squares and code sometimes astounds me – both in good and bad ways.

Why do some things I see stir up terrible emotions in me? Rage? Envy? Lust? And some things inspire me? Speak truth? Pour light down? Where do I seek solace? Inspiration? Courage?

I’m afraid often it’s like the 15-year-old me, flipping through her yearbook and dreaming of what it’s like to be this popular kid or this rich kid or will people like me more if I ran track and played basketball? The 34-year-old me wonders what it’s like to have a house like that, abs like that, or book sales like that? Will people like me more…if?

Yet I know there is no if, and God is sovereign over our skin world and our social media world. And all of my questions need to redirect into adoration of Him, worship of Him, and only Him. I must clear the clutter.

Pixels distract. Praise focuses.


4 responses to “Pixels Distract. Praise Focuses.”

  1. Anita Avatar

    Thank you.

    1. Anne Marie Miller Avatar

      You are so welcome!

  2. Doug Armey Avatar

    Yet I look at how successful you are as a writer and I envy you in that. And I have been successful in other realms and have had people say they envy me. Hmm. Seems like the insidious disease of comparing ourselves to others afflicts us all when we give into it. Thanks for the reminder.

    1. Anne Marie Miller Avatar

      I appreciate that, but it’s funny that you say I’m successful and how subjective that word is. Is it because I have contracts with publishers? Because if it’s based off of sales and earnings, I wouldn’t consider myself successful at all. :) And that too is that terrible comparison game