Sometimes things don’t go as planned.
Things fail.
Expectations rise and fall.
And fall. And fall.
(and rise?)
Someone says or does something (or perhaps nothing?) and it opens up scars from the past
Scars that say you’re not good enough
Or that you’re dumb
Or not worth it
Or too much…
I’ll never forget the first time I heard Anis Mojgani perform Shake the Dust
years and years and years ago.
Recently, my fingers found a scar not quite healed
and those voices
those LIES
came pouring down like gasoline on my open wound.
Stop it.
Stop it.
Stop it.
I said.
Let it be.
Let it go.
Shake the Dust
I heard it rattle in my mind.
And I hope that no matter what voices you may hear,
No matter who you are,
What you do,
What you look like,
Or how broken you are,
Shake the Dust. [watch the video below or if you don’t see one, click here…]
4 responses to “Shake the Dust :: Letting Go”
Life often gives us what we do not deserve.
And that brokenness we each carry inside we truly do need to shake off the dust of our pasts and move forward into our futures.
God forgives and forgets our pasts so we can too. And then we are released to live freely in the sunshine.
Thank you for your poem and the video.
Thank you, Doug.
What a great reminder that the voices do not define us, no matter how loud or persistent they may be. Here’s to shaking the dust…
Thank you, Jake.