Friday Prayer: How Can We Pray for You?

I am consistent with being inconsistent.

This week, I turned 34. Which means I’ve been blogging (officially) for TEN years. Yikes.

A few months ago, I said I wanted to make Friday all about prayer. I’ve done that now…three times.


With my imperfections/busyness/laziness/etc., I am really trying to get back into this rhythm.

A birthday is just a good excuse to reinstitute your New Years resolutions, right?

So, with that said, it’s Friday.

How can we pray for you? Celebrate with you?


25 responses to “Friday Prayer: How Can We Pray for You?”

  1. Victoria Avatar

    For God’s will to be strong and clear in my life, and to discover the woman He has created me to be.

  2. Marquis Avatar

    Spiritual growth, health, finances, loneliness.

  3. Kayleigh Avatar

    My new brother-in-law was diagnosed about a month ago with cancer & has since found out it is stage 4 lung, liver, and colon cancer… Him & my sister have an almost 6month old baby girl. The doctors gave him six months to live and are making him “comfortable”. One of his wishes before he goes is to hear the baby say “da-da”

  4. Kirsten Avatar

    First of all….Happy Birthday!

    Second, thank you for taking the time to pray. My prayer request is for direction and contentment in my life. I am feeling a little scattered and am not sure on how to deal with it. I want to feel content in whatever direction my life goes.

  5. Evelyn Ibeh Ochi Avatar
    Evelyn Ibeh Ochi

    First of all we bless God for the ministry. My prayer request is: 1. Prayer for God to open my womb for my menstrual flow to start coming and also fruit of the womb (twins) a boy and girl. 2. Bless my husband with divine favour. 3. Remove sickness away from my family 4. Asking God to grant my Swaziland resident permit and my husband permit to come out.

  6. Marie Avatar

    I’ve had a really hard week. I’ve been struggling with feeling very unloved, especially by God (something I’ve struggled with for all of my 28 years). I’m struggling with feeling like depression always wins because it keeps coming back and bringing me down with it. I feel unloveable, worthless, and invisible.

  7. Christie Avatar

    For God to give me wisdom and time management, as He leads me into serving others. Provision and heart preparation for a summer mission trip to Honduras. pS. Happy Birthday! I hope the party was a success!

  8. Pete A Avatar

    That’s right – a very happy (if past) birthday.

    Want to thank you again for the prayers you’ve sent up for our two requests. Our lady friend is still progressing. And her kids. Her youngest daughter was having seizures and other problems, leading to her being behind school. So our friend and my wife prayed over her.

    About a week ago, and about two weeks after that prayer, our friend had a meeting with her daughter’s teachers. Their first question was, “WHAT have you been doing?” Her daughter had turned completely around, was now getting 100’s on almost all her papers, was excited about school and had gotten much of her self worth back, and was progressing beautifully. Still is. And is having no seizure problems. (Her husband, however, is still being stubborn and hasn’t budged.) But I have no doubt that your prayers on the prayer request we sent you for her mom had its part in her and her daughter’s very dramatic turnarounds. Thank you!

    1. Anne Marie Miller Avatar

      Continue keeping me updated please. How wonderful!

  9. Karen Wondercheck Avatar

    Just finished reading your book, permission to speak freely. Loved it . I’ve been in difficult marriage for 20 years, so I would appreciate prayer to speak freely. To have my voice heard, hasn’t really been or at least hasn’t felt like it . I need courage, strength , wisdom, discernment and a definite leading of The Lord, and a good support system-online and in the flesh. Thank you for being real and encouraging us to be.

    1. Anne Marie Miller Avatar

      Praying, Karen. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Babette Avatar

    I need guidance. … I love our heavenly father. I know he has magnificent plan for me. I just need prayers for strength to handle the great task ahead. I just keep feeling he wants me to write book about me and my precious dog tiffany. She was my guardian angel….but she was bitten by snake. I was so blessed t have her. When she passed she had just given me two precious puppies seven weeks old. We are together. Just pray I can do this book. So many adventures. ..she also saved my life. Please pray for me princess and rucca. Be blessed.

    1. Anne Marie Miller Avatar

      Sorry for your loss. I know that’s hard. Praying.

  11. Patrick Avatar

    I pray that God can use me! I pray Holy Spirit to take control over me! I pray for wisdom! I pray for everyone in need right now father, also bless me with health to see him when he come back! Also wealth to live and help others in need amen and thank u.

  12. Ebony Avatar

    I just wanna become stronger in knowledge and wisdom of knowing my heavenly father. He’s my everything and I really need him and to know him and help my children know him.

  13. Leecy Shiver Avatar
    Leecy Shiver

    I ask that God really watch over me
    And take care of me I live alone
    And I am very lonely. I want to
    Be able to discern Gods will for my
    Life. I have had A rough morning even to the point of falling And
    Breaking a glass table. Don’t know
    Why just funny. I will feel better
    Knowing someon else praying

  14. BettyLuv Chambers Avatar
    BettyLuv Chambers

    PRAYER request. …I have new job that is so boring that I find it challenging to work as “UNTO THE LORD”….Pray that job get better.

  15. jason Avatar

    I am having a really hard life full of pain and turmoil in my household. Please pray for me for God to show me the way to pain free life and peace in my house.

  16. Ron Avatar

    I Love God, and my Savior, and Lord Jesus Christ, and with the Spirit of the Holy Ghost that dwells in me. I would like for you to pray for me.
    Everytime that I start to pray, Satan either makes me drift off to sleep, or I find myself saying things that are not godly, and have to repent for it. I would like for you to pray for my inner feelings, outer feelings, depressions, emotions, hurt and pain, etc. Things have happened to me, that has totally changed my entire life. Even though I have forgiven the people that did this to me, my life is still being torn apart everyday by Satan.

  17. Barbara Avatar

    I have been going to this church for close to 15 years as the pianist. I am about to leave because things are happening in the leadership that I feel is wrong. We now have only 14 people coming and things are just not working out. I have found another church that I am getting the spirtual blessings that I need. The problem I have for me is that this job I have is a paid position so when I go, this income will not be with me. I am going to step out in faith. Please pray that a way will be made for us missing this income . I know The Lord is moving me. I know that He can do anything . I just need extra prayer for God to help us make it. After the move , all we will have left out of our Social Security is $66.00 dollars a month to buy groceries, have gas money. This is walking in Faith but I am being led in this new direction. I know God answers prayers. I just need a little help with extra prayers. Also, pray for my husband because he is very sick, he is in critical condition with his breathing . Pray for my son that has a lot of health problems . He has very bad seizures and other health problems , God has given me some miracles this past year with my health . But I have more work to do for him. I love Him so. Thank you for your prayers in advance. Your sister in Christ loves you.

  18. Mary Avatar

    Prayer requests . 1 . fruitfulness of my womb.with twins of Elijah and Elizabeth this year. Thank you lord.2. Healing me of my fibroids in the uterus. 3. Healing my backache. Thank you for prayers. Will be here to give testimonies.

  19. elma Avatar

    I was diagnoised with colon cancer n ’09..went into remission for 2 1/2 years. Then n 2012 my cancer came back..since then I am back into treatments. Sometimes im so tired of doing meds but I keep doing the fight for me & my faith n god is never ending he is my strength love & hope that I am conquering this illness. I believe his word flows n my body giving me the strength to keep going. Father jesus thank u for ur daily blessing u give to me & my family. Thank u father jesus..thank u.amen