It seems like everyone is doing a “One Word” theme for 2014.
At first, I roll my eyes. I don’t need to define my life and goals for a year with one word. I’m focused enough. Legalist Me says “It’s always God anyway” and Mystic Me says “It’s always Love anyway” (and yes, that’s kind of one of the same).
Already procrastinating on two of my resolutions goals for 2014 – working out 3-5x/week and running 150 miles this year – I make sure the world hasn’t ended because of my absence from Twitter the last few days.
I see my friend Sarah Mae tweet a link to a post about a gal named Dana who makes her word for 2014 Mike, her husband. In it, she links back to the post where Sarah Mae makes her word for 2014 Jesse, who’s Sarah Mae’s husband.
Then I say dangit, because I felt smacked upside my head with a burlap sack of coffee beans (drinking coffee: something I have yet to also do this morning).
Realizing dangit doesn’t really give me a theme word for 2014, I quickly change my word for 2014 to Tim. My super romantic, epic proposaling, tall, dark and handsome, Godly man extraordinary Tim.
We haven’t even been married but ten months, but somehow in those ten months my selfishness, my snark, and my stubbornness get in the way of a great marriage. My baggage, my lack of trust, oh – and did I mention my selfishness? – can put a wall up between us.
I already had a list of resolutions: spiritual, physical and career and I’m not going to abandon them. However, I’m looking over them all and making sure they are in line with the obvious responsibility of loving, respecting, and placing Tim as a priority in my thoughts and actions, words and deeds.
One of my goals was to reboot the “Change Me” prayer I wrote about last year; I recognize I cannot change anyone, Tim included. But I can pray to change myself. I choose to accept him and his strengths and weaknesses, to love him, to care for him, to support him, to encourage him, to do what I can to propel him forward in his faith and in his career (a fabulously gifted man behind a camera).
There are so many ways to be PC online: don’t make resolutions (or call them goals, instead). Make them. Post them. Don’t share them. Everyone has their own opinion about it, so, please do as you please.
However, don’t be like me and be closed off to the idea of doing something – like creating a word for 2014 that is your theme word – and miss out on an opportunity to do something amazing.
For God.
For you.
And maybe even for someone else.

20 responses to “My Word for 2014 – Dangit”
I didn’t intend to have a word for 2014. Last year I made a mood board with general themes and things that made me happy. This year I wasn’t really thinking of anything specific (aside from my goal to learn to yodel one song), but then Doctor Who happened.
I was trying to analyze why the 10th Doctor was my favorite. What was it about David Tennant’s portrayal that I liked more than the others I had seen? What was it about this character that so endeared him to me? I realized I was very drawn to his confidence, that even when he had no idea what the plan was, his plan was to make a plan. I thought about the persistent fear I have that others don’t like me. I stumbled upon some of my old journal entries from high school, and the insecurity and neediness were so blatant.
So I’ve decided to act more confidently. I think that over time, true confidence will come. Confidence in my abilities, confidence in God’s love, confidence that my friends really do care about me. And it’s simple enough to take a breath, whisper “Confidence!” to myself, then get out of my car and enter into that intimidating party.
“In quietness and in confidence shall be your strength” – (Isaiah 30:15).
Oooh…that’s tough! :) I am not a fan of those intimidating parties…
I loved this. Love your sense of humor and I think you’ve chosen a great word! Happy New Year and here’s to a year of joyfully living with your dear husband.
I love that you think I have a sense of humor… :)
I like that. I’ve had words before…I can’t remember what they were. I’m with you…7 weeks married. With the stress of combining two 30something lives…our best selves have not been in the building many-a-days. Who would’ve thought our words could be our husbands’ names…”David.” Cool idea. That might just be my word this year. ;)
On a random note, and I know you get this a lot, but I absolutely adore your name! :)
Yep, same song at this end. I had said ‘why bother?’ since last year’s word had simply faded off into the sunset.
And then, surprise surprise, God sent this video my way, and I completely changed my mind …
Words for two projects:
#1 – Finish it!
#2 – Move ahead!
This is my goal for 2014 too! I love that so many other women are focused on becoming better wives!
It’s great, isn’t it!?!
It’s great! I had very similar feelings and responses. I really dragged my feet about my husband being my word, my focus, but I changed my mind and I’m hopeful.
Let’s do this! :)
happy new year
Loved this.
Happy New Year, Anne Marie.
Thank you!
[…] posts and their new year’s resolutions, I saw a lot on this idea of choosing a “theme word” for the year. At first I thought that might be a bit much and didn’t think I had one, […]