Sometimes there is a thing you just can’t shake.
I don’t mean a bad habit, but a stirring, an awakening, a longing that is deep and far inside your spirit.
I have one of these things right now. It’s been around for about a month. It’s not something I need to do, to plan, or to make happen; it’s a door with a tiny peep hole, and I sense God moving in, opening up, and letting me have just a tiny glimpse into what happens when the door fully opens.
Normally, I write these things off as emotional whims, having too many assumptions and the wrong hopes, maybe even hormones.
But sometimes things just stick.
Do you have a thing you can’t shake from your heart?
I’m learning to walk in it with joy, and hope, and gratefulness, moment by moment.
Our God is so, so good, isn’t he?
14 responses to “That Thing You Just Can’t Shake”
Loving your regular blogs, they are a nice little break from my busy day and they provoke my to think about these. Thank you!
Thanks! It’s freaking hard! HA! :) I do appreciate the encouragement, Phil!
I wish I could just see a glimpse of what the door would look like fully open. It would make it easier to do if that is what He wants.
For sure. :) But my, how God loves mystery.
Thank you for provoking some strategic thought in me. Usually my thoughts are reactive and these words helped me turn that corner and ask myself the same question.
Thank you for the kind words!
I know that feeling. It’s a good one. Lean in.
And yes, He is good. So, so good.
Lean in…so good.
Yes, it’s happened to us several special times. One was the idea I mentioned several blogs below that I assumed was impossible, and didn’t even think we should try, till God nagged me into it. Another was when we were homeless, living in a tent trailer in the Mojave Desert, and God very persistently nagged me into re-staring tithing. Too long to tell here, but I used it as the opening story in ch. 16 in “Activating the forgotten commandment,” on Each time we had to take one little step at a time, and as we did, God led us to the next step, and the next. First thing we knew we were rushing to keep up with him. (And still are!)
You still have our prayers, and we’ll include this. It’s an exciting feeling; often more than a bit scary too. But when God’s there…….
Yes, the mystery is so exciting.
love the door
I keep thinking about how I grew up so poor, and how I’m so in student loan debt and STILL can’t find a job despite my shiny doctorate degree. And I keep thinking about how God keeps asking me to trust Him, to forget those moments when I was growing up and had nothing or very close to it, and that He will provide. Not one part of it makes sense. How am I supposed to believe that He’ll provide now when He didn’t back then?
I can’t shake the doubt. But I can’t ignore the cracks in my walls, either. Both are equally as frustrating.
I am learning his provision is often not what we think it is. It is a hard concept to grasp. Prayed for you.
Wow, I think you will be a great OB. It seems like you have a real love for children, faliimes, and people in general. Sad to say that those qualities are rare traits in todays world. I believe not just anyone should be in just any job because you could be in a job that you hate and end up making everyone who comes in contact with you at work miserable. You have the joy and care to be great at your job and effect those you will be working around not only by your knowledge , but by your love for what you do.