I should be blogging more than I have been.
One legit excuse is we don’t typically have internet (and rarely mobile reception) in these random parts of the southwest.
But mainly it’s because I don’t have anything to say.
It’s been easy for me to talk my whole life. I grew up knowing the right answers…the right things to say…and most of the time…when to say them. And don’t get me wrong – there are plenty of things I could tell you about from this trip.
But not now.
The sound of pavement under my road tire for miles and miles and hours and hours has me realizing something.
I need to be quiet more often.
When you’re dehydrated or overheating or your heart rate is too fast or your knee begins to burn you listen to your body and you respect it. You take care of it.
My mind, my heart, my soul are all telling me I need to be quiet.
So, for now, I’m going to listen to that voice, and respect it.
24 responses to “Quiet”
Maybe the appropriate response to this is to not say anything… but… I wanted to say I really liked this.
Ok. Shutting up now. :)
.-= Jamie, the Very Worst Missionary´s last blog ..I implore you. =-.
#@%*&, Go. . .
Me again, GO, let it be known. . .
Remember, balance and with one’s self and God, be still. And know.
Your friends, your friends, have sound advice that key to you loved direction. Blessed are you.
be still and know that I am God….. there are other things that will happen to you during these moments of solitary awareness of your body and the road.
.-= mandie´s last blog ..We love your heart….but… =-.
There’s time for everything (Ecclesiastes 3), and yes…a time to be quiet. You wouldn’t be wrong if you listen :)
.-= Jaycee (E.A)´s last blog ..Let’s Say A Door is Slammed Against Your Face =-.
Good for you, AJ!
.-= Lory´s last blog ..Goals Checking In… =-.
Probably one of the most insightful posts you’ve ever done! Thanks for sharing. It’s much appreciated at this point in my life.
Hey friend. Sitting on a porch stoop in Barcelona catching up on your ride. I am so proud of you…for riding, for not riding when necessary, and most of all for embracing this time to listen.
As I was reading over your posts, I was reminded of this Thomas Merton prayer I keep in my phone & pray on a recurring basis. I know you are a Merton fan, and it seems timely.
“Lord, I have not lived like a contemplative. The first essential is missing. I only say I trust You. My actions prove that the one I trust is myself–and that I am still afraid of You.
Take my life into Your hands, at last, and do whatever You want with it.
I give myself to Your love and mean to keep on giving myself to Your
love–rejecting neither the hard things nor the pleasant things you have
arranged for me. It is enough for me that You have glory. Everything
You have planned is good. It is all love.
The way You have laid open before me is an easy way, compared with
the hard way of my own will which leads back to Egypt, and to bricks
without straw. If you allow people to praise me, I will wory even less, but
be glad. If You send me work I shall embrace it with joy and it will be rest
to me because it is Your will. And if You send me rest, I will rest in You.
Only save me from myself. Save me from my own, private, poisonous
urge to change everything, to act without reason, to move for movement’s sake, to unsettle everything You have ordained. Let me rest in Your will and be silent. Then the light of Your joy will warm my life. Its fire will burn in my heart and shine for Your glory. This is what I live for.
Amen, amen.”
love you,
Every blessing, Anne – this is a good, and a healing place to be, quietly in His hand. Thank you for sharing this.
.-= MikeF´s last blog ..Safe at last… =-.
“I should be blogging more than I have been.”
Coulda/woulda/shoulda …
Don’t waste your valuable energy! Keep focusing on what God is opening up for you in these weeks and being attentive to His invitation to stillness and contemplation.
We’ll all be here when you come back.
And I’m pretty sure you’ll have some significant life lessons to share …
Be safe. Stay well. Be at peace.
.-= Linda Stoll´s last blog ..Screens & Your Kids =-.
Some times the best response we can give is silence.
.-= Kristine McGuire´s last blog ..Considering Twilight: Obsession or Love? =-.
Silence is golden. Oh and rest is mandatory.
Knowing what you feel like. You are so loved by
.-= Carol´s last blog ..Early Bird!!! =-.
And that my friend is why i introduced you to the Trace:) Way to go… now you are really feeling the joy of endurance sports:)
Hungry for that quietness.
I love barefoot jogging for this very thing… because like you, I’m usually the person who always has something to say, whether I actually do or not.
-Marshall Jones Jr.
.-= bondChristian´s last blog ..Learning from mY Generation: Stories on the art of listening =-.
I’m just coming out of a ‘dry’ season blogging-wise, and I totally agree Anne.
I suspect that what we have to say is MUCH more valuable when it comes out of overflow.
One of the things the pastor at Desert Springs said when you guys were there that hit me was that this time allows you guys a lot of time to pray and be quiet. I’m not sure that I’d considered that before.
Glad He is working in you as the rubber literally does meet the road.
.-= Prudence´s last blog ..I’m Impressed: Tam (aka inProgress) =-.
Amen! We can all learn that lesson, sista. Now, I need to stop typing and shut-up for a minute ;-)
Missing you tons and praying for you all the time. So proud of ya sweet friend.
Much love!
.-= Eve Annunziato´s last blog ..WOMEN AGAINST WOMEN – WHY? =-.
Yes, I understand…I need to be quiet more often as well…hope this time for you has been amazing! God loves it when we meet Him like you are…on the open road…
Girls don’t have porn addictions or intrests which makes it impossible for those who have been exposed to it to open up and confess to another christian. if it was possible…life would be so good.
So when I read this I totally identified.
Writers have to have a voice. It’s what we do. How we are defined by so many.
But lately something has shifted.
I don’t feel like my voice is the one that needs to be amplified as much as the one from above. And so I have been quiet as well. Especially on the bike.
You are AWESOME girl and as always I appreciate your authenticity.
Finish Strong.
.-= Natalie´s last blog ..Follow your gut. =-.