Odds & Ends & Links & Stuff

I can’t believe in less than a month, the Ride:Well South Cycling team will be leaving San Diego en route to Myrtle Beach. 3000 miles in two months, all in the name of raising funds and awareness for the awesomeness of Blood:Water Mission.

Several people who have been good friends of mine for years have had books or albums release in the last couple of weeks. Carlos Whittaker’s album Ragamuffin Soul, Jon Acuff’s book Stuff Christians Like, Pete Wilson’s book Plan B, and Angie Smith’s book I Will Carry You. Check them out and see if they float your boat. If nothing else, know they put the blood, sweat, and tears behind these projects and that you can do the same for whatever it is your heart beats for.

Updated my speaking schedule page. I’ll be in SoCal speaking again tomorrow, May 12. We’ve added some fall dates as well. Stay tuned, as there are even more fall book tour plans in the works. Hope to meet you if you’re around! If you’re interested in having me speak at your church, conference, college, or mom’s birthday, click here.

Lately, I’ve been reflecting on the courage some of my close friends have shown lately. Remember that when you face down your fears and do what you need to do, not only are you helping yourself, you’re inspiring others.

Seth Godin is taking his show on the road. I hope he makes it to Nashville! He is also speaking at Catalyst Atlanta this year. If you want to register (don’t forget to sign up for the Labs – so fun, and I’m speaking – not that the two are related) head over to CatalystConference.com. I think you can win an iPad over there too.

And finally, I am so glad warm weather is here. Bring on the sun!

What are some things you’re excited about?


13 responses to “Odds & Ends & Links & Stuff”

  1. Gaby Avatar

    I’m excited about having started work on my first EP :) Only took me 34 years, Yee-Haw! Seriously, though, kind of a big deal for me so I’m pretty pumped.
    .-= Gaby´s last blog ..Gaby Beker "I’d Rather Go Blind Than To See You Leave": 71.428571428571428571428571428571 % done! Had a great time recording… http://bit.ly/9Mfull =-.

  2. Greg Davis Avatar

    Thanks for all you do Anne! I just made a donation to show my support that you went ad free. I wish more bloggers would follow your lead!
    .-= Greg Davis´s last blog ..“In Case You Missed It” Friday =-.

  3. cool dad / eric Avatar

    I’m excited about

    1. Finishing a summary of our New York story to see if anyone would be interested to read a book about it.
    2. Our neighborhood community – reaching out to new people in quite an abnormal way for NYC while getting to know our friends more intimately as we live life together.
    3. The regular time that I’ve been spending with God, a first in my life. Even if it’s only a few minutes, it’s a few minutes with the King.
    .-= cool dad / eric´s last blog ..Cool Review, Awarding Points – May 10 =-.

  4. Megs Avatar

    About the only thing on my brain these days is a 2 year old in China who we are about 1 month away from bringing home! Just discovered a blog run by her foster home that had over 50 pictures of her – an amazing gift!

    On another vein, just discovered Annie Dillard. I’m almost through An American Childhood, and have two more of her books coming my way via paperback swap!
    .-= Megs´s last blog ..Happy Mother’s Day to Me!!! =-.

  5. Linda Stoll Avatar

    The word about facing down your fears … much needed and appreciated today. Thanks for speaking into my soul!
    .-= Linda Stoll´s last blog ..The Control Freak’s Marriage =-.

  6. Rick Apperson Avatar

    1. We will have our first baptism in church this month. Well at a lake but you know what I mean. Our church is just 1 1/2 years old so this is cool.
    2. Vacation – Time alone with family in June.
    .-= Rick Apperson´s last blog ..5 Questions With Dave Blundell =-.

  7. Lori Biddle Avatar

    I am excited to lead our small group of artists tonight – a great privilege.

    I am excited that the drama small group I lead is going to surprise an actor in great need today with monetary gifts they have all given – a great privilege.

    I am excited that although my son is gone more than he’s here with his band ‘the gun show’…he has a job waiting restoring antique carousels every time he is in town!

    And I am excited my daughter is marrying the most amazing God loving man I have ever met, next to my hubby of course!

    My life is far from perfect but God is SO good to us!
    .-= Lori Biddle´s last blog ..I long to wander =-.

  8. Lisa Avatar

    I’m excited about my brother’s wedding this weekend.

    But I’m more excited that in about a month I have tickets to see U2. That’s always been a sort of “dream I didn’t think I’d achieve” so I’m really excited to be doing that.
    .-= Lisa´s last blog ..Daily 5 – Day 270 =-.

  9. Kevin M. Avatar

    I am very excited about what God is doing in our church right now!
    .-= Kevin M.´s last blog ..3 ways to experience joy in our lives =-.

  10. justin Avatar

    nice linkage here anne! glad to see the noisetrade reminder, too – i forgot to check that out! and i, too, am hoping seth drops by nashville – that would be good stuff. not to mention the shoutout to warm weather, but then again, today it was supposed to be 80°+ and instead i think i only felt 60° of that! what gives!?

    i am looking forward to:

    1) getting “hired” for lack of a better term (read more here:http://www.abeautifulmess.info/2010/03/dont-hire-me/

    b)continuing to hear many stories of GOD’s redemptive and scandalously creative ways he is transforming the flood devastation.

    3) the free catalyst sage conference may 19th – word.

    iv) oh. and how about the season finale of LOST?
    .-= justin´s last blog ..immediate compassion: #flood2010 =-.

  11. Chris Avatar

    It would be impossible for me to overstate what a great thing I believe it is to go ad free – not just on a site, but in general. While I completely understand that ads make people aware of products which they then purchase, which in turn provides income for families, the vast majority advertisements we’re exposed to grossly overstate the importance of the products or services they’re promoting.

    I’ve been using Firefox with AdBlock Plus for a long while now. We hardly ever watch TV, and listen to the radio even less. The result is that we’re exposed to relatively few ads, and when I do hear one, I’m amazed at how shallow they seem, and how obnoxious most of them are. I find myself thinking “is anyone actually duped by this?”
    .-= Chris´s last blog ..5 Ways to Deal With Distractions =-.

  12. Steve Avatar

    I am excited about the week long staycation I am three days in to.
    .-= Steve´s last blog ..Make Yourself at Home Part 5 =-.

  13. Sarah Cunningham Avatar

    Girl, I hear a lot of wisdom in the direction your blog has been going the past few weeks. I applaud that in you. :) Also love the Praise of Slowness. Just got done doing a few blogs spurred on by my reading about the value of getting enough sleep. Praying for you. :)