Blogging Advice

Most of my session at Catalyst is about blogging and using social media. I’m putting this post up as a reference for people in the session, but also for anyone else who wants to know what I think about the ABCs of blogging. Below, you’ll find some blog posts I’ve written through the years offering my thoughts on building platforms and social media in general.

1. How to be the BEST Blogger Ever

2. A Quick Bit of Twitter Advice

3. Does a Blog Need A Lot of Comments to be Successful?

4. Can Online Community Really Exist?

5. Building Your Platform — Part 1

6. Building Your Platform — Part 2

7. Building Your Platform — Part 3

8. How to Lead a Tribe – Part 1

9. How to Lead a Tribe – Part 2


14 responses to “Blogging Advice”

  1. Kristine McGuire Avatar

    This is really great, thank you :)
    .-= Kristine McGuire´s last blog ..Sharing Pearls =-.

  2. Carol Avatar

    Since I began blogging three years and our Son and Daughter put it all together for me, I have been the happiest person! When we were in the full-time Sr. Pastoring, I dealt with abused women; I decided to make it an “Encouraging Blog”….every single morning I begin my day with writing my blog. Only since we have retired, I use it now to share positive things re: being a wife for ladies who have never been mentored or counseled. After 42 years of marriage, I have some great encouragement for wives. I get a lot of comments via e-mail, of course and that’s ok. I could never give up blogging since I love it! However, your blogs are the VERY best of anyone’s!!!!!
    .-= Carol´s last blog ..What Makes You Happy? =-.

  3. cool dad / eric Avatar

    Thanks, Anne. We feel driven to grow the blog and your advice will be very helpful. Have fun at Catalyst!
    .-= cool dad / eric´s last blog ..Not cool: Cool Mum has GeBetes (not the Heeby Jeebies) =-.

  4. Rebecca Avatar

    Thanks for this. Very helpful.

  5. Melissa Brotherton Avatar

    Wish I could be there to hear you in person! Thanks for the advice here though. Have fun!
    .-= Melissa Brotherton´s last blog ..This One’s Kinda Mushy =-.

  6. Josh Avatar

    Thanks for this, Anne. Enjoy Cali and your embroidery time. :)
    .-= Josh´s last blog ..Where Are You @ ? #twitter =-.

  7. Kevin M. Avatar

    Great thoughts here Anne! Have fun at Catalyst West!
    .-= Kevin M.´s last blog ..Get a Firm Grip =-.

  8. Joe Sewell Avatar

    One thing that you probably covered in those articles, but is worth mentioning, is this: if your heart isn’t in your blog or each post, don’t bother. Journalists write to gather an audience; if you are a journalist, then that’s different. If you’re simply showing your real life, and others find that handy, that’s better.
    .-= Joe Sewell´s last blog ..Taking the Bible Literally =-.

  9. Linda Stoll Avatar

    Good stuff. While I’m still keeping my eyes on the numbers (who doesn’t?), I know by now that they go up and down.

    And I’m starting to think that really is ok.

    I like what God’s doing in my life because I’m blogging. There’s some fruit. And I’ve got a few people telling me that it’s impacting them in some way.

    And besides all that, it’s good therapy for me, the pastoral counselor/life coach/spiritual director.

    So for now, I’ll keep being obedient to this opportunity He’s given me. And as He keeps bringing life or ministry stuff to my attention … things that resonate deeply with something inside, they’ll probably end up on the screen.

    And I know they’ll resonate deeply with someone else.

    I love it!
    .-= Linda Stoll´s last blog ..Hey, Church Leader! =-.

  10. Jim Martin Avatar

    Great! Thanks for including the links to these particular posts in one place. Would have enjoyed hearing your presentation.
    .-= Jim Martin´s last blog ..Am I With Anyone? =-.

  11. Richard Avatar

    Thanks for the advice Anne. I hadn’t read the Tribe Pt1 and it’s helpful for me to think through those questions and see where I land. I’m also thinking about asking others to give me their thoughts on these questions (in regards to me) as well.

    Have fun presenting!

  12. Blane Young Avatar

    When I talk to friends, pastors, and hamsters about their upcoming blog launch, I always use your previous posts as a resource for them.

    Your excellence s raising the bar and helping raise the next wave of bloggers that are making a difference.

    So, Thanks!

  13. Rulia Avatar

    Thanks a lot for your advise and encouragement to always be genuine in our writing. I’ve just started my blog last year and still have so much to learn.

    It’s a blessing to finally found your blog couple of months ago and learn from one of the best!
    .-= Rulia´s last blog ..Friends Forever =-.

  14. AprilK Avatar

    Thanks for these posts, Anne. I’ve been blogging for about a year and am in the process of rethinking how and why I’m blogging. Good advice to help me figure all that out.
    .-= AprilK´s last blog ..The Ancients & Jesus: Week 2 =-.