Video Confession

This is my last real time update for a while…there are a few scheduled posts coming tomorrow to keep you entertained, but I figured I had a few minutes to spare…and I needed to get something off my chest. See ya on the flip side.


12 responses to “Video Confession”

  1. Heather Avatar

    This comes to mind…
    “Break my heart from what breaks yours
    Everything I am for your kingdoms cause:

    Hosanna, Hillsong

    blessings sister. <3

  2. @LaureeAshcom Avatar

    i cannot pray for you to be willing to be broken… that demands that i be willing to be broken myself. i will, however, pray that you draw closer to God and trust Him more.

    be safe in Him. be blessed.

  3. Crystal Renaud Avatar

    love u.
    .-= Crystal Renaud´s last blog ..The Old is Gone =-.

  4. Sherie Avatar

    Love your heart and honesty Anne! Don’t worry about whether the tears are there, just incline your heart to God and the rest will sort itself out.

    It is He who guards our heart, and sometimes those of us who are extra sensitive need the emotional rest to walk through what he is asking. He knows what you can handle and wouldn’t be sending you to Europe without preparing the way.
    .-= Sherie´s last blog ..The choice is ours, the grace is His =-.

  5. Donna Frank Avatar

    I will be praying…be blessed and stay safe, in Jesus’ name.
    .-= Donna Frank´s last blog ..My new favorite day =-.

  6. Danny Bixby Avatar

    Hope you have a productive trip, in every way.

  7. patricia Avatar

    “when we see humanity is broken our hearts are broken too.”

    =] love that!
    .-= patricia´s last blog ..4.4.10 cupcakes. =-.

  8. Josiah Avatar

    Follow the Holy Spirit Anne and have an awesome trip! Can’t wait to read/watch more about this one!!!!
    .-= Josiah´s last blog ..The First Sunday =-.

  9. Amber Avatar

    Praying for you and your trip.
    .-= Amber´s last blog ..Anti-Trafficking events =-.

  10. Robin Avatar

    I know I have been trying to keep my heart closed – don’t want it broken open b/c I’m afraid of what that might mean in my life …. but you, MckMama, and Jamie the very worst missionary are trying to change me!

  11. Carol Avatar

    Using your faith – He already knows you have it. I call it live by your heart and not the crowd. His grace will see you through. Prayers, hugs and love to you, Anne.
    .-= Carol´s last blog ..Understanding Yourself as a Wife =-.

  12. Rebecca Avatar

    I have had a similar experience in the midst of brokenness all around me. I always pray for God to break my heart for those things that break His, but as a human defense, sometimes it just goes a bit numb for a little while. In my experience, when the feeling and the tears come back, it makes up for lost time.

    Praying for you, and thank you for shining light in the dark places!

    God Bless!
    .-= Rebecca?s last blog ..Was it Worth it? =-.