In Honor of Ad Free Day, Pimp Something Good

Today (and for as long as I can imagine) this blog is officially advertisement free.

In a blogosphere free-trade kind of way, I’d like to give you a chance to pimp your book, your blog, your organization (or one of your choice) below.

A free for all ad free party kind of day.


Super easy.

Just fill in the Mr. Linky below (I never thought I would say those words) and tell us why you pimped what you did in the comments.

Tip: Be generous and be creative!


When you fill it out — do it in this format:

Name: Anne Jackson – Blood Water Mission

Hope we all make some new friends!


129 responses to “In Honor of Ad Free Day, Pimp Something Good”

  1. Rachel H. Evans Avatar

    I love it when new people join the conversation. The more perspectives, the better!
    .-= Rachel H. Evans´s last blog ..Embracing the Not-So-Holy Holy Week =-.

  2. dubdynomite Avatar

    I’m pimping Thrive Africa, a ministry founded by a blog friend of mine, Alece (

    As the link explains, they are in a dire financial need right now to continue their programs in South Africa, including AIDS prevention education and training leaders, not to mention the 52 people they have on their staff.

    The are trying to meet an $80,000 fund-raising goal.
    .-= dubdynomite´s last blog ..Part 1: My Confession =-.

    1. Prudence Avatar

      A great pimp.
      .-= Prudence´s last blog ..Better Way to Spend Easter =-.

    2. alece Avatar

      thank you john!!!!!
      .-= alece´s last blog ..death and life =-.

  3. Jenifer R Avatar

    I totally didn’t do the Mr. Linky thing right. I am so sorry.

    I am pushing Love146, an organization that “works toward the abolition of child sex slavery and exploitation through Prevention and Aftercare solutions, and contributing to a growing abolition movement”.

    Child sex slavery has always been heavy on my heart but very recently it has been hitting me very hard that it could be one of my own daughters here in the US that this happens to.
    .-= Jenifer R´s last blog ..Child Solider =-.

  4. Joanna Avatar

    I’m pimping Through Kiva you can make loans starting at US$25 to poor entrepreneurs in the developing world enabling them to start or develop a small business which will enable them to meet the needs of them and their family and hopefully leave poverty. Once they pay back the money you can lend it again to help someone else or get it back.

  5. Michelle Simpson Avatar

    Pushing my photography business. I’ve been needing some fresh viewers. Thanks for the opportunity, and congrats on going ad free!

  6. Cara Gabrielse Avatar

    hi – i’m a new reader of your blog. good stuff! i pimped the book i’m reading and loving right now, crazy love by francis chan.
    .-= Cara Gabrielse´s last blog ..Share Photos with a Slideshow =-.

  7. Greg Baird Avatar

    Collaborating to Equip & Connect Children’s Ministry Leaders. We do this through coaching, consulting, training, assessments & resources. Thanks for the opportunity to share!
    Greg Baird
    .-= Greg Baird´s last blog ..The Children’s Pastor/Director & Easter =-.

  8. Keith Jennings Avatar

    Hi Anne. Thank you for your generosity! I’ve created a blog called Keitharsis to share draft content from a series of books I’m writing designed to help Christians see the familiar in unfamiliar ways. The themes are discovery, inconvenience, ritual, rhythm, balance, enchantment, presence and adoption. I’m seeking deep thinkers willing to (lovingly) push against my ideas, challenge my thinking and share fresh perspectives.
    .-= Keith Jennings´s last blog ..The creativity myth =-.

  9. Princess Leia Avatar

    Mine’s our local crisis pregnancy center, specifically their upcoming race/walk for life.
    .-= Princess Leia´s last blog ..Laurel Pregnancy Center: Race/Walk For Life! =-.

  10. Jana Avatar

    Just a little online shop to sell vintage sewing patterns. My oldest son is headed of to college at Wheaton in a few months and I need something to fill my time so I don’t miss him to much.
    .-= Jana´s last blog ..Poncho-Simplicity 8533 =-.

  11. Pamela Avatar

    Woops, I did it in the wrong format. I should have read more clearly lol.
    I pimped A21 cos human trafficking is such a huge issue, and A21 is doing something about it.
    Also, I volunteer for this organisation, and these people live what they preach, they’re genuine, honest, really friendly, and passionate about seeing people enslaved in the sex trade, set free.

  12. AprilK Avatar

    Mine is Mission Possible Austin which is a ministry to homeless people in Austin, Tx. They organize church services for them every Sunday, Church Under the Bridge, and offer other ministries and help.
    .-= AprilK´s last blog ..Palm Sunday – Bible, blood, and super-powers! =-.

  13. Elizabeth Laryn Avatar

    Looking for authentic community in a messy broken world, and trying to make sense of it all by and sharing my messy, joyous, mixed up life with others at Thanks, Anne. — Godspeed, Elizabeth
    .-= Elizabeth Laryn´s last blog ..Final Words =-.

  14. Josiah Avatar is my wife and I’s blog about us leaving literally everything behind in West Palm after being called to plant a brand new church in Orlando Florida! There’s also some links to some songwriting I tried my hand at these past few years if you like folk/pop/rock.
    .-= Josiah´s last blog ..The First Sunday =-.

  15. Kenyon Avatar

    Hosanna Institute of the Sahel is a mission to the people of Niger (one of the poorest least developed nations in the world). Led by Yacouba Seydou HIS is involved in food banks, church planting, medical clinics, agriculture, microfinance, water well drilling, evangelism, discipleship, children’s center, ect…They are partnering with many organizations and churches. HIS is a 501c3 and if you are interested in learning more hop on over to my blog and leave me a massage!
    .-= Kenyon´s last blog ..Niger Trip Day 3 =-.

  16. Christianne Avatar

    Congratulations, Anne, on taking this official big step!

    I shared the new blog I started a couple months ago after a year-long journey studying the subject of nonviolence and peacemaking. After a year, I realized the process had completely changed my life … but that I’m still so much a beginner. Seth Godin’s book Tribes inspired me to begin building a community with people willing to walk the journey, too.
    .-= Christianne´s last blog ..We Are About: Building Community =-.

  17. patricia Avatar

    i put my link in the mr linky thing but i really wanna pimp thriveafrica =]
    .-= patricia´s last blog ..3.31.10 sick =-.

    1. alece Avatar

      holla! ;) (thanks, patricia!)
      .-= alece´s last blog ..death and life =-.

  18. renee Avatar

    I would love to pimp my book.

    “Stumbling toward faith” by renee altson – originally published by Zondervan in 2004, recently reprinted in 2008.

    It talks about my journey through abuse, confusion and horror, and my pursuit of faith throughout the journey.

    1. AprilK Avatar

      Renee – were you mentioned in a teaching of Rob Bell’s a few years ago? I listen to the mars hill podcasts and your book title sounds familiar. If you’re the same person, I remember what he told of your story and I’d love to read your book.
      .-= AprilK´s last blog ..Palm Sunday – Bible, blood, and super-powers! =-.

      1. renee Avatar

        yes, April… that was me! I was also in one of his books :) I would love it if you would read my book, too!

  19. Erika Avatar

    I did the format wrong. Whoops! :/

  20. Tammy Marcelain Avatar

    I linked Eternal Threads, an incredible organization that helps women in poverty make a real wage while creating amazing purses, lace, jewelry….
    Love the products and love that the women and girls are given an opportunity to have life more abundantly.

  21. Joy Avatar

    I’m sharing my blog, written by and for people who are grieving for a loved-one (in my case, my oldest daughter), by and for people caring for someone with special needs, and by and for people who are asking hard questions of their faith as they face such hard things.

  22. Zac Avatar

    I put which is providing tents to the people of haiti who have no shelter and it is rainy season right now. Check it out and send a tent to a family in need!

  23. candyce Avatar
    candyce isn’t my site, but it’s a great resource for the church, particularly those in worship/creative ministry. Very cool…

  24. Christine Avatar

    I’m sharing the Sluys-Anderson Primary School in Sakila, Tanzania. This is a school that is close to my heart, as i taught there for 6 months in 2008. The school is providing an education, as well as food, school uniforms, and the hope of Christ to over 600 students in a small village in Tanzania, East Africa. The village is currently in the midst of a drought and many families are struggling–this a way to provide for them in a tangible way, and to begin a relationship that will impact you as well!

  25. Christie Avatar

    Not really a cause, except I suppose it puts food on the table for my brother and his family! If you’re in the Pacific Northwest or don’t mind paying airfare for a great photographer…Aaron’s AMAZING (and I’m only partially biased). He’s done many wedding nationally and internationally (Italy, Costa Rica, Mexico).
    .-= Christie´s last blog ..A Sweet Interlude =-.

    1. Christie Avatar

      The lack of coffee has impacted my ability to follow directions! Sorry! My link was for my brothers photography company,
      .-= Christie´s last blog ..A Sweet Interlude =-.

  26. Linda Stoll Avatar

    I’m coming from a pastoral counseling/life coach/spiritual direction perspective.

    Blogging is my therapy, but the reader benefits, too!

    Lots of resources and stuff on the blog based on what I’ve learned/am learning about living life and doing ministry.

    Easy to read counsel on difficult subjects. Coaching resources and checklists. Surviving and thriving in ministry leadership. Women’s issues. Relationship stuff. Staying balanced, healthy, sane along the way. Snippets from my journaling.


    Right now the blog’s been focused on my 6 1/2 year old granddaughter who has a brain tumor. Because I write from where I am. You might shed a few tears when you read the posts.

    But by God’s great grace, we’ll soon be switching gears again. And there’ll have been lots of lessons learned.
    .-= Linda Stoll´s last blog ..Caring Bridge =-.

  27. Megs Avatar

    I’m pimping Lifesong for Orphans. An organization founded by my parents that reaches out to orphans in 6 countries (and counting) as well as provides adoption grants to families who want to adopt but can’t afford it.

    It is a mission near and dear to my heart and I LOVE to share it. Thanks for the opportunity!
    .-= Megs´s last blog ..Attempts at Craftiness with Decoupage =-.

  28. Kristine McGuire Avatar

    I’ve left a link for World Vision because I think what they do (as well as Compassion International) is so important for children. I’m proud to have been a sponsor for World Vision and a current sponsor for Compassion International.
    .-= Kristine McGuire´s last blog ..Easter or Resurrection Sunday? =-.

  29. amy dolan Avatar

    i’ve linked my blog, lemon lime kids – we are trying to inspire fresh thinking for encouraging the spiritual growth of children in the church!

    grateful today for you!

  30. Kyle Reed Avatar

    I it wrong that I promoted my own blog?
    Well I guess I am selfish.
    .-= Kyle Reed´s last blog ..Amazing Does Not Always Deliver =-.

  31. Jan Owen Avatar

    I promoted my own non-profit. We’re very new but I’m very excited! I just returned from a time in Rwanda where we did a worship conference for church leaders. We had this “conference” in a mud-walled, mud floored church with 100 people crammed into tiny little backless benches. There was no electricity and only a drum, our voices and hands for instruments. We had babies with us and children peering in the doors. And when we worshiped there was lots of dancing and red dirt flying!

    I just wanted to share my heart for training, equipping and discipling the church worldwide in worship. So far we’ve provided training in the DR, India and Rwanda with more to come!
    .-= Jan Owen´s last blog ..If You Love Me, Feed My Sheep =-.

  32. Eric Avatar

    Great idea! I’m afraid I haven’t got anything to change the world at the moment, but my website ( is about music, new hymns for worship, unsystematic theology, spiritual abuse awareness, and random silliness.
    .-= Eric´s last blog ..Upcoming Concert and Recent Reading =-.

  33. almost an M Avatar

    Participating in an event today for any who may feel a touch jaded…
    .-= almost an M´s last blog ..JADED is coming to you =-.

  34. kevin Avatar

    I did a double-stamp. One, selfishly my own blog. Two, WaterIsLife – a great non-profit out of OKC that provides straws that allow people, for a year, to drink any water (the straw purifies it), while they come in on the back end to put in sustainable water wells. I’ll be (hopefully) going to Haiti with them in the next 45 days to help out there. Great organization doing great things!

  35. Chrystal Avatar

    I love this!

    I’m pimping the H2O Runners – a group of friends training to run a marathon to benefit the work of Active:Water and Blood:Water Mission.
    .-= Chrystal´s last blog ..Why am I running around in circles? (literally, like around the cul-de-sac) =-.

  36. Rachel Olsen Avatar

    Basically, I’m pimping life in Christ at my blog this week. Can I say I’m pimping Jesus??

    Also want to highlight the fact that I’m offering 31% off my speaking fees for the fall in honor of the release of my upcoming book “It’s No Secret: Revealing Divine Truths Every Woman Should Know.” (I’m a speaker with Proverbs 31 Ministries.) Have a joyous Easter.

  37. @jonwellman Avatar

    I have loved the conversation leading up to Ad-free Anne!

    Not a Camouflaged Soul ( is my blog. Scripture, music/worship, my own ramblings.

    …I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed, and I am convinced that he is able to guard until that Day what has been entrusted to me. 2 Timothy 1:12

  38. Julie Faires Avatar

    Artists, fans and friends coming together to make a global impact. Together we are louder!

  39. Kirsten Vogel Avatar

    I’m pimping the ministry of Ekissa. We serve to be a blessing and are blessed to serve orphans and widows and the community of Bweya Village in Uganda. We strive to take a holistic approach in ministering to the community there. Please join us on a short term mission trip and see the eyes of Jesus amongst the people there!

  40. Kyle Gilbert Avatar

    I pimped my own blog.
    Nothing too special.
    Pretty much just my own chronicles of a journey to seek a balance and rhythm in life and ministry.

    Hope you enjoy!
    .-= Kyle Gilbert´s last blog ..Hosanna! =-.

  41. Jim F. Avatar

    I am pimping LIFE. Live it and enjoy it! Too many people missing out on it.


    Thanks Anne!
    .-= Jim F.´s last blog ..Breakdown =-.

  42. Robert James Avatar
    Robert James

    While many know about Compassion, you may not know that there is a sister site where Compassion sponsors can discuss sponsorship with other Compassion sponsors. Our Compassion can link you to sponsors all over the world to pray together, share stories and ideas and give praise and testimony on what God is able to do through Compassion sponsorshuip, not only for the sponsored kids and their families but also for sponsors as well.

  43. sam (@duregger) Avatar

    sweet… thanks anne!

  44. Josh Avatar

    I linked my own blog as well. The focus is to encourage the using of one’s giftings to benefit the least of these. My emphasis is music, and I’ve been fortunate enough to highlight Streetlight Phoenix, a human-trafficking organization in Arizona. I’m also trying to partner with One Day’s Wages to see how I can raise awareness through music for extreme poverty, the need for clean water, and human trafficking.

    Currently, I’ve been posting in series on the season of Lent, where I’ve tried to share my journey of participating in Christ’s death.

    The blog is only ~5 months old, so there is still a ways to go. But, I’d love for you all to check it out.

    Great sites linked so far!
    .-= Josh´s last blog ..I’m A Restoration Project: Lent (part nine) =-.

  45. Jack Hager Avatar

    Gotta tell you; been thinking about it during a preaching trip to washington state over an extended weekend (I live near Kansas City)…I honor you and understand the reasoning behind going “adless,” and as a home missionary who relies solely on missionary support (for over 30 years) I also understand the value of a buck…and I simply ask you to prayerfully reconsider…the worker is worthy of his (her) hire…you provide a valued resource on your blog…and I guess I just wonder if something other than the Spirit prompted you to cease the ads?
    I am not a prophet or the son of a prophet, but I felt I should share. You are deeply appreciated
    .-= Jack Hager´s last blog ..Cling to the Correct View of the Cross! =-.

    1. Anne Jackson Avatar

      Thanks. And it was the right decision for us to make. Money aside. No doubt about it.

  46. christy Avatar

    I am pimping “in the name of LOVE” blog. It’s done by Bianca Juarez…she inspires us to love like Jesus!

  47. Hometown-Freebies Avatar

    Wanted to share a new website, It’s a way for businesses to offer their free, buy-one-get-one, and discounted offers online for FREE. Simply register your business today for free advertising on the web. The site originated in Roanoke, VA and can go nationwide. The site will be officially launched to the public on April 5th! If you would like to join in this great opportunity, please register your business now and help us get the word out. Thanks for let me “pimp” our site.

  48. Jessica Avatar

    I’m pimping my own blog because I love to write. Love all of the interesting people I have met through my blog. And I bet there is something in my faith journey that most would find helpful or not.
    Love the newer look Anne.

  49. hope hammond Avatar

    i have a new ministry called emerge with hope: empowering women to lead with humility and fearlessness. i hope to encourage and empower women, particularly younger ones, to find their voices, to find their callings, and to live their dreams. i have a page on fb…

    thanks! =)
    .-= hope hammond´s last blog ..don’t sweat the small stuff? =-.

  50. Amanda Mae Avatar

    I pimped my photography blog. Because I’m a fun, budding/starving photographer, and I love to provide awesome, artistic, on-location photography inexpensively, so that everyone can afford great photos of their family, their event, or themselves.
    .-= Amanda Mae´s last blog ..Share Photos with a Slideshow =-.

  51. Jeff Goins Avatar

    I’m pimping Adventures In Missions, the organization that Anne went to Haiti with (it’s bad but somewhat natural to end a sentence with a preposition, so I’m adding this parenthetical bit to make it less awkward).

    Checking out the list of other worthwhile organizations and blogs… Sounds like some cool causes.

    Congrats on being ad-free, Anne!
    .-= Jeff Goins´s last blog ..Interview with Renee Johnson: Author of Faithbook of Jesus =-.

  52. Rachel Avatar

    Take a look at We are a small publishing studio.

    We publish. Not because the world needs more books. Not because the Church needs more resources. We publish because God is still telling stories.

  53. Rick Apperson Avatar

    I love the ad free idea.

    I took the self serving route and pimped my own site. On it there are interviews, book reviews and devotionals.
    .-= Rick Apperson´s last blog ..All By Myself – Just A Thought #41 =-.

  54. BobcatBill Avatar

    Dropping the word on RightNow because we help people trade in the pursuit of the American Dream for a world that desperately needs Christ.

    Thanks Anne you rock – did you here the one about corn…

  55. Brad Avatar

    Some friends and I just started Love In Stereo (

    We’re trying to unite artists, creatives and innovators behind problems in the world. We’re just getting started and need all the help and love we can get. It’s been tough – but it’s been amazing. We’ve been trying to tell stories of people using creativity and innovation to make the world better and we’re also trying to be people who use creativity and innovation to make the world better.

    We created some shirts (One says “My Heart Is In Haiti”. The other says “Haiti? Me likey!”). All proceeds from those are going to our friend who runs an orphanage/nutrtion center in Port-au-Prince, Haiti where she feeds over 150 people daily. We also had several of our musician friends donate tracks to an upcoming album that will go to helping feed the kids in Haiti.

    Please check us out. Please help. We need advice. We need guidance. We need friends. We need you!
    .-= Brad´s last blog ..Artist Interview: Ben + Vesper =-.

  56. Tammy Cannon Avatar

    I decided to write only to write about Jesus on my blog and decided that I should write each day to grow closer to the Lord. This week I started a new blog called Speckles of Faith and you can find it here

    I love your blog posts! You are an inspiration Anne!!
    .-= Tammy Cannon´s last blog ..Packaged Faith =-.

  57. Matt Snyder Avatar

    I “pimped” the World Race, a program through Adventures In Missions. It’s a mission trip for twentysomethings that hits 11 countries in 11 months. Pretty rad, not gonna lie…
    .-= Matt Snyder´s last blog ..Hiatus =-.

  58. steph Avatar

    I don’t have a blog! But, I do want to add to the traffic! Alece is an amazing woman of God, and her ministry deserves recognition!!! :)

    1. alece Avatar

      you made me smile huge, steph. thank you for pimping Thrive!
      .-= alece´s last blog ..death and life =-.

  59. Abby Avatar

    AidChild is an orphanage in Uganda that takes in, cares for, educates, and loves kids with HIV/AIDS.

    Look at the pictures of the kids–their beauty and joy will haunt you in the best way possible.

  60. jackalopekid Avatar

    Thanks Anne for this opportunity!
    .-= jackalopekid´s last blog ..views changed =-.

  61. Shannon Smith Avatar

    We’re a small organization working on bringing access to clean water to a single village in Northern Kenya. Any exposure we can get is great. Thanks for allowing us to pimp our passions.

  62. Cameron Smith Avatar

    I’m pimpin’ me. Help send me to Nairobi. :)
    .-= Cameron Smith´s last blog ..Send Me To Nairobi =-.

  63. Graham Avatar

    Thanks for the opportunity Anne! I wanted to promote my church’s missionary in Chimoio, Mozambique. He’s only been there for a couple weeks and has already been blogging up a storm!
    .-= Graham´s last blog ..Called to Serve =-.

  64. Erik Carlson Avatar

    I’m pimping ChildVoice International, an organization that helps emotionally, spiritually and sometimes physically rehabilitate women who were kidnapped by the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) in Uganda. Over 60,000 children have been kidnapped and forced to become children soldiers of sex slaves of the LRA.

    ChildVoice needs immediate help as a devastating storm ripped off the roof of building and they need assistance in repairing it.
    .-= Erik Carlson´s last blog ..lightenupgear: Looks like I’m the fool today. Bought White Sox tickets for 4/7 instead of 4/11 on ebay yesterday. Gotta unload ’em now. #whitesox =-.

  65. Trisha Avatar

    Our youth pastor, Aaron VanManen and his wife are starting an orphanage in Guatemala with Paradise Bound Ministries!
    James 1:27

  66. bondChristian Avatar

    In the spirit of serving others, I thought I’d pimp someone else instead of my own projects. I love that Jon Acuff’s able to give away his new book, Stuff Christians Like, on audio for free. Check it.

    -Marshall Jones Jr.
    .-= bondChristian´s last blog ..Enslaving others: Our goal and how to pull it off =-.

  67. Ashley Nienaber Avatar

    I am pimping Mission Year as ‘the goods’ because it is a volunteer program that changed my life RADICALLY. It helped me to realize that to know God fully is to know the poor and the broken-hearted, to seek justice, to leverage my privilege for others and stand in solidarity with the disadvantaged, to live simply, to celebrate diversity and to walk in faith and service always. These things are dear to God’s heart.

    Mission Year places young people in under-resourced neighborhoods all over the U.S. to learn how to be a neighbor in under-resourced communities, to seek where God is already at work and join in the efforts building His Kingdom come. I did my Mission Year in Chicago’s North Lawndale neighborhood, and am now living out those same values in my South Atlanta neighborhood. Definitely a worth-while good!
    .-= Ashley Nienaber´s last blog ..Mission Year Now Starts in January, Too! =-.

  68. amaris Avatar

    Amos House Community is beautiful ecumenical ministry serving those who live on the streets of Nashville. I love their heart!

    1. Anne Jackson Avatar

      I love their blogs…good link!

  69. Stephen Stonestreet Avatar

    The Open Arms Foundation is a inspiring ministry that works with the street children in Medellin, Colombia, and whose desire is to rescue and restore as many children as possible who have, due to poverty, insurgency, displacement, and abuse in the home, run to the streets where their only way to put away the past and their brokenness, is to use drugs, sell themselves to older men, sleep on the cold cement while thousands of people pass them each day, and hope to be able to eat something the next day.

    There is hope for them.

  70. Crystal Renaud Avatar

    thank you for whomever posted my ministry… that’s rad! :)
    .-= Crystal Renaud´s last blog ..Porn is fun until… =-.

  71. Brittany Girle Avatar

    One 4 day trip to build a home for a family in Juarez, MX with Casas por Cristo 10 years ago changed my life forever. It was enough to make me leave my home, family and everything i loved in GA to move to El Paso, TX and serve on staff here. I’ve been working with Casas por Cristo almost 7 years now. Now the city that we work in is torn apart by a bloody drug war and Juarez, MX has been tagged “the most dangerous city in the world.” We’re hoping that the message of hope that we are fighting to bring can scream out louder than the media and the gunshots that continue to ring out. There is far more happening in this city than the media portrays and we’re seeing God’s faithfulness and protection daily as we continue to fight for the poverty stricken and innocent lives in MX. We are hoping that faithful Americans will continue to stand beside us and serve, as they too trust in a God that is bigger than all that we see. I feel privileged and humbled every day to cross that border and serve these families.

  72. Lisa Avatar

    People for Care and Learning.





    the people of Southeast Asia & SO MUCH MORE!

    100% of all gifts are used as designated; nothing is deducted for overhead, operating, or travel expenses.

  73. Allison Graber- Journeywoman Avatar

    Thanks for the chance to pimp my blog! I just started to read yours and have been inspired by it.

    .-= Allison Graber- Journeywoman´s last blog ..Friendly Faces and Far Off Places =-.

  74. Tony Whittaker Avatar

    Bless you Anne. Love your writing. Thanks for the opportunity to mention that Internet Evangelism Day is 25 April – a worldwide focus day for the church, and a year-round resource guide.

  75. Jeff Craft Avatar

    Anne, Thanks for the opprotunity.

    I’ve included my blog.

    I’ve been writing it for several months and it has been challenging, inspiring and encouraging to share thoughts with readers from all over the world. I am getting over some physical issues that have precluded me from sitting in front of the computer. But now I’m better and back to writing.

    .-= Jeff Craft´s last blog ..The Rainbow Connection =-.

  76. KristyWes Avatar

    Hi there, recently found your blog and added it to my Feeder. I’ve enjoyed reading your thoughts and learning from your honesty. Thanks for that! And thanks for the opportunity to pimp myself out. Virtually. If not virtuously.

  77. Merritt Johnston Avatar

    Just wanted to give everyone a heads up about SAGE Girls Ministry. We’re out in the trenches with today’s teen girls with the intent of exposing them to the life-transforming power of Christ’s love. We believe Titus 2 discipleship is the catalyst needed to reinvigorate our churches and to break down the generational barriers separating us.

  78. Merritt Johnston Avatar

    Sorry, Anne, for the double post! My internet is terrorizing me today with intermittent outages, which leads to hitting that ENTER key one too many times.

  79. Amber Avatar

    Mercy Rising is a blog and new book that helps us find simple, practical ways to live out justice and compassion in our everyday lives: at home, shopping, business, etc.

    Thanks Anne!
    .-= Amber´s last blog ..Chain Store Reaction =-.

  80. Lisa Avatar

    Hey, thanks for letting us share today. :)

    In My Life By Faith, I seek to share my life openly and honestly as a 28 year old Christian feeling my way. I want to share that it’s neither always difficult or always perfect, but I’m committed to following Jesus; and most of all, I want to share what the living God is doing in the life of this ordinary girl.

    Happy blogging everyone!

  81. Kerri Karel Avatar

    Kaleo Ministries produces the LIT Conference. LIT2010 will be in Knoxville, TN on April 29 at Faith Promise Church.

    The conference is for pastors and church leaders.

    Speaker include:
    -Pete Wilson
    -Coach Pat Summitt (Lady Vols)
    -Dr. Chris Stephens
    -Dr. Johnny M Hunt

    Register here:

  82. Mark Jackson Avatar

    I’m pimping The Origins Project (, a community of “friends, pioneers, misfits, leaders, artists and innovators” who are passionate about seeing people come to Jesus.

    Here’s their mission statement:

    OUR PASSIONS: Jesus, Humanity, and Innovation

    JESUS: Jesus and the inspired Scriptures are our guide for everything we do.

    HUMANITY: God ‘s extreme love for people infuses this mission with urgency.

    INNOVATION: Creativity will be normative for our mission.
    .-= Mark Jackson´s last blog ..Spiel des Jahres: My Uneducated Guesses =-.

  83. Dominique Avatar

    Lily Girl’s Magazine is designed to encourage the spiritual growth of young women, educating them in the true beauty of God’s craftsmanship.

    The ultimate goal is to help girls break free from the bondage of their physical appearance and effectively reach the world for Christ.

    The magazine hopes to communicate the truth of God’s Word, emphasizing that all things are possible with an intense passion and love for Christ.
    .-= Dominique´s last blog ..Honey Honey =-.

  84. cool dad Avatar

    I linked to the blog of the American Institute for Stuttering. Stuttering is viewed much more often as a punchline than the debilitating disorder that it is. Sadly, it’s usually acceptable to laugh about someone’s speech, while the teasing of other disabilities like blindess and mental retardation would rightfully and vociferously be rebuked.

    AIS is a non-profit organization in New York City that treats people who stutter. Their blog features encouraging stories from their clients to show people who stutter that there is hope and that they are not alone in their struggles.
    .-= cool dad´s last blog ..Yet another landmark announcement for the Cool Family =-.

  85. patriciazell Avatar

    God’s absolute love–perfect, complete, and real! In our world full of trouble, His love will help us overcome.
    .-= patriciazell´s last blog ..#36 THE DOING OF PRAYING: GOD’S WILL =-.

  86. Brooke Baker Avatar

    Thank you, Anne; you’ve just joined together many, many hands doing good work.

    I’m pimping PACT — Parents and Abducted Children Together. We’re dedicated to helping find missing kids, as many as we can, as quickly as we can.

    The devastating grief and fear suffered by parents of missing kids is unimaginable. Missing children are incredibly vulnerable to sex traffickers and to exploitation of all kinds. The number of missing kids worldwide is appalling; most of us never realize how many hundreds of thousands of parents out there will spend their lives not knowing where their children are, if they’re safe, if they’re even alive.

    PACT is an advocacy group, campaigning hard to institute better police and legislative practices to help find children who go missing *for whatever reason.*

    International Missing Children’s Day is coming up May 25th; check out our website for how you can help us mark the day. Hint: it involves really, really pretty balloons!

    Keep up the good work, everyone. Link hands, walk together, and make a better world – one step at a time.

  87. Lady Catherine Meyer Avatar

    What a wonderful idea, Anne!

    I’m Catherine Meyer. I founded and run PACT, Parents and Abducted Children Together. I’m also Brooke’s boss (see reply above), and would like to add that her lovely post nevertheless failed to give you all the link to our exciting balloon campaign to raise awareness for International Missing Children’s Day. Here it is:

    The rainbow balloon is my current favorite, I think.

    Thank you all for the hard work you do.


  88. Elizabeth D. Avatar
    Elizabeth D.

    I’m linking
    NTM is an organization that aims to reach the unreached of the world. It could use fresh, new people to improve and build upon the work that it’s already been doing.

  89. Jamie, the Very Worst Missionary Avatar

    I linked one of my favorite artists, Brian Chandler. here’s the link to his album on itunes:

    go check out his stuff! ;)
    .-= Jamie, the Very Worst Missionary´s last blog ..The Very Worst Prayer Card =-.

  90. Dena Avatar

    I posted a link to the Facebook group page of God’s Kitchen. This is a ministry that was birthed during the immediate aftermath of Hurricane Katrina on the Mississippi Gulf Coast…originally called “God’s Katrina Kitchen”, the ministry fed meals and hope and God to those devastated by Katrina.

    God’s Kitchen wears a new face now…and holds the hope of nurturing those devastated by the earthquake in Haiti. Founder Greg Porter is currently in Haiti on a mission to deliver much-needed supplies and determine how God’s Kitchen can best partner with and help the people, especially the children, of Haiti.

    The ministry is also in the process of remodeling a high school campus in Kentucky to be used as a disaster relief “central control”, training center for first-responders, a shelter for those displaced by tragedy…and possibly for Haitian children who need a safe, temporary refuge while their home country is rebuilt.

    Thanks for the opportunity to share what my dear friends are doing!

  91. @joshbrown Avatar

    I just pimped my freelance business. Not to make money, but to share my blog on the processes I go through in order to design and build Web sites, etc. for small churches.

    I have a passion for serving others in this area and am so excited just to help churches connect to their audiences much better than they did before.
    .-= @joshbrown´s last blog ..Our Design Process =-.

    1. @joshbrown Avatar

      Sorry I strayed from the format, Anne! I obviously didn’t read the top part close enough! Woops.
      .-= @joshbrown´s last blog ..Our Design Process =-.

  92. Judy Avatar

    My son Jake’s photography business. He’s so talented!

  93. Kevin M. Avatar

    Kevin Martineau

    My blog is Shooting the Breeze. The theme of my blog is sharing whatever God is teaching me and whatever else is on my mind.

    I have a wonderful community that visits my blog and I would love to have you visit it out too!:)
    .-= Kevin M.´s last blog ..Are you obsessed with blog statistics? =-.

  94. Jr Deputy Accountant Avatar

    What an awesome idea and good for you for doing it – thanks for letting us all participate. :)

    I put in my website because financial literacy is important to all of us, more so to our children, who have to inherit the broken world we’ve left them. Debt, deficits, and political back-and-forth – what kind of life is that?

    I want my son to have a better life, that’s why I work my tail off day in and day out to bring the truth of our broken financial system to the world in the hopes that maybe, just maybe, things can change if enough of us scream loud enough.
    .-= Jr Deputy Accountant´s last blog ..TLP: Barney Frank Spanks Staffer In Public! =-.

  95. anand Avatar

    Hi anne – thanks for this opportunity ..i am trying to set up a dedicated resort that will be built for people to vacation with their dogs/pets all year round ..i want to get people and pets to spend quality time with each other that’s my goal :-)


  96. alisha Avatar

    Oops, I obviously can’t follow directions while pimping my link. Sorry! I pimped my own blog because I’d love for more people to drop by and say hi.

    I live in New Zealand at the moment so my blog’s about thoughts of an American overseas. And pictures of hobbits when I can manage it.

    Happy Easter!
    .-= alisha´s last blog ..Easter, I’m not letting YOU get by unnoticed! =-.

  97. Mari-Anna Frangén Stålnacke Avatar

    Thanks, Anne, for this opportunity & congrats on going Ad free!

    I want to invite new readers to my FLOWING FAITH blog!

    “I said to the almond tree: ‘Speak to me of God’ and the almond tree blossomed.” (Nikos Kazantzakis,“The Fratricides”,1964) My calling is to blossom and bear fruit by talking of God so that everyone might know the love of God, receive the grace of Christ, and live in the presence of the Holy Spirit.

    So, join me in conversations of God, life and faith!
    .-= Mari-Anna Frangén Stålnacke´s last blog ..God vs. World =-.

  98. allyc Avatar

    Anne, this is such a great idea!

    I couldn’t decide on just one organization, so I linked three of my favorites– To Write Love On Her Arms, Take Back the Night, and the International Justice Mission. I’m just over eleven months sober and much of that has been through the hope and community I’ve found through TWLOHA. I’ve not been as active with Take Back the Night, but as a survivor of rape, this organization means so much to me. And since the realisation of my passion for social justice work, IJM has been a fantastic way for me to stay up to date with social justice news around the world. I also linked my personal blog in hopes of new followers. :-)

    Have a great Easter weekend!
    .-= allyc´s last blog ..learn the unforced rhythms of grace. =-.

  99. Sandy Avatar

    I linked the ministry that I traveled with to Haiti, The New Directions International (they go to India, Africa, etc) and Impact of Hope International (now run by the man who started New Directions). They are both good, strong Christian ministries worthy of support and financially responsible.
    .-= Sandy´s last blog ..Blessings Abound =-.

  100. Bill Avatar

    Jeremy Cowart’s photo essay from Haiti shows the heart of the people of Haiti. These photos have been on display at the U.N. as the government discusses rebuilding Haiti. Photos are available to purchase at a great price with all proceeds going towards the purchase of tents for the Home in Haiti project.

  101. John Richardson Avatar

    Hi Anne,

    I’m pimping my book, The Path of Consequence, because I know there is someone facing an insurmountable problem that might need a little inspiration. It’s available on Amazon.

    Thank you, Anne, for being an inspiration to us all!

  102. Jack Mooring Avatar

    Hey! We’re starting a tour with Phil Wickham and Matt Maher next week. We’ll be blogging throughout the month about the experience. Check it out! Thanks Anne! : )

    much love


  103. Christopher Hopper Avatar

    I write books for Thomas Nelson and record worship albums for Sprig Records and AireFire Music. THANKS! ch:
    .-= Christopher Hopper´s last blog ..Managing the Moster =-.

  104. Steve Avatar

    I just needed to try Mr Linky!
    .-= Steve´s last blog ..Beach, BBQ, Baptisms at Bahia Honda =-.

  105. Los Avatar

    If I would have used the word pimp in my title I would have gotten 21 comments about how I’m exploiting the abuse of women by celebrating “pimps”.
    .-= Los´s last blog ..Hope =-.

  106. Allison Lynn Avatar

    Anne, I think ad-free is the way to be! Keeps a clarity about your mission and message.

    And thanks for the chance to add our own links!

    I just rebuilt my entire site and launched it yesterday, so it’s perfect timing!

    I have a music ministry that visits different churches, and to celebrate Easter, we’re offering a FREE SONG DOWNLOAD during the month of April!

    Hope y’all come over for a visit!
    .-= Allison Lynn´s last blog ..Allison’s April Articles =-.

  107. Lee Avatar

    Just when I think you can’t get any cooler… you do this. As always, I applaud you and your efforts.
    .-= Lee´s last blog ..Summer plans – book list 2010 =-.

  108. Sean Lewis Avatar

    God’s Word In High Schools is the official site for Micro Funding designated to provide funds to provide God’s Word to over 17,500,000 High School Students. With just over 16,000,000 that do not know Christ in the United States alone, our mission is to provide God’s Word for every student. Visit to support movement.

  109. Kary Oberbrunner Avatar

    I want people to taste freedom and discover who they were created to be. Don’t believe me? Watch:

    .-= Kary Oberbrunner´s last blog ..Peaceful =-.

  110. Jim Martin Avatar

    Anne– I continue to enjoy you thoughtful, perceptive posts. Yours is a blog that I don’t miss. Your posts often cause me to think and reflect. Thanks.

  111. Jenny Avatar

    LOVE that you are doing this… my link is to a faith-based ministry dedicated to helping women heal from the devastating generational effects of domestic violence called Time to Fly (
    .-= Jenny´s last blog ..Astro-Blasters and Spiritual Leadership =-.

  112. Melanie Avatar

    I pimped my blog (did I just say ‘pimped’!?) :) because I love to write but in order to be ‘practical’ I went into a technical field. I would love to get back into writing and would love your feedback!

    If you are need a break, take a coffee break with me!
    .-= Melanie´s last blog ..By His Wounds We Are Healed =-.

  113. Christi Koehl Avatar
    Christi Koehl

    Masterworks festival is unique in being the only classical performing arts festival specifically designed to strengthen Christianity and faith. They concentrate on the classics in theatre, ballet, opera, orchestra and solo instrumental works. Check out the website and you’ll be amazed!

  114. dan Avatar

    Ironically…I imagine we all might think twice about using the word “pimp” in a positive context after Anne gets back from her latest trip.

  115. Kathy Pride Avatar

    Thanks for your honesty and transparency. I tend to be the same way and sometimes it gets me into real trouble…but then again, we knew as followers of Jesus we would be prosecuted!

  116. beth Avatar

    thanks for pimping me!

    the blog is about letting God be God and seeing Him in the world around me.

    grace and peace
    .-= beth?s last blog ..wait, you don’t like me? =-.

  117. Rebecca Avatar

    I’m a little late with this, but here goes anyways :)

    I love finding opportunities to be a blessing, and passing those on through my blog.

    You are welcome to come visit me at

    God Bless!

  118. Emily Avatar

    Hi Anne,

    You don’t know me, or I guess I mean, I have never commented before on your website.

    However, I am greatly encouraged by your blog. GREATLY. I’ve never commented, but I can’t count the amount of times I have closed my computer with my mind racing and heart pumping after reading the words of your blog. Thank you for sharing so openly, so honestly with the world around you. The Lord has used you to move me, to change me, to convict me, to encourage me….

    I do want to comment on your post. I’m not sure you will read this…I think I’m the 129th comment, and you have already written several posts after this…

    but I feel pressed to comment anyway.

    I HATE to be the “language police”, but now after reading your newer posts I see that you are becoming more aware of the sex-trafficking industry in our world I feel more pressed to ask you to not use the word “pimp”.

    What does “pimp” mean?

    According to
    1.a person, esp. a man, who solicits customers for a prostitute or a brothel, usually in return for a share of the earnings; pander; procurer.
    2.a despicable person.
    3.Australia and New Zealand. an informer; stool pigeon.
    ?verb (used without object) act as a pimp.
    ?verb (used with object) act as a pimp for. exploit.

    Unfortunately, this word has been tossed around in our culture so much so that it has become a normalized, even glorified, word in all circles. But, this is a word that connotes violence.

    I invite you to read this blog post by Polaris Project. They do a great job of explaining how this word (and others) have been somehow twisted into something good…

    “American pop culture has veiled and glamorized this violent reality. ?To pimp? can now mean to accessorize an item, making it cooler and more attractive.”

    “It is not simply a matter of political incorrectness. Our misuse and use of words actually hurt people, friends, and our understanding of the world. We should be held accountable for the norms these words help create. Our nonprofits and businesses control messages through media. The hippest among us can help turn the tide against normalizing sexual violence and slavery.”