I’ve always wrestled with the notion of advertising on my blog. FlowerDust.net has decent traffic, and many of the other blogs with the kind of readership I have advertises (or has “partners” or “sponsors.”)
When I decided to quit my full time job last August and write and speak as my way of bringing home the bacon (or chocolate bacon, if you will), I made the call and took the plunge.
I retracted my “I’ll never advertise on my blog” soapbox and opened the doors up.
Saddington even called me out on it.
I never was enthralled with the idea of advertising. Was it a little extra money to help pay the bills? Yeah. That part was nice. But I felt the need to always produce a high level of traffic and interaction in order to keep my advertisers/sponsors/partners happy. It should be noted they didn’t put that expectation on me…but I felt that way regardless.
Every month, I would have the same conversation with myself.
“I think I might buy back the ad space on my blog.”
“Because…I just don’t feel right about it.”
“Just because. It’s hard to explain.”
After a few months of this conversation repeating itself, I finally made the call. I decided to buy back the ads that had already been paid for, stop accepting new requests, and as of April 1, 2010, this blog will be ad-free.
I have nothing against blogs who advertise. I don’t think advertising is wrong. It costs money to have this blog. $40/month in hosting, and a pretty penny to keep it designed well and functioning. Advertising provided me enough money a month to pay for my health insurance and keep this blog up and running. When it’s part of what you do for a living, why shouldn’t you get paid for it?
For me, however, it just never landed right. And I’m one of those super weird people that if something is even a wee bit off in my gut, I have to go with what the gut says.
And if you’d like to know the specific reasons why I decided to go ad-free, here they are:
- I don’t want to contribute to the noise. People are bombarded with 3000+ advertisements a day. I’d like this to be a place that breathes a little bit.
- I’d like the focus to be the content. I don’t want to have to write when I feel obligated to. I want to write when I have something to say, and I’d like to think you’d like to read it without being distracted.
- The requests got to be too many. As far as sidebar ads went, the amount of requests were fine. But considering all of the book tours and product reviews and organization plugs, there wasn’t an easy way to determine what’s advertising, what’s simply passing on a good word, or how to be fair about it all. So I won’t be doing book tours or reviews or giveaways anymore unless it is something that is very near and dear to me. This was a hard line for me to draw, but I’m known as “the package lady” at the post office (seriously) because I get anywhere from five to ten books or products to review a week!
- What I do keep on my sidebar, I want to be highlighted. There are a handful of organizations which I am involved in deeply. These organizations have never paid for ad space, and they never will. They are an extension of who I am, and I’d like to bring attention to them.
So, there you go.
It was a hard decision to make, but I felt like it was the most responsible and the most true to my heart.
Thanks for letting me try something out for a while, and giving me grace to change it.
70 responses to “Why My Blog is Going Ad-Free”
That’s cool. That is the reason I love RadioU, they have the same kind of deal going. It makes a big statement to take that step.
.-= Lauren´s last blog .. =-.
For us who read your blog via RSS reader, your blog has been ad free for a long time anyway. ;)
With that in mind: With more people taking in blog entries via e-readers and RSS readers, I wonder what that will do for the value of design.
.-= @chriswhill´s last blog ..Something New =-.
I like #4 especially.
Interesting decision, I hope it takes away that gnawing gut feeling that you’ve been having. Agreed, usually best to listen to those ;)
.-= Danny Bixby´s last blog ..Once Married, Always Married =-.
I really respect your decision on this. I find it can be hard to trust your gut. Especially when you are turning away money that is help paying the bills. But God will reward that…
.-= Lindsey Nobles´s last blog ..Under Construction =-.
$40 / Month?! Yikes!
I’m paying $40 / Year. You need to shop around…
.-= Rocco´s last blog ..The Prodigal… =-.
The amount of connections I have needs to be unlimited because I can have over 100 people on at once and most hosts don’t support that at a “bargain” level.
.-= Anne Jackson´s last blog ..Why My Blog is Going Ad-Free =-.
Just wanted to say I’ve been reading for a few months (via Google Reader) and I really appreciate your honesty as well as the thoughtfulness of your blog. I’ve also been reading through Mad Church Disease…given me a lot to think about. Thanks for writing and for following the call you’ve been given.
.-= Lacy´s last blog ..Auto Show =-.
Good for you Anne. You’ve always acted in the best interest of your blog and your audience. I respect you for going with your gut on this.
.-= Brad Ruggles´s last blog ..Raindrops On My Window =-.
It takes guts to follow your… guts. Well done.
.-= Jamie, the Very Worst Missionary´s last blog ..Sorry, you missed it. =-.
My blog has been growing and so I have been wrestling with the sponsor/no sponsor…because I too want my little space to be peaceful. My gut says no…my head says maybe.
Thank you for sharing where you are headed and why. Your thoughts are helping me to remember why I even started writing in the first place.
Thanks Anne.
Anne, I applaud you. Not because I’m against advertising on blogs, but because you are able to express your decision while still respecting those who blog differently. It’s one of the things I’ve come to appreciate about how you share your convictions. You own them, but you don’t push them on others.
I also appreciate your openness about changing your opinion on issues like this one. As you pointed out, you’ve flip flopped on this one a couple of times now. Who knows, some day in the future, you may decide to start accepting advertisements again. You become more “real” when you are honest about changing your mind, rather than trying to “pretend” that you aren’t really changing your opinion (the way many often do).
So, thanks for keeping your writing real, your heart open, and your journey honest. It’s one of the main reasons I promote your blog on my site and find myself looking forward to each and every post your bring (both on the blog and on twitter).
.-= Rob´s last blog ..Where Is God? A Book Review =-.
Way to go!
I am new but I love you more… not because of advertising or not-advertising. Just because you are real. just saying.
.-= Jen~Beautiful Mess´s last blog ..Paparazzi =-.
You’re awesome! I love you heart, and the fact that you’re willing to go against the norm. Who you are reflects the heart of God! :)
I appreciate an ad free site. I tend not to see the ads and like you concentrate on the content of the blog.
Totally understand and respect your decision…not that my opinion really matters, but the “noise” many Christian blogs have are making me wonder what we are really about. Thanks for you continued honesty and confessions.
.-= Lantz Howard´s last blog ..Audio: The Art of Telling Stories in Your Family =-.
Anne, You are correct, bandwith can be very expensive. People don’t reazize that when they create a “Free” blog like on blogspot or wordpress, etc, it may not cost “them” money, but if they gain a ton of readers, it will add up and their blog can indeed have a lot of downtime (Crashing, etc). So, they would have to pay that money to have that extra bandwith (like you are doing). I wonder if you took the ads down and put up a donation button, but don’t shove the donations down the readers throats, would that generate some extra income in lieu of the ads? Just a thought. I love the boldness that you take when approaching any thing on your blog. You are definitely a warrior, with a big heart. I’ll be praying for the decisions you make on this blog, good/bad/indiferent. I’ll always be a reader, as long as you continue to provide the words. :-)
.-= Shawn´s last blog ..Anne Jackson is a Compassionate Woman! =-.
But … how will I know what to buy? ;)
.-= Paul Miller´s last blog ..Balloon =-.
Great call and I agree 100%
.-= Carole Turner´s last blog ..Latosha and Eugene’s Wedding =-.
Honesty and integrity are hard to come by now days. Thanks.
It’s the cool thing to do, right? Back when Adsense actually made a lot of money per click, everyone jumped on it. But now that it’s not doing so well, most people are looking for better ways to do it.
I’m not saying the money’s the main concern here… but the cost of having ads adds up too, and when they don’t pay out well, it stops making sense.
Good call – I’d much rather see you create your own products and sell them than run ads that you don’t really care about. I think a lot of “professional” (as in “classy”) bloggers are going this route now.
-Marshall Jones Jr.
.-= bondChristian´s last blog ..Realizing =-.
Very good points, Marshall. It can also cost when the folks behind the ads, including but not limited to AdSense, start missing the boat regarding what ads get placed. I’ve seen Google Ads put some mega-strange (and disgusting) stuff up on Christian sites.
.-= Joe Sewell´s last blog ..Taking the Bible Literally =-.
I have to agree with Rocco. $40.00 a month is a bit steep. I am currently using LimeDomains as my host, they support wordpress themes and support free hosting up to 500 MB. It was the simplest and easiest installation ever. I’m not sure why they seem to be buried on the web but they are very straightforward and great to work with.
.-= Bryan´s last blog ..Why I Endorse a Minimalist Workout Philosophy =-.
Sadly it’s not a bandwidth issue…it’s a “how many people can be on this site at one time?” and shared hosting is limited to 25-50 tops. So I can’t share anymore or 503 errors abound.
OK..So it’s actually an OVERLOAD error :-) I misspoke in my previous post too…lol
.-= Shawn´s last blog ..Anne Jackson is a Compassionate Woman! =-.
Dear Anne’s advertisers.
I want you to see how amazing my friend is for following her gut.
She is the cat’s pajamas and has been a great friend for 5 years.
All that being said…
Bring all your money to my blog.
I’ll take your advertising.
.-= Josh´s last blog ..What are You Listening To? =-.
LOL! I’m with Los… happy to take the advertisers at my blog too! And I’m relatively cheap!
Seriously though, kudos to Anne for standing up for what she believes in, no matter the ‘cost’! You rock Anne!
.-= @bibledude´s last blog ..[the africa diaries] day ten: the road to kasese =-.
nice. haha
.-= jackalopekid´s last blog ..pickup lines =-.
Love that you’re following your gut and not your wallet.
To me, that says something about dependence on God for your needs, not dependence on your advertisers.
Wishing you the best.
And I look forward to reading more of your commercial-free blog!
.-= Kyle´s last blog ..Healthcare. =-.
I admire your stance!
.-= Reading Rosie´s last blog ..Just As I Am…Loved Unconditionally =-.
Being a completely invisible nobody with a mullet blog, it feels ridiculous to weigh in. But, I read a lot of blogs and my favorites are the ones easy on my eyes. I do not and will not watch tv or listen to the radio, because it fragments the lovely continuity of a movie or music, slices it, dices it.
Your blog will be even more enticing. Courageous girl.
.-= Kathleen´s last blog ..It Should Be =-.
More power to you.
It is easy for me to sit here and say “why does she have ads” or “why would she get rid of those ads” but in all honesty I am in no place to accept ads and therefore have not had to wrestle with these decisions. Money can be so enticing, especially what seems to be an easy buck. thanks for being honest with yourself and the community here.
My blog is in its infancy, but I’ve had a post drafted for a long time titled, “I Want This Blog to Make Money.” I wanted to title it that and then refer to different orgs I’m connected with and have folks donate to them, not to my blog. I just haven’t felt the timing was right to post it, seeing as there are about five people reading, I think. :)
I have nothing against advertising on blogs, and I have nothing against one not having ads on their blog. I do, however, believe in following your gut. It’s usually right.
Kudos for that, Anne.
.-= Josh´s last blog ..What are You Listening To? =-.
Excellent Anne! I agree with the call to remove the ads. If for no other reason than to eliminate the noise that people are bombarded with everyday. So I thank you! Thank you for focusing on delivering quality content, and making that the purpose of your site.
On a side note: If ever you need some WordPress help (theme maintenance, development, yada yada..), hit me up. I’d be more than happy to lend a hand!
.-= Scott Lee´s last blog ..Monday morning is for the random =-.
Super cool Anne!
I am clapping my hands and bowing, for your sincere “ads confession”.
Yes, focus on content and that will bring you more and more referrals >>> viral,as Seth says “word of mouse” will do much more for you and your readers than random ad bucks;-)
Keep it up and always follow your heart, but I guess you know it better than anyone else;-)
Have a great day.
cheers to all from Slovakia
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this. I don’t have a huge readership on my blog, but I see so many with ads that I’ve considered it. At least to pay for my blog, but just haven’t felt right about it yet. I really appreciate you sharing your thoughts.
.-= Amy N.´s last blog ..Menu Monday – March 22 =-.
Great post, Anne – really helpful for those of us making similar decisions right now.
Add me to the list of those who applaud your struggle and decision. You are giving up a lot of dough and that’s scary. Add me to the other list of those praying for new opportunities of provision.
I think it’s important to follow your heart on these kinds of issues and not worry what other people have to say about it. God will provide.
.-= Kristine McGuire´s last blog ..Christians on Healthcare =-.
Props to you, Anne!
Not so much for pulling the ads, but for following your gut — and righting yourself — instead of careening off that wee-bit off.
It’s important to keep serendipity close at hand — I believe that’s how God keeps our faith ink running…
Now, you’re freestyle bloggin’… Yeah…
.-= Faith Barista Bonnie´s last blog ..Kick “Yeah-But” To The Curb =-.
While I don’t mind the advertisements, I appreciate your desire to follow your gut on this matter. Thanks for making decisions that are in the best interest of your blog and its readers!
… I love how that still, small voice keeps speaking to us, nudging us to the decisions we need to make … and speaks a bit louder and louder til there’s no doubt at all how we’re supposed to respond.
I look forward to seeing your simpler, more focused design.
.-= Linda Stoll´s last blog .."Beautiful Great-Aunt Marilyn" Suggests … =-.
I’m proud of you!
Good choice, Anne. Proud of ya!
.-= Kristin Russell´s last blog ..eating creatively =-.
Brave choice, and one I applaud. I particularly identify with a desire to keep the noise level down.
Keep up the good work Anne.
.-= Jason Coker´s last blog ..After SVS 2010: Cathy Zellmer, The Divine Perichoretic Mission of Love =-.
I hope to be following in your footsteps very soon. It’s been heavy on my heart lately and I have my friends and family praying in a way for me to go ad-free. For my family right now, it pays well and supplements an area of our finances that took a hit last year. But I do believe there will be a way for me to do it, and for the same reasons you’ve listed.
Excellent. Yay! Awesome. Kudos.
.-= Danica´s last blog ..Coming Soon to a Blog Near You =-.
I think this is a great idea. I’m in full agreement with all your points and believe with Lindsey Nobles that God will honor your decision. Blessings..
Congrats on taking the plunge to be ad free :)
I have to be honnest I’ve stopped visiting blogs because of their ads. Not the content of the ads but just because the 2 ads became 4, and 4 became 8, etc. My brain just couldn’t take all the “outside” content.
.-= Sarah´s last blog ..Music Monday =-.
A long time ago, when I was receiving a lot of unsolicited advice, God ministered to me to pray and then follow my heart. This wisdom has served me well over the years, and I trust it will serve you well, too. :)
.-= patriciazell´s last blog ..#35 THE DOING OF BELIEVING: TRUTH =-.
i really respect you making the hard choice when it means turning down money you’ve been relying on…
.-= alece´s last blog ..a living hell =-.
Much respect, sister. Do your thing.
You’re taking a step of faith that God will provide in other ways – ways that don’t disturb your spirit. I have a lot of respect for that!
.-= Amelia´s last blog ..A solid foundation =-.
You rock, Anne. Thanks!
.-= Kaira´s last blog ..All Smiles =-.
I respect this decision SO MUCH. For one thing, there’s just something refreshing and admirable about a person who strives to replace ‘very good’ with ‘best.’ And I think that’s what this decision represents. Secondly–and most importantly for all involved, no doubt–the ad free era will officially begin on my birthday.
In all seriousness, thanks for your integrity.
“Going with your gut” – or your heart – can lead to some amazing happenings. It has with us (ask Yvonne or Yvette, especially.) Praying it will for you too.
I will be praying for you and your new approach…I will be praying that God will fill the financial void that it will leave you so that you won’t go without health insurance or have added expenses where there weren’t before. God bless you in your decision…my prayers are always with you!!
.-= Mary Joy @ Life Interrupted´s last blog ..Welcome to my Nest!! =-.
I love it!
.-= Tyler´s last blog ..Be A Blessing =-.
wow, definitely makes me think. sounds like youve wrestled with this for a while. thanks for going what u believe is right for you, Anne.
.-= jackalopekid´s last blog ..pickup lines =-.
I think you were right in trusting your gut. However, I really don’t even notice sidebar ads anymore.
I really respect that decision. Thanks for being willing to stick with your gut.
.-= Sarah´s last blog ..Completely random… =-.
I also appreciate your openness about changing your opinion on issues like this one.cable tray
cable ties As you pointed out, you’ve flip flopped on this one a couple of times now. Who knows, some day in the future, you may decide to start accepting advertisements again.
.-= sonali kulakarani´s last blog ..UPDATED Hinged Cable Raceway =-.
I so appreciated this blog post. While I was getting my hair done yesterday, I saw your tweet for this post, and couldn’t wait to read it today.
I’ve been blogging for a year now, in what seems more of a cathartic activity…no comments from anyone, but it felt good to get things off my mind and achieve a daily clarity.
After reading Crush It! Last week, affiliate programs seemed like a neat way to make some extra cash for my container fetish and cooking hobby, but after reading this, I realize that I, too, want my readers to have a space to breathe and be inspired by the content!
Thank you so much!
.-= Speckle of Dirt´s last blog ..March Madness Equals Spring Cleaning =-.
Love it….some people need the money and that’s okay. I have one blog with advertising, and 2 without. I totally get what you are saying.
.-= Jana´s last blog ..Yummy Whole Wheat Chocolate Chip Cookies =-.
Clap … Clap … Clap..Clap..Clap.Clap.ClapClapClapClapClapClapClapClapClapClapClapClapClapClapClapClapClapClapClapClapClapClapClapClapClapClapClapClapClapClapClapClapClapClapClapClapClapClapClapClapClapClapClapClapClapClapClapClapClapClapClapClapClapClapClapClap!
.-= D.Lake´s last blog ..Olympic Observations =-.
You rock. Live by your convictions. Trust your gut…
Generally, my decisions, the true to heart and belief ones are always costly in some way. But following Jesus is also costly, but hey, look at what it cost HIM.
I applaud you, Anne.
More than anything, for obeying your convictions, but also because I share your convictions.
From now on, I won’t struggle with this thought when reading you blog, “Did she write this because it matters to her, or did she write it because she needs some traffic today?”
.-= Zack´s last blog ..First Weekend of Spring =-.
I truly respect your views on this!
.-= Samantha Johnson?s last blog ..Book Review: Living Life in the Zone =-.
We appreciate you and will continue to consider you a valued Kingdom partner whether we appear on your blog or not! Lead on!
Sam Simmons, Cofounder
Rockbridge Seminary
.-= Sam Simmons?s last blog ..THE CHURCH TREND OF HIRING FROM WITHIN-Why Do It and How To Avoid Mistakes If You Do =-.