Instead Of…

Since returning from Haiti, I’ve been oddly more introspective than normal.

Which is, again, odd, because I’m typically pretty darn introspective.

I’ve been analyzing the temptations and opportunities that cross my way, both subtle and bold.

Topics I could write about…or not.

Relationships I could develop…or not.

Ways I could respond to people…or not.

Things I could dwell on in my mind…or not.

Two immediate “temptations” (if you call them that) I face regularly are to be sensational and to be trendy.


Sensational and trendy usually brings in attention and response.

Attention and response makes me feel important and valued (yes, we just talked about this…)

Sensational and trendy makes me appear “relevant” and “edgy.”

It makes me popular.

But sensationalism and trendiness also is an inch deep and lasts for a split second.

It typically has no legit, long-lasting worth.

So I’ve decided to make a list of characteristics I want to strive for – just for me – in how I want to live out this life I have.

Sacred instead of sensational.

Timeless instead of trendy.

Prophetic instead of popular.

Generous instead of entitled.

Meek instead of aggressive.

Quiet instead of attention-seeking.

Humbly prayerful instead of demanding.

Patient instead of prideful.

Inviting instead of isolating.

Understanding instead of judgmental.

This list is in no way complete; rather…it’s just a sketch of traits I need to develop and cultivate in my life. These are areas where I am weak and tempted and need strength and support.

What are some of your “instead of” statements?


60 responses to “Instead Of…”

  1. dubdynomite Avatar

    Optimistic instead of cynical.

    Affirming others instead of seeking affirmation.

    Proactive instead of procrastinating.
    .-= dubdynomite´s last blog ..Troubleshooting Life =-.

  2. Prudence Avatar

    Understanding instead of critical.
    Loving instead of bitter.
    Worshipful instead of self-centered.
    .-= Prudence´s last blog ..More of Him; Less of Me =-.

  3. Bill (cycleguy) Avatar

    Servant instead of servee (Is that a word?)

    Spirit eyes instead of inward eyes.

  4. Ivana Sendecka Avatar

    Amazing Anne!
    such a great reading with loads of human touch in it.
    Keep on following your heart, no need for being trendy, stay far away from it!
    cheers from Slovakia,
    P.S.: you might be getting some more readers from this part of the world, as I could not help and I did create this

  5. Cindy Graves Avatar

    My list doesn’t have the poetic ring to it that yours and some of the others here have but…

    Active instead of just busy.

    Stretched instead of comfortable.

    Giving instead of selfish.

    And I could go on and on but these would be the top three for today!

    Great post!
    .-= Cindy Graves´s last blog ..Comfort Isn’t Always #1 =-.

  6. Chris K Avatar

    joyful instead of trying to appear happy
    believing instead of skeptical
    trusting instead of cynical
    .-= Chris K´s last blog ..Outloud =-.

  7. Bernadine Avatar

    That was a great post!
    I will soak in it today.

    Compassionate instead of selfish
    Forgiving instead of ignoring
    Encouraging instead of seeking encouragement
    Loving instead of judging

  8. Anne Jackson Avatar

    I am secretly adding all of your ideas to my list. :)

  9. Linda Stoll Avatar

    The glass half full instead of the glass half empty …

    Kind instead of snarky …

    Patient instead of demanding it right now …

    Thinking the best instead of waiting for the other shoe to fall …

    Upbeat instead of cynical …

    .-= Linda Stoll´s last blog ..The Insomniac’s Prayer =-.

  10. Lindsey Nobles Avatar

    Confident instead of insecure

    Humble instead of prideful

    Honest instead of deceitful

    Assertive instead of passive, agressive and the ever annoying passive aggressive

    Inclusive instead of exclusive

    Authentic instead of fake
    .-= Lindsey Nobles´s last blog ..I Am… =-.

  11. kidd redd Avatar

    See the prayer of St. Francis is instructive:

  12. kidd redd Avatar

    Woops, typo. That wears me out.

    The prayer of St. Francis is instructive:
    .-= kidd redd´s last blog ..Baloney and Bird Poo =-.

  13. Matt Avatar

    Loved this post, Anne.

    Infectious with joy instead of infectious with a bad attitude.
    Courageous and bold instead of timid and fearful.
    Spirit-led instead of self-led.
    To BE His instead of trying to work for it.
    Grace abound instead of – well – whatever.
    .-= Matt´s last blog ..The World Race: Serve a Cause Bigger than You =-.

  14. Rick Apperson Avatar

    Relational instead of denominational…
    United instead of divided…
    Focused instead of unfocused…
    Helping the one in front of me instead of the 100’s I don’t know…
    .-= Rick Apperson´s last blog ..5 Questions with John Armstrong =-.

  15. Michael Buckingham Avatar

    Where it says in the bible that God has given us a new song, I’m becoming more and more aware that my song needs constant tuning.

    compassionate instead of critical

    loving instead of always right

    friendly instead of cool

    focused on God’s kingdom instead of mine
    .-= Michael Buckingham´s last blog ..Ty’s logo project : Getting to know you =-.

  16. Chantel Avatar

    Awesome post! I like everyones lists.

    Every time I read the word “meek”, I didn’t quite understand exactly what that was supposed to mean. Our pastor talked about it at the first of the year. Defined it as “strength and power under control”. I liked that.

  17. Sarah Avatar

    Self-less instead of selfish
    .-= Sarah´s last blog ..It Started With Letters =-.

  18. Guy Chmieleski Avatar

    Great post Anne!

    I think I’ll attempt to work on a few from your long list and hope that I can do them well…

    Grace and peace!
    .-= Guy Chmieleski´s last blog ..A Life of Prayer =-.

  19. hope hammond Avatar

    victor instead of a victim
    i’d rather let it roll off my back than harbor anger and bitterness
    fearless rather than fearful
    and much, much more…

    great article.

    a lot to think about.
    .-= hope hammond´s last blog ..i feel closer to GOD since i left the church =-.

  20. melissa Avatar

    Oh how I can relate to so many of these quality traits. Even after growing up a believer and now having a family of my own, I realize, it is mainly through experience, suffering and trials that we are transformed. I can see the Haiti has been such an experience for you…

    2Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. 4Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
    James 1:2-4

    6In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. 7These have come so that your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.
    I Peter 1:6-7

    The traits I desire can all be summed up in this statment:
    Christ-centered instead of me-centered.

  21. Melissa Brotherton Avatar

    I love your list & want all of them for me too.

    To add…

    I want to be intentional instead of reactionary.

    I want to be content instead of grasping.

  22. Sandra Heska King Avatar

    A flowing stream instead of a dripping tap.
    .-= Sandra Heska King´s last blog ..Would You Risk a Pinch for a Vision? =-.

  23. Heather Avatar


    Great topic today. My small group just had a similar discussion recently. This verse really hits me hard, ‘God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.’

    So I am trying to be grace-filled instead of being strong-armed by God. One of my greatest fears is that God will resist me and all my attempts of serving and loving others will be for naught because of my pride.

  24. Kyle Reed Avatar

    I am with you on Timeless instead of Trendy…Huge

  25. Kristine McGuire Avatar

    I love the list of attributes you gave. For myself I would also add:

    Faithful instead of worried
    Authentic instead of traditional
    .-= Kristine McGuire´s last blog ..May The Road Rise Up To Meet You =-.

  26. Lauren Avatar

    Open instead of closed off

    Trusting instead of suspicious

    Deep instead of dumbing down to match society

    Me instead of what everyone wants to see
    .-= Lauren´s last blog ..Untitled No.3 =-.

  27. V. Higgins Avatar

    I love how honest you are here.

    Sacrificially loving instead of inpatient, etc. etc. etc.

    (I’m seriously considering having “Love is… Sacrifice” tattoed on my wrists because I need the reminder so often)

  28. Michael H Smith Avatar

    I do appreciate how honest you are and how you present that honesty in creative posts.

  29. Jeff Goins Avatar

    Christ instead of Christianity.
    .-= Jeff Goins´s last blog ..Why We Go On Mission Trips =-.

    1. Josh Avatar

      this one hit me square in the gut….dang.
      .-= Josh´s last blog ..I Will Wait =-.

  30. Lisa Avatar

    patient instead of demanding it now
    flexible instead of immovable

    And I identified with your whole list… In fact, I think I’m going to print it out and stick it in my journal for future consideration and prayer.
    .-= Lisa´s last blog ..Check These Out =-.

  31. Craig T. Owens Avatar

    Here are a couple I’m working on:
    Quality instead of Quantity
    Friendship instead of Aquaintances
    Patience instead of My Agenda
    .-= Craig T. Owens´s last blog ..Bad Theology =-.

  32. Zac Avatar

    The two biggest things I am working on:

    Selfless instead of selfish.

    Listening intently instead of calculating responses/arguments when someone else is speaking to me.

  33. Shari Avatar

    Content… instead of needy.

  34. Bernard Shuford Avatar

    Loving instead of lovable.

    Humble instead of cool.

    Strong instead of weak.

    Bold instead of afraid.

    Silly instead of serious.

    Gentle instead of forceful.

  35. Josh Avatar

    Can I just say “ditto”?

    Right now, I’d say:

    ANYTHING instead of cynical.
    .-= Josh´s last blog ..I Will Wait =-.

  36. Bill Avatar

    Introspective instead of retrospective
    Introspective instead of prospective

    Good reminder to look inward and analyze our motives. Thanks for sharing your heart, Anne!

  37. Felicity Avatar

    Content instead of Striving
    .-= Felicity´s last blog ..A Silent Blog Means . . . =-.

  38. Charity Landis Avatar

    This is really, really awesome. I think it’s soooo important in personal growth to focus on strengthening the positives. I focused for a long time on trying to kill the negatives, and that does absolutely nothing good.

    Gracious instead of efficient. I know efficiency is good, but I tend to take it to the extreme and forget to value the people I’m with at that moment.
    .-= Charity Landis´s last blog ..Distractions =-.

  39. Sherie Avatar

    Authentically surrendered instead of shame-filled
    Active faith instead of passive belief

    I am not really striving for these, but rather admitting that I am desperate for God to make me new and to change me, something I can’t do without him.
    .-= Sherie´s last blog ..The Joys and Struggles of Church Planting =-.

  40. Connie Avatar

    Anne, thank you for this post.

    HIS way instead of my way.

  41. Connie Avatar

    oh, and another one…

    relationship instead of religion

  42. Sherri Avatar

    Accepting instead of Rejecting
    Accepting instead of Rejecting
    and when I’m through with those
    Accepting instead of Rejecting
    (yeah I’m slow like that ;)

  43. eddie broussard Avatar

    giver instead of receiver

    step into instead of passive
    .-= eddie broussard´s last blog ..CONFESSION…what is it good for? =-.

  44. Steve Avatar

    Quick to listen instead of being on

  45. Steve Avatar

    Sorry, I hit enter to quickly and my comment wasn’t finished. What I wanted to say was:

    Quick to listen instead of being on broadcast.

  46. Melinda Avatar

    Humility rather than hype

    obedience rather than sacrifice

  47. John Avatar

    Authentic rather than appropriate…

  48. patriciazell Avatar

    I love your list, especially understanding rather than judgmental. Early on in my walk with God, I prayed that my thoughts, words, and actions would be united and would glorify Him. So, I guess I would like to be unified rather than disjointed–God is faithful in helping me. I also would love to be physically organized rather than disorganized.
    .-= patriciazell´s last blog ..#34 THE DOING OF BELIEVING: FAITH (2) =-.

  49. Amy Vogel Avatar

    Surrendered instead of in control!

  50. Rachel Avatar

    The one I’ve been working on all year, and not being very successful about…

    DO SOMETHING instead of talk about doing things.
    .-= Rachel´s last blog ..The ER….again?! =-.

  51. Robbie Avatar

    Fearless, instead of fearful.
    (been reading “Fearless” by Max Lucado)

  52. Jess Avatar

    without expectations instead of setting others up for failure
    .-= Jess´s last blog ..Normal? =-.

  53. Reading Rosie Avatar
    Reading Rosie

    Content instead of dissatisfied.
    Tranquil instead of strife.

  54. Sunny Cain Avatar

    I want JESUS instead of Pontius Pilate (crowd pleaser)

    I want HIM instead of me

    I want people to know HIS NAME instead of mine.

  55. Kristi Northup Avatar

    A voice instead of a name- John the Baptist, Jn 1

    Influence instead of affluence

  56. bondChristian Avatar

    Good idea, Anne. I started to write out my list here but realized I should just post it as a post on my blog. I scheduled it to post in a few hours so you’ll probably get notified via trackback.

    Anyway, thank you for the idea and for sharing.

    -Marshall Jones Jr.
    .-= bondChristian´s last blog ..How to win points but NOT influence people =-.

  57. Gail Hyatt Avatar

    Wow. What a great post, and so stimulating. These could all become your next book. :-)
    .-= Gail Hyatt´s last blog ..A Follow Up to “Look at Your Feet” =-.

  58. Lisa Avatar

    Loving instead of misanthropic.

  59. Amelia Avatar

    I recently found your blog, and I love this post. I need to make a list of my own. It would need to include:
    faith-full instead of fearful
    patient instead of impatient
    disciplined instead of distracted
    .-= Amelia´s last blog ..Sprung forward on my face =-.