It’s been a while since I did a post where you guys ask me any question, and I’ll do my best to answer. The questions can be about writing, speaking, life, spirituality, or why possums die under my house.
A few ground rules:
- I don’t mind talking about theology, but I won’t argue. There are very smart people who can debate both sides of major theological issues well, and if they can’t agree, chances are we won’t be able to figure out the answers in this format.
- I also don’t mind discussing politics, but again, I won’t argue. There are also some very polarizing issues on which I won’t voice my opinion publicly. If you ask one of these questions, I’ll let you know by politely declining to answer. :)
- There are several of my frequently asked questions on the FAQ page of You might want to check and see if your answer has already been given there.
I’ll be checking these throughout the upcoming days to respond to as many as I can, and maybe pull out some interesting conversations for a future blog post.
You ask – I’ll answer! Go!
169 responses to “You Ask, I’ll Answer”
Tell us about how you came to know Jesus. Was there ever a time after that that you became more intimate with him, or that you understood or knew Him on a deeper level?
.-= Rocco?s last blog ..God is Love… =-.
“Technically” I “got saved” when I was 5. I grew up a PK, had some questions after an Easter service, and said the prayer. I think I understood it as much as a five year old could.
I was a morally good PK (for the most part) til I was 14. I went to a Youth Evangelism Conference in Dallas with our youth group. It was there I fully understood the daily relationship with Christ, so I went forward to “rededicate” myself.
When I was 16, my dad left the ministry and the church became an ugly place. God became distant and I left my faith and moved out when I was 17. For four or five years, I abused alcohol and some drugs and relationships. I was abused by a youth pastor during this time too.
At almost 22, I moved to Kansas City and through some friends, began attending a fairly healthy church. I recommitted myself to following Christ (again) and began working at the church. But I became a “doer” and not a girl who rested in Christ.
THEN…in 2008, I went to Uganda. I think this was the first time I truly saw grace and hope and the gospel and Jesus. You know in Matt 25 when he says, “When you do these things to those overlooked or ignored, you do them TO ME.” I believe there is nothing like connecting with the poor that puts you more face to face with Jesus.
So in some ways, I may have “gotten” it all before I was 28, but the defining moment in my spirituality was my trip to Africa, just 2 years ago.
Maybe it’s not just one moment, but a bunch of little moments and decisions piled up over the course of your life.
Beautiful! Thanks for sharing!
.-= Rocco?s last blog ..God is Love… =-.
I can already hear you say and then when I was 38, 42, 50… then when I was 79 I found that this life with Christ is really just getting started. :-)
I like your answer. I think God is all the time revealing Himself to us in different and new ways through our life.
.-= David Knapp?s last blog ..Do You Seek To Understand? =-.
I feel so sad Anne, that the church holds some of your worst memories. Sadly it is true for some of my friends as well. How disappointed the Lord must be watching us make such a mess of it.
.-= Lori Biddle?s last blog day off =-.
Worst memories, but the best is yet to come!
I agree…life happens with God over the course of our lives…sometimes people have awakening moments, but most of the time, I believe that the little life moments teach us and change us and we will always learn new things from God. We are just getting started!
I love this answer! I’m also a PK who started my Christian life early, had a wandering pathway, and 5 years ago, came to know Christ in a new and passionate way.
When people ask if I’m born again, I always say, “Darling, I’m born again and again and again!”
.-= Allison Lynn?s last blog ..A PR lesson to start the year off right! =-.
2 questions.
1 – I had a dream last night that my wife and I were at your house and MPT was there too and I was drawing something in crayon for your blog and you were like, “yeah, that’s nice but it needs to be a little better quality to be on my blog.” Why are you so harsh on other people’s art when you make cameos in their dreams?
2 – As someone trying to take steps towards making a living writing/speaking, I’m very curious as to how that transition is going for you. Can you give us a quick update and maybe 1 or 2 things that have surprised you about the whole thing that you weren’t expecting?
.-= bryan a?s last blog ..My Favorites of 2009 =-.
1 – it is because my career background is actually in communication design. I am just trying to save you from your pixelation and comic sans.
2 – we made the decision long before I quit my day job – informally back in April 2008, and formally in April 2009. We wrote down what steps we needed to take for me to do it, mainly paying off a lot of debt and reducing our expenses. Once we got to that point, I knew I had to make X amount of money a year to survive and we wouldn’t take anything less or we couldn’t do it.
God has been so faithful in providing X and a little more, in opening doors, in surprising us with people and gifts and opportunities we never imagined. I wonder how much of it would have been on his divine timeline if we wouldn’t have jumped in. An object in motion stays in motion, so … if we weren’t on that path … maybe we wouldn’t have seen his favor in that area so much? I don’t know.
It’s been fun….to work in my PJs sometimes and to have the flexibility to meet people without taking time off, etc. It’s also been a little lonely to not have people in an office to goof off with, and to have lost touch with some of my previous coworkers.
Hope that helps :)
Ah, my question was stolen (Bryan’s #2)… :) I was wondering about that. Thanks for answering it, Anne.
In 3 words explain your Best Day, ever! (excluding Chris) … and, then in 3 more words, your worst day, ever (excluding Chris). Tag-you’re it.
.-= Reese?s last blog ..The 411: battle plan and team =-.
Best day ever is a toss up between meeting our Compassion child in India or signing my first book contract (although the second book contract was exciting too) :)
Worst day ever – when I was unknowingly (seriously, didn’t know – not an excuse) addicted to pain killers after a surgery several years ago. They taught me nothing about pain management or withdrawals. I was going through withdrawal at home, woke up, demanded Chris take me to the hospital for more. He refused. I got angry, through scissors at him, and he had to physically restrain me and calm me down. I was out of my freaking mind. Stupid drugs. I went to the doctor the next day and they decided to help me withdraw the proper way. Not fun.
That was probably Chris’ worse day too :)
Gosh… You like to throw things, sister. Scissor’s. Game Controller’s. :-)
Thank Goodness we have Healthcare Reform to look forward too… (typed with a sarcastic tone)
.-= Reese?s last blog ..The 411: battle plan and team =-.
I am actually all about some health care reform. I have major issues getting covered on pre-exisiting conditions. Sorry I had heart surgery. And asthma. And was in the hospital. Thankful we do have government health care in TN that Chris and I are eligible for, even though it doesn’t cover the Rx I need right now. At least if something happens we are going to be fine.
Woah, my converse tennis shoe tasted yummy. You win..I agree with the need for a little Reform. Amen.
Ok… Shutting up, now.
.-= Reese?s last blog ..The 411: battle plan and team =-.
Don’t worry girl! you’re fine!
Putting it in a nutshell, it would be safe to say you’ve had twists and turns in your life. You’ve likely had to give up some hopes and dreams that you realized just weren’t what was in the plan for you (and I’ll add the caveat at the present time.)
When you find that you have to give up something that you’ve felt passionate about and/or realize something you want just isn’t in the mix and you give it up…did you always find God waiting for you on the other side of it? If not…how did you deal with it?
.-= Jason?s last blog ..I didn’t think it would be this hard to join the fight =-.
That’s a great question.
A few things come to mind.
A relationship….a long time ago, I fell in love. This guy and I became friends and dated for several years. We became engaged, and a month before the wedding I had to call it off. I knew (and my best friend knew) it wasn’t the right guy, the right time. Sucked.
But I’ve been married to the greatest guy in the world now for over 6 1/2 years.
Career & Money & Security…
I’ve always had a really great career. Finished school at 17, started working full time, made a lot of money. That shifted over to a great “career” path in church world. I worked for America’s “most influential” church and had job offers from several of the other big ones. I think I could have continued quite successfully in that line of work, but God called me to write. To give up comfortable and consistent paychecks and health insurance and write. So we have.
And I can’t TELL you how God has met us on this one.
Even with the health insurance thing. I have NO Rx coverage. But I take meds for a chronic breathing illness. They are cuss cuss expensive. :) I ran out Sunday. Went to my medicine cabinet and there are 40 of the pills in samples that I guess I got sometime and never took. Don’t know what will happen in 38 days :) but on Sunday I didn’t know how I was going to take my medicine on Monday.
I have learned through all this GOD – AND NO JOB, NO MONEY, NO PERSON – IS MY PROVISION. :)
Thank you, Anne.
.-= Jason?s last blog ..I didn’t think it would be this hard to join the fight =-.
Awe…Now this exemplifies why you ROCK. You talk it up; AND back it up by living out what you talk.
.-= Reese?s last blog ..The 411: battle plan and team =-.
shoot me an e-mail on day 20 or so, i forgot to send hubby and you your Christmas present this year
What is your biggest dream – your most outrageous and most impossible goal? How do you plan on achieving it? :)
.-= Elora?s last blog ..when whispers turn to thunder =-.
Honestly? To make a ton of money so I can just give it away. Kinda lame. But…yeah. I hate seeing situations and the only road block to fixing them is money.
that’s not lame, anne! that’s awesome… maybe i’m biased, b/c it’s a dream of mine, too. :) i think sometimes i struggle as a creative who cares about justice because creative work doesn’t always seem the “common sense” way to address stuff. but the desire is a legit one, i think. may God bless your work that much, that you can passionately and creatively and extravagantly give…
agreed, Candyce.
Anne – your dream is by no means lame.
.-= Elora?s last blog ..when whispers turn to thunder =-.
1. What is the capital of Paraguay?
2. With your new-found fitness, would you ever do a triathlon with Spence Smith and friends?
1 – I have no idea… I could google it, but that would be cheating :)
2 – NO!! Never say never. But I am a TERRIBLE swimmer. :)
If would just make a dang biathlon, I’d be all over that, but everyone else would be done with a triathlon before I got across the pool.
Actually, now that I see it in print, biathlon looks kind of sketchy…
.-= Zack?s last blog ..2009 In Photos, Part 2 (April ? June) =-.
I like the idea :) Maybe runbikeathon?
Asuncion…I only know because I have been there…
.-= April?s last blog ..2009….a recap =-.
Apologies if this is covered elsewhere, but in your estimation how do you think your pornography addiction affected your view of sex in general, and have there been any repercussions in your marriage?
Honestly, sometimes it’s hard for me to fight the images that are burned into my mind. And my husband also dealt with porn, like many guys, before and while we were dating.
I wouldn’t say it has an impact on our sex life, but I would say it has caused us to be more open and honest and communicate when temptations come, or even when may screw up. It has happened in the past and we have learned that confessing quickly and receiving that confession with grace, evaluating our boundaries, etc, are good points of conversation so it doesn’t become a negative influence in our lives.
Can I ask how you fight those images?
When they come to mind, I try and think of something else and not linger on the negative thoughts/images….
how would you encourage someone who wants to attempt an understanding of sex addiction for the purpose of supporting a friend who is walking a road toward restoration and healing?
what are the wrong questions to be asking? what are the better questions to be asking?
just checked out the FAQ page AFTER posting this. so good at that.
I’ve been told that my depression was just a faze. That was a few years ago, and now people can’t say that, but what are some good responses to give to people who say that (for those people still in that spot)?
.-= Lauren?s last blog ..Always Tomorrow =-.
“Hey, idiot. Go read the internet!!”
Just kidding.
Although I know sometimes you may feel like you want to say that.
I would say it’s not a phase. It’s a chemical imbalance that screws up the way our brain processes emotions, life, circumstances, and physical well being.
There is a great resource here too I would direct them to:
I’ve read your blog for a little while now and seen where you’ve been through heart and other health problems. I know that in some or most of those circumstances you probably felt that the news was devastating or at the very least heartbreaking.
So my question to you is this – How do you deal with devastating / heartbreaking news?
My wife and I just found out that our daughter has a severe and rare disorder called Infantile Spasms (The most devastating form of epilepsy. Google it if you would like more info). She is only 7 months old and the past month has been very hard for us. Needless to say our Christmas wasn’t what we were expecting.
We are hanging in there and putting our trust in God. If not for our strong Christian faith I don’t know where we would be.
So what’s your way of dealing with life changing news?
My first instinct? Go jump off a bridge. I like to run. Escape.
My second instinct? Head straight into the arms of both Jesus and close friends who will keep me sane until I can process the information.
Thirdly? Pardon the frankness but nut up and push through.
These of course are dealing with my own issues. Since this is your sweet baby girl, I would imagine there is much more heartbreak, feelings of helplessness, etc. involved. So…I would take the third option and redefine it appropriately. :) Have courage for your baby girl. Get second opinions. Love on her like you’ve never loved on anyone before….
Perfect love casts out fear…I have that tattooed, in Hebrew, on my leg…so when I need to be reminded…it is there.
And by the way – I am SO terribly sorry :(
Thanks Anne. I appreciate your feedback and well wishes.
hi joe. our daughter has infantile spasms too. she has had them since 5 months old and they started right at christmas 2008 so we know exactly how you feel. claire is now 17 months old. i am struggling to find words to express what this last year has been like for us but they don’t seem adequate. the thing i keep repeating to myself is that this is all for God’s glory. that every day is a new day that i get to spend with my amazing daughter. that i may not be able to predict what the future will bring but i can choose to trust, to hope, to delight, to love and to fight. PLEASE feel free to contact us thru our family blog if you want to know more about things we have tried, therapies, etc. i would love to help any way that i can. claire still has spasms but they are much better than before and she is learning a little more as every month passes. i am so sorry that you are going through this too.
.-= nicky?s last blog ..the most wonderful time of the year. =-.
I’m so sorry for you and your wife’s devastating news.
I agree with Anne’s thoughts and would add … ask God for wisdom to know what advice to listen to and what not to – in the psychical arena and especially in the spiritual arena. You will be ‘blessed’ with way too much answers/advice from other Christians. Yes, most of them will be well-meaning, but some of it will hurt you to the core.
I didn’t hear my devastating news, I woke up to it after almost 2 weeks in a coma. By trusting the love of God, relieving on his spirit’s comfort and getting wise counsel, could I even begin to sort through the pat answers.
Short blurb here …
.-= Janet?s last blog ..Breakfast of a Champion =-.
Listen to this lady! Janet knows what she is talking about!
God has spoken to me through my own situation health-wise and told me to not listen to well-meaning Christians on many occasions as most of them have no idea about my medical condition. Just ‘cos they’re believers, doesn’t mean they know what they’re talking about. Even if they’re in leadership.
In saying that there have been a handful of wonderful people who have prayed with me and had prophetic words that have changed my focus and understanding of the situation I am in.
I’m so sorry though, I can’t imagine what you are going through.
.-= kazzles?s last blog ..New Years at the Beach =-.
Are you ever going to go back to working full time in a local church again?
What circumstances would it take for you to return to that? If any?
.-= Danny Bixby?s last blog ..How to Not Become Corrupted =-.
I have learned to never say never, but it is not in either mine or my husband’s line of sight or desire.
I don’t think there is any particular circumstance that would propel us in that direction (maybe him – but not me) that I can immediately see!
We will continue loving, and serving within a local body though. :)
From what I gather, Nashville’s been cold and icky (weather-wise) lately… Has that had an effect on your physical training?
In the sense that I hate running from my front door to my car, yes. :)
My bike is indoors on a trainer so I can ride it anytime.
My gym is indoors as well :)
1. Why does Pete Wilson have fabulous hair?
2. I notice you use Vimeo and I was wondering if the 60 dollar upgrade is worth it and if so, why?
.-= David Knapp?s last blog ..Celebrate A Day For Introverts =-.
1. I think it’s a wig. :) JK. Genetics? Product? That salon he goes to? The fact he goes to a salon?
2. I love that it removed the super small limit on upload file size. As we do more videos, or series of videos, etc…it will come in handy! Plus the no wait time for conversion.
Thank you. I wasn’t asking about Pete because I want his hair. In order for me to have his hair I would have to wear a wig. Follicly Challenged.
Thanks for answering the Vimeo question.
What things help you keep your focus on Jesus, especially given the “lone ranger” environment of your work?
.-= Kenyon?s last blog ..RIGHT NOW =-.
I think it is the lone ranger of my work environment that helps. I am not constantly forced with busyness or meetings. I can make my schedule and to do lists. I can spend time with God in moments where I was unable to previously. I can read at my leisure (and call it research – grin) :) I’m almost forced to spend my time daily talking with him (which sounds great but can be uncomfortable too!)
Hi Anne,
I’m envious of your bike trainer right now. My bike has been resting in the garage and will stay there for a few more months. But thankfully I have a treadmill, so walks/runs are possible in the warmth.
Now my question … over at – Matt asked what our doubts are. One of my doubts lately is about the Bible. I believe its God’s word, but when I study how it was put together and canonized, I have doubts about it.
Your thoughts?
.-= Janet?s last blog ..Breakfast of a Champion =-.
I am envious of your treadmill. :) I would love to run right now without walking 3 feet to my car in the 10* weather. (grin) :)
Recently I joined an Orthodox Bible study, and they use the Bible with the Apocrypha. We’ve also started attending an Anglican church and some of the liturgy is from the Apocrypha. Why am I 30 years old (almost) and didn’t know about this? It changes so much – and the history of learning how the “protestant” Bible was “decided” has me searching for so many answers.
I do not doubt the Bible is God’s inspired message to us…but even the word “Word” in the Bible doesn’t mean what I thought it meant. Translations, contexts, cultures….what does this mean for us???
Hey … not fair. I ask the question, you’re supposed to give the answer and now you have just given me more questions!
jk … interesting info! You think you are learning late? I’m 44 and just now, this minute, learning that the Anglican church uses the Apocrypha – I’m going to have to look into that.
And what does ‘Word’ mean?
.-= Janet?s last blog ..Breakfast of a Champion =-.
Maybe not all, but some do. It is quoted throughout the book of common prayer.
And “Word”…. check that. :)
Hey Anne,
Following up to what you said “It changes so much ? and the history of learning how the ?protestant? Bible was ?decided? has me searching for so many answers.”
I’d love to learn more about that as I’m doing some deeper searching myself. Any helpful resources you’d recommend?
.-= Reggie?s last blog ..It’s 2010. Who Do You Want To Be? =-.
See if you can meet with someone at an Orthodox church, or even an Anglican church in your area….I’ve done that…also…just google “protestant bible” and read with discernment what you find! Luther had a lot to do with the books/order of the Protestant bible, from what I can gather (but I am by no means an expert!)
Janet, Anne, Reggie: You guys speak about how the Protestant Bible was put together and it is taking ever fiber of my being not to explode into a long novel of an answer.
I do however have one very short answer: Sola Scriptura.
If you guys want, I can put together some quick web reads on the all-sufficiency of the Scripture. Email me at
.-= Joseph Louthan?s last blog ..What If We Could Not Be Moved? =-.
Sure….but which one? :) Please don’t explode.
This is a fascinating question, and I’ll admit I don’t have the answers. My Gen-X’er brain wants to explore all of that. However, I’ve made the decision for now to stick with the existing canon for my own studies and teaching (esp. my kids).
Is the existing canon enough for me to know Jesus? Because I don’t know where to draw the line on non-canonical books and tales – I don’t think anyone really does.
Shane Hipps’ book, Flickering Pixels, is really challenging me on the nature of our faith being so print-based. Very much worth a read.
.-= Allan White?s last blog ..What shaped your politics? =-.
You travel so much. While this can be “romantic” and “fun”, I know most of the time it has be just out right exhausting. When you get home and see Chris for maybe the first time in a week (or maybe more) how do you reconnect and sabbath with each other as well as on your own with the Lord?
PS…I pray for your marriage regularly because of this. It’s hard enough when you see each other every day.
It’s hard to be gone. We aren’t great at communicating while I’m on the road (we both hate using the phone) so I am learning to plan quicker trips even if it means red-eyes and when we can, we have him travel with me.
Sometimes our only day alone is a Sunday, and we have decided at times to not attend church in order to spend time with each other uninterrupted to reconnect. Sounds weird, but it helped us during the fall, which was unsensibly busy.
Thank you for your prayers.
I’m intrigued… why do possums die under your house?
Evidently there is an addition to our cottage that does not have slab underneath it. Possums like to be alone when they die, so they crawl in there. It’s the first time for us, but has happened three times since the owner has had the cottage! :) Raccoons also mate on our porch, and cats do too. Then they give birth under it. Sigh. Our back yard is like the set for Jerry Springer’s Southern Critter Episode.
That just made my day :)
Hey Ann–I appreciate your willingness to be so open about all that has been going on in your world. I try to model that in my church but it is tough. I was wondering in the midst of your talking about your bipolarism (?), have you had people say something completely mean to you about it? I know that are Christians who have said some incredibly mean things to me about issues my family has been struggling with, just wondered what you have had to deal with and also how you respond? Thanks again!!
Oh yes. Some think I don’t have enough faith to be healed. Or they question the medication options I explore. What I have found the most is people don’t know what to do, it scares them or makes them uncomfortable, so they withdraw from relationships. At first that was really hard. Now it’s just a little hard. I can get a bad attitude with it so I’m trying to learn how to handle that with grace.
I try not to take other people’s actions personally. They are responsible for their response – not me. And if they are toxic in my life, I draw boundaries to not let them in. Hope that helps and I’m sorry you have experienced some negativity too.
The interesting thing, is that I live on the other side of the world, but have had very similar experiences to you with my brain injury (and that was an actual injury from a bump to my brain). I lost friends, I got treated like I was attention getting, I’ve been told to think myself better….
I’m pretty good now with the boundaries as well.
I don’t get why people behave like they do and don’t try to understand, but I’m grateful for my own experiences as it might help me have compassion for others and their situations.
.-= kazzles?s last blog ..New Years at the Beach =-.
Why is the Christian Blogosphere dominated by Males?
Seeing that you, Crystal, and a couple of other ladies are the only ones that consistently blog about things beside their children, food, and scrap booking, why is there so few?
Just curious?
I would like to think that it’s because they’re actually out there doing something rather than playing on the internets all day :) Joan Ball who blogs at Belief Net is great too. And click through some of the women on here — you’ll find some hidden gems.
wow, I set myself up for that one….
But ya, that is probably true.
love this response…haha!
.-= April?s last blog ..2009….a recap =-.
Yeah, there are lots of us!
.-= Jen?s last blog topics =-.
How much time do you spend online daily (twitter, blog, going through your emails) etc.?
Varies day to day. Yesterday? Not much? This morning….all morning. Mainly emails and this blog because I promised to be here and want to spend more time engaging here. Twitter? 30 minutes a day total, maybe that….
Thanks for the answer!
There are some great female bloggers, I have been blogging since 2005, I am a female. I think the domination comes from popularity not from us gals not being present.
.-= Carole Turner?s last blog ..SNL Team Twilight =-.
love your question Kyle.
Anne is a writer, and a very gifted one. I am simply doing what God gifted me to do – and that’s IT work, not writing. *wink*
But we’re out there!
.-= CindyK?s last blog ..Christmas Prayers =-.
i would just like to say that i have never blogged about children, food or scrapbooking. nor will i ever, so help me God. amen. ;)
.-= Brandi?s last blog ..Upcoming WordCamps =-.
Have you ever thought about sporadically having guest bloggers on your website? If so why haven’t you done it?
.-= Zephi Francis?s last blog ..Computers, Projectors, and God =-.
I have :) in the search field up at the top, type in “guest post” or “guest” and it will pull them up. I do it a few times a year.
How do you process disappointment and frustration with church leadership when you work for it?
If it is every day, non life or death stuff…just try and let it go and focus on why God had me there – to love people extraordinarily.
If it’s big value shifts, like how money is being spent, or serious relationship issues, well, we’ve left and tried again….
I feel like God has a book inside of me but I don’t have the first clue about who to get it out of me. I have tried, it seems like 1000 times to start it, but I always start feeling crazy or inadequate or that it’s pointless who would read it. Any wisdom on how to get this thing out of me…
Dang, you are not alone! I don’t have any advice as I’m on a similar path, though behind you as I’ve only actually gotten up the guts to try once. Looking forward to Anne’s response and I hope we both will finish this race well ^_^
.-= V. Higgins?s last blog ..Slowly creating new language in my heart… =-.
Leave whatever you are doing this very moment and purchase “The War of Art” by Steven Pressfield. Read it before the end of the week.
Then respond back to me ( and let me know what you think. :) I’d love to answer any questions you have but my only requirement is read that book first. Trust me. It will CHANGE YOUR LIFE and I don’t say that about many things. Ever.
Wow, that’s quite the recommendation. I’m seriously going to take this advice. It’s been recommended to me multiple times, but I’ve never gotten around to it.
-Marshall Jones Jr.
.-= bondChristian?s last blog ..Friendship in evangelism?: My guest post and a couple other resources =-.
Preach that sister! I love that book!!!! It kicked my butt!
.-= Carole Turner?s last blog ..SNL Team Twilight =-.
I love that book! For anyone who is creative I think it is a must read.
.-= Linda B.?s last blog ..My Life Is Not Twitteriffic =-.
I guess I have two questions:
1) Has self-doubt been a struggle for you and if so, how hard has that been? Also how have you fought it to get where you’re at?
2) As you go through your struggle with depression/bipolar have you had problems with family not understanding? Have you come across the stigma of “you’re just imagining it, it’s just the blues, etc” and when it’s someone close to you, how do you handle it? How has Chris handled being with you through it all? Especially during the beginning and new diagnosis that can be a lot of information to take in.
Thanks for putting yourself out there!
.-= V. Higgins?s last blog ..Slowly creating new language in my heart… =-.
1 – ALL THE TIME. I fight it every gosh darn day. How? I tell it to shut up and make myself do the opposite of what it says. So, it says, “don’t speak.” “don’t write a book.” “don’t ride a bike across the country after having heart surgery and not riding a bike in 16 years.” And then I say, “I will…I will…I will…” :)
2 – My family’s pretty understanding about it. We don’t live close to them so it’s easier to not be as wrapped up in it. Chris is great. Patient. He doesn’t get it but he is trying to learn and trying to help and be patient through different treatments, etc. I send him stuff to read to help him understand and communiciate where I am at emotionally so he knows what to expect.
When I visit a friend in Franklin in March for a few days, can I take you out to Starbucks or your favorite alternate coffee shop???
.-= Kayla?s last blog ..A Graceful Beginning. =-.
If the timing is right, why not! :)
I want the full love story between you and Chris. I realize this may have to come as posts instead of just a comment, but I still want it. How does God ever get two people together in a way that honors him? I am intrigued and always amazed by this and love the stories of his grace in our lives in this way.
It is not a You’ve Got Mail kinda story. Pretty simple actually, which is why it makes sense. :)
I worked in music promotion in Dallas in the late 90s early 2000s. His band (from Kansas City) came through and I worked on their show. I actually developed a huge crush on the lead singer and didn’t even really notice Chris.
As fate would have it, my best friend and I moved to Kansas City in 2001. Because of my husband’s touring schedule, he was home a lot during the days and during the week. I had just been laid off and was living off a severance package, so I also had some free time. We ended up going bowling a lot, and fell in love. :)
We dated for a few months, became serious, and got engaged several months later (Dec 14 of 2002). We got married June 28 of 2003.
It’s been great because he was a public figure when we met and I was the groupie. Now it’s the other way around. :) Seriously though, it helps us both understand careers that are on the road and how to help out when you’re the one at home.
We fight, we’re pretty boring, and we’re pretty silly. We “get” each other in some very unique ways and I honestly couldn’t imagine another person tolerating either of us this side of heaven.
Personally, I would say I got the better end of the deal. :)
1. What would you do for a klondike bar?
2. I went to a small Christian university in the Bible belt of America (OKC) and got a partial degree in ministry, which was an overwhelmingly male populated subject area. Actually, the whole school was pretty male. Regardless, often, though doctrinally the school I attended supported women in ministry, I was often challenged, questioned, etc. I think probably because I often challenged and questioned other people, so I can’t really complain about that. But, anyway, there are often verses that are thrown out to either negate the idea of women in ministry or to question it, but I always had a hard time contextualizing and explaining them. (1 Cor. 14:34-35, 1 Tim 2:11-12 used most often, also verses in Ephesians about men being heads of household and women submitting). So, I guess my question is about the role of women in church and home. And don’t worry, I have had a million conversations about this, so I don’t expect perfect answers, just more perspectives. I saw Janet’s question and your answer about the Bible/apochrypha and the questions you had about culture/context are in here too. I don’t know, it’s just some sticky territory. I suppose, I could throw in a question about the exclusivity of male pronoun usage when refering to God, but then I’d just look like a show off or something.
I hope you can dig a question out of that…
1. Nothing right now…it is too crazy cold for ice cream!!
2. Women in ministry = polarizing topic. My words on that would be if God has placed a calling in your heart and on your life, you better be obedient to it. :) Listen to his spirit, read the scripture and pray for pure, clean motives and illumination. And act on what you are shown….
I agree that it is a polarizing topic. But might I suggest reading J. Lee Grady’s “Ten Lies The Church Tells Women”? It was transformational for me AND when I started telling other ministry ladies about it, they started passing around my copy and they all agree that it’s wonderful.
.-= Sarah Salter?s last blog ..Salvation: A Tale of A Single Girl in the City =-.
Hi there lady flower-dust!
Great blogging as ever and nice invite: one of my favourite questions is, if failure weren’t a possibility what would I want my life to achieve?
What’s your answer….?
Smiles and best to you
.-= Johnny Douglas?s last blog ..things I have learnt today =-.
I’d just keep on writing books, forever and ever!
a few months ago i decided to leave the mega church that i was serving in a leadership capacity. my brother was on staff and was fired for a blog he posted. i had a great meeting with the pastor that oversaw me and explained that i am a blogger and if they were offended by my brother’s blog, then perhaps mine would infuriate them. note that we write about the condition of the Church (Body of Christ), not any specific local church. we are a family of writers and rebels in love with Christ and His church and we are not easily intimidated.
i am currently attending a Missionary Baptist church with my boyfriend (he’s on staff as the sound tech). Yes, i am one of 2 white regular attenders… and i love it! i am not “serving” beyond finances. i am soaking it in and “ob-serving” ;-) i feel so free to write and not worry about individuals taking my blurbs personally.
How does a writer deal with the conflict of interest… writing on issues with candor and in openness and honesty… and still attend & serve the local body without them questioning loyalty? Is it even possible? if i continue the path of writer, will i have to remain unattached? What are your thoughts?
.-= JuliaKate?s last blog ..on the local Church… my fair weather friend =-.
Good thoughts…there are things I won’t discuss (like I mentioned in the post) publicly, but will discuss them privately with people I trust. The same should be with all we speak about…asking ourselves who are the best people to receive these words, and using wisdom and discernment in doing that. Is it building up or tearing down? Is it grace-filled or pride-filled? Have a few people read it before it goes live if you’re unsure. I’ve done that and the hubs has vetoed a few posts here and there.
My favorite piece of advice was from Rob Bell – “don’t let your passion become annoying…” In other words, don’t scream at the masses. If you are passionate about something, or wondering something, find a safe, wise place to express those thoughts and as they develop and God enters the story…share about how HE enters the story…hope that helps.
i appreciate your reply Anne. but more personally, i was thinking about the church leaders and staff members that keep the peace and follow in obedience, but regularly disagree with some of the practices of the local church. it’s one thing to pray and discuss in secret, a whole other thing to be a writer, who has prayed and processed and feels it their purpose to help build up the Body of Christ by calling for change. i read your reply about attending an Anglican church and your questioning the canonization of the Bible… many churches would see this as heresy or betrayal to what they hold as truth. we know that this canonization process is not above questioning and there are some serious factors to consider. would you be able to post such ideas so freely if you were still on staff at your last church?
sometimes we are afraid of truth… but in truth, truth sets us all free.
By the way, my roommate reads my posts and gives me feedback. She is still in leadership at my last church and is a psychologist… she rocks at the feedback! ;-)
.-= JuliaKate?s last blog ..on the local Church… my fair weather friend =-.
At my last church, I wouldn’t have gotten in trouble. I brought up the issue of people being gay and sin, and although a few people got upset, the church I was on staff at last is very open to “we have nothing figured out but we are seeking…” Another church I worked for would have fired me. So…there were times when I was at that church that I didn’t blog about what I wanted to. I wrote it anyway, but saved it and hey, now it’s being used in a book. :)
I would take the Matthew approach with “calling out” people who may be in the wrong. Privately, then with others, and if necessary, called out to the church. But if one can’t work in a place (or serve in a place) that goes against the conscience of their heart, I would explain graciously why I was leaving, and then I would leave, hoping God would give me a platform to share about the issues – not the specific church in question – that led me to that point.
thank you very much. this is what i was seeking;-)
.-= JuliaKate?s last blog ..on the local Church… my fair weather friend =-.
Small note, but I like your “ob-serving.” :>) I think I’m going to use that one if you don’t mind.
-Marshall Jones Jr.
.-= bondChristian?s last blog ..Friendship in evangelism?: My guest post and a couple other resources =-.
hahaha! use it all you want my friend;-)
.-= JuliaKate?s last blog ..on the local Church… my fair weather friend =-.
Hi Anne,
Two Questions:
1) Does anyone ever call you ‘pollen’ as a short form of ‘flowerdust’? Just curious…
2) More seriously: I enjoy your blog very much. I often disagree with you, but I appreciate your frankness and vulnerability.
Having padded my question a little bit: I see you write about justice quite often (and appropriately), but I can’t think of any time I have heard you write about the Gospel or un-reached people of the world.
I understand that the sum of your life experiences come to a bit of a focus and not everyone’s will be exactly the same, but I’m just curious whether world missions (particularly reaching the un-reached) is something you think about much or have written about.
Given your communication skills, self-awareness, and adventurous spirit, I’ll bet you’d be the perfect candidate to move to an un-reached people group, live among them for at least a year, and write a book about your experience that might help others pray for missionaries or prepare themselves for the journey.
Ever thought about that?
.-= Zack?s last blog ..2009 In Photos, Part 2 (April ? June) =-.
1) I called myself that today when describing my email address to turbo tax. “Flowerdust. Like Pollen” :)
2) Thanks for disagreeing yet sticking around. I assume that you have read through my journals (they’re linked up at the top) of my trips to Kolkata, India and Uganda. If you search for “Dominican” a trip to there will show up as well. Also search for “The Sex and the City” about my cab ride with a very unreached person…This April I am going to help with a safe house in Moldova and in Moscow…ooh, also, if you search on my blog for “IJM” you will read about my experiences with them.
Hope that helps point you to some posts! :)
Oh, and to answer your question…I think that would be awesome. It doesn’t seem like something in our immediate future, but it’s something on both Chris’ and my hearts in a significant way – weather it is abroad or something even locally.
In your essay “FEAR” you wrote “we’re all divinely human.” I’ve had a hard time getting my head around the meaning of the phrase(actually it kinda sounds like an oxymoron to me). I might be the only one who doesn’t get it because I’ve heard people using it here and there. Still, I can’t make any sense out of it. :S
So to your eyes what is being “divinely human”?
You’re not the first to ask. Essentially, we are all created in the image of God – imago dei – and should we become Christ followers, the Scriptures say we have the same power that raised Christ from the dead living in us – the Holy Spirit. Yet we are human…and divinely so. Better?
Very much so! Gracias!
.-= Adriana Feliz?s last blog ..Copy/Paste =-.
Extraordinary Anne! Thank you for answering great questions. I pray your budget is met and all your needs are met. The most important single ingredient in the formula for success is know how to get along with people and that you truly do!!!!! We go where our dreams lead us. Do you agree?
.-= Carol?s last blog ..Generous Emotions =-.
I do!
How do you fight egotism and self-serving attitudes in starting an online community/platform (i.e. a blog)? How do you not let the metrics rule you?
.-= Jeff?s last blog ..Being God’s Gypsy =-.
You rarely check them and count every interaction as grace. And you forget to double check your autorenew, let your blog die for a few days, and realize that it’s not such a big deal. And you fast from it regularly. And pray. And again, count every interaction, every word given or received, as grace.
.-= Jeff?s last blog ..Top Ten Wrecked Posts of 2009 =-.
Sorry if I missed it but what kind of bike did you end up buying? How do you motivate yourself to ride that boring trainer? I got a rock n roll trainer last year and think I have used it 3 times.
Also, have you considered the 3 state, 3 mountain ride this spring? It is a century ride going through TN, AL, and GA.
Funny….I got a Bianchi Vigorelli….and…I haven’t ridden in a couple weeks because I had some crappy pedals and it was making it even more miserable to ride. Now I got some shoes….the pedals will be in soon…so it’s a matter of Redbox + riding… watchign helps!!!!
I’ll be going through TN, AL and GA on Ride:Well so I think I’ll stick with the 3100 miles of that this summer. But maybe a practice run wouldn’t hurt. Hrm.
That’s a sweet ride. I didn’t realize your ride across America was that soon. I guess 3100 miles is enough for one ride…ha. I would love to be part of that ride but my schedule just won’t allow it. Will the ride allow others to join for a few days to ride sections or is this a private ride?
I think so….if you go to and find the contact info, you can ask!!!
Whatever happened to your beer can statue neighbor? How’s that going for you?
.-= Kevin Twombly?s last blog ..Inspired by Hope =-.
Well, we moved…more of a wine drinking neighborhood and no statues except those of civil war heroes.
However, the guy who commented saying he was the neighbor has actually turned into a real friend here in Nashville. :)
Funny, huh?
wine bottle statues would be boring anyway… nothing like a good Natty Light Man to make you smile!
Apologies if this has been covered elsewhere. I’m new to your blog, but read your first book when it came out. Very helpful book! :)
My question comes from the book & your first experience being on a church staff. Do you see any lessons in how that turned out (burnout, etc.) for people who are hiring new church staff members?
Basically, I’m wondering if there’s anything (i.e. what you were like before you joined that staff — perhaps some of the issues with your dad’s church or addictions or whatever) that in hindsight, you’d look for now if you were the person making the choice to hire?
The only thing I would say is make sure the values of the person and the values of the church match. That’s the key. Everything else is peanuts!
So I have a few questions for fun…
1. What is a dream that you have that you’re dying to accomplish or pursue? (Pretend that money is not an issue)
2. Since you are an author and I trust your opinion, which books are absolute “must-haves” for your blog readers? (fiction/nonfiction)
3. If you could have coffee dates w/ any five people (past or present), who would they be and why?
4. What is your favorite scripture(s)?
5. What is your take on a “quiet-time?” I am sure I am not the only Christian who struggles with this and would love to hear your thoughts? What does a “quiet-time” look like for you? (time of day, what you do?)
Thanks for giving us the opportunity to ask these questions!
1. I really think I’m in it now. Except for living in Europe, I love where I’m at in life!
2. If you check out my FAQ page, I heart those books. Also been turned on to some poetry by Mary Oliver.
3. Anne Lammott, Barack Obama, Oswald Chambers, Elizabeth Bennett, and a former teacher of mine I wish I would have gotten to know better.
4. Yikes….so many. The books of Daniel and Isaiah….
5. I don’t have a “set time” because “set times” and I don’t play well. There are times throughout the day I take to reflect, pray and read. I believe it’s more of cultivating a lifestyle/habit of being in the presence of God than a moment with him (although moments can be just as important).
Me likey your #5 answer. Working on this daily.
I really admire and love your authenticity and transparency. Were you always this comfortable with sharing all your personal stories openly or was it because God called you to write and the openness became as a result.
I like how you’ve set your comment/response policies right at the beginning. Nothing worse than reading through comments with a million varying opinions on theology, politics etc.
.-= duongsheahan?s last blog ..Chicagonista LIVE Online Talk Show Debut =-.
There are things about me I don’t share – that I’m not ready to share…the things I do share are places where God has entered and is restoring my story to an extent I feel it brings him glory. Hope that makes sense.
Thanks for your blog, I love sharing your journey and find it inspiring and encouraging. My question is:
Do you think that artists who have a christian faith are responsible for communicating that faith transparently in their art?
I think some are, and some aren’t. I think the spirit is what illuminates and draws people to the gospel using us…so in some obscurities, he will speak as clearly as a well defined expression. I think nature brings people to faith sometimes, and there is nothing “clear” about that…if that makes sense.
Thanks for being so open, honest, transparent. I’m pretty new to your blog and am a new fan!
So I know I already replied to something above but here are my real questions. They have to do with relationships.
You answered one of my questions above with your story around how you met your husband. My other questions are:
1) What are some of the key things you do to sustain your marriage?
2) It’s taught, and I believe, that a kingdom marriage is one in which two whole people join to make an even stronger union in which the both of you together can partner to become a greater force for God’s kingdom. Just curious to see the ways that’s playing out in your marriage.
1. Surprise each other romantically. (wink) Forgive easily. Apologize quickly. Buy your wife chocolate.
2. We’re working on this. Our lives and careers have shifted so much recently…but we are actively planning this and moving toward some great ideas/connections.
What are your essential mix-ins when you go to Sweet Ce-Ce’s?
I’ve only been once. As much chocolate as possible.
Hey Anne,
OK so you seem like someone who gets a lot of things done and manages to put dreams into action…I would like to know how you prioritise and time manage to get everything done?
I find myself so overwhelmed at times by all that’s swimming in my head…the millions of ideas for writing and businesses and life and missions, and the studying full time, and trying to keep up with friends and family, and look after everyday life chores AND trying to do it all with a chronic illness…. aargh! So I end up sitting here just spending hours reading my google reader feeds instead of actually doing anything I should be.
So yes as someone who obviously has many ideas and is doing some wonderfully exciting stuff in your life, how do you manage and prioritise it all?
thanks anne!!
To do lists…..but most of the time I am watching Law and Order. But having the lists holds me accountable. Begging for moments to realize wasting time is stupid…and that I’ll regret it. And doing it (being proactive) anyway. Do the opposite of the negative forces. Laziness, envy, fear, etc.
If you had to be one of these, who would you be, Mother Theresa of Martin Luther King Jr?
.-= Carole Turner?s last blog ..SNL Team Twilight =-.
Sawyer or Jack?
.-= Carole Turner?s last blog ..SNL Team Twilight =-.
who? :)
from LOST, Sawyer is the bad boy, Jack is the troubled hero doctor. I like Sawyer.It’s kinda like team Jacob or team Edward :-)
.-= Carole Turner?s last blog ..SNL Team Twilight =-.
Again – who? Sorry. I never got caught up in Lost or Twilight! :)
Where do you fall in your marital theology? More Egalitarian? More Traditional? Are you and your husband on the same page? What are some practical examples of how your unique take on the ‘biblical marriage’ issue plays itself out in your life?
We are always working to be on the same page. We help out where our strengths are, and where our time allows, and share in the responsibilities. I’m type A, he’s type B, so it’s easy for me to want to drive things, but I’ve been intentionally working on accepting his answer on decisions that we may disagree on.
How do you help yourself kind of sit back and let him do things the way that works for him without going insane? (I’m a type A, hubby is type B, sometimes I want to strangle him :-P)
.-= V. Higgins?s last blog ..Slowly creating new language in my heart… =-.
makes two of us :)
.-= Janet?s last blog ..Incorrect Positions =-.
Anne Jackson, you are the best. I am probably a day late and a dollar short on this post, but I am curious on two points –
1) Do you ever miss the quieter days when you were sort of just starting the flowerdust phenom? I won’t say much else to qualify why I ask, I will just let you answer.
2) The second. I’ve realized that for the past several years I have silenced my “voice” due to personal insecurity and fears. This is something I deal with in lots of ways: Thinking I don’t really mater, Doubting you remember who I am, Concern as to whether I am fit to lead in ministry, or whether to even post this comment.
Have you dealt with anything like this? What helped? Have you learned to avoid things?
Hope 2010 is a year of radical blessing for you and Chris.
Much Love from Ktown,
.-= Aaron?s last blog ..Virgin Islands here I come! =-.
1-It kind of feels the same to me….really, with more eyes on it I feel like I have to make my writing and thought process improve, so it challenges me. I do miss knowing everybody who commented though, so I’m trying to get back into that with a realistic expectation.
2-I deal with doubt all the time…the greatest “cure” for that is to do EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE! I think I may have said this up in an earlier comment but the voices say, “don’t speak..don’t write..don’t blog…don’t risk this…don’t bike across the country….etc…” so…I just do the opposite!! :)
Hope all is well friend! :)
Actually, I want to know how well your book is received by other leaders and speakers? There are some I know you know personally who live a crazy-busy life and I have often wondered what response you get from them personally. The message of your book is something I desperately needed to hear, but I don’t think in my church culture I was hearing it. It was more about doing more and striving.
.-= kazzles?s last blog ..?I need you to not be perfect?. =-.
I don’t think they’ve read it…..
Ah, does that bother you? It would be nice if more people did I think. Oh well.
.-= kazzles?s last blog ..?I need you to not be perfect?. =-.
awesome! Its been great reading through the questions and replies so far. Here’s my question since you’ve been on staff, off staff and involved in various communities of worship:
how would you guide a church in the tension between offering programs/steps as it relates to fostering community and discipleship verses letting it happen more organically?
This seems to be a constant struggle at church in this country. Steps and programs are good, but incomplete (being in a small group doesn’t automatically equate with growing in community and in God for example.)
Would love to hear your take on it
Thanks for this post Anne. I cracked up several times at your responses.
How do move from an abstract idea of God to one that is more tangible?
How do you balance striving for out of this world dreams and the drudgery of reality?
If today were a color then today what would it be? Why?
My husband, in dealing with a certain aspect of our job at church, battles depression. It has lasted a week here or there or just a couple of days. He won’t talk with anyone about it. When it happens he doesn’t really talk with me. What advice would you give to the person who lives with a person battling depression?