On Sex, Social Media, and Bipolar

After reading through my Google Reader this week, it appears writing about your ten most clicked on posts for the year is the smart blogger thing to do.

Anyway, I thought I’d see what my top ten blog posts were of 2009 and interestingly enough, a trend emerged.

Here they are:

10. This video I did on porn addiction.

9. The Stigma of Bipolar Disorder

8. Results to a survey on modesty and dressing sexy

7. A video of Mike Foster and I sharing a message about sex at Community Christian Church in Chicago.

6. The announcement that I was going to fast from social media for Lent

5. The Death Notice of my personal Facebook Account

4. An old post about emotional affairs

3. The question asking “What’s one thing you can’t say in church?”

2. Can girls be porn addicts too?

1. Why is being gay a sin?


We certainly have a lot of questions about sex. And social media. And more sex. And sex. And mental health.

I went to see what words people would search for that would bring them to this site – to our conversations.

Sure, I wrote the posts…but you contributed so much value to the message.

People searched for:

addicted to porn, questioning God, is being gay a sin, girls addicted to porn, female porn addiction, women addicted to porn, emotional affair, depression

At first glance, it kind of sounds depressing. And dirty.

But I don’t think it is.

What makes me thrilled is that the amount of views just these ten posts and their comments have had over the last year has helped around 50,000 people realize they are not alone.

They are not alone.

And neither are you.

And as we close out this year, I’d place my money on the fact you know someone that might need to read one of these posts.

So there they are – easy to find, easy to share.






26 responses to “On Sex, Social Media, and Bipolar”

  1. Sherri Avatar

    Anne- THIS is why you appeal to so many. You are not afraid to tackle real issues, openly and honestly without reservation. God bless you as you continue to reach out to us and let us know we are not alone.

  2. Jim Gray Avatar

    tahts what meks tihs blog so hawt…
    .-= Jim Gray?s last blog ..First Tweetup of the Decade =-.

    1. Anne Jackson Avatar

      Did you just say hawt?!

  3. Jonathan Stegall Avatar

    It’s been a great year to watch the site, for these posts and others. Thank you. It’s wonderful not to be alone.

  4. Linda Stoll Avatar

    … there are so few places where believers can have an honest dialogue about where they are sexually and emotionally …

    Thanks for providing a safe place …
    .-= Linda Stoll?s last blog .."Set Apart, Yet Actively Engaged" =-.

  5. JD Avatar

    Thanks for sharing. I work at a treatment center for young men battling addiction. we certainly need more voices bringing the issue to light for churches.
    .-= JD?s last blog ..Reading Plan for the Year =-.

  6. Kyle Reed Avatar

    I am glad that you are talking about this stuff. It is obvious that people are looking and searching for some help or discussion.
    Great place for people to land.
    .-= Kyle Reed?s last blog ..January is National Mentor Month =-.

  7. AW Avatar

    I found your blog because of one of those posts and am glad I did. Thanks for having the courage to talk about what we tend to try to avoid.
    .-= AW?s last blog ..He will never abandon you =-.

  8. Amanda Mae Avatar
    Amanda Mae

    So, I didn’t start reading your blog until after Off the Blogs last year, and didn’t see your post about homosexuality the first time around. But, I just read ALL the comments, and whoa-be-dough it was an emotional roller coaster. This is an important issue to me, and it was good to read the discussion. Thanks for blogging in such a way that leads to such open discussion.

  9. Christianne Avatar

    Anne, you are incredible. I am inspired by the way God uses your life … and the way you open yourself up to be led by him.
    .-= Christianne?s last blog ..Journey Toward Nonviolence 4: Sitting in Our Sin =-.

  10. bondChristian Avatar

    Wow, Anne, that’s intense. I agree with Kyle’s comment though… what an excellent place for people searching to land. I’ve been to the other sites. A person can get hurt out there, whether it’s porn or just horrible advice about it.

    -Marshall Jones Jr.
    .-= bondChristian?s last blog ..How to boost someone’s joy =-.

  11. patriciazell Avatar

    The good news for all of us is that God loves us all and His love is absolute. Anne, your blog posts are hitting where a lot of people are struggling both with the issues and with judging people (Christ said don’t judge) who have those issues. You are right–we are not ever alone. God’s love is perfect, complete, and real; His love is greater than any evil in this world.

    May your blog be blessed in 2010 and many people draw closer to God through your words!
    .-= patriciazell?s last blog ..#23 UNDERSTANDING CHRIST: HIS WALK ON EARTH =-.

  12. Keith Jennings Avatar

    It’s funny. I clicked on the hyperlinked word “find” in one of Seth Godin’s tribes posts in November 2008. I landed here. And have been reading your feeds (as often as I can) since.

    You have an authenticity in your writing that is unique. It’s obvious that you believe in what you write. The new generation of Christian writers (Rob Bell, Donald Miller, Shane Claiborne, you, etc.) have really excited me with the possibilities of what can be said and done. We need more strong women writers of faith!

    Your top 10 list really captures timeless spiritual issues. I hope we as “The Church” can diversify and deepen our reputation for caring in the world. Having individuals like you “out there” sure helps. I hope you are able to see beyond any flack you get from know-it-all Christians due to your honesty and openness. You seem tough, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt. You are not alone either. But, I’m sure you know that.

    Thank you for a great year of posts!
    .-= Keith Jennings?s last blog ..Keith Jennings updated Wed Dec 9 2009 11:34 pm CST =-.

  13. Danny Avatar

    Faith is messy.

    This site is dirty.

    Makes sense to me ;)

  14. deemus Avatar

    This site reads like an old testament story: jealosy, adultery, sex, etc. I feel like I am reading a story about King David, or Ruth, or any number of biblical characters.

    Faith is messy, which is why its so cool. God can take a bunch of messed up people, in their messed up state, and make us kings and heirs to the promise. And somehow in the process, we start to look like God as he transforms us.

    Jesus is like, cool.

  15. Dave Wilson Avatar

    Just stumbled upon your web site yesterday. I really enjoy your fresh voice and perspective.

    For a time, it seemed like the secular world had all the best blogs. Chalk up one for believers!

  16. James Dalman Avatar


    Thank you for all the inspiration this year and for being someone who is transparent and real. I admire you for that – especially when so many people struggle with the same things that you have…it’s a valuable ministry.

    I really do look forward to meeting you in 2010 (missed you at Blogger Meetup @ Catalyst) and telling you thanks in person!

    Be blessed and have a Happy New Year.

  17. Lauren Avatar

    Thanks for being so open Anne. I love the fact you’re not scared to talk about these things. We need more people like you.
    .-= Lauren?s last blog ..Stay to watch that moon disappear under these lights =-.

  18. kristiapplesauce Avatar

    It is awesome to be able to use this blog in such a way. thanks.
    .-= kristiapplesauce?s last blog ..Happy (HOPE) Day =-.

  19. jimmy paravane Avatar
    jimmy paravane

    isn’t that the difference between belief and faith? You can believe in God and still feel alone. You can’t have faith in God and still believe you are alone?

  20. Pat Layton Avatar

    Wow Anne. I am thrilled to find your blog through Michael Hyatt.

    It is so rare to find such a transparent woman. I share about my past immorality and my resulting abortion all over the nation and am constantly confronted by other women who do not see the need for such openness about “our dirty laundry”.

    You go girl!! The truth sets us free!!

    I have added you to my “favorites” list and to twitter! Can’t wait to get to know you better!
    Blessing and Happy New Year.

  21. tony Avatar

    anne – when i was your age it was sex, drugs and rock n roll. we didn’t have bi-ploar people, they simply stayed stoned – and happy. the more things change, the more they stay the same…..remember, nothing is new under the sun.

    for more ‘hits’ simply have a page called ‘sex’. i did this in 2006 and had over 1 million hits over a three month period – for a blank page!.

    every society in every era has one thing in common – sex.

  22. Jeff Avatar

    Enjoyed the first vid. Thanks.
    .-= Jeff?s last blog ..Missionaries Lip-syncing to Kelly Clarkson: Religion, Faith, and Fun =-.

  23. Tom Avatar

    My wife is having an emotional affair and has bipolar. She constantly communicates with this guy in massachussets and planned a trip about a week after talking to him. They knew each other 15 years prior and dated way back then. She now wants a divorce presumably to be with this guy. He has two kids, is addicted to social media (go figure, he probably trolls for women all night long, and is in sales. Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that this guy is a piece of crap. My wife is just emotional fodder for this guy and our marriage will probably crumble. She is hell bent on us getting a divorce. I hope and pray she figures out this guy before it is too late.