Keep Going! (Why I Cussed at the Scale)

I ate a lot of brownies in two years.

Almost every week since 2003 until I ended up in the hospital completely burned out in 2005, I made brownies.

And ate them.


It wasn’t just eating brownies that caused me to gain almost forty pounds – it was a culmination of poor decisions: not exercising, eating poorly, working too many hours, not sleeping enough.

And enough was enough. After plateauing at 170-pounds (give or take) for a year, I lost forty pounds (give or take) and replaced those weekly brownies with a weekly weigh-in and weekly measurement taking.

It may seem a little compulsive, but it’s what helps keep me on track. Week by week for almost three years I’ve been journaling my weight, and measurements of my chest, arms, waist, abs, hips, and thighs.

When I started training a month ago, Brandon told me every four to six weeks we’d re-evaluate my fitness assessment. It’s a much more in depth assessment with more measurements, body fat percentages, weight, and how well I’m improving with my actual level of fitness.

I posted my first?assessment?here if you want to read it.

Now, something Brandon said when I told him I’ve been in the habit of taking weekly measurements was to not rely on my scale as a reputable source of effort.

But every week without fail, I’d still continue weighing and measuring myself hoping to see some kind of improvement. And despite my bi-weekly butt-whooping from Brandon, and saying no (most of the time, anyway) to the peppermint mochas, the numbers on my scale barely budged.

I was pretty disheartened…After all, I had been working SO hard…and evidently, had nothing to show for it.

Today was my first re-assessment. Brandon pulled out the body fat pinchers and I jumped on the scale.

One pound.

I had lost one-freaking-cuss-cuss-cuss-freaking pound.


Without saying much, Brandon measured and pinched and prodded at, as Bridget Jones would say, my jiggly parts. He typed in numbers on his computer, had me do sit ups and push ups and measured?and pinched and prodded more, and I started to feel guilty.

He had been working so hard with me – how could I let him down?

He began printing off my assessment and said something along the lines of “yep, this is what I thought would happen.”

I caught a glimpse of one of the sections as it came off the printer.

It was my body fat percentage.

“Wait. My body fat came down from 26.3% to 22.1%? In a month? Seriously?”

“Just wait…”

And so we went over my assessment.

(You can download the new one here if you’d like. It has a side-by-side comparison from when I started a month ago.)

As you’ll see, my weight hadn’t changed much. I did only lose one pound.

But that’s just what the scale said.

What the scale didn’t say is that I lost a little over six pounds of fat and gained five pounds of lean weight (muscle and water and good stuff). What the scale didn’t say is that my body fat decreased 16%. Or that I lost over seven inches. Or that my aerobic fitness is now in the “fit” category instead of the “fair” category. And remember my silly attempt at push ups last time? Remember that they ended up in the “needs work” category?

Now they jumped completely past “fair,” and?almost past “fit” into “excellent.”

I don’t say this to brag (ok, maybe I’m having this framed and hung up in our living room just a tiny bit proud at the moment), but to tell you this:


One of the things Brandon said to me is most people will attempt working out and eating better for about a month, and they won’t see a big difference on the scale, so they give up.

Truth be told, if you don’t see a big difference on the scale in your first month, it doesn’t mean much at all.

My scale said, “all this effort and you’ve only lost a pound” and if I would have believed it, I would have given up.

Don’t buy into what the scale says or doesn’t say.

Trust the effort you are putting into getting healthy.

And keep going!

Not only are there changes going on in your body that you can’t see, there are changes going on in your spirit – with your discipline, your courage, and your will power.

Keep going!


53 responses to “Keep Going! (Why I Cussed at the Scale)”

  1. Laura Avatar

    I think I am living a parallel life! Precisely the same things that happened to me, with almost parallel results!
    Incredible. You go girl! AWESOME!

  2. Prudence Avatar

    Thanks for the encouragement. I need to get my ummm butt in gear. I’ve lost 34 over the last two years I can do this again.
    .-= Prudence?s last blog ..In Sickness =-.

  3. David Knapp Avatar

    That’s it you have motivated me to go workout.

    I would also say not to trust scales that claim to measure bodyfat. I own one and it will say I am 30% BF and then I’ll hop on a 2nd time and it will say I am 23% BF. I like setting it to athlete mode because it says I am 11% BF! :)

    Good job getting in shape by the way!

    1. Anne Jackson Avatar

      thanks…to measure body fat he uses those mean little things in the picture! no fudging when you’re being pinched!

  4. Santos Samayoa Avatar

    Keep it up…it’s all worth it at the end.
    .-= Santos Samayoa?s last blog ..How You Can Help =-.

  5. spence smith Avatar

    well!!!! i’m so proud of you!!!!

  6. Lauree Avatar

    this says something about changes not being immediate or even obvious. we are an instant gratification sort of people.

    did he tell you that you had put on muscle weight? you can’t depend on your clothing because your jiggly parts are moving and resettling in places where they probably should have already been.

    be encouraged. you are doing great. you are encouraging others.

    1. Anne Jackson Avatar

      the program told me about the muscle weight. it takes in a lot of components (when i say he measures, pinches, prods and pokes me thoroughly, i mean it!) and the fact he’s been having me do a ridiculous amount of cardio and weights…AND i had NO muscles to begin with, well….it makes sense! if you download the assessment it goes into a few more details.

  7. Patsy Clairmont Avatar

    This is such good news! Thanks for reminding me that what I see is not necessarily what I get.

    You make learning and changing such fun!

  8. Tiffany Avatar

    Good girl! Amen Amen!! I am so proud of you!
    .-= Tiffany?s last blog ..A Cord of Three Strands =-.

  9. Kayla Avatar

    Did you really cuss? haha. I just started working out again and it sucks. I wish I had a trainer though!
    .-= Kayla?s last blog ..Is Jesus the Reason for Christmas? =-.

    1. Anne Jackson Avatar

      Sometimes I cuss in my head…but since I don’t want to offend those around me (or maybe the people reading this) I usually don’t say it out loud…and when writing, simply replace what I was thinking with the words “cuss” or “expletive!” when I tell the stories. It’s more fun than the typical &@*(!^

      No use pretending I don’t do it…but this way I leave a little to the imagination. :)

      A girl’s not perfect.

      1. Whit Avatar

        That’s so funny- a glimpse into my early teens. My best friend and I used to really want to cuss, because we thought we’d be cool, but we were afraid of getting in trouble.

        Solution- take regular words and make up a secret code of bad words, so then when you feel like you should cuss, use the code word and you won’t get in trouble.

        I don’t remember our code except for one. Fantastic=BullS***

        So my mom would say, “Today, we’ve got to run to the mall to try and find you some pants that actually sit at your natural waist and then I made you a manicure appointment in hopes that maybe you’ll stop biting your nails.”

        Me: “That’s FANTASTIC.”
        .-= Whit?s last blog ..Chocolate + Coffee = LOVE =-.

        1. Anne Jackson Avatar

          That’s fantastic!

          No, really.

          It is.


        2. Suraj Reddy Avatar

          I use ?What the icecream? and ?Oh my penguin? if I have to blurt something out :P
          .-= Suraj Reddy?s last blog ..Does the Fire Burn In Your Heart? =-.

          1. Anne Jackson Avatar

            Oh my penguin…I love love love it!

      2. Kayla Avatar

        I love you. Seriously. I feel like we’d get along in real life.

  10. Kieley B, Avatar
    Kieley B,

    Love this post! I don’t blame you for swearing in your head after seeing the scale. It’s interesting how the we measure success solely by the scale without considering the bigger picture. You lost a lot of freakin’ body fat so major props on sticking to your program! Your diligence is going to pay off big time on the Ride:Well Tour! I am guilty of eating well for one month and not seeing a huge difference on the scale and giving up. I am encouraged! :)

  11. Michelle Avatar

    Way to go! Thanks for sharing. It keeps the rest of us motivated too.
    .-= Michelle?s last blog ..No one is perfect =-.

  12. Amanda Avatar

    Thanks for that encouragement! I just started working with a personal trainer last week. I’m preparing myself for the mental battle with the scale, especially since I feel like I’m going to keel over dead every time I meet with him!

  13. Makeda Avatar

    Extremely important reminder. Thank you for the post. I’ve personally boycotted my scale, now I just need to give up my twice a week hot chocolate splurge and I will be all good :-)

  14. dubdynomite Avatar

    Brownies are my favorite sweet treat, and probably the only sweet that I could eat every day.

    Yet another thing we have in common.

    Awesome news on your progress! Much continued success.
    .-= dubdynomite?s last blog ..Strange But True: The Miracle Cat =-.

  15. Michelle Sidles Avatar

    Woo-Hoo!! Congratulations!

    And thanks for the pep talk! I see myself in your story. And I was about ready to give up. :) Now if I can just figure out how to FINALLY give up the mochas. Seriously… the mochas are to me what brownies were to you.
    .-= Michelle Sidles?s last blog ..My Favorite Christmas Album =-.

    1. Anne Jackson Avatar

      Here is my strategy:

      When I am CRAVING….I first attempt a hot chocolate at home with hershey’s syrup, skim milk, and a WEE bit of peppermint coffee flavoring (like the coffee mate seasonal). Comes in with WAY less sugar than Starbucks.

      If that doesn’t cut it…the next time I am craving, I do the cinnamon dolce latte (SKINNY!!!) at Starbucks…soooo good.

      But occasionally…I do give in. I had one on Monday. :) I wish they could find a way to do a skinny mocha. (esp. peppermint mocha!) :)

  16. Suraj Reddy Avatar

    I`ve been looking into fitness lately, and yup – this has been one of the big things to learn, that muscles add weight :P – my friend`s got a body fat scale that send electric pulses through your body and tells you your body fat percentage :)
    .-= Suraj Reddy?s last blog ..Get In The Game! =-.

  17. Jamie the Very Worst Missionary Avatar

    That is awesome! So encouraging!

    I will be puffing up like a blowfish for the holidays. So knowing that I can undue the damage in about a month or so is a major thumbs-up. *sigh of relief*
    .-= Jamie the Very Worst Missionary?s last blog ..The Death Defying Adventures of the VWM =-.

  18. Steph Avatar

    So glad I stopped by and read this. I have been really discouraged about my weight lately. I don’t see the results I want and also want to give up some days too! But after reading this I know I have to press on! Thanks!!

    So proud of you!!
    .-= Steph?s last blog ..Lauren’s test results….To parties! =-.

  19. Candy Avatar

    “Trust the effort you are putting into getting healthy.”


    I told myself that almost 40 years ago and don’t feel like I’ve sacrificed a thing. The health returns are amazing. Cheering you on from many miles and years away, Anne!
    .-= Candy?s last blog ..Here is the Church, Here is the Steeple… =-.

  20. bondChristian Avatar

    I hadn’t really been particularly interested in fitness until this year (I’ve always been naturally blessed). I hadn’t heard anything about the kind of results you got. I mean, I’d heard that muscle often replaces fat and the overall weight change isn’t much. Still, your results surprised me.

    Keep it up. Nice to hear the encouragement for you.

    -Marshall Jones Jr.
    .-= bondChristian?s last blog ..Smooth broadcast: How (and why) to promote pointless talking =-.

  21. Freedy Avatar

    Good girl! Amen Amen!! I am so proud of you!Good girl! Amen Amen!! I am so proud of you! I came across this and found it useful.

    .-= Freedy?s last blog ..This thing called Life.. =-.

  22. Melinda Avatar

    It is a bit like the scale we use to measure our ‘Christian involvement’. How much is official (committees, meetings, activism)? How much is under the radar and not on the scale (how we minister in our relationships with family and friends, community and work-place or school)?
    .-= Melinda ?s last blog ..Deceptive =-.

  23. Natalie Avatar

    Hey Anne! Would you post your eating plan? I would love to see what Brandon has got you on!

    Basically I am curious on the “foods” and amounts and times he’s got you on… Pleasssse

  24. Mandi Avatar

    That IS great encouragement! In fact, I’m one of those that got discouraged after weeks of “doing all the right things” and only seeing a couple pounds lost on the scale. So I kind of gave up. Which is sad because other people were SEEING a difference in me, and my jeans were fitting different/better… And now my jeans are tight again and I’ve gained a couple pounds back (dang holiday yummies ;))

    Anyway, all that to say… thank you for this reminder!! And WAY TO GO!!!
    .-= Mandi?s last blog ..Pay It Forward =-.

  25. Stretch Mark Mama Avatar

    Wobbly bits!

    Enormous panties!

    We quote those lines far too often in our house. :)
    .-= Stretch Mark Mama?s last blog ..Soft Ginger Cookies =-.

  26. deemus Avatar

    Great work Anne! Congrats on making those sacrifices. Most people don’t realize that muscle weighs MORE than fat. So if you lost 6 pounds of fat, and put on 5 pounds of muscle, you are a lean, mean bike-riding machine!!

  27. karen@fitnessjourney Avatar

    Excellent post! I have had the same type of experience since I started working out with my trainer too. I’ve only lost a couple of pounds, but the measuring tape is my new BFF!
    .-= karen@fitnessjourney?s last blog ..Celebrate, Don’t Gain Weight! Host a Skating Party. =-.

  28. Anonymous Fat Girl Avatar

    Thank you thank you for this post. I’ve been working out with a trainer for a month and a half and I have complained to him that the scale isn’t moving and he keeps telling me the same things that you mentioned in your post. I have about 80-100 lbs to loose so it’s hard not to see the scale move much. But after my first 30 days I lost 9 lbs and 12.50 inches – 6 inches around my waist. As much as I wanted to see a bigger loss on the scale I’m happy with my inches. Who looses 6 inches around their waste???? Anyway, I’m glad I found your blog, I’m putting a link to yours on there, you’re a great inspiration.
    .-= Anonymous Fat Girl?s last blog ..Fat ass to gym rat, video 2 =-.

  29. adam Avatar

    anyone who is giving you fits about the “cussing” thing doesn’t live in real life.

    jesus probably let some so not nice words out while learning to be a carpenter as a boy (hammer and thumbs and all of that). and if they get offended thinking of that, then what do you think he might have thought as he was making the whip for the money changers??

    keep up the fitness. at this rate you’ll be a cyborg blogger in no time.

  30. Crystal Avatar

    i love this post. as someone who goes back and forth with feeling good about myself based on what the scale says, i appreciate your honesty and encouragement!
    .-= Crystal?s last blog ..Making Room =-.

  31. Dave Wilson Avatar

    Thanks for sharing your fitness experience. I underwent a journey of my own last year, losing 40 pounds in a few months by changing my diet and working out religiously.

    My motivation was connected to becoming diabetic due to excess weight and poor diet. Even though I was not fat, my hereditary predisposition was to have high blood sugar, cholesterol, etc.

    I was struck by how a little discipline could impact my life, and wondered what other issues would benefit from a similar focus. How about your?
    .-= Dave Wilson?s last blog ..P.S.: Bible-in-a-month challenge, 29 of 30 =-.

  32. Yeni Diziler Avatar

    i love this post. as someone who goes back and forth with feeling good about myself based on what the scale says, i appreciate your honesty and encouragement!