Quite Possibly the Most Awkward Video Blog I’ve Ever Done

It’s been a month since I started training with Brandon at Chadwick’s Fitness. We’ve trained twice a week now for four weeks, and next week we’ll evaluate my fitness level (and body composition…fun!) in comparison to the first time I stepped foot into the gym.

And so, to keep my promise of updating you on how training is going, I thought I’d share a little visual proof.

You’ll notice the video is sped up in many places. I should be clear that this is not to conserve time. Instead, it’s to speed up past every awkward position and face that I am making in quite possibly every single frame. (Note: for a good laugh, just pause it at any given moment and you will see what I’m talking about. Also…it’s a short video, but I do a little dance at the end. True story.)

A few things I’ve learned this month:

1. Consistency really does pay off. I don’t think I’ve lost much weight, if any, even though I am eating and journaling every bit of food I consume – however – I’ve definitely toned up a little bit.

2. I now understand why guys flex in front of the mirrors. Not once in my life have I ever had a cut enough arm to flex and actually see a muscle. Confession: The other night as I was changing clothes in the bathroom, I decided to give my arm a little flex. HELLO, GUN SHOW!

3. If it gets easier, you’re not any more in shape – you’re just not trying hard enough. Brandon asked me how I felt on Tuesday after I had just finished pushing The Prowler about 120 yards. The Prowler weighs a good 75 pounds on its own, and probably had another 50 pounds or so on it. My heart rate was spiking at 180 and I felt like I was about to throw up.

I respond to him saying that honestly, I was a little frustrated. “Why is my heart rate still getting up so high so quickly? Why do I feel like it’s not getting any easier even though I’ve been giving it 100% for four weeks?”

He replied to me simply asking, “What’s my job when you come in?”

“To kick my butt.”

“Every time, right?”

“Yep.” (Gasp, clutch chest, lean on prowler, close eyes, gasp).

“So, it’s never going to get easier. Each time you come in, we are only making it harder.”

I’m not used to this concept. To be honest, most things in my life have come fairly easily. They’ve taken time, but things always seem to either work out, or make sense why they don’t work out. I’m not used to having to really fight for everything. Shifting that expectation has been good for me. This is where the physical training moves from just my heart and my muscles to my spirit and my mental strength.

4. Don’t accidentally take medicine for severe colds before you work out. You will fall asleep no matter how hard you try and push through it.

5. It has been totally, absolutely more than worth every ache and?nauseous?feeling and even saying no to eating pizza the other night. More than worth it.

I know a few of you had set some healthy goals earlier in the month. How are you doing? How can I pray for your journey to a healthier life?



41 responses to “Quite Possibly the Most Awkward Video Blog I’ve Ever Done”

  1. Bo Lane Avatar
    Bo Lane

    Yes, this is indeed awkward.

  2. joshua Avatar

    Good for you! I’m back on the weight loss bandwagon myself after gaining back half of the 100lbs I lost two years ago. You’re right, it never gets any easier, and consistency is definitely key!
    .-= joshua?s last blog ..An update that?s not a mind-dump =-.

    1. Anne Jackson Avatar

      You can do it! I remember when you first started the journey a couple years back…you rock that.

  3. Tom Avatar

    I got into running and HIIT about a year and a half ago (and kind of by accident, but whatever) and am still going at it.

    When you start working out *and* seeing results, it’s addicting. It kind of pours into other aspects of your life, too. It kind of fosters a desire to eat better.

    Of course, I only flex in front of my rear-view mirrors. Things look bigger (since they’re closer.. ;) than they really are.
    .-= Tom?s last blog ..But development isn?t real work? =-.

    1. Anne Jackson Avatar

      What’s HIIT?

      And thanks for the tip…

      1. Tom Avatar

        HIIT is high-intensity interval training. It’s a lot of words for “moving fast.” It targets cardio and conditioning but variations can also boost strength.

        Some type of stuff that people do are tabata sprints: run as hard as you can for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds, repeat. Puke if needed ;).

        Some of the HIIT that targets muscle are things like Crazy 8’s. Check ’em out: http://www.justinowings.com/b/workout.php/turbulence-training-s-crazy-8-bodyweight-08

        In. Tense.

        1. Kyle Reed Avatar

          I was really hoping this was a story about you getting hit by a car. That would have been an awesome story (of course that you survived the hit would have been the awesome ending).
          I am always afraid of getting hit by cars when i am running.
          .-= Kyle Reed?s last blog ..MUST READ Friday-12/11/2009 =-.

          1. Anne Jackson Avatar

            Off topic but i saw the office last night where Michael hits Meridith with the car…

  4. Lauree Avatar

    this seems like a picture of spiritual growth as well. “If it gets easier, you?re not any more in shape ? you?re just not trying hard enough.” just a thought…

    my main goal has been to cut out sugar… it has been pretty good so far.

    i think you look like a real person exercising. it is an encouragement.

    1. Anne Jackson Avatar

      Every lump and bump is real…not a single one added for impact!

    2. bondChristian Avatar

      “this seems like a picture of spiritual growth as well. ‘If it gets easier, you?re not any more in shape ? you?re just not trying hard enough.’ just a thought?”

      That’s exactly what I was thinking, or just a life lesson. Hmm… so perhaps we could say, “Improvement is continuing to give the same all-out effort as the outcome gets easier.” Something like that.

      Thanks, Anne. And yes, you look like a “real” person in the video.

      -Marshall Jones Jr.
      .-= bondChristian?s last blog ..Developing your Authenticity Policy =-.

  5. Angelle (urmamma) Avatar
    Angelle (urmamma)

    Awesome! I’m the “athlete” whose always been in shape without trying to hard type, then almost two years ago (when I turned 35) I rapidly & unexplainably put on about 45 pounds. It’s been defeating in my life in some ways, humbling, difficult… I can’t seem to get it off & the more I focus on that, the more that comes on. I need to try harder & be more consistent- which just seems more impossible w/ age. I KNOW w/ God ALL things are possible, and I KNOW He desires me to be disciplined and healthy for my family. Thanks for the visual encouragement!!

    1. Anne Jackson Avatar

      I know how you feel…it takes so much effort!

  6. Matt J. Avatar
    Matt J.

    I’ve set a goal to be below 300 by year end – I’ve still got a ways to go… I covet prayers for willpower when it comes to sticking to the lifestyle change that this requires… I love food but not as much as I think I’ll love being below that weight for the first time since HS… Your blogs and tweets are always awesome and inspiring!

    1. Anne Jackson Avatar

      Will be praying – just remember (this is what I keep telling myself) – the holidays are no excuse! You can get sugar cookies any time of the year (I am writing this down so I can reflect on it later!) :)

  7. The Velvet Trunk Avatar

    When you said AWKWARD, I was expecting so much worse. Instead, I’m suddenly feeling very unchallenged in my workouts. I’m with you on the “easy” bandwagon. The thought of every one being harder than the next scares the living daylights out of me. Hence, why I haven’t hired a trainer! ;-) Maybe you’ll rub off on me somehow Anne! ;-)

    .-= The Velvet Trunk?s last blog ..A Big Pile of Leaves… =-.

    1. Anne Jackson Avatar

      Girl it is SO worth it. SO SO worth it. I know there is no way I could push myself like Brandon pushes me (and knows when to quit, too).

  8. Jeannie Avatar

    It is so encouraging to see and read this! I feel like most people share about the beginning when they’re gung-ho and crazy optimistic and then the end when they’re totally fit and can’t remember how it felt not to be that way. It’s the middle that gets to me. When I’m not seeing the results as fast as I want, when I’m bored with the current routine, when I miss my old freedoms, and when the finish line seems so far away.

    You look great- and not nearly as awkward as you might think!

    1. Anne Jackson Avatar

      The middle is so hard! Was just talking about this to a friend today!

  9. Clay Knick Avatar
    Clay Knick


    You are one brave woman…and a good sport.

    Looking forward to February.

    1. Anne Jackson Avatar

      We’ll see if I can still walk by then…

  10. Makeda Avatar

    Thanks for sharing. You are definitely inspiring and motivating me. Thanks

  11. Faye Avatar

    Yep, awkward. Which is why NO ONE with a video camera had better ever show up at my gym!

    Your resolve and this book I read, Mad Church Disease, have you heard of it? Well, they nudged me to get healthier. So, I’ve lost about 40 pounds since June and am now working out with a trainer.

    It’s only been twice so far, but he gives me homework and pushes me hard when we’re together. I’m determined to be the healthy woman I need to be in order to do all God has planned for me.
    .-= Faye?s last blog ..Belt of Truth? =-.

    1. Anne Jackson Avatar

      Oh wow!!! Congrats!

  12. Michelle Avatar

    Thank you for sharing this journey. It definitely helps when you have someone holding you accountable and pushing you. I know when I try to do it by myself I find all sorts of distractions to keep me from working out.

    I’ve been doing Pilates since March. I haven’t lost a lot in the pounds area, but I definitely see a difference in the shape of my body. It’s something I will stick with for a long time to come.

    I’ve also started tracking what I eat and have tried to make healthier choices. That’s the hardest habit to stick with.
    .-= Michelle?s last blog ..Everlife =-.

    1. Anne Jackson Avatar

      Girl, pilates is hard! I have a cardio pilates DVD that kills me. Tracking eating is so key…I know it’s hard, but if you get in the habit you can stick with it. Calories…carbs, proteins, fats, sugars…so you can see what percentage of things you’re eating!

  13. Jeff Goins Avatar

    Great husband-wife interaction going on there.
    .-= Jeff Goins?s last blog ..St. Crispian’s Feast Day: We Band of Brothers =-.

    1. Anne Jackson Avatar

      He laughed the whole time.

  14. Reese Avatar

    lol. Way to go Girlfriend. Hang In There!!…. I am starting training for a 1/2 Marathon, In March, in Hotlanta. ….whoot.

    The ball is your friend, the ball is your friend. :-)

  15. Tom Davis Avatar

    I want to know how you felt the next day! Super cool that you’re doing this Anne. Look forward to the journey.

  16. patriciazell Avatar

    As I re-entered the teaching field, my time for work-outs was greatly diminished. Right now, I concentrate on eating well–almost all healthy foods (there are some really yummy ones like dark chocolate and nuts) and staying active during the day (by climbing a lot of stairs and walking through the halls of our big school). As I am approaching the 60-year mark (my, that sounds old but, it’s not really), my goals have changed from being the fittest I could be to being the healthiest I can be.
    .-= patriciazell?s last blog ..#21 UNDERSTANDING CHRIST: HIS IDENTITY =-.

  17. Lorenzo Avatar

    Anne- will be praying for your health and conditioning. How you can pray for me??– well, i have major dental problems, i have fibro, my immune system crashes if i exercise too much and too much is a very hard line to explain and to quantify- it doesn’t take much. I have been praying for direction with this for several years and consicously reefraining from doing anything until the Lord leads- and I am not getting much direction- i feel stuck, but when i try to do it on my own- it backfires. I have gained 30 pounds in the past year when i really wanted to do the opposite. I am slightly discouraged, butam not by any mens throwing the towel in. My wife has a BMI of 49. I am really concerned about her. I guess this is how you can pray. We had an extra large pizza tonight becuase we had no energy to cook healthily.

  18. Caroline Marks Avatar

    I thought I would leave my first comment, Thank you and I will want to read more from you.

  19. mandythompson Avatar

    You were right about those funny faces when you hit the pause button.
    .-= mandythompson?s last blog ..Dear Santa (a writing challenge) =-.

  20. jackalopekid Avatar

    please pray for my consistency
    .-= jackalopekid?s last blog ..Too Much =-.

  21. Guy Walker Avatar

    Good point. We should be “making our heart spike” in every area of life.

    I’m not sure why I keep forgetting that.

  22. Josh Avatar

    Anne, this video puts to shame every man AND woman in the Venture/Ride:Well Office! I’m feeling like a bum now. Keep it up and 3,000+ miles will be nothing!

  23. Jonathan Howes Avatar

    “HELLO, GUN SHOW!” might be the funniest thing I have read today. Anne Jackson, you are funny.