Sometimes I wonder what I?m going to be like as an old woman.
When I was eighteen, I wondered what I would be like when I was thirty and my imagination then and the current reality are very far apart from each other.
I think I would like to be the kind of old woman who wears chunky necklaces and has bright white hair and that could tell tales of when I was thirty and forty and people would lean in and be mesmerized by my whimsical stories and the way I uncover timeless truth.
But then I wonder if I?ll just end up alone in my bed with hairy legs and maybe a slight mustache. And I’d be laying in a sea of cookie crumbs watching marathons of Law & Order (and all the while my cat is licking the back of my hand).
41 responses to “Old Woman”
i wonder that a lot…but then again i dont want to be “old”…i am sure that will change with kids and grandkids. but if i am ever confined to a bed or need a walker i dont want to.
i hope i am energetic and spunky….cause when you are old you can say whatever you want and no one can say a thing about it.
oh, and the cat licking the back of your hand…i literally gagged. i HATE animal licking.
.-= Lynse Leanne?s last blog ..i drank the?.coffee? =-.
I totally wonder about this. We used to have this neighbor who was senile and all alone and it made me so sad. I don’t want to ever be a “crazy dog lady” (You never really hear about those, but I am confident that I will never turn into a “crazy cat lady.”)
I would much rather be that fun, eccentric old woman who people love to be around, who is full of life instead of full of complaints. I hope I remember not to be a crabby ol’ thing. If not, someone please remind me.
.-= Lindsey Nobles?s last blog ..The Cutest Kids In The Whole World =-.
you can find out what you’ll actually look like when youre old by going here:
you can see what you’ll look like as an asian or african american haha.
i wonder about this (probably too much). which is why each birthday that comes is getting more and more difficult. because when i was 12 or 18 or even last year… i picture what i am going to be and look like… and it never turns out the way i think it will. not always for the worse, just different. so yes, i think about it. i wonder now if i will be a grandma, a widow, still a feisty bachelorette, dead. it is amazing to look back and see how nothing is how i thought it would be. so, i can only imagine i will be just as surprised to see how it all ends up.
.-= Crystal Renaud?s last blog ..Shepherds and Sheep =-.
I definitely want to be the fun energetic, eccentric old lady. I want to be able to captivate others with stories and laugh about those stories until I feel I can no longer breath! :)
Crystal ~ I can agree with you that nothing I had imagined in my early years has turned out that way… it’s been different and sometimes better.
.-= Becky?s last blog ..With Arms Wide Open =-.
Well, I do not wonder what I will be like when I am an old women, though that would be a weird thing.
I do wonder about being an old man. I want to be the old guy that is still into cool music. You know the old guy that likes sigur ros or derek webb. That would be awesome. I will probably still like these bands but they will be looked on as the oldies.
I guess i will just strive after sitting in McDonalds drinking coffee with my old friends and talking about the good old days and politics.
.-= Kyle Reed?s last blog ..Twitter Strategy =-.
Considering that today is my 45th birthday, I am enjoying an ironic note while processing this question.
I DO plan on being around in 30 or 40 or 45 years. Trying to take care of myself now so that I can enjoy my time then.
I will still be the guy in the Ramones shirt. (Ramones will sound to my grandkids like Benny Goodman sounds to me.)
I hope to still be contributing a slightly skewed voice to the church world, to still be pointing out the fearlessness and recklessness of God’s grace, and to still be one of the ones asking why? (or why not, when more appropriate.)
I hope to still be enjoying the company of my incredible wife.
and grandkids. a boatload of grandkids.
Bill, you sound like my kind of guy.
I hope to still be wearing my u2 shirt in 30 years.
.-= Kyle Reed?s last blog ..Twitter Strategy =-.
Yes.I do think about it, often
I hope I am like my Grandma-She is Awesome.Spunky.Spry.FUNNY.bent over in the Garden; you know like that wooden cut-out of a booty-Yeah that’s my Grandma.
I do have to admit something, though…Granny Panties frighten me-I haven’t embraced that thought,yet.
.-= Reese?s last blog ..Can I wash your Bunion [Feet]? =-.
Lost my mom when I was 7 or 8. She passed away at the young age of 38.
I’m 38 now. This is something I have been thinking about lately.
What age will I make it to?
I recently received a bunch of pictures and my family history all written out from a friend of the family on my mom’s side.
Priceless to me. I even copied everything to a disk to have a 2nd copy of it.
I pray everyday that I get to grow old with my babies. And I get to see their babies. And I pray that I will be able to help out my grandbabies.
I pray I get the phone calls…”hey mom, how do I do this”, or “I’m cooking this and it turned out wrong, what do I do”? Or, “Mom, what do I do for my baby who is so fussy.”?
I didn’t get the chance to make those calls or ask those questions.
Every Day is a blessing.
.-= Kenyon?s last blog ..Fall Foliage =-.
This is the thought that really freaks me out.
All of our grandparents or older folks we’ve seen of course wanted to be that cool, funny respected admired wise and witty old person. None of them said “Im going to be grouchy old ‘get off my lawn’ guy.” or “crazy, let my cats lick my hand lady”. So what happened? Was it regrets of a life poorly lived? Heartache from a tragic life? Bitterness that life didn’t turn out how they wished? Or just senality? I know the answer is trusting the God of the future with my future and resting in Him, but the thought still freaks me out.
My “old” self, was in the checkout line in front of me last month at the grocery store. This 80+ yr. old little lady put a case of Ensure on the belt, then a case of Twinkies. That’s all. No lie. I told her I wanted to come eat dinner at her house. She said “well they say you can live off that stuff (ensure) but the twinkies sure do help it go down” I smiled and watched her walk away with the price tags still hanging on the sweater she was wearing. No lie. Precious! Kodak moment in my mind.
I think I know that lady, she is my grandma
I’m gonna’ be a cool granny and I want to be like I am now…still learning but having fun doing it!
I’ll spoil my grandkids and the adopted grandkids and I’ll make sure I tell my story so they will hopefully learn not to make the mistakes I’ve made.
Whatever, I hope I will laugh heaps, smile loads, and be joyful always.
.-= Ruthie?s last blog ..Remembering & Saying Thank You =-.
Saw your comment over at Rocks in My Dryer and thought I’d stop on over. So glad I did. (Not that I want to picture myself as an old woman…lol.) Seriously, though, your book looks great (I’m a writer too) and I’ve loved browsing through your site. You are an inspiration.
.-= Genny?s last blog ..A mom, her daughter, and the story about what happened in the bridal shop in Las Vegas… =-.
Thanks for swinging by! Hope you’ll be back!
at age 63 I’m getting close to what the world might call am old woman. but ask my grandchildren or my daughter-in-law, I’m far from that. Mind set has LOTS to do with it. I’ve made a “deal” with God. He does His part, I do my part and the rest is gravy!!! :)
I have a favor to ask, Anne. If in 40 years I end up in nursing home that smells like bleached urine and copy paper would you please bring your hand-licking cat to visit me? I’m deathly allergic to cats so it will only take a moment.
Thanks Anne, you’re a real pal :)
.-= Donna Frank?s last blog ..Sausage gravy at the truckstop =-.
I hope I’m in a retirement community or nursing home because I think that would be a little bit like living in the dorms, only without homework.
Also, if my husband goes before me, and I’m over the age of 90, I intend to let myself go completely – one Cheeto at a time.
.-= Rachel H. Evans?s last blog ..How to Give Up on Changing the World =-.
I’ve never thought about what I’ll be like when I’m an old lady. Hopefully Jesus will be back by then. The only things I’ve really thought about is getting tattoos in places that won’t look really, really bad when I’m 80. No needs to see THAT. The other thing I think about is what I already said, that I hope Jesus comes back before I’m an “old lady”. I’ve seen three grandmas (two my husbands) and one grandpa live very long lives in states of being a “burden” on other people. I don’t want to be that. I think that is part of my personality. I’m a first born, and extremely independent. So that is my prayer.
Should Jesus tarry and I do become an old lady I want to be a rad grandma. Not to just any flesh and blood grand kids but to those that need a grandma and don’t have one.
.-= Prudene?s last blog ..Featured on =-.
While I really desire to be the fun-loving, spunky old lady, I feel very certain that I am destined to become crazy cat lady…
.-= Stephanie?s last blog ..Let it go =-.
I am 54 now. not quite an old lady, but not so young either. three children, grown and on their own. i hope that when i’m old, i will still be engaged with others in their daily lives….i think that keeps you young at heart. i hope my kids and grandkids will say that i loved them well. i hope my friendship with God grows stronger as i get older.
I can’t wait for the excuse of age to finally let my weirdness out. “Eccentric” is the term I plan to epitomize.
I want to be the white-haired woman who sits on a chaise lounge all day on the front porch, drinking (who knows what) from a teapot while clad in a brightly-colored silk dressing gown.
I grew up on the Golden Girls… sorry. :-)
.-= Christina?s last blog ..Grades In The Real World =-.
Anne: The word “Old” sounds odd coming from you because the efferdescent, fabulous attitude you have for “young” and “Old” always exists! I confess – I am sixty-six years and our Grandkiddos are in “Middle/Jr. High” school and they think their Grandma is the coolest thing that exists! I love to hear about Rock & Roll Bands in Church and otherwise (I adore U2 and how Bono treats his wife!) I think it’s all in an attitude; plus I think “Mad Church Disease” that you have authored deserves a Gold plated award every year! I don’t feel old at all…..I will always be happy for others; that’s the key, (Oh, by the way an truly OLD lady…94 years young) told me at age 64, you don’t have to shave your legs! That is correct! You are so special..thanks for letting me put my two cents worth in!
.-= Carol?s last blog ..Settle for Very Best! =-.
i was a teen when “sgt pepper’s” made it’s debut in the magical summer of 1967. now in my early 60s, i’m stand amazed at how spot on those lads were both in the lyric and ambience of “when i’m 64″~
lovely piece, flower dust!
a great soundtrack for this “old woman” piece would be john prine’s “angel from montgomery”~
I just want to thank you for your blog. You are truly an “artist”. The picture you paint with your words is priceless. “people would lean in and be mesmerized” just says it all. Thanks again for sharing.
Thank you so much Ray. I needed to hear that.
.-= anne jackson?s last blog ..Old Woman =-.
Too funny, I often wonder about this too!!! :)
.-= Lauren Kelly?s last blog ..Family =-.
i had nightmares all through last night. that darn cat wouldn’t stop licking my hand, then my arm, then my face…then i woke up and called christian counseling hot line i gave them your po box # for which to send the bill! don’t worry – i was only on the couch for 3 hrs or so.
You know I only shave part of one leg at a time…remember that? :)
.-= anne jackson?s last blog ..Old Woman =-.
It was so great to meet you! Loved your class! Thanks for your encouraging words and sharing your Love for the Lord! Look forward to following your blog!
.-= Steph Thomason?s last blog ..A Mummy, Baby and A Hobo =-.
Well, I do not wonder when I became an old men I hope to be fun, wise and very nice men. I will make exercise.
I hope to be a healthy men. I like to be a cool men who always try to understanding the young people.
When I’m old, I’m going to be a crazy. Like die my hair hot pink and wear suspenders. You can get away with that stuff when you’re old XD
Working in older adult ministry, I get to be friends with lots of inspiring “old” ladies. My friend Jane is 91, still lives alone, cuts her own grass, participates in 5 Bible studies, volunteers at a local hospital and arranges the entertainment for one of our fellowships. Fran is 87 and has been taking Hebrew for the last 5 years and evangelizing to her professors. Jean is 91 and is leading people to Christ in her assisted living community. I could go on and on. I only pray that I’m an “old lady” like them.
At 50 I got bummed out because suddenly my time seemed limited. so I quit my job, got a new one, met new people, became freer with my service and love for people who are invisible. Still looking for the “thing” I am supposed to do but actively seeking the adventure.
All I could think when I read this was how Grandma told me when you get old, the hair on your legs just stops growing or falls out. She never had to shave after she hit a certain age. I was only about 13 when she told me that, but all I could think was, “Cool.” If it means I don’t have to shave any more, I’m a little more okay with getting old. Hopefully this will ease your mind, at least about the hairy legs.
All I could think when I read this was how my grandma told me that when you get old, the hair on your legs just gets soft and falls out. No more shaving. I was probably around 13 when she told me this news and all I could think was, “Cool.” If it means I don’t have to shave any more, I’m a little more okay with getting old. I hope this sets your mind at ease a little. At least you don’t have to worry about hairy legs if you’re laying in bed.
.-= Kimberly Wenger?s last blog ..My Christmas Vacation =-.
Techinical difficulties. Didn’t mean to leave it twice.
.-= Kimberly Wenger?s last blog ..My Christmas Vacation =-.